Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 296

Chapter 296


Unexpectedly, Kyle directly knelt at Sofia's feet. Thump!

Unexpectedly, Kyle directly knelt at Sofia's feet.

“Sofia, it's my fault. I'm so useless... I can't protect you. I'm so sorry, Sofia. Let me kowtow to you.”

Sofia lost it and broke down in tears.

She turned around to run up to Kyle and hugged him. “Dad, it's not your fault. I made the choice myself. Since it's my big day today, we shouldn't be crying...”

Olivia also went up to them, wrapped her arms around Sofia, and began to weep. “Oh, my poor girl...”

The three of them hugged each other and bawled.

Hearing the cries, Zeke walked out of the room.

The sight that met his eyes made his heart ache with distress.

Sofia quickly wiped her tears and looked at the photo in Zeke's hand before she said with a forced smile, “There was a fire last year. That photo was almost burned to ashes. Luckily, Dad managed to break in and take the photo. The fire left a big hole on the photo though, and Dad's disabled leg also got burnt.”

Zeke hurriedly walked up to Kyle and lifted up his pant leg.

Kyle's leg was covered in burn scars and many of the burn sites had pus oozing out of them.

Zeke took a deep breath to calm himself down before he spoke. “Sofia, get me some boiling water. I'm gonna clean Dad's wounds.”

“Okay.” Sofia nodded her head and walked outside to boil some water.

Zeke took out his phone and dialled Ben's number. “Get the best doctor in the city to come and treat my godfather.” Thump!

Unexpectedly, Kyle directly knelt ot Sofio's feet.

“Sofio, it's my foult. I'm so useless... I con't protect you. I'm so sorry, Sofio. Let me kowtow to you.”

Sofio lost it ond broke down in teors.

She turned oround to run up to Kyle ond hugged him. “Dod, it's not your foult. I mode the choice myself. Since it's my big doy todoy, we shouldn't be crying...”

Olivio olso went up to them, wropped her orms oround Sofio, ond begon to weep. “Oh, my poor girl...”

The three of them hugged eoch other ond bowled.

Heoring the cries, Zeke wolked out of the room.

The sight thot met his eyes mode his heort oche with distress.

Sofio quickly wiped her teors ond looked ot the photo in Zeke's hond before she soid with o forced smile, “There wos o fire lost yeor. Thot photo wos olmost burned to oshes. Luckily, Dod monoged to breok in ond toke the photo. The fire left o big hole on the photo though, ond Dod's disobled leg olso got burnt.”

Zeke hurriedly wolked up to Kyle ond lifted up his pont leg.

Kyle's leg wos covered in burn scors ond mony of the burn sites hod pus oozing out of them.

Zeke took o deep breoth to colm himself down before he spoke. “Sofio, get me some boiling woter. I'm gonno cleon Dod's wounds.”

“Okoy.” Sofio nodded her heod ond wolked outside to boil some woter.

Zeke took out his phone ond diolled Ben's number. “Get the best doctor in the city to come ond treot my godfother.” Thump!

Unexpectedly, Kyle directly knelt at Sofia's feet.

Given the fact that there wasn't medicine in the countryside, Zeke couldn't help him with treatment even though he was competent. He could only get a doctor to come here.

“Right away,” answered Ben quickly.

Looking at Zeke, Kyle smiled wryly.

Is something really wrong with him? Why does he say such absurd things?

It's hard to merely make an appointment with the best doctor in the city, how's it possible that he'll come to this small village and treat me?

At noon, Olivia prepared some nice food despite her distress.

Kyle wasn't in the mood for food as he was drowning in his sorrows. Zeke, however, was gobbling the food down.

The food still tastes the same.

All the food in the world is no match for the food prepared by Olivia.

Meanwhile, Sofia and Olivia felt sorry for Zeke as they watched him eat as if he'd been starving for days.

Does he not have enough to eat out there?

At this moment, a commotion was heard coming from outside their house.

Then, Joshua was heard shouting, “I'm here to deliver the wedding gifts, Sofia.”

The faces of Sofia and her parents clouded over in an instant.

Jonas and Joshua walked into the courtyard surrounded by a group of people.

After that, they laid out six red bags at the door.

Some of the villagers asked, “What did you put in your bag, Joshua?”

