Mafia Desire (Erotica)


When Alfred passed the final turn, reaching the longest straight stretch, he shifted up and poured it on to try to catch up with Kyle.

That’s when he felt it.

The fatigue. The strain of his muscles complaining he’d abused them too much on the climb. He forced that pain aside as he couldn’t afford it. It didn’t matter how much he hurt. He couldn’t allow Kyle to win. Fiona told him that should he lose to Kyle he’d have to apologize to her in front of the group. That wasn’t happening.

Groaning in pain, Alfred pulled himself out of the saddle and hammered as hard as he could to shrink the gap between himself and that cocky shit ahead of him. Ten minutes later he looked ahead and the red and white jersey was nowhere to be seen. Desperate he looked back at Jules.

“Help me, dammit!” he growled.

“I cannot! It is a race between you and Monsieur MacDenny. I did not help him on the climb.”

“Fucking useless,” Alfred grumbled as he tried to push himself harder still.

As they approached the intersection of the main road and the end of the mountain road they spotted a cyclist waiting for them. They got closer and Alfred saw it was Kimberly. Didn’t she meet up with Kyle? Maybe he went off the road somewhere between the last time they saw him and here? He felt almost giddy with relief. As they swept out onto the road Kimberly accelerated to catch up and rode beside Alfred.

“You haven’t seen Kyle yet?” he asked with a grin.

“Oh! Yes, I saw him but there was no way for me to match his pace so I just waited for you two,” she said happily.

“SHIT! GOD DAMMIT!” Alfred yelled as he leapt up out of the saddle and dropped right back down onto it as his legs cramped in protest. “FUCK!”

He pedaled as hard as he could but his legs were wobbling with the effort. He gritted his teeth and pushed onwards.

Kimberly looked to Jules who just smiled at her so she slipped in behind him. This wasn’t her race either.

Too soon they came upon a sign for the chateau on their right and pulled off the main road onto a lovely treed lane that wound its way back to the large building.

There was Kyle, enjoying a glass of champagne as he stood next to the support van. Alfred saw the fucker didn’t even look winded.

Alfred ground his teeth together as he took in the smiling face of the punk as he rode closer. He popped his shoe’s cleat from the right pedal and put his foot down. His leg suddenly wouldn’t support him and he began to topple over on his right side, his left foot still trapped by the pedal. He went down on the hard packed crushed gravel with a heavy thump. A brilliantly sharp pain exploded across his chest.

“AAAAHHHHHH!!” he screamed.

Jules was immediately off his bike and kneeling next to him. “Call an ambulance!” he called out to Dita who rushed back to the van to get her phone. Kyle knelt down next to him and got his left foot loose of the pedal and eased the bicycle out from between the man’s legs. David hustled over from the van to see what the screaming was about.

“Monsieur Hollings, I believe you may have broken your clavicle. Please hold still,” Jules said calmly.

He wouldn’t lie back so they helped ease Alfred to a seated position to make him as comfortable as possible as they waited for the ambulance to arrive.

Carl and Larissa rolled up the lane and looked on in shock at the scene. The man leaned over to speak to Kimberly. “Did Kyle lose and knock Alfred down?” he asked quietly.

“No!” the petite redhead exclaimed loudly causing the others to look her way. She blushed and turned to the banker. “No, Kyle won the race by a large margin. Alfred just fell over when he got here. We think he broke his collar bone,” she said with a quieter voice.

Vivian guided the remaining three from their group up the lane.

“What happened?” Fiona called out as she rode up.

Kyle responded. “Alfred pushed himself too hard. His right leg gave out when he stepped down from the bike and he fell over. He may have broken his collar bone.”

“Fuck you!” Alfred barked from his position on the ground then moaned quietly.

Fiona walked up to stand in front of her husband and put her hands on her hips. “Kyle won?”

Alfred looked up at the satisfied smile on her face and his expression twisted into something ugly. “Fuck you too,” he growled quietly.

Kyle scowled at him but Fiona’s smile just got wider.

“What happened to your precious sportsmanship? You lost. You’re the loser. You have promises to make good on.” Fiona said calmly.

The bitterness in Alfred’s face was ugly.

“Are you going to uphold your side of the bargain?” Kyle said using Alfred’s own words against him. The man’s eyes shot to his as he heard them. Kyle could see he was trying to think of a way out but dropped his eyes and nodded with a wince.

“Oh, I’ll make sure he pays his debts to you in full,” Fiona said firmly.

“And his promise to you?” Kyle asked as he looked to the woman.

She cocked her head to the side as she faced her husband. “How about it Alfred?” Fiona asked.

