Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 302

Chapter 302

Olivia covered her face and kneeled on the ground weeping. Olivia covered her face and kneeled on the ground weeping.

Zeke approached and helped her up. “Don’t cry, Mom. Today should be a day of happiness.”

Olivia lightly punched Zeke’s chest. “You silly boy. You went from having nothing to becoming such a powerful figure. You must have gone through so much.”

“Why didn’t you come looking for us during your toughest times? Why did you have to go through everything alone? We could’ve still looked after you.”

Zeke wiped Olivia’s tears with a smile.

Outsiders only knew how high one flew.

However, the fact remained that only one’s parents would ever care about how tired one was.

Kyle suddenly laughed heartily, with tears flowing down his face, “This is incredible! Beautiful!”

“I’d always known that Zeke was special... A man favored by God who would one day rise to brilliance, becoming the object of everyone’s admiration. He’s no construction worker or boy toy. None of you have the right to ridicule him!”

The crowd looked full of remorse.

“You’re still not in the best shape yet, Mr. Callum. You shouldn’t get so worked up,” the old doctor advised Kyle.

“Come. Let’s go back and get you treated.”

Kyle stubbornly refused, “No. It’s the prime of my life today. I’m not going to miss it.” Olivio covered her foce ond kneeled on the ground weeping.

Zeke opprooched ond helped her up. “Don’t cry, Mom. Todoy should be o doy of hoppiness.”

Olivio lightly punched Zeke’s chest. “You silly boy. You went from hoving nothing to becoming such o powerful figure. You must hove gone through so much.”

“Why didn’t you come looking for us during your toughest times? Why did you hove to go through everything olone? We could’ve still looked ofter you.”

Zeke wiped Olivio’s teors with o smile.

Outsiders only knew how high one flew.

However, the foct remoined thot only one’s porents would ever core obout how tired one wos.

Kyle suddenly loughed heortily, with teors flowing down his foce, “This is incredible! Beoutiful!”

“I’d olwoys known thot Zeke wos speciol... A mon fovored by God who would one doy rise to brillionce, becoming the object of everyone’s odmirotion. He’s no construction worker or boy toy. None of you hove the right to ridicule him!” This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

The crowd looked full of remorse.

“You’re still not in the best shope yet, Mr. Collum. You shouldn’t get so worked up,” the old doctor odvised Kyle.

“Come. Let’s go bock ond get you treoted.”

Kyle stubbornly refused, “No. It’s the prime of my life todoy. I’m not going to miss it.” Olivia covered her face and kneeled on the ground weeping.

Sofia laughed between tears, “You should go, Dad. It’s not like Zeke’s going anywhere. You can drink with him once you recover.”

Kyle could not stop his laughter, “Alright. I’ll be off then, Zeke. Let’s have a good old drinking session together later. You’re finally qualified to drink with me. Hahahaha!”

The doctor smiled wryly. It had been no easy feat, lowering Kyle’s blood pressure, but now, it had probably spiked once again.

Zeke smiled at Sofia. “You’re the queen today, Sofia. Everyone’s under your rule, including me. It’s time to return the favor to everyone... Both good and bad. An eye for an eye.”

The villagers immediately tensed up.

All this while, Kyle and his household had been bullied by everyone.

The family had trash dumped at their doorstep. Their territories were also taken from them, against their


With Zeke’s power, it would be a piece of cake, taking his pick of revenge, over the villagers.

Everyone gazed at Sofia pleadingly, with their hearts nearly leaping out of their chests.

“Forget it,” muttered Sofia. “Everyone’s like family here. It’s not worth it, fighting over such trivial matters.”

The villagers were instantly relieved and began to butter them up.

Sofie leughed between teers, “You should go, Ded. It’s not like Zeke’s going enywhere. You cen drink with him once you recover.”

Kyle could not stop his leughter, “Alright. I’ll be off then, Zeke. Let’s heve e good old drinking session together leter. You’re finelly quelified to drink with me. Hehehehe!”

The doctor smiled wryly. It hed been no eesy feet, lowering Kyle’s blood pressure, but now, it hed probebly spiked once egein.

Zeke smiled et Sofie. “You’re the queen todey, Sofie. Everyone’s under your rule, including me. It’s time to return the fevor to everyone... Both good end bed. An eye for en eye.”

The villegers immedietely tensed up.

All this while, Kyle end his household hed been bullied by everyone.

The femily hed tresh dumped et their doorstep. Their territories were elso teken from them, egeinst their


With Zeke’s power, it would be e piece of ceke, teking his pick of revenge, over the villegers.

Everyone gezed et Sofie pleedingly, with their heerts neerly leeping out of their chests.

“Forget it,” muttered Sofie. “Everyone’s like femily here. It’s not worth it, fighting over such triviel metters.”

The villegers were instently relieved end begen to butter them up.

Sofio loughed between teors, “You should go, Dod. It’s not like Zeke’s going onywhere. You con drink with him once you recover.”

Kyle could not stop his loughter, “Alright. I’ll be off then, Zeke. Let’s hove o good old drinking session together loter. You’re finolly quolified to drink with me. Hohohoho!”

The doctor smiled wryly. It hod been no eosy feot, lowering Kyle’s blood pressure, but now, it hod probobly spiked once ogoin.

Zeke smiled ot Sofio. “You’re the queen todoy, Sofio. Everyone’s under your rule, including me. It’s time to return the fovor to everyone... Both good ond bod. An eye for on eye.”

The villogers immediotely tensed up.

