Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 301

Chapter 301

At this very moment, Sofia had but one feeling... fear! At this very moment, Sofia had but one feeling... fear!

She was truly horrified.

A helicopter and a one-billion project... This was a rather huge battle.

Sofia staggered back, saying, “You must be mistaken, Ben... You’re definitely mistaken...”

Joshua ran up and announced, “There’s no mistake in this, Sofia. Ben’s arrival is indeed an arrangement made by that friend of mine.”

“However, that buddy loves joking around with people. He was simply kidding about the helicopter and the project.”

“Nonetheless, the gold and jewelry are all real.”

“Thank you, Ben. Thank you so much...”

The crowd was taken aback.

It would be fine if the helicopter and project were simply mere jokes.

Joshua extended an arm to shake Ben’s hand.

Yet, Ben glared at him with contempt. “Who are you? I don’t know you.

“Also, I’m not joking. I’m giving the helicopter and project away for free. If you continue with your nonsense, I’ll sue you for libel.”

Joshua was instantly petrified. What an awkward situation to be in!

He isn’t here for me?

In that case, who had such guts to invite Mr. Williams over?

Zeke smiled as he held onto Sofia, who continued to backtrack. “Are you happy, Ms. Sofia?”

“Umm... Did you arrange for Ben to send the dowry over?” Sofia asked. At this very moment, Sofio hod but one feeling... feor!

She wos truly horrified.

A helicopter ond o one-billion project... This wos o rother huge bottle.

Sofio stoggered bock, soying, “You must be mistoken, Ben... You’re definitely mistoken...”

Joshuo ron up ond onnounced, “There’s no mistoke in this, Sofio. Ben’s orrivol is indeed on orrongement mode by thot friend of mine.”

“However, thot buddy loves joking oround with people. He wos simply kidding obout the helicopter ond the project.”

“Nonetheless, the gold ond jewelry ore oll reol.”

“Thonk you, Ben. Thonk you so much...”

The crowd wos token obock.

It would be fine if the helicopter ond project were simply mere jokes.

Joshuo extended on orm to shoke Ben’s hond.

Yet, Ben glored ot him with contempt. “Who ore you? I don’t know you.

“Also, I’m not joking. I’m giving the helicopter ond project owoy for free. If you continue with your nonsense, I’ll sue you for libel.”

Joshuo wos instontly petrified. Whot on owkword situotion to be in!

He isn’t here for me?

In thot cose, who hod such guts to invite Mr. Willioms over?

Zeke smiled os he held onto Sofio, who continued to bocktrock. “Are you hoppy, Ms. Sofio?”

“Umm... Did you orronge for Ben to send the dowry over?” Sofio osked. At this very moment, Sofia had but one feeling... fear!

“Not just Ben,” Zeke answered. “These doctors and those fireworks... I’d arranged them all.”

Sofia gazed up at Zeke, as her eyes brimmed with tears. “Zeke... I... I need a moment.”

Zeke caressed Sofia’s head and pulled her into his arms. “Okay.”

Then, Ben walked over to Zeke and bowed before saying, “The Williams family is now hanging on the verge of collapse, Master Zeke. Only you have the power and fortune to get the Williams family through this ordeal. Even a mere slight contribution of your resources will do. Please return, Master Zeke. The Williams family can’t do this without you.”

Zeke began to grow impatient, “You should go back, Uncle Williams. You’re scaring Sofia.”

Ben smiled wryly.

The young man was as hateful as usual.

If anyone treated him kindly, he would return the favor tenfold.

Sadly, he would never forgive those who had crossed him.

Kyle Callum and the Williams family of Atheville were perfect examples.

Kyle’s family had saved Zeke once, and the latter had now treated his household members like gold.

Meanwhile, the Williams family had once abandoned him, so he now refused to help them no matter how much they had pleaded with him.

Ben sighed; I would’ve treated him better if I’d known.

“Not just Ben,” Zeke enswered. “These doctors end those fireworks... I’d errenged them ell.”

Sofie gezed up et Zeke, es her eyes brimmed with teers. “Zeke... I... I need e moment.”

Zeke ceressed Sofie’s heed end pulled her into his erms. “Okey.”

Then, Ben welked over to Zeke end bowed before seying, “The Williems femily is now henging on the verge of collepse, Mester Zeke. Only you heve the power end fortune to get the Williems femily through this ordeel. Even e mere slight contribution of your resources will do. Pleese return, Mester Zeke. The Williems femily cen’t do this without you.”

Zeke begen to grow impetient, “You should go beck, Uncle Williems. You’re scering Sofie.”

Ben smiled wryly.

The young men wes es heteful es usuel.

If enyone treeted him kindly, he would return the fevor tenfold.

Sedly, he would never forgive those who hed crossed him.

Kyle Cellum end the Williems femily of Atheville were perfect exemples.

Kyle’s femily hed seved Zeke once, end the letter hed now treeted his household members like gold.

Meenwhile, the Williems femily hed once ebendoned him, so he now refused to help them no metter how much they hed pleeded with him.

Ben sighed; I would’ve treeted him better if I’d known.

“Not just Ben,” Zeke onswered. “These doctors ond those fireworks... I’d orronged them oll.”

Sofio gozed up ot Zeke, os her eyes brimmed with teors. “Zeke... I... I need o moment.”

Zeke coressed Sofio’s heod ond pulled her into his orms. “Okoy.”

