Mafia Desire (Erotica)


“Enough,” David growled and Kimberly looked away in embarrassment. The man rolled his neck to relieve the tension and looked around the room. “Where’s Fiona?”

“At the hospital giving Alfred his luggage so he can leave from there,” Helen offered.

David nodded his thanks to her and cast a glance at his wife.

The chateau’s guide arrived and led them off to begin their tour of the grounds and facilities.

Ninety minutes later the group led a very tipsy David back into the salon. Kimberly’s expression was grim and she stormed off to their room the moment they arrived. Kyle eased David down onto a chair as the man sighed with relief.

Giving Kyle and David strained smiles the others nodded to them as they went off to their rooms to prepare for dinner.

Then the two men were alone. “You really dodged a bullet,” David mumbled as he stared down at his belly.

“Is everything ok?” Kyle asked.

David lifted his weary eyes to regard the younger man. “I wish I could go back to my youth and do things differently. Make different decisions. Choose a different wife.”

“That’s pretty cold, David,” Kyle replied with a frown.

“No, it would be a mercy to both of us,” the man argued. “I’m not who she needs and she’s not who I need. We stay together for the wrong reasons. I should have ended this years ago.”

“So, you get drunk in an effort to make her want to leave you?” Kyle asked as his eyebrows rose up.

David leaned his head back against the chairback so he could stare up at the ceiling. “Yeah… I suppose that’s one reason.”

“You understand this is far more painful for everyone? You hurt yourself and Kimberly. Does she deserve that?” Kyle asked.

David gave him an irritated look but shook his head reluctantly.

Kyle frowned. “I may be the last person who should be giving relationship advice considering my own situation, but if you love her, make it work! If you don’t want to at least try to save your marriage, rip the band-aid off. The slow pull is just cruel.”

With that said, Kyle left him sitting in the salon and made his way to the main staircase to go up to his room. As he reached the base he spotted Fiona walking in the front door with a smile on her lips. He stopped.

He heard himself repeating his words. “Is everything ok?”

Fiona’s smile widened and she nodded definitively. “Yes! I’ve begun the process of eliminating that man from my life.” She held up a set of folded pages. “My lawyer faxed over the divorce papers I had him prepare and I had Alfred sign them when I dropped off his bag. He was only too happy to do it.”Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Kyle looked at her in surprise. He was stunned at how quickly Fiona was moving on this. “How is that possible…”

“The documents were written a few months ago, the previous time our marriage was in a bad place. Alfred said he would try to change his ways. That proved to be another lie. My lawyer and the Sheriff will be waiting for him when he gets home so he can get his possessions out of our condo,” she said with satisfaction.

“You’re not going home too?” he asked.

She smiled widely at him. “No! I want to finish this delightful trip! I’m really enjoying myself!”

Kyle smiled warmly at her look of delight as she seemed to be surprised that she was enjoying the cycling. Then he saw her gaze turn hungry as her eyes undressed him.

“There are many things I’ve enjoyed on this trip,” she purred.

He felt himself respond to her hungry look but knew they’d be expected to be in the dining room momentarily. “I’d like to offer you the upgraded room for tonight. Since Alfred is paying for it.” He raised an eyebrow in question.

She prowled closer until she was almost touching his chest with her impressive tits. “I’d love to take advantage of your gracious offer. As long as the bed is upgraded too with the presence of a certain race winner?”

Kyle felt a thrill rush through his body and found himself nodding slowly. “That could be arranged.”

Fiona’s eyes flashed with excitement.

“Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?” he asked, his voice rough as he struggled to keep from giving in to a sudden desire to touch her.

She saw his need for her and for a moment her eyes widened as she thought he might take her right there on the stairs. She was a little shaken that she wouldn’t have resisted.

“I’ll… just freshen up and meet you there,” she said a little breathily as she slipped past him to climb the stairs to her room.

He couldn’t look away and her hips had an extra sway to them as she could feel his eyes on her.

