Mafia Desire (Erotica)


“Good morning!” he said and they greeted him.

“Alfred seems intent on riding hard today. I will join you to keep an eye on your group,” Jules said.

“That would be welcome. I think he’s being a little too intense about this. He’s forgotten this is supposed to be fun!” Kyle said with a smile and Jules nodded and shrugged. “That said I don’t intend on losing if I can help it.” That brought bigger smiles from the guides.

He thought of something. “David didn’t look very good at breakfast. I’m thinking it might be a good idea to suggest he take a rest day.”

Dita nodded and smiled. He returned it but kept it casual.

Kyle went to his bike and did his inspection. Everything was good. He did his stretches and felt his muscles respond smoothly. Vivian came by and filled his water bottles with an electrolyte drink as the day would be another hot one and they would be riding hard.

As the others came outside he rode around the courtyard getting the feel of his bike and letting his muscles prepare.

“You ready to go?” Alfred said as he rode up next to him.

“When Jules says it’s time,” he responded calmly. Alfred clucked his tongue at Kyle and turned to ride back to the group. Kyle did the same and they listened to Jules give the day’s itinerary. The man had a lovely French accent and he could read an accounting manual and make it sound exotic and exciting.

“We are aware there is a group that will be racing today but again I say, safety is priority number one. OK? Please, do not take any unnecessary chances. Let’s have fun and enjoy the day,” Jules said firmly.

Kimberly rode up beside Kyle. “Did you ask Dita to ask David to ride in the van?”

Kyle saw she wasn’t angry so he nodded.

She relaxed and smiled at him. “Thank you! I could tell he wasn’t up to riding but I couldn’t tell him that. He’d just call me a nag.” She frowned. “It was a mistake bringing him on this trip.”

“He’s not enjoying himself?” Kyle asked.

She shook her head. “He hasn’t enjoyed doing anything pleasurable with me for a long time,” she mumbled then her eyes flew wide and her mouth dropped open as she heard her own words. Her face matched the red of her pony tail.

“It’s ok, I get what you mean-”

“Hey Dr. Phil! Are we going to race or whine about our feelings?” Alfred barked.

Kyle gave him an annoyed look. Kimberly apologized to Kyle but he just shook his head firmly. “Jules is still talking with Vivian. When he’s ready, we go.”

Helen, Skye, and Fiona rode by with Carl and Larissa close behind. They all smiled at Kyle and Kimberly, wishing them success and Fiona cheered the loudest. They mostly ignored Alfred who was riding in circles, seething with anger and frustration.

Vivian and Jules joined the pack and Kyle picked up the wheel of Jules with Kimberly right behind him. Alfred shot past them mashing on his pedals. Sighing, Kyle swung out and gave chase. Alfred was too strong to let him get too far ahead. He put Kimberly and Jules out of his mind. They’d either catch up or be left behind but he seriously doubted the latter would happen.

He heard whoops of support as he shot past the group and they saw he was already eating into Alfred’s lead. The man had used too high a gear when he launched his attack and his mashing was tiring him out. He’d sunk back to the saddle and was trying to get back to a proper cadence. Kyle eased himself into position behind Alfred and Jules rode up beside him to give him a questioning look. He just shrugged to the man so the guide faded back to ride in Kimberly’s slipstream.

After about twenty minutes of cruising along at a fast clip, Alfred finally pulled to the left and let Kyle move up to the front to face the wind while he slipped back to ride behind Jules.

Kyle allowed the pace to drop a little as there was along way to go and he had no desire to use all of his energy on the lowlands when there was a climb ahead. Besides, he was in France and there was scenery to enjoy. He pulled the group for fifteen minutes before he pulled to the left and let Kimberly take a turn at the front.

As he dropped behind Alfred, the man looked over at him. “Are we here to sightsee or race?”Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

Kyle just smiled and got in behind Alfred who veered left and attacked once more, passing Jules and Kimberly.

She and Jules had fresh legs so they immediately leapt forward to follow. Kyle fell back a length or two before he was able to catch the back of the group.

Once more Alfred set a brutal pace for twenty minutes but Kyle kept pace, much to the older rider’s annoyance. Alfred moved to the back again.

