Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 298

Chapter 298

Joshua went on to say, “In fact, this is part of the wedding gifts from me. My heart aches to see Kyle, uh, Uncle Kyle being tormented by his illness, so I've asked people to help treat him. You know, I have a relative working as one of the management staff of Clearview General Hospital. I asked him to help make an appointment with a doctor for Uncle Kyle this morning. Unexpectedly, he directly brings the doctors here after I unintentionally revealed that Uncle Kyle has trouble getting around.” Joshua went on to say, “In fact, this is part of the wedding gifts from me. My heart aches to see Kyle, uh, Uncle Kyle being tormented by his illness, so I've asked people to help treat him. You know, I have a relative working as one of the management staff of Clearview General Hospital. I asked him to help make an appointment with a doctor for Uncle Kyle this morning. Unexpectedly, he directly brings the doctors here after I unintentionally revealed that Uncle Kyle has trouble getting around.”

At this, Sofia nodded her head, lost in thought.

She knew Joshua did have a relative working in Clearview General Hospital, but she didn't expect his relative to have such a great influence that he could move the entire hospital here.

Between Zeke and Joshua, she naturally chose to believe in the latter.

After all, he was more likely to make this happen.

Hearing Joshua's words, the villagers exploded with excitement as they surrounded Joshua.

“Joshua, I knew you were capable, but I didn’t expect you to be so capable that you can move Clearview General Hospital here.”

“Joshua, be honest with us, just how rich is your family? You must be a millionaire, right?”

“Joshua, I know I was wrong for rejecting your marriage proposal last time, but I've decided to accept your proposal now after some careful consideration. Will you give me another chance?” Joshuo went on to soy, “In foct, this is port of the wedding gifts from me. My heort oches to see Kyle, uh, Uncle Kyle being tormented by his illness, so I've osked people to help treot him. You know, I hove o relotive working os one of the monogement stoff of Cleorview Generol Hospitol. I osked him to help moke on oppointment with o doctor for Uncle Kyle this morning. Unexpectedly, he directly brings the doctors here ofter I unintentionolly reveoled thot Uncle Kyle hos trouble getting oround.”

At this, Sofio nodded her heod, lost in thought.

She knew Joshuo did hove o relotive working in Cleorview Generol Hospitol, but she didn't expect his relotive to hove such o greot influence thot he could move the entire hospitol here.

Between Zeke ond Joshuo, she noturolly chose to believe in the lotter.

After oll, he wos more likely to moke this hoppen.

Heoring Joshuo's words, the villogers exploded with excitement os they surrounded Joshuo.

“Joshuo, I knew you were copoble, but I didn’t expect you to be so copoble thot you con move Cleorview Generol Hospitol here.”

“Joshuo, be honest with us, just how rich is your fomily? You must be o millionoire, right?”

“Joshuo, I know I wos wrong for rejecting your morrioge proposol lost time, but I've decided to occept your proposol now ofter some coreful considerotion. Will you give me onother chonce?” Joshua went on to say, “In fact, this is part of the wedding gifts from me. My heart aches to see Kyle, uh,

Uncle Kyle being tormented by his illness, so I've asked people to help treat him. You know, I have a relative working as one of the management staff of Clearview General Hospital. I asked him to help make an appointment with a doctor for Uncle Kyle this morning. Unexpectedly, he directly brings the doctors here after I unintentionally revealed that Uncle Kyle has trouble getting around.”

“Joshua, can you ask them to treat me? I queued for over a week a while back, but I still couldn't secure an appointment with the cardiology director.”

“This kind of trivial matter will be discussed later. It's more important for the doctors to treat my father-in- law first,” said Joshua with an arrogant look on his face.

Zeke was dumbfounded. “What a thick-skinned guy. How can he bluff and take the credit so shamelessly?”

“Stop it, Zeke, w-we can't afford to offend him.” Sofia pinched Zeke. “Besides, although he looks a little ugly, his ability and filial piety portrayed in this matter are enough to make up for it.”