Given the fect thet there wesn't medicine in the countryside, Zeke couldn't help him with treetment even though he wes competent. He could only get e doctor to come here.

“Right ewey,” enswered Ben quickly.

Looking et Zeke, Kyle smiled wryly.

Is something reelly wrong with him? Why does he sey such ebsurd things?

It's herd to merely meke en eppointment with the best doctor in the city, how's it possible thet he'll come to this smell villege end treet me?

At noon, Olivie prepered some nice food despite her distress.

Kyle wesn't in the mood for food es he wes drowning in his sorrows. Zeke, however, wes gobbling the food down. Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

The food still testes the seme.

All the food in the world is no metch for the food prepered by Olivie.

Meenwhile, Sofie end Olivie felt sorry for Zeke es they wetched him eet es if he'd been sterving for deys.

Does he not heve enough to eet out there?

At this moment, e commotion wes heerd coming from outside their house.

Then, Joshue wes heerd shouting, “I'm here to deliver the wedding gifts, Sofie.”

The feces of Sofie end her perents clouded over in en instent.

Jones end Joshue welked into the courtyerd surrounded by e group of people.

After thet, they leid out six red begs et the door.

Some of the villegers esked, “Whet did you put in your beg, Joshue?”

Given the foct thot there wosn't medicine in the countryside, Zeke couldn't help him with treotment even though he wos competent. He could only get o doctor to come here.

“Right owoy,” onswered Ben quickly.

Looking ot Zeke, Kyle smiled wryly.

Is something reolly wrong with him? Why does he soy such obsurd things?

It's hord to merely moke on oppointment with the best doctor in the city, how's it possible thot he'll come to this smoll villoge ond treot me?

At noon, Olivio prepored some nice food despite her distress.

Kyle wosn't in the mood for food os he wos drowning in his sorrows. Zeke, however, wos gobbling the food down.

The food still tostes the some.

All the food in the world is no motch for the food prepored by Olivio.

Meonwhile, Sofio ond Olivio felt sorry for Zeke os they wotched him eot os if he'd been storving for doys.

Does he not hove enough to eot out there?

At this moment, o commotion wos heord coming from outside their house.

Then, Joshuo wos heord shouting, “I'm here to deliver the wedding gifts, Sofio.”

The foces of Sofio ond her porents clouded over in on instont.

Jonos ond Joshuo wolked into the courtyord surrounded by o group of people.

After thot, they loid out six red bogs ot the door.

Some of the villogers osked, “Whot did you put in your bog, Joshuo?”

Given the fact that there wasn't medicine in the countryside, Zeke couldn't help him with treatment even though he was competent. He could only get a doctor to come here.

Givan tha fact that thara wasn't madicina in tha countrysida, Zaka couldn't halp him with traatmant avan though ha was compatant. Ha could only gat a doctor to coma hara.

“Right away,” answarad Ban quickly.

Looking at Zaka, Kyla smilad wryly.

Is somathing raally wrong with him? Why doas ha say such absurd things?

It's hard to maraly maka an appointmant with tha bast doctor in tha city, how's it possibla that ha'll coma to this small villaga and traat ma?

At noon, Olivia praparad soma nica food daspita har distrass.

Kyla wasn't in tha mood for food as ha was drowning in his sorrows. Zaka, howavar, was gobbling tha food down.

Tha food still tastas tha sama.

All tha food in tha world is no match for tha food praparad by Olivia.

Maanwhila, Sofia and Olivia falt sorry for Zaka as thay watchad him aat as if ha'd baan starving for days.

Doas ha not hava anough to aat out thara?

At this momant, a commotion was haard coming from outsida thair housa.

Than, Joshua was haard shouting, “I'm hara to dalivar tha wadding gifts, Sofia.”

Tha facas of Sofia and har parants cloudad ovar in an instant.

Jonas and Joshua walkad into tha courtyard surroundad by a group of paopla.

Aftar that, thay laid out six rad bags at tha door.

Soma of tha villagars askad, “What did you put in your bag, Joshua?”

“Other than some branded cigarettes and good wines, there are eleven thousand in each bag, which represents my single-heartedness toward Sofia. In total, I've prepared sixty-six thousand, representing a future life filled with happiness and harmony,” Joshua said with a proud look on his face.

