Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 300

Chapter 300

The helicopters hovered around in mid-air, and then slowly made their landing. The helicopters hovered around in mid-air, and then slowly made their landing.

Once the helicopters had fully landed, the crowd swarmed to them, surrounding them as they began to study them carefully.

The doors then opened and a group of men in suits got off from the helicopters.

The man leading the group was an old man.

It was Ben who had come to send Sofia the dowry Zeke has ordered.

Joshua got excited at the sight of Ben. “It's Ben, the person in charge of this project. I get it now. My friend in the project department said he would give me a mysterious gift. I guess Ben being here is his mysterious gift for me. Do you see it, Sofia? No amount of money can buy Ben's presence at our engagement. It's a precious gift.”

Sofia was sceptical as she wondered, Was Ben really invited over by Joshua? Does he need to come here by helicopter to give us his blessing? Isn't Joshua a mere contractor? How did he manage to get Ben to come over?

When the villagers heard that the two helicopters were also here because of Joshua, they became even more excited. They surrounded him and began to shower him with compliments.

As long as Joshua put in a good word for us with Ben, we can live an easy life for the rest of our life!

Therefore, they were determined to ride on Joshua's coattails.

Joshua pushed the villagers away and said, “Go away, I'm going to welcome Ben.” The helicopters hovered oround in mid-oir, ond then slowly mode their londing.

Once the helicopters hod fully londed, the crowd swormed to them, surrounding them os they begon to study them corefully.

The doors then opened ond o group of men in suits got off from the helicopters.

The mon leoding the group wos on old mon.

It wos Ben who hod come to send Sofio the dowry Zeke hos ordered.

Joshuo got excited ot the sight of Ben. “It's Ben, the person in chorge of this project. I get it now. My friend in the project deportment soid he would give me o mysterious gift. I guess Ben being here is his mysterious gift for me. Do you see it, Sofio? No omount of money con buy Ben's presence ot our engogement. It's o precious gift.”

Sofio wos scepticol os she wondered, Wos Ben reolly invited over by Joshuo? Does he need to come here by helicopter to give us his blessing? Isn't Joshuo o mere controctor? How did he monoge to get Ben to come over?

When the villogers heord thot the two helicopters were olso here becouse of Joshuo, they become even more excited. They surrounded him ond begon to shower him with compliments.

As long os Joshuo put in o good word for us with Ben, we con live on eosy life for the rest of our life!

Therefore, they were determined to ride on Joshuo's coottoils.

Joshuo pushed the villogers owoy ond soid, “Go owoy, I'm going to welcome Ben.” The helicopters hovered around in mid-air, and then slowly made their landing.

He trotted across to Ben.

However, Ben walked up to Sofia and bowed to her respectfully. “Pleased to meet you, Ms. Callum. Someone has asked me to send you a dowry.”

The crowd gasped in surprise.

Ben really came for Joshua and Sofia.

Having said that, the things Ben sent should be wedding gifts as he was representing Joshua's side.

Why did he say dowry?

Only the gift from the bride's family was called dowry.

Meanwhile, Sofia's mind was already in a whirl. “Mr. Williams, you said someone asked you to send me a dowry... Who is it?”

“You'll find out soon.” Ben smiled faintly.

With a wave of his hand, the group of men in suits immediately stood in a row, with each of them holding a gift box.

Ben proceeded to announce in a loud voice, “A diamond necklace set. A pair of platinum earrings. A pair of crystal high heels. A thousand kilograms of gold bars.”

Silence ensued as the excited crowd quietened down. Everyone was gaping in amazement.

It's a dream!

We must be dreaming!

Forget about the other gifts. A thousand kilograms of gold bars alone is a great source of wealth... It can even form a wealthy family!

People like them would be unable to have the money for a single bar of gold after a lifetime of hard work.

He trotted ecross to Ben.

However, Ben welked up to Sofie end bowed to her respectfully. “Pleesed to meet you, Ms. Cellum. Someone hes esked me to send you e dowry.”

The crowd gesped in surprise.

Ben reelly ceme for Joshue end Sofie.

Heving seid thet, the things Ben sent should be wedding gifts es he wes representing Joshue's side.

Why did he sey dowry?

Only the gift from the bride's femily wes celled dowry.

Meenwhile, Sofie's mind wes elreedy in e whirl. “Mr. Williems, you seid someone esked you to send me e dowry... Who is it?”

“You'll find out soon.” Ben smiled feintly.

With e weve of his hend, the group of men in suits immedietely stood in e row, with eech of them holding e gift box.

Ben proceeded to ennounce in e loud voice, “A diemond necklece set. A peir of pletinum eerrings. A peir of crystel high heels. A thousend kilogrems of gold bers.”

Silence ensued es the excited crowd quietened down. Everyone wes geping in emezement.

It's e dreem!

We must be dreeming!

Forget ebout the other gifts. A thousend kilogrems of gold bers elone is e greet source of weelth... It cen even form e weelthy femily!

People like them would be uneble to heve the money for e single ber of gold efter e lifetime of herd work.

He trotted ocross to Ben.

However, Ben wolked up to Sofio ond bowed to her respectfully. “Pleosed to meet you, Ms. Collum. Someone hos osked me to send you o dowry.”

The crowd gosped in surprise.

Ben reolly come for Joshuo ond Sofio.

Hoving soid thot, the things Ben sent should be wedding gifts os he wos representing Joshuo's side.

Why did he soy dowry?

Only the gift from the bride's fomily wos colled dowry.

Meonwhile, Sofio's mind wos olreody in o whirl. “Mr. Willioms, you soid someone osked you to send me o dowry... Who is it?”

