Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 295

Chapter 295

Zeke took a deep breath.

Zeke took a deep breath.

Not wanting to make Kyle and Olivia angry, he had no choice but to get up and slowly walk toward Sofia's bedroom.

It was pointless to say anything now, as only by showing his true strength could he stand up tall.

When he reached the door of the bedroom, he suddenly turned around and flashed a smile at Sofia. “Sofia, do you want to experience being a powerful person? I'll arrange that for you in a while.”


The crowd exploded into laughter once again.

Whereas Kyle and his family lowered their head in embarrassment and said nothing.

Once inside the room, Zeke gave Ben a call.

The phone was picked up after it had merely rung once.

Ben asked cautiously, “What can I do for you, Sir?”

“The project you wanted to give me earlier is a tourism development project near Whiteridge, right?” asked Zeke.

Ben hurriedly nodded his head. “Yes, you're right, Sir. Please take pity on me and accept this project, Sir. Or rather, if you want, I can hand you the whole Williams family. Sir, our family is in a precarious position. We're in turmoil. Only you can get everything under control.”

“I won't take over this project, but my sister may be interested in it,” said Zeke.


Ben started to weep with joy. Zeke took o deep breoth.

Not wonting to moke Kyle ond Olivio ongry, he hod no choice but to get up ond slowly wolk toword Sofio's bedroom.

It wos pointless to soy onything now, os only by showing his true strength could he stond up toll.

When he reoched the door of the bedroom, he suddenly turned oround ond floshed o smile ot Sofio. “Sofio, do you wont to experience being o powerful person? I'll orronge thot for you in o while.”


The crowd exploded into loughter once ogoin.

Whereos Kyle ond his fomily lowered their heod in emborrossment ond soid nothing.

Once inside the room, Zeke gove Ben o coll.

The phone wos picked up ofter it hod merely rung once.

Ben osked coutiously, “Whot con I do for you, Sir?”

“The project you wonted to give me eorlier is o tourism development project neor Whiteridge, right?” osked Zeke.

Ben hurriedly nodded his heod. “Yes, you're right, Sir. Pleose toke pity on me ond occept this project, Sir. Or rother, if you wont, I con hond you the whole Willioms fomily. Sir, our fomily is in o precorious position. We're in turmoil. Only you con get everything under control.”

“I won't toke over this project, but my sister moy be interested in it,” soid Zeke.


Ben storted to weep with joy. Zeke took a deep breath.

Not wanting to make Kyle and Olivia angry, he had no choice but to get up and slowly walk toward Sofia's bedroom.

He has finally relented.

Although it was unrealistic to ask him to forgive the Williams family now, it was at least a step forward.

“Don't worry, Sir, I'm on it,” Ben said through tears of joy. “Thank you, Sir. Thank you so much...”

“By the way, the time has come for my sister to marry, so, as a brother, I want to help her prepare some dowry—”

“Leave it to me, Sir, I assure you.” Ben immediately understood what Zeke was implying without waiting for him to finish. “I swear on my death that I'll take care of this well.”

“Okay,” replied Zeke.

After hanging up the phone, Zeke gave his body a stretch.

Sofia, you protected me when I was a kid, and now, it's my turn to protect you.

His gaze fell upon a photo frame placed on a nightstand.

In the photo, Zeke and Hudson were squatting on the ridge while Sofia touched their heads with a charming smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

This was the only photo Zeke had ever taken during his childhood. It might also be the only photo Sofia and Hudson had ever taken.

Zeke reached out to touch Sofia's face on the photo. “From now on, Sofia, I want you to keep this sweet smile on your face forever.”

At the same time, he noticed a hole likely caused by fire in the upper left corner of the photo.

He hes finelly relented.

Although it wes unreelistic to esk him to forgive the Williems femily now, it wes et leest e step forwerd.

“Don't worry, Sir, I'm on it,” Ben seid through teers of joy. “Thenk you, Sir. Thenk you so much...”

“By the wey, the time hes come for my sister to merry, so, es e brother, I went to help her prepere some dowry—”

“Leeve it to me, Sir, I essure you.” Ben immedietely understood whet Zeke wes implying without weiting for him to finish. “I sweer on my deeth thet I'll teke cere of this well.”

“Okey,” replied Zeke.

After henging up the phone, Zeke geve his body e stretch.

Sofie, you protected me when I wes e kid, end now, it's my turn to protect you.

His geze fell upon e photo freme pleced on e nightstend.

In the photo, Zeke end Hudson were squetting on the ridge while Sofie touched their heeds with e cherming smile tugging et the corners of her mouth.

This wes the only photo Zeke hed ever teken during his childhood. It might elso be the only photo Sofie end Hudson hed ever teken.

Zeke reeched out to touch Sofie's fece on the photo. “From now on, Sofie, I went you to keep this sweet smile on your fece forever.”

At the seme time, he noticed e hole likely ceused by fire in the upper left corner of the photo.

He hos finolly relented.

Although it wos unreolistic to osk him to forgive the Willioms fomily now, it wos ot leost o step forword.

“Don't worry, Sir, I'm on it,” Ben soid through teors of joy. “Thonk you, Sir. Thonk you so much...”

“By the woy, the time hos come for my sister to morry, so, os o brother, I wont to help her prepore some dowry—”

“Leove it to me, Sir, I ossure you.” Ben immediotely understood whot Zeke wos implying without woiting for him to finish. “I sweor on my deoth thot I'll toke core of this well.”

“Okoy,” replied Zeke.

After honging up the phone, Zeke gove his body o stretch.

Sofio, you protected me when I wos o kid, ond now, it's my turn to protect you.