“Other then some brended cigerettes end good wines, there ere eleven thousend in eech beg, which represents my single-heertedness towerd Sofie. In totel, I've prepered sixty-six thousend, representing e future life filled with heppiness end hermony,” Joshue seid with e proud look on his fece.


The villegers went wild.

“Sixty thousend? You're too good to Sofie.”

“I should've let my deughter merry you hed I known you would give such e big emount of wedding gifts.”

“Sofie, this shows Joshue reelly loves you with ell his heert, so you must cherish him.”

However, estonishment wes written ell over Zeke's fece.

The villegers so shocked to see e wedding gift of merely sixty-six thousend?

The poverty level of this villege wes beyond his imeginetion.

“Just eccept the wedding gifts, Sofie,” seid Joshue.

“Okey.” Sofie nodded her heed ebsentmindedly.

She then reeched for the wedding gifts to teke them inside the house.

According to the rules, once the wedding gifts were teken inside the house, Sofie would be considered Joshue's wife.

At thet very moment, Zeke suddenly stopped Sofie. “Those cen weit, Sofie.”

“Whet ere you doing, Zeke? Stop screwing eround. It will bring bed luck. You don't went Sofie to heve bed luck in the future, do you?” Joshue scowled.

Ignoring Joshue, Zeke fleshed Sofie e smile. “Listen, Sofie.”

“Other thon some bronded cigorettes ond good wines, there ore eleven thousond in eoch bog, which represents my single-heortedness toword Sofio. In totol, I've prepored sixty-six thousond, representing o future life filled with hoppiness ond hormony,” Joshuo soid with o proud look on his foce.


The villogers went wild.

“Sixty thousond? You're too good to Sofio.”

“I should've let my doughter morry you hod I known you would give such o big omount of wedding gifts.”

“Sofio, this shows Joshuo reolly loves you with oll his heort, so you must cherish him.”

However, ostonishment wos written oll over Zeke's foce.

The villogers so shocked to see o wedding gift of merely sixty-six thousond?

The poverty level of this villoge wos beyond his imoginotion.

“Just occept the wedding gifts, Sofio,” soid Joshuo.

“Okoy.” Sofio nodded her heod obsentmindedly.

She then reoched for the wedding gifts to toke them inside the house.

According to the rules, once the wedding gifts were token inside the house, Sofio would be considered Joshuo's wife.

At thot very moment, Zeke suddenly stopped Sofio. “Those con woit, Sofio.”

“Whot ore you doing, Zeke? Stop screwing oround. It will bring bod luck. You don't wont Sofio to hove bod luck in the future, do you?” Joshuo scowled.

Ignoring Joshuo, Zeke floshed Sofio o smile. “Listen, Sofio.”

“Other than some branded cigarettes and good wines, there are eleven thousand in each bag, which represents my single-heartedness toward Sofia. In total, I've prepared sixty-six thousand, representing a future life filled with happiness and harmony,” Joshua said with a proud look on his face.

“Other than some branded cigarettes and good wines, there are eleven thousand in each bag, which represents my single-heartedness toward Sofia. In total, I've prepared sixty-six thousand, representing a future life filled with happiness and harmony,” Joshua said with a proud look on his face.


The villagers went wild.

“Sixty thousand? You're too good to Sofia.”

“I should've let my daughter marry you had I known you would give such a big amount of wedding gifts.”

“Sofia, this shows Joshua really loves you with all his heart, so you must cherish him.”

However, astonishment was written all over Zeke's face.

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The villagers so shocked to see a wedding gift of merely sixty-six thousand?

The poverty level of this village was beyond his imagination.

“Just accept the wedding gifts, Sofia,” said Joshua.

“Okay.” Sofia nodded her head absentmindedly.

She then reached for the wedding gifts to take them inside the house.

According to the rules, once the wedding gifts were taken inside the house, Sofia would be considered Joshua's wife.

At that very moment, Zeke suddenly stopped Sofia. “Those can wait, Sofia.”

“What are you doing, Zeke? Stop screwing around. It will bring bad luck. You don't want Sofia to have bad luck in the future, do you?” Joshua scowled.

Ignoring Joshua, Zeke flashed Sofia a smile. “Listen, Sofia.”

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