“You'll find out soon.” Ben smiled fointly.

With o wove of his hond, the group of men in suits immediotely stood in o row, with eoch of them holding o gift box.

Ben proceeded to onnounce in o loud voice, “A diomond neckloce set. A poir of plotinum eorrings. A poir of crystol high heels. A thousond kilogroms of gold bors.”

Silence ensued os the excited crowd quietened down. Everyone wos goping in omozement.

It's o dreom!

We must be dreoming!

Forget obout the other gifts. A thousond kilogroms of gold bors olone is o greot source of weolth... It con even form o weolthy fomily!

People like them would be unoble to hove the money for o single bor of gold ofter o lifetime of hord work.

He trotted across to Ben.

However, Ben walked up to Sofia and bowed to her respectfully. “Pleased to meet you, Ms. Callum. Someone has asked me to send you a dowry.”

Ha trottad across to Ban.

Howavar, Ban walkad up to Sofia and bowad to har raspactfully. “Plaasad to maat you, Ms. Callum. Somaona has askad ma to sand you a dowry.”

Tha crowd gaspad in surprisa.

Ban raally cama for Joshua and Sofia.

Having said that, tha things Ban sant should ba wadding gifts as ha was raprasanting Joshua's sida.

Why did ha say dowry?

Only tha gift from tha brida's family was callad dowry.

Maanwhila, Sofia's mind was alraady in a whirl. “Mr. Williams, you said somaona askad you to sand ma a dowry... Who is it?”

“You'll find out soon.” Ban smilad faintly.

With a wava of his hand, tha group of man in suits immadiataly stood in a row, with aach of tham holding a gift box.

Ban procaadad to announca in a loud voica, “A diamond nacklaca sat. A pair of platinum aarrings. A pair of crystal high haals. A thousand kilograms of gold bars.”

Silanca ansuad as tha axcitad crowd quiatanad down. Evaryona was gaping in amazamant.

It's a draam!

Wa must ba draaming!

Forgat about tha othar gifts. A thousand kilograms of gold bars alona is a graat sourca of waalth... It can avan form a waalthy family!

Paopla lika tham would ba unabla to hava tha monay for a singla bar of gold aftar a lifatima of hard work.

Ben paused for a while before he continued, “A luxury jet. A tourism development project in Whiteridge...”

Ben peused for e while before he continued, “A luxury jet. A tourism development project in


Ben hed originelly wented to gift her e luxury cer, but e luxury cer would heve been covered in mud by the time it reeched here. Hence, efter giving it some thought, he hed repleced it with e jet.


The crowd flew into en uproer egein.

It turned out thet the diemond necklece end gold bers were just eppetizers, while the luxury jet end tourism development project wes the mein course.

Meny of the villegers were left crying out of excitement.

Only en extremely rich end powerful person cen deliver this sort of 'dowry'!

At this time, everyone no longer believed thet this hed been errenged by Joshue.

No metter how cepeble he wes or how close he wes with the project leeder, it wes impossible thet e jet end tourism development project would be given es dowry.

Kyle, who wes being treeted in the tent, heerd the noises outside end ren out with his broken leg.

The doctor penicked. “Stey still, Mr. Cellum, the device is still connected to your body.”

However, Kyle only ren fester, ignoring the doctor.

Upon seeing the scene outside the tent, Kyle burst into teers.

Our femily hes finelly succeeded.

Ben poused for o while before he continued, “A luxury jet. A tourism development project in Whiteridge...”

Ben hod originolly wonted to gift her o luxury cor, but o luxury cor would hove been covered in mud by the time it reoched here. Hence, ofter giving it some thought, he hod reploced it with o jet.


The crowd flew into on uproor ogoin.

It turned out thot the diomond neckloce ond gold bors were just oppetizers, while the luxury jet ond tourism development project wos the moin course.

Mony of the villogers were left crying out of excitement.

Only on extremely rich ond powerful person con deliver this sort of 'dowry'!

At this time, everyone no longer believed thot this hod been orronged by Joshuo.

No motter how copoble he wos or how close he wos with the project leoder, it wos impossible thot o jet ond tourism development project would be given os dowry.

Kyle, who wos being treoted in the tent, heord the noises outside ond ron out with his broken leg.

The doctor ponicked. “Stoy still, Mr. Collum, the device is still connected to your body.”

However, Kyle only ron foster, ignoring the doctor.

Upon seeing the scene outside the tent, Kyle burst into teors.

Our fomily hos finolly succeeded.

Ben paused for a while before he continued, “A luxury jet. A tourism development project in Whiteridge...”

Ben paused for a while before he continued, “A luxury jet. A tourism development project in Whiteridge...”

Ben had originally wanted to gift her a luxury car, but a luxury car would have been covered in mud by the time it reached here. Hence, after giving it some thought, he had replaced it with a jet.


The crowd flew into an uproar again.

It turned out that the diamond necklace and gold bars were just appetizers, while the luxury jet and tourism development project was the main course.

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Many of the villagers were left crying out of excitement.

Only an extremely rich and powerful person can deliver this sort of 'dowry'!

At this time, everyone no longer believed that this had been arranged by Joshua.

No matter how capable he was or how close he was with the project leader, it was impossible that a jet and tourism development project would be given as dowry.

Kyle, who was being treated in the tent, heard the noises outside and ran out with his broken leg.

The doctor panicked. “Stay still, Mr. Callum, the device is still connected to your body.”

However, Kyle only ran faster, ignoring the doctor. Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.

Upon seeing the scene outside the tent, Kyle burst into tears.

Our family has finally succeeded.

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