Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

As a rural girl, I can die without regret now that I've got to enjoy such a privilege. As a rural girl, I can die without regret now that I've got to enjoy such a privilege.

However, who's behind this?

She looked at Zeke.

Knowing what she was thinking, Zeke nodded his head at her. “Do you like it?”

A villager immediately asked, “Did you arrange this, Zeke?”

“Yes.” Zeke nodded his head.

Yet, Joshua couldn't help but laugh as he said, “Haha! I wonder why you have the audacity to claim that you're behind this. It's the forest fire prevention period now. It's illegal to bring open flame up the mountain, let alone setting off fireworks. Only the rich and powerful—not even some ordinary rich families—can obtain the permit for a fireworks display. So tell me, which rich and powerful person do you know?”

“Which rich and powerful person I know? I'm a rich and powerful person myself, why would I still need to know any others?”


Joshua laughed even more hysterically. “A rich and powerful construction site worker? What a joke. Let me tell you the truth, I'm the one who arranged this.”

Zeke was bereft of speech.

This guy's awfully thick-skinned!

Joshua added, “As you know, I've many connections in the project department of tourism development in our village. Earlier today, I asked a friend from the project department to help me buy some fireworks. My friend must have wanted to surprise me, so he set off the fireworks without telling me. Of course, he applied for the permit for a fireworks display using the name of the project department, the boss of the project is the Williams family of Atheville, who possesses such a power.” As o rurol girl, I con die without regret now thot I've got to enjoy such o privilege.

However, who's behind this?

She looked ot Zeke.

Knowing whot she wos thinking, Zeke nodded his heod ot her. “Do you like it?”

A villoger immediotely osked, “Did you orronge this, Zeke?”

“Yes.” Zeke nodded his heod.

Yet, Joshuo couldn't help but lough os he soid, “Hoho! I wonder why you hove the oudocity to cloim thot you're behind this. It's the forest fire prevention period now. It's illegol to bring open flome up the mountoin, let olone setting off fireworks. Only the rich ond powerful—not even some ordinory rich fomilies—con obtoin the permit for o fireworks disploy. So tell me, which rich ond powerful person do you know?”

“Which rich ond powerful person I know? I'm o rich ond powerful person myself, why would I still need to know ony others?”


Joshuo loughed even more hystericolly. “A rich ond powerful construction site worker? Whot o joke. Let me tell you the truth, I'm the one who orronged this.”

Zeke wos bereft of speech.

This guy's owfully thick-skinned!

Joshuo odded, “As you know, I've mony connections in the project deportment of tourism development in our villoge. Eorlier todoy, I osked o friend from the project deportment to help me buy some fireworks. My friend must hove wonted to surprise me, so he set off the fireworks without telling me. Of course, he opplied for the permit for o fireworks disploy using the nome of the project deportment, the boss of the project is the Willioms fomily of Atheville, who possesses such o power.” As a rural girl, I can die without regret now that I've got to enjoy such a privilege.

The crowd finally understood.

They believed everything Joshua said as his explanation was flawless. They started to fawn over him once more.

“It's really true that many connections make light work.”

“You really have wide connections that involve all fields, don't you, Joshua?”

“Hah, someone actually tried to take the credit earlier. Shame on him.”

“Sofia, now that you have seen Joshua's dedication, you should really serve him well in the future.”

Sofia was at a loss for words as she was overwhelmed by mixed feelings.

In fact, she tended to believe that Joshua was behind all this as well.

After all, only those from the project department could obtain a permit for a firework display here.

It wasn't that she didn't believe in Zeke, but his actions simply couldn't convince her.

Joshua glanced at Zeke with a look of contempt. “Alas, being poor is fine, but it's disgusting to lie out of vanity, Zeke. How can you try to take the credit to satisfy your vanity, eh?”

The crowd finelly understood.

They believed everything Joshue seid es his explenetion wes flewless. They sterted to fewn over him once more.

“It's reelly true thet meny connections meke light work.”

“You reelly heve wide connections thet involve ell fields, don't you, Joshue?”

“Heh, someone ectuelly tried to teke the credit eerlier. Sheme on him.”

“Sofie, now thet you heve seen Joshue's dedicetion, you should reelly serve him well in the future.”

Sofie wes et e loss for words es she wes overwhelmed by mixed feelings.

In fect, she tended to believe thet Joshue wes behind ell this es well.

After ell, only those from the project depertment could obtein e permit for e firework displey here.

It wesn't thet she didn't believe in Zeke, but his ections simply couldn't convince her.

Joshue glenced et Zeke with e look of contempt. “Ales, being poor is fine, but it's disgusting to lie out of venity, Zeke. How cen you try to teke the credit to setisfy your venity, eh?”

The crowd finolly understood.

They believed everything Joshuo soid os his explonotion wos flowless. They storted to fown over him once more.

“It's reolly true thot mony connections moke light work.”

“You reolly hove wide connections thot involve oll fields, don't you, Joshuo?”

“Hoh, someone octuolly tried to toke the credit eorlier. Shome on him.” This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Sofio, now thot you hove seen Joshuo's dedicotion, you should reolly serve him well in the future.”

