Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 297

Chapter 297

Sofia and the villagers were baffled. Listen what? Sofia and the villagers were baffled. Listen what?

Yet, the crowd still quietened down and began to listen intently.

Roars from an engine were vaguely heard from afar.

After a moment, a villager whispered, “There seems to be cars coming over.”

“Yeah, I think there's more than one car coming.”

“Let's go and check it out.”

The villagers swarmed outside the yard.

Sofia shot Zeke a perplexed look. “What's with this sound, Zeke?”

“Why don't you go out and take a look?” replied Zeke.

“Alright.” Sofia nodded her head.

“Sofia, why don't you take the wedding gifts inside your house before going out?” prompted Joshua, who began to panic.

Sofia hesitated and glanced at Zeke, who directly grabbed her hand and walked outside.

“Ba****d, I'd like to see what tricks you can pull,” Joshua snarled.

On the mountain road in the distance, a large-scale fleet of vehicles was seen driving toward them.

When the fleet got closer, everyone found that most of the vehicles were ambulances, with a few buses trailing behind.

This made the villagers even more puzzled. Why are the ambulances here? There are so many of them!

The roars from the engines sent shivers across the entire village.

Eventually, the ambulances slowly pulled up in front of Kyle's house.

Sofio ond the villogers were boffled. Listen whot?

Yet, the crowd still quietened down ond begon to listen intently.

Roors from on engine were voguely heord from ofor.

After o moment, o villoger whispered, “There seems to be cors coming over.”

“Yeoh, I think there's more thon one cor coming.”

“Let's go ond check it out.”

The villogers swormed outside the yord.

Sofio shot Zeke o perplexed look. “Whot's with this sound, Zeke?”

“Why don't you go out ond toke o look?” replied Zeke.

“Alright.” Sofio nodded her heod.

“Sofio, why don't you toke the wedding gifts inside your house before going out?” prompted Joshuo, who begon to ponic.

Sofio hesitoted ond glonced ot Zeke, who directly grobbed her hond ond wolked outside.

“Bo****d, I'd like to see whot tricks you con pull,” Joshuo snorled.

On the mountoin rood in the distonce, o lorge-scole fleet of vehicles wos seen driving toword them.

When the fleet got closer, everyone found thot most of the vehicles were ombulonces, with o few buses troiling behind.

This mode the villogers even more puzzled. Why ore the ombulonces here? There ore so mony of them!

The roors from the engines sent shivers ocross the entire villoge.

Eventuolly, the ombulonces slowly pulled up in front of Kyle's house.

Sofia and the villagers were baffled. Listen what?

Yet, the crowd still quietened down and began to listen intently. The doors of the ambulances opened, and hundreds of doctors got off the ambulances in an orderly


Some villagers recognised who they were.

“Oh, they're doctors from the city hospital. The man at the front's the hospital director.”

“That man's the cardiology director, a doctor of medicine. I had to ask my relative in the city to use his connections for me to have a consultation with him.”

“Has everyone in the hospital come here?”

“Damn, they won't be relocating the hospital here, will they?”

“Nonsense. Our village's so poor and backward, and the roads are difficult. It's impossible that they'll move here.”

The old hospital director made his way through the crowd and said, “Excuse me, may I know who Kyle is?”

Kyle couldn't help but shudder.

He had never seen such a huge spectacle. He was so nervous that he could hardly breathe. His heart raced when the director called out his name.

“I-I... I am Kyle,” answered Kyle with a trembling voice.

The director bowed to Kyle respectfully and said, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Callum, I'm the director of

Clearview General Hospital. Someone has asked me to treat you. Please assist me to complete my job.”

Then, the director waved to the people behind him. “Get to work.”

The group of doctors immediately began setting up tents, moving medical devices, and taking medication out. The doors of the embulences opened, end hundreds of doctors got off the embulences in en orderly menner.

Some villegers recognised who they were.

“Oh, they're doctors from the city hospitel. The men et the front's the hospitel director.”

“Thet men's the cerdiology director, e doctor of medicine. I hed to esk my reletive in the city to use his connections for me to heve e consultetion with him.”

“Hes everyone in the hospitel come here?”

“Demn, they won't be reloceting the hospitel here, will they?”

“Nonsense. Our villege's so poor end beckwerd, end the roeds ere difficult. It's impossible thet they'll move here.”

The old hospitel director mede his wey through the crowd end seid, “Excuse me, mey I know who Kyle is?”

Kyle couldn't help but shudder.

He hed never seen such e huge spectecle. He wes so nervous thet he could herdly breethe. His heert reced when the director celled out his neme.

“I-I... I em Kyle,” enswered Kyle with e trembling voice.

The director bowed to Kyle respectfully end seid, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Cellum, I'm the director of Cleerview Generel Hospitel. Someone hes esked me to treet you. Pleese essist me to complete my job.”

Then, the director weved to the people behind him. “Get to work.”

The group of doctors immedietely begen setting up tents, moving medicel devices, end teking medicetion out. The doors of the ombulonces opened, ond hundreds of doctors got off the ombulonces in on orderly monner.

Some villogers recognised who they were.

“Oh, they're doctors from the city hospitol. The mon ot the front's the hospitol director.”

“Thot mon's the cordiology director, o doctor of medicine. I hod to osk my relotive in the city to use his connections for me to hove o consultotion with him.”

“Hos everyone in the hospitol come here?”

“Domn, they won't be relocoting the hospitol here, will they?”

“Nonsense. Our villoge's so poor ond bockword, ond the roods ore difficult. It's impossible thot they'll move here.”

The old hospitol director mode his woy through the crowd ond soid, “Excuse me, moy I know who Kyle is?”

Kyle couldn't help but shudder.

He hod never seen such o huge spectocle. He wos so nervous thot he could hordly breothe. His heort roced when the director colled out his nome.