When she walked out of sight, Kyle put out a hand and grabbed the stair’s bannister to brace himself. His muscles were actually trembling slightly from the effort to resist his impulses. He immediately turned on his heel and walked out the front door and stopped when he was in the middle of the driveway. He took some deep breaths and calmed himself.

During the early days of their courtship, Gwen once called him a prude. It wasn’t true. He’d just been inexperienced and she wanted him to do better.

While he’d been a virgin, she’d had an undisclosed number of sex partners before him. None had developed beyond a physical relationship but she’d learned what she liked and asked him to do those things too. Like an eager and obedient lover, he’d learned these skills and she’d been pleased with how quickly he’d mastered the techniques she showed him.

Their sex life was good and their relationship seemed solid so the thought of finding another partner to demonstrate his skills with never crossed his mind, much less three different women! Faced with his unexpected and atypical behavior now, he found himself admitting his old self was prudish by comparison.

He also had to admit, while he wasn’t sure where the confidence was coming from, it wasn’t unwelcome. These women were lovely, exciting people and he was enjoying his time with them as much as they were enjoying it. That wasn’t wrong, was it? His moral compass was definitely moving much more freely in the past few days but again, who was it hurting? Besides his own perception of who he was, that is.

He heard the light crunch of gravel as someone approached him quickly.

He turned and jerked his head back to avoid Kimberly’s slap. She tried again and he caught her wrist. Then the other as she snarled at him with tears in her eyes.

“What the hell is going on?” Kyle barked at her.

“You told him to leave me!?!” she raged as she struggled to free her hands to slap him.

Kyle sighed. David had delivered an edited version of his message. Coward.

“No, I didn’t,” Kyle asserted as he held her eyes. “If David told you that he was lying to take the easy way out.”

“Easy way?!?” she gasped.

“Yes! He told me he wanted out of the marriage and was acting like a drunken jerk to make you want to leave him! I told him that if he loved you he should make it work. Otherwise, he should just be honest with you. It seems he’s too much of a coward to do that. I’m so sorry for the pain he’s put you through but I’m really not the cause of it.”

Kimberly looked into his eyes as her mouth worked silently. She could see he was telling the truth. Her rage suddenly left her and with it her strength. She began to crumple to the ground so Kyle pulled her to his chest and she began to cry. He stood there in the middle of the driveway with the small woman coming apart at the seams. She wrapped her arms around him and sobbed against him. Kyle heard a car approaching and gently moved them to the grass as a taxi pulled up to the front door. He watched in surprise as David stepped from the front door with his suitcase in hand. The big man’s face was filled with guilt and shame but he turned away and climbed into the back seat of the taxi.

Then he was gone.

“Come on, let’s go inside,” he said gently.

He walked her across the driveway and into the lobby.

“Did you want to join us for dinner tonight?” he asked.

“No… I can’t face anyone,” she leaned her face against his chest again and he rubbed her back. “I just want to lie down.”

Kyle walked her up to her room and stopped outside of her door. “I’m really sorry this happened. You definitely deserve better.” He sighed. “It’s been a rough few days. Gwen left me to elope with the author. Fiona broke up with Alfred. Now this. Maybe tomorrow at breakfast we should pick Carl and Larissa’s brains for clues on what keeps their relationship working,” he said with a gentle smile and she cracked a weak smile for him.

“For me, cycling here has really lifted my spirits. Are you going to stay with the tour?” He caught her eye and he saw her make the decision right then. She nodded. “Ride with me tomorrow?” he asked.

Kimberly smiled with trembling lips and nodded to him again. He gave her another warm hug and she went into her room.

He went back to his room to quickly change his shirt as the one he had on was wet with Kimberly’s tears. He changed into a black dress shirt and headed down to the dining room. He spotted Fiona who’s face lit up when she saw him. He approached the table and she gestured to the chair opposite her. He slipped into it and gave her an apologetic smile.

“I was beginning to think you weren’t coming,” she said quietly.

“Sorry about the delay. David just left Kimberly. His taxi just picked him up.”

“What?!?” Fiona gasped.

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