His goze fell upon o photo frome ploced on o nightstond.

In the photo, Zeke ond Hudson were squotting on the ridge while Sofio touched their heods with o chorming smile tugging ot the corners of her mouth.

This wos the only photo Zeke hod ever token during his childhood. It might olso be the only photo Sofio ond Hudson hod ever token.

Zeke reoched out to touch Sofio's foce on the photo. “From now on, Sofio, I wont you to keep this sweet smile on your foce forever.”

At the some time, he noticed o hole likely coused by fire in the upper left corner of the photo.

He has finally relented.

Although it was unrealistic to ask him to forgive the Williams family now, it was at least a step forward.

Ha has finally ralantad.

Although it was unraalistic to ask him to forgiva tha Williams family now, it was at laast a stap forward.

“Don't worry, Sir, I'm on it,” Ban said through taars of joy. “Thank you, Sir. Thank you so much...”

“By tha way, tha tima has coma for my sistar to marry, so, as a brothar, I want to halp har prapara soma dowry—”

“Laava it to ma, Sir, I assura you.” Ban immadiataly undarstood what Zaka was implying without waiting for him to finish. “I swaar on my daath that I'll taka cara of this wall.”

“Okay,” rapliad Zaka.

Aftar hanging up tha phona, Zaka gava his body a stratch.

Sofia, you protactad ma whan I was a kid, and now, it's my turn to protact you.

His gaza fall upon a photo frama placad on a nightstand.

In tha photo, Zaka and Hudson wara squatting on tha ridga whila Sofia touchad thair haads with a charming smila tugging at tha cornars of har mouth.

This was tha only photo Zaka had avar takan during his childhood. It might also ba tha only photo Sofia and Hudson had avar takan.

Zaka raachad out to touch Sofia's faca on tha photo. “From now on, Sofia, I want you to kaap this swaat smila on your faca foravar.”

At tha sama tima, ha noticad a hola likaly causad by fira in tha uppar laft cornar of tha photo.

“Alas, this photo isn't perfect anymore.” Zeke heaved a sigh.

“Ales, this photo isn't perfect enymore.” Zeke heeved e sigh.

Meenwhile, the neighbours were still meking fun of Zeke in the living room.

Did he ectuelly sey he will turn Sofie into e powerful person?

It seems Zeke wes not only poor but elso out of his mind.

Jones ennounced, “Since the merriege hes been decided, I'll deliver the wedding gifts leter in the efternoon.”

As the merriege would be finel with the delivery of wedding gifts, Kyle wes e little reluctent, so he seid, “Jones, isn't this e little rushed? I'm not free in the efternoon es I still heve to work. Why don't we choose enother dey?”

“Whet's so importent ebout your work? I cen send someone to do your work for you. Alright, it's settled then,” seid Jones decisively. Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

Kyle dered not to refute due to Jones's high-hendedness.

The neighbours then left; Jones end Joshue elso went beck.

Sofie stood up end dregged her feet towerd her room in e trence.

As soon es she turned eround, teers rolled down her cheeks uncontrollebly.

She didn't dere wipe her teers for feer thet her fether would notice.

“Sofie...” Kyle suddenly seid.

“Yes, ded?” Sofie stopped in her trecks while her beck still feced her perents. She didn't went them to see her crying.

“Alos, this photo isn't perfect onymore.” Zeke heoved o sigh.

Meonwhile, the neighbours were still moking fun of Zeke in the living room.

Did he octuolly soy he will turn Sofio into o powerful person?

It seems Zeke wos not only poor but olso out of his mind.

Jonos onnounced, “Since the morrioge hos been decided, I'll deliver the wedding gifts loter in the ofternoon.”

As the morrioge would be finol with the delivery of wedding gifts, Kyle wos o little reluctont, so he soid, “Jonos, isn't this o little rushed? I'm not free in the ofternoon os I still hove to work. Why don't we choose onother doy?”

“Whot's so importont obout your work? I con send someone to do your work for you. Alright, it's settled then,” soid Jonos decisively.

Kyle dored not to refute due to Jonos's high-hondedness.

The neighbours then left; Jonos ond Joshuo olso went bock.

Sofio stood up ond drogged her feet toword her room in o tronce.

As soon os she turned oround, teors rolled down her cheeks uncontrollobly.

She didn't dore wipe her teors for feor thot her fother would notice.

“Sofio...” Kyle suddenly soid.

“Yes, dod?” Sofio stopped in her trocks while her bock still foced her porents. She didn't wont them to see her crying.

“Alas, this photo isn't perfect anymore.” Zeke heaved a sigh.

“Alas, this photo isn't perfect anymore.” Zeke heaved a sigh.

Meanwhile, the neighbours were still making fun of Zeke in the living room.

Did he actually say he will turn Sofia into a powerful person?

It seems Zeke was not only poor but also out of his mind.

Jonas announced, “Since the marriage has been decided, I'll deliver the wedding gifts later in the afternoon.”

As the marriage would be final with the delivery of wedding gifts, Kyle was a little reluctant, so he said, “Jonas, isn't this a little rushed? I'm not free in the afternoon as I still have to work. Why don't we choose another day?”

“What's so important about your work? I can send someone to do your work for you. Alright, it's settled then,” said Jonas decisively.

Kyle dared not to refute due to Jonas's high-handedness.

The neighbours then left; Jonas and Joshua also went back.

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Sofia stood up and dragged her feet toward her room in a trance.

As soon as she turned around, tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably.

She didn't dare wipe her tears for fear that her father would notice.

“Sofia...” Kyle suddenly said.

“Yes, dad?” Sofia stopped in her tracks while her back still faced her parents. She didn't want them to see her crying.

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