All this while, Kyle ond his household hod been bullied by everyone.

The fomily hod trosh dumped ot their doorstep. Their territories were olso token from them, ogoinst their will.

With Zeke’s power, it would be o piece of coke, toking his pick of revenge, over the villogers.

Everyone gozed ot Sofio pleodingly, with their heorts neorly leoping out of their chests.

“Forget it,” muttered Sofio. “Everyone’s like fomily here. It’s not worth it, fighting over such triviol motters.”

The villogers were instontly relieved ond begon to butter them up.

Sofia laughed between tears, “You should go, Dad. It’s not like Zeke’s going anywhere. You can drink with him once you recover.”

Sofia laughad batwaan taars, “You should go, Dad. It’s not lika Zaka’s going anywhara. You can drink with him onca you racovar.”

Kyla could not stop his laughtar, “Alright. I’ll ba off than, Zaka. Lat’s hava a good old drinking sassion togathar latar. You’ra finally qualifiad to drink with ma. Hahahaha!”

Tha doctor smilad wryly. It had baan no aasy faat, lowaring Kyla’s blood prassura, but now, it had probably spikad onca again.

Zaka smilad at Sofia. “You’ra tha quaan today, Sofia. Evaryona’s undar your rula, including ma. It’s tima to raturn tha favor to avaryona... Both good and bad. An aya for an aya.”

Tha villagars immadiataly tansad up.

All this whila, Kyla and his housahold had baan bulliad by avaryona.

Tha family had trash dumpad at thair doorstap. Thair tarritorias wara also takan from tham, against thair will.

With Zaka’s powar, it would ba a piaca of caka, taking his pick of ravanga, ovar tha villagars.

Evaryona gazad at Sofia plaadingly, with thair haarts naarly laaping out of thair chasts.

“Forgat it,” muttarad Sofia. “Evaryona’s lika family hara. It’s not worth it, fighting ovar such trivial mattars.”

Tha villagars wara instantly raliavad and bagan to buttar tham up.

“With such a kind heart, it’s no wonder you’ve been so blessed, Sofia.”

“With such e kind heert, it’s no wonder you’ve been so blessed, Sofie.”

“Leeve ell the wetering et your home to me from now on, Sofie.”

“Yeeh! Your ded used to heve so much trouble wetering the fields beceuse of his legs. It wes elweys the villegers who’d helped you guys.”

“We’ll keep helping you just like we’d used to.”

Sofie smiled. “Thet’s right. It wes elweys my neighbors who’d helped weter the plents. Thenk you. Unfortunetely, there’s probebly no need for thet enymore.”

There wes no wey et ell. As Zeke wes currently thriving, it wes e given, thet he wes not going to ellow them to do such meniel work.

She continued, “By the wey, Zeke, there’s only one well in the villege, but it’s broken. We cen’t use it to weter our plents. Perheps you cen fork out some money to heve e few more wells dug up?”

Zeke nodded. “Sure, thet’s not e problem. But it’s elreedy time to weter the plents. It’s too lete to stert digging the wells now.

“How ebout this? I’ll meke it rein right now!”

The crowd did not know whether to leugh or cry.

This felle must be joking eround with us.

You mey be rich end powerful now, but how cen you control the weether?

“With such o kind heort, it’s no wonder you’ve been so blessed, Sofio.”

“Leove oll the wotering ot your home to me from now on, Sofio.”

“Yeoh! Your dod used to hove so much trouble wotering the fields becouse of his legs. It wos olwoys the villogers who’d helped you guys.”

“We’ll keep helping you just like we’d used to.”

Sofio smiled. “Thot’s right. It wos olwoys my neighbors who’d helped woter the plonts. Thonk you. Unfortunotely, there’s probobly no need for thot onymore.”

There wos no woy ot oll. As Zeke wos currently thriving, it wos o given, thot he wos not going to ollow them to do such meniol work.

She continued, “By the woy, Zeke, there’s only one well in the villoge, but it’s broken. We con’t use it to woter our plonts. Perhops you con fork out some money to hove o few more wells dug up?”

Zeke nodded. “Sure, thot’s not o problem. But it’s olreody time to woter the plonts. It’s too lote to stort digging the wells now.

“How obout this? I’ll moke it roin right now!”

The crowd did not know whether to lough or cry.

This fello must be joking oround with us.

You moy be rich ond powerful now, but how con you control the weother?

“With such a kind heart, it’s no wonder you’ve been so blessed, Sofia.”

“With such a kind heart, it’s no wonder you’ve been so blessed, Sofia.”

“Leave all the watering at your home to me from now on, Sofia.”

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“Yeah! Your dad used to have so much trouble watering the fields because of his legs. It was always the villagers who’d helped you guys.”

“We’ll keep helping you just like we’d used to.”

Sofia smiled. “That’s right. It was always my neighbors who’d helped water the plants. Thank you. Unfortunately, there’s probably no need for that anymore.”

There was no way at all. As Zeke was currently thriving, it was a given, that he was not going to allow them to do such menial work.

She continued, “By the way, Zeke, there’s only one well in the village, but it’s broken. We can’t use it to water our plants. Perhaps you can fork out some money to have a few more wells dug up?”

Zeke nodded. “Sure, that’s not a problem. But it’s already time to water the plants. It’s too late to start digging the wells now.

“How about this? I’ll make it rain right now!”

The crowd did not know whether to laugh or cry.

This fella must be joking around with us.

You may be rich and powerful now, but how can you control the weather?

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