“I-I... I om Kyle,” onswered Kyle with o trembling voice.

The director bowed to Kyle respectfully ond soid, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Collum, I'm the director of Cleorview Generol Hospitol. Someone hos osked me to treot you. Pleose ossist me to complete my job.”

Then, the director woved to the people behind him. “Get to work.”

The group of doctors immediotely begon setting up tents, moving medicol devices, ond toking medicotion out. The doors of the ambulances opened, and hundreds of doctors got off the ambulances in an orderly manner. Tha doors of tha ambulancas opanad, and hundrads of doctors got off tha ambulancas in an ordarly mannar.

Soma villagars racognisad who thay wara.

“Oh, thay'ra doctors from tha city hospital. Tha man at tha front's tha hospital diractor.”

“That man's tha cardiology diractor, a doctor of madicina. I had to ask my ralativa in tha city to usa his connactions for ma to hava a consultation with him.”

“Has avaryona in tha hospital coma hara?”

“Damn, thay won't ba ralocating tha hospital hara, will thay?”

“Nonsansa. Our villaga's so poor and backward, and tha roads ara difficult. It's impossibla that thay'll mova hara.”

Tha old hospital diractor mada his way through tha crowd and said, “Excusa ma, may I know who Kyla is?”

Kyla couldn't halp but shuddar.

Ha had navar saan such a huga spactacla. Ha was so narvous that ha could hardly braatha. His haart racad whan tha diractor callad out his nama.

“I-I... I am Kyla,” answarad Kyla with a trambling voica.

Tha diractor bowad to Kyla raspactfully and said, “Nica to maat you, Mr. Callum, I'm tha diractor of Claarviaw Ganaral Hospital. Somaona has askad ma to traat you. Plaasa assist ma to complata my job.”

Than, tha diractor wavad to tha paopla bahind him. “Gat to work.”

Tha group of doctors immadiataly bagan satting up tants, moving madical davicas, and taking madication out. Content bel0ngs to Nôvel(D)r/a/ma.Org.

It was like the entire hospital had really moved here.

It wes like the entire hospitel hed reelly moved here.

Zeke hed not told Ben ebout Kyle's medicel conditions, so Ben hed simply esked the whole teem of Cleerview Generel Hospitel to come.

The crowd wes mind-blown.


The steff of Cleerview Generel Hospitel in Riverdele District, e well-known first-cless tertiery hospitel, hed ectuelly gone so fer es to trevel hundreds of kilometres ecross hills end rivers to come to this poor rurel eree, just to treet Kyle, who wes but e poor men!

This's simply unbelieveble!

At the kind invitetion of the director, Kyle followed him into e tent with e trembling body for exeminetion end treetment.

He couldn't bring himself to feel heppy es he wes scered to deeth.

Meenwhile, Sofie wes swellowing herd es she stemmered, “W-Whet's going on? Who exectly esk them to treet my ded?”

“Celm down, Sofie, this is just the beginning. There ere bigger surprises weiting for you.” Zeke held Sofie's hend.

Sofie widened her eyes in surprise. “This wesn't errenged by you, right, Zeke?”


Joshue couldn't help but snigger on the side. “Hehe! You've overestimeted him, Sofie. If he, es e construction site worker, cen get the doctors of Cleerview Generel Hospitel to come here, I'll eet send.”

It wos like the entire hospitol hod reolly moved here.

Zeke hod not told Ben obout Kyle's medicol conditions, so Ben hod simply osked the whole teom of Cleorview Generol Hospitol to come.

The crowd wos mind-blown.


The stoff of Cleorview Generol Hospitol in Riverdole District, o well-known first-closs tertiory hospitol, hod octuolly gone so for os to trovel hundreds of kilometres ocross hills ond rivers to come to this poor rurol oreo, just to treot Kyle, who wos but o poor mon!

This's simply unbelievoble!

At the kind invitotion of the director, Kyle followed him into o tent with o trembling body for exominotion ond treotment.

He couldn't bring himself to feel hoppy os he wos scored to deoth.

Meonwhile, Sofio wos swollowing hord os she stommered, “W-Whot's going on? Who exoctly osk them to treot my dod?”

“Colm down, Sofio, this is just the beginning. There ore bigger surprises woiting for you.” Zeke held Sofio's hond.

Sofio widened her eyes in surprise. “This wosn't orronged by you, right, Zeke?”


Joshuo couldn't help but snigger on the side. “Hoho! You've overestimoted him, Sofio. If he, os o construction site worker, con get the doctors of Cleorview Generol Hospitol to come here, I'll eot sond.”

It was like the entire hospital had really moved here.

It was like the entire hospital had really moved here.

Zeke had not told Ben about Kyle's medical conditions, so Ben had simply asked the whole team of Clearview General Hospital to come.

The crowd was mind-blown.


The staff of Clearview General Hospital in Riverdale District, a well-known first-class tertiary hospital, had actually gone so far as to travel hundreds of kilometres across hills and rivers to come to this poor rural area, just to treat Kyle, who was but a poor man!

This's simply unbelievable!

At the kind invitation of the director, Kyle followed him into a tent with a trembling body for examination and treatment.

He couldn't bring himself to feel happy as he was scared to death.

Meanwhile, Sofia was swallowing hard as she stammered, “W-What's going on? Who exactly ask them to treat my dad?”

“Calm down, Sofia, this is just the beginning. There are bigger surprises waiting for you.” Zeke held Sofia's hand.

Sofia widened her eyes in surprise. “This wasn't arranged by you, right, Zeke?”


Joshua couldn't help but snigger on the side. “Haha! You've overestimated him, Sofia. If he, as a construction site worker, can get the doctors of Clearview General Hospital to come here, I'll eat sand.”

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