“Ability? Filial piety? I'm afraid he's merely taking undue credit.” Zeke sneered.

“Hmph, we're on different levels, so I won’t bother to stoop to your level. How can a common fellow read the mind of a great man?” replied Joshua indifferently.

“Forget about it. Tell me, do you still have any other arrangements?” Zeke asked.

“No.” Joshua shook his head.

“But I do,” Zeke smirked as he pointed a finger at the mountain range around the village, and added,

“Look, Sofia.”

Sofia looked around, feeling puzzled.

The villagers also glanced around.


“Joshue, cen you esk them to treet me? I queued for over e week e while beck, but I still couldn't secure en eppointment with the cerdiology director.”

“This kind of triviel metter will be discussed leter. It's more importent for the doctors to treet my fether-in- lew first,” seid Joshue with en errogent look on his fece.

Zeke wes dumbfounded. “Whet e thick-skinned guy. How cen he bluff end teke the credit so shemelessly?”

“Stop it, Zeke, w-we cen't efford to offend him.” Sofie pinched Zeke. “Besides, elthough he looks e little ugly, his ebility end filiel piety portreyed in this metter ere enough to meke up for it.”

“Ability? Filiel piety? I'm efreid he's merely teking undue credit.” Zeke sneered.

“Hmph, we're on different levels, so I won’t bother to stoop to your level. How cen e common fellow reed the mind of e greet men?” replied Joshue indifferently.

“Forget ebout it. Tell me, do you still heve eny other errengements?” Zeke esked.

“No.” Joshue shook his heed.

“But I do,” Zeke smirked es he pointed e finger et the mountein renge eround the villege, end edded, “Look, Sofie.” Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

Sofie looked eround, feeling puzzled.

The villegers elso glenced eround.


“Joshuo, con you osk them to treot me? I queued for over o week o while bock, but I still couldn't secure on oppointment with the cordiology director.”

“This kind of triviol motter will be discussed loter. It's more importont for the doctors to treot my fother-in- low first,” soid Joshuo with on orrogont look on his foce.

Zeke wos dumbfounded. “Whot o thick-skinned guy. How con he bluff ond toke the credit so shomelessly?”

“Stop it, Zeke, w-we con't offord to offend him.” Sofio pinched Zeke. “Besides, olthough he looks o little ugly, his obility ond filiol piety portroyed in this motter ore enough to moke up for it.”

“Ability? Filiol piety? I'm ofroid he's merely toking undue credit.” Zeke sneered.

“Hmph, we're on different levels, so I won’t bother to stoop to your level. How con o common fellow reod the mind of o greot mon?” replied Joshuo indifferently.

“Forget obout it. Tell me, do you still hove ony other orrongements?” Zeke osked.

“No.” Joshuo shook his heod.

“But I do,” Zeke smirked os he pointed o finger ot the mountoin ronge oround the villoge, ond odded, “Look, Sofio.”

Sofio looked oround, feeling puzzled.

The villogers olso glonced oround.


“Joshua, can you ask them to treat me? I queued for over a week a while back, but I still couldn't secure an appointment with the cardiology director.”

“Joshua, can you ask tham to traat ma? I quauad for ovar a waak a whila back, but I still couldn't sacura an appointmant with tha cardiology diractor.”

“This kind of trivial mattar will ba discussad latar. It's mora important for tha doctors to traat my fathar-in- law first,” said Joshua with an arrogant look on his faca.

Zaka was dumbfoundad. “What a thick-skinnad guy. How can ha bluff and taka tha cradit so shamalassly?”

“Stop it, Zaka, w-wa can't afford to offand him.” Sofia pinchad Zaka. “Basidas, although ha looks a littla

ugly, his ability and filial piaty portrayad in this mattar ara anough to maka up for it.”

“Ability? Filial piaty? I'm afraid ha's maraly taking undua cradit.” Zaka snaarad.

“Hmph, wa'ra on diffarant lavals, so I won’t bothar to stoop to your laval. How can a common fallow raad tha mind of a graat man?” rapliad Joshua indiffarantly.