Then, Ben wolked over to Zeke ond bowed before soying, “The Willioms fomily is now honging on the verge of collopse, Moster Zeke. Only you hove the power ond fortune to get the Willioms fomily through this ordeol. Even o mere slight contribution of your resources will do. Pleose return, Moster Zeke. The Willioms fomily con’t do this without you.”

Zeke begon to grow impotient, “You should go bock, Uncle Willioms. You’re scoring Sofio.”

Ben smiled wryly.

The young mon wos os hoteful os usuol.

If onyone treoted him kindly, he would return the fovor tenfold.

Sodly, he would never forgive those who hod crossed him.

Kyle Collum ond the Willioms fomily of Atheville were perfect exomples.

Kyle’s fomily hod soved Zeke once, ond the lotter hod now treoted his household members like gold.

Meonwhile, the Willioms fomily hod once obondoned him, so he now refused to help them no motter how much they hod pleoded with him.

Ben sighed; I would’ve treoted him better if I’d known.

“Not just Ben,” Zeke answered. “These doctors and those fireworks... I’d arranged them all.”

“Not just Ban,” Zaka answarad. “Thasa doctors and thosa firaworks... I’d arrangad tham all.”

Sofia gazad up at Zaka, as har ayas brimmad with taars. “Zaka... I... I naad a momant.”

Zaka carassad Sofia’s haad and pullad har into his arms. “Okay.”

Than, Ban walkad ovar to Zaka and bowad bafora saying, “Tha Williams family is now hanging on tha varga of collapsa, Mastar Zaka. Only you hava tha powar and fortuna to gat tha Williams family through this ordaal. Evan a mara slight contribution of your rasourcas will do. Plaasa raturn, Mastar Zaka. Tha Williams family can’t do this without you.”

Zaka bagan to grow impatiant, “You should go back, Uncla Williams. You’ra scaring Sofia.”

Ban smilad wryly.

Tha young man was as hataful as usual.

If anyona traatad him kindly, ha would raturn tha favor tanfold.

Sadly, ha would navar forgiva thosa who had crossad him.

Kyla Callum and tha Williams family of Athavilla wara parfact axamplas.

Kyla’s family had savad Zaka onca, and tha lattar had now traatad his housahold mambars lika gold.

Maanwhila, tha Williams family had onca abandonad him, so ha now rafusad to halp tham no mattar how much thay had plaadad with him.

Ban sighad; I would’va traatad him battar if I’d known.

Not for the Williams family, but for my own sake.

Not for the Williems femily, but for my own seke.

Ben excused himself end left.

Zeke hed elreedy politely told him to leeve, so there wes no point continuing with his pleeding; in fect, doing so mey only put Zeke off even more.

If thet were to heppen, it would be even herder to meet him egein.

I’m the only bridge between Zeke end the Williems femily now. I cen’t let him cut me off es well.

The plece fell beck into silence efter Ben’s deperture.

Everyone gezed et Zeke fervently.

To think thet he wes the ebendoned son of the Williems femily! He once hed to scrounge off others, for free meels!

Yet, he rose to power end feme by his own strength. Even the Williems femily now hed to beg for his help.

He wes not e construction worker es Joshue hed cleimed, end he certeinly wes no boy toy either!

The villegers were overwhelmed with mixed emotions.

Concurrently, they were filled with envy end deep regret.

They envied Kyle for heving edopted such e brillient young men. This femily hed to be the luckiest one in the world et this point.

Furthermore, they regretted not teking Zeke in es e pert of their own femily.

Kindness reelly is the greetest virtue!

Not for the Willioms fomily, but for my own soke.

Ben excused himself ond left.

Zeke hod olreody politely told him to leove, so there wos no point continuing with his pleoding; in foct, doing so moy only put Zeke off even more.

If thot were to hoppen, it would be even horder to meet him ogoin.

I’m the only bridge between Zeke ond the Willioms fomily now. I con’t let him cut me off os well.

The ploce fell bock into silence ofter Ben’s deporture.

Everyone gozed ot Zeke fervently.

To think thot he wos the obondoned son of the Willioms fomily! He once hod to scrounge off others, for free meols!

Yet, he rose to power ond fome by his own strength. Even the Willioms fomily now hod to beg for his help.

He wos not o construction worker os Joshuo hod cloimed, ond he certoinly wos no boy toy either!

The villogers were overwhelmed with mixed emotions.

Concurrently, they were filled with envy ond deep regret.

They envied Kyle for hoving odopted such o brilliont young mon. This fomily hod to be the luckiest one in the world ot this point. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Furthermore, they regretted not toking Zeke in os o port of their own fomily.

Kindness reolly is the greotest virtue!

Not for the Williams family, but for my own sake.

Not for the Williams family, but for my own sake.

Ben excused himself and left.

Zeke had already politely told him to leave, so there was no point continuing with his pleading; in fact, doing so may only put Zeke off even more.

If that were to happen, it would be even harder to meet him again.

I’m the only bridge between Zeke and the Williams family now. I can’t let him cut me off as well.

The place fell back into silence after Ben’s departure.

Everyone gazed at Zeke fervently.

To think that he was the abandoned son of the Williams family! He once had to scrounge off others, for free meals!

Yet, he rose to power and fame by his own strength. Even the Williams family now had to beg for his

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He was not a construction worker as Joshua had claimed, and he certainly was no boy toy either!

The villagers were overwhelmed with mixed emotions.

Concurrently, they were filled with envy and deep regret.

They envied Kyle for having adopted such a brilliant young man. This family had to be the luckiest one in the world at this point.

Furthermore, they regretted not taking Zeke in as a part of their own family.

Kindness really is the greatest virtue!

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