From the front, Kyle allowed the pace to slow slightly once more to give them all a little rest and to enjoy the beauty of the forest canopy they were now riding under. They were getting closer to the base of the day’s climb. He stayed at the front for twenty minutes this time.

As Kyle let himself move to the back, Alfred once more sprung out of his saddle to drop the others as they raced along the roads in the rolling foothills but they reeled him back in.

Alfred scowled but from the previous day’s experience knew he was a stronger climber than Kyle so he decided to bide his time. While he wouldn’t show it, he was using more energy than he’d expected and right now, he needed to reserve it for the climb.

“We are approaching the turnoff for the alternate route,” Jules eventually called out from the front.

“I’m getting a stitch in my side. I won’t be going with you,” Kimberly answered.

“You ok?” Kyle asked with concern.

“Yes, I’m just not up to a race uphill. I’ll go on and wait to meet you on the other side where the route merges again,” she said. She pulled out to the left and let Kyle and Alfred pass on her right. “Good luck boys!” she called out.

Kyle grinned his thanks but Alfred just nodded tersely.

They saw the mountain road veering right and turning uphill just ahead. The road they were on continued through the forest and Kyle thought that would have been a lovely route to do today. But it was not to be.

The moment they took the slight right turn onto the upwards slope Alfred was out of the saddle and surging forward.

Kyle had been anticipating the move and was right there on his wheel, matching his pace. He knew he was in for a tough climb. The top of the pass was around 10 kilometers away with an average grade of 6. 5%, though some sections had a grade of 11%. He knew Albert would try to lose him on those steeper sections.

Alfred dropped back into the saddle and Kyle did the same. It was much too early for him to attack against such a strong climber.

Jules was hanging on to their tail. Kyle knew he wasn’t going to do anything to increase the pace or help as he was just an observer now.

He took another drink as he watched Alfred for tells for his next attack. He’d been sipping along the route and had maybe half a bottle left.

They ground their way up the mountain road with the sun beating down on them and Kyle was grateful he’d kept hydrated during the ride.

As they rounded yet another switchback Kyle felt the grade suddenly increase and downshifted to maintain his cadence. Just as he shifted gears Alfred was out of his saddle and mashing on the pedals to pull away. Kyle responded but Alfred was giving it everything he had. They were getting closer to the top and the doctor wanted a serious lead on Kyle as they crested. The gap grew to three lengths then four. Kyle kept an eye on his opponent ahead of him as he pushed himself to increase his cadence just enough to slow the loss. Jules pulled up beside him but Kyle ignored the man’s curious look. Jules leapt out of the saddle and pushed to catch up with Alfred as he could see the man was wobbling just a little with the effort he was making to break Kyle and get his lead.

As they approached the final switchback before the last climb to the pass Alfred allowed himself to glance back. He saw Jules was on his wheel but he ignored him and looked further back to see Kyle at least fifteen lengths back. Not as far as he’d wanted but the punk had his head down and his legs were pumping at a pace he couldn’t possibly maintain for long. He smiled. He’d done it! He broken the fucker! Now for the sweet descent and the dash across the rolling foothills to the chalet!

He was feeling his 56 years as he struggled to maintain his brutal pace up the last climb. As he crested he glanced back once more expecting to see Kyle on the previous section of road. He was surprised to see Kyle was now much closer and his legs were still rapidly spinning the cranks.

The descent on the other side of the mountain was a little more forgiving. There were less switchbacks than the climb had but they were still tight. Also, there were longer straight sections as the road wound back to join the main road at the base of the mountain before moving on to the next village. Alfred pedaled as fast as he could and took the corners at speeds that raised the hairs on the back of his neck but Kyle suddenly shot past him and accelerated away.

Stunned at the display of reckless speed, Alfred tried to keep up but Kyle’s seemingly fearless cornering and minimal braking was too much for Alfred to match. He saw Kyle’s lead increase after each bend in the road. After one particularly hairy corner, Alfred heard Jules quickly suck in a breath and swear softly as they watched Kyle narrowly skirt disaster once more then surge further ahead of them.

Soon Kyle was several corners ahead of them and was entering the longer straight descents close to the base. The young man stayed in the saddle but his legs were almost a blur as he pushed his biggest gear to fly down the slopes.

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