His eyes came up and there was nothing in them but bitter contempt.

Fiona’s smile slipped away. “I see.” She pulled her shoulders back. “Then there’s nothing left to say. You’ll hear from my lawyer tomorrow. Goodbye… little man.”

She turned and walked towards the front doors to the chateau as Kyle watched in surprise.

He was stunned to have witnessed a marriage just dissolve before his eyes. Obviously there was a lot of back history that led to this moment but it was still disturbing to see happen.

Alfred turned his face away.

Kyle looked to Jules. “Do you need any help?”

“No thank you, Monsieur MacDenny. I do have a question though? Your descent down that mountain road was terrifying! How much control did you have?” Alfred couldn’t stop himself from looking to hear the answer as well.

Kyle grinned broadly as his eyes lit up with excitement. “I love descending! It makes me feel so alive! That’s how I ride at home all the time. I’ve had a lot of practice on much less forgiving mountain roads. This one was simple!”

Alfred’s expression showed his shocked disbelief. “He’s insane,” he mumbled.

Jules frowned at Alfred’s comment but his eyes were troubled as he recalled how close Kyle had come to the edge of the road after whipping through the corners at breakneck speed.

Kyle walked over to join the others who were handing off their bikes to Dita and Vivian. He received many smiles.

“So, just how much of a lead did you have when you got here?” Carl asked.

Kyle thought about that. “I don’t know. I didn’t really time it. Maybe seven or eight minutes.”

“Minutes?!? Wow!” Carl exclaimed in surprise. “I was thinking it would be in seconds!”

“I decided not to ride to the top and was waiting at the end of the mountain road where the alternate route ended. When Kyle came down he flew by so fast I knew there was no point in trying to catch up. I was surprised to see how far behind Alfred was when he and Jules finally showed up. By that point, Alfred had nothing left in his legs,” Kimberly gushed.

The ambulance finally arrived and the group watched the paramedics load the doctor onto a stretcher and get him into the vehicle. As it left, Jules walked over to join them with a frown.

“I suppose this means Alfred is done riding?” Kyle asked the man.

Jules nodded and his frown became an uncomfortable look. “Yes, he said as much. In very colorful terms. He indicated that he would say some very damaging things, about me specifically, in his complaint to the tour company.”

“Anything he says to them will be negated by statements we’ll make on your behalf. Alfred’s a bully and a thoroughly unpleasant blowhard!” Kyle growled.

Jules smiled gratefully. “Thank you. I would appreciate that!”

They nodded and gave him smiles. He returned them and made his way over to help the other guides.

Kyle was still pissed off at Albert. “What a prick!”

“We could stand around complaining about the departed member of our group or we could get ready for our wine tour this afternoon,” David suggested. Kyle let his anger go and nodded.

They made their way inside. There was a fun evening ahead to get ready for.

The chateau was gorgeous inside and out. Inside, the appointments had an ‘over-the-top’ elegance that took their breath away. The grounds were vast, with beautifully manicured gardens and mazes. A feature of this particular property was its vineyard. The owners made a truly lovely wine and the group would be getting a tour of the facilities before dinner.

Kyle had showered and dressed in a pair of khaki pants, a white dress shirt, open at the neck and with the sleeves rolled back, and brown leather shoes and a matching belt. It was casual but neat and fit his hard body very well. He hadn’t packed anything much fancier than this as it was his vacation and he wasn’t going to be uncomfortable on his vacation!

Larissa and Carl joined him in the salon where they were told to gather to begin the tour.

“Such a beautiful home!” Larissa gushed.

“Did you get the big fancy room again?” Carl asked.

Kyle grinned self-consciously and nodded. “Yeah. I was going to offer it to Fiona as her husband is paying for it but I can’t find her. Do you know if she left?”

“Who left?” Skye asked as she walked into the room with Helen at her heel.

Kyle turned to face them. “Fiona.”

Helen answered Kyle’s question. “She went to the hospital to drop off Albert’s suitcase. She said she’d be back by dinner.”

“Any chance they’ll reconcile?” Kyle asked.

“No. Fiona was still pretty upset with her husband, or I should say soon-to-be ex-husband,” Helen suggested.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

David and Kimberly arrived and greeted the group. There was a stiffness between the couple that was easy to detect.

“How are you feeling?” Kyle asked the big man.

“Much better! Being chauffeured around the French countryside in an air-conditioned van is definitely more my speed than forcing my body up and down those bloody hills on a bicycle,” he moaned.

“If you rode more it wouldn’t feel like such a chore to ride the hills,” Kimberly offered gently with a smile.

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