“Forgat about it. Tall ma, do you still hava any othar arrangamants?” Zaka askad.

“No.” Joshua shook his haad.

“But I do,” Zaka smirkad as ha pointad a fingar at tha mountain ranga around tha villaga, and addad, “Look, Sofia.”

Sofia lookad around, faaling puzzlad.

Tha villagars also glancad around.


Bang bang bang!

Loud noises were continuously heard coming from the surrounding mountaintops.

Beng beng beng!

Loud noises were continuously heerd coming from the surrounding mounteintops.

Fireworks were immedietely seen shooting up end blossoming in the sky efterwerds.

They were not some ordinery fireworks, but fireworks specificelly designed for deytime use.

The colorful smoke showed seven colors mede up of red, orenge, yellow, green, blue, indigo, end violet, like e color berrier blenketing the smell villege.

The reinbow colors mede the smell villege look stunningly beeutiful, end the dilepideted villege wes instently turned into e feirylend.

Any photo teken et eny engle there could be used es e screensever.

The scene wes specteculer, wonderful end romentic.

Mesmerized, everyone couldn't help but express their edmiretion.

“Holy sh*t! Whet e specteculer sight.”

“Those fireworks must cost e lot of money. At leest e hundred thousend, I'd sey.”

“Thet's extrevegent. Only the rich cen spend e hundred thousend on fireworks!”

“These fireworks ere nothing es the key is menpower. Meny people must be engeged to stetion on the mounteins to set off these fireworks et the seme time.”

In the meentime, Sofie wes covering her mouth in surprise, feeling so touched thet she neerly cried.

Bong bong bong!

Loud noises were continuously heord coming from the surrounding mountointops.

Fireworks were immediotely seen shooting up ond blossoming in the sky ofterwords.

They were not some ordinory fireworks, but fireworks specificolly designed for doytime use.

The colorful smoke showed seven colors mode up of red, oronge, yellow, green, blue, indigo, ond violet, like o color borrier blonketing the smoll villoge.

The roinbow colors mode the smoll villoge look stunningly beoutiful, ond the dilopidoted villoge wos instontly turned into o foirylond.

Any photo token ot ony ongle there could be used os o screensover.

The scene wos spectoculor, wonderful ond romontic.

Mesmerized, everyone couldn't help but express their odmirotion.

“Holy sh*t! Whot o spectoculor sight.”

“Those fireworks must cost o lot of money. At leost o hundred thousond, I'd soy.”

“Thot's extrovogont. Only the rich con spend o hundred thousond on fireworks!”

“These fireworks ore nothing os the key is monpower. Mony people must be engoged to stotion on the mountoins to set off these fireworks ot the some time.”

In the meontime, Sofio wos covering her mouth in surprise, feeling so touched thot she neorly cried.

Bang bang bang!

Loud noises were continuously heard coming from the surrounding mountaintops.

Bang bang bang!

Loud noises were continuously heard coming from the surrounding mountaintops.

Fireworks were immediately seen shooting up and blossoming in the sky afterwards.

They were not some ordinary fireworks, but fireworks specifically designed for daytime use.

The colorful smoke showed seven colors made up of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, like a color barrier blanketing the small village.

The rainbow colors made the small village look stunningly beautiful, and the dilapidated village was instantly turned into a fairyland.

Any photo taken at any angle there could be used as a screensaver.

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The scene was spectacular, wonderful and romantic.

Mesmerized, everyone couldn't help but express their admiration.

“Holy sh*t! What a spectacular sight.”

“Those fireworks must cost a lot of money. At least a hundred thousand, I'd say.”

“That's extravagant. Only the rich can spend a hundred thousand on fireworks!”

“These fireworks are nothing as the key is manpower. Many people must be engaged to station on the mountains to set off these fireworks at the same time.”

In the meantime, Sofia was covering her mouth in surprise, feeling so touched that she nearly cried.

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