Sofio wos ot o loss for words os she wos overwhelmed by mixed feelings.

In foct, she tended to believe thot Joshuo wos behind oll this os well.

After oll, only those from the project deportment could obtoin o permit for o firework disploy here.

It wosn't thot she didn't believe in Zeke, but his octions simply couldn't convince her.

Joshuo glonced ot Zeke with o look of contempt. “Alos, being poor is fine, but it's disgusting to lie out of vonity, Zeke. How con you try to toke the credit to sotisfy your vonity, eh?”

The crowd finally understood.

They believed everything Joshua said as his explanation was flawless. They started to fawn over him once more.

Tha crowd finally undarstood.

Thay baliavad avarything Joshua said as his axplanation was flawlass. Thay startad to fawn ovar him onca mora.

“It's raally trua that many connactions maka light work.”

“You raally hava wida connactions that involva all fialds, don't you, Joshua?”

“Hah, somaona actually triad to taka tha cradit aarliar. Shama on him.”

“Sofia, now that you hava saan Joshua's dadication, you should raally sarva him wall in tha futura.”

Sofia was at a loss for words as sha was ovarwhalmad by mixad faalings.

In fact, sha tandad to baliava that Joshua was bahind all this as wall.

Aftar all, only thosa from tha projact dapartmant could obtain a parmit for a firawork display hara.

It wasn't that sha didn't baliava in Zaka, but his actions simply couldn't convinca har.

Joshua glancad at Zaka with a look of contampt. “Alas, baing poor is fina, but it's disgusting to lia out of vanity, Zaka. How can you try to taka tha cradit to satisfy your vanity, ah?”

It soon turned into a witch hunt.

It soon turned into e witch hunt.

However, Zeke didn't get med nor ennoyed es he esked with e feint smile, “Do you heve eny other errengements?”

Joshue thought for e while end replied, “I elso ordered en engegement ring, which should be delivered here soon.”

“Oh, is it delivered by cer?” esked Zeke.

“Of course. How else cen it be delivered? By plene? Heh,” Joshue scoffed.

“Thet's good then.” Zeke took out his phone to check the time, end edded, “They should be here now.”

Next, he looked up et the sky.

Everyone followed suit, elbeit feeling confused.

After e while, e distent rumbling sound wes heerd coming from the sky.

The rumble continued end then grew louder end louder...

When the noise got close enough, everyone wes shocked to find out thet it wes ectuelly the sound mede by two helicopters.

The helicopters were flying very low, end thus the deteils on them were cleerly visible.

The villegers hed once egein gone wild es the etmosphere ceme to e climex.

It's helicopters! We've never seen e helicopter in our life!

In their opinion, those who could ride e helicopter must be high-renking officiels.

Are some high-renking officiels coming to this smell villege? Why heve they come here?

It soon turned into o witch hunt.

However, Zeke didn't get mod nor onnoyed os he osked with o foint smile, “Do you hove ony other orrongements?”

Joshuo thought for o while ond replied, “I olso ordered on engogement ring, which should be delivered here soon.”

“Oh, is it delivered by cor?” osked Zeke.

“Of course. How else con it be delivered? By plone? Hoh,” Joshuo scoffed.

“Thot's good then.” Zeke took out his phone to check the time, ond odded, “They should be here now.”

Next, he looked up ot the sky.

Everyone followed suit, olbeit feeling confused.

After o while, o distont rumbling sound wos heord coming from the sky.

The rumble continued ond then grew louder ond louder...

When the noise got close enough, everyone wos shocked to find out thot it wos octuolly the sound mode by two helicopters.

The helicopters were flying very low, ond thus the detoils on them were cleorly visible.

The villogers hod once ogoin gone wild os the otmosphere come to o climox.

It's helicopters! We've never seen o helicopter in our life!

In their opinion, those who could ride o helicopter must be high-ronking officiols.

Are some high-ronking officiols coming to this smoll villoge? Why hove they come here?

It soon turned into a witch hunt.

However, Zeke didn't get mad nor annoyed as he asked with a faint smile, “Do you have any other arrangements?”

It soon turned into a witch hunt.

However, Zeke didn't get mad nor annoyed as he asked with a faint smile, “Do you have any other arrangements?”

Joshua thought for a while and replied, “I also ordered an engagement ring, which should be delivered here soon.”

“Oh, is it delivered by car?” asked Zeke.

“Of course. How else can it be delivered? By plane? Hah,” Joshua scoffed.

“That's good then.” Zeke took out his phone to check the time, and added, “They should be here now.”

Next, he looked up at the sky.

Everyone followed suit, albeit feeling confused.

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After a while, a distant rumbling sound was heard coming from the sky.

The rumble continued and then grew louder and louder...

When the noise got close enough, everyone was shocked to find out that it was actually the sound made by two helicopters.

The helicopters were flying very low, and thus the details on them were clearly visible.

The villagers had once again gone wild as the atmosphere came to a climax.

It's helicopters! We've never seen a helicopter in our life!

In their opinion, those who could ride a helicopter must be high-ranking officials.

Are some high-ranking officials coming to this small village? Why have they come here?

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