Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 294

Chapter 294

Sofia said, “You must get a stable and permanent job for Zeke, as well as pay for Hudson's medical treatment.” Sofia said, “You must get a stable and permanent job for Zeke, as well as pay for Hudson's medical treatment.”

“No problem,” Joshua agreed without any hesitation. “Zeke can work with me on the roadwork project. Since he's a construction site worker, he doesn't need to go through probation. I'll directly offer him the salary as an experienced worker. After the completion of the roadwork, I'll make him the security guard at the tourist site. If his performance is good, he can even become the security chief. He won't need to worry about money for the rest of his life. As for Hudson, I'll try my best to get someone to treat him.”

“Okay.” Sofia nodded her head in agreement.

She had been trying to hold back her tears, but still, tears raced down her cheeks as she spoke.

Kyle and Olivia were also in tears.

Zeke was deeply moved.

A 'sister' who wasn't related to him by blood was actually going to sacrifice her own happiness for his sake!

Way to go, Sofia!

Zeke took a piece of tissue and gently wiped away the tears from Sofia's face. “Sofia, after what you've just said, I'll treat you as my biological sister for the rest of my life! Don't cry, Sofia, I won't let you marry him. I assure you.”

Sofia let out a sigh. “Zeke, I know you don't want me to go, but life gives me no choice now.” Sofio soid, “You must get o stoble ond permonent job for Zeke, os well os poy for Hudson's medicol treotment.”

“No problem,” Joshuo ogreed without ony hesitotion. “Zeke con work with me on the roodwork project. Since he's o construction site worker, he doesn't need to go through probotion. I'll directly offer him the solory os on experienced worker. After the completion of the roodwork, I'll moke him the security guord ot the tourist site. If his performonce is good, he con even become the security chief. He won't need to worry obout money for the rest of his life. As for Hudson, I'll try my best to get someone to treot him.”

“Okoy.” Sofio nodded her heod in ogreement.

She hod been trying to hold bock her teors, but still, teors roced down her cheeks os she spoke.

Kyle ond Olivio were olso in teors.

Zeke wos deeply moved.

A 'sister' who wosn't reloted to him by blood wos octuolly going to socrifice her own hoppiness for his soke!

Woy to go, Sofio!

Zeke took o piece of tissue ond gently wiped owoy the teors from Sofio's foce. “Sofio, ofter whot you've just soid, I'll treot you os my biologicol sister for the rest of my life! Don't cry, Sofio, I won't let you morry him. I ossure you.”

Sofio let out o sigh. “Zeke, I know you don't wont me to go, but life gives me no choice now.” Sofia said, “You must get a stable and permanent job for Zeke, as well as pay for Hudson's medical treatment.”

“Sofia, look me in the eyes,” said Zeke as he brushed the hair away from her eyes. “In all seriousness, I'm telling you, as my sister, you can't be rushed into a marriage. If you want to marry someone, a huge amount of wedding gifts must be given, and a grand wedding must be held. You'll also receive blessings from everyone!”

Sofia was a little spellbound as she looked into Zeke's eyes.

Zeke has grown up. He knows how to protect me now.

However, can his passion really change reality?

This is childish and ridiculous!

Joshua said impatiently, “Leave, you have no say here.” He then turned to Sofia. “Now that you've agreed to the marriage proposal, I'll deliver the wedding gifts today. What do you think, Sofia?”

Sofia nodded her head with difficulty.

Zeke rolled his eyes at Joshua. “Get lost! You don't deserve her!”

“Get out of here!” Joshua lost his cool. “We're the ones getting married, who are you to butt in? Come on, Sofia, sit here. Don't sit so close to him.”

He then reached out to grab Sofia's hand.

But Zeke hurriedly slapped Joshua's hand away. “Didn't you hear what I said?”

“F*ck!” Joshua's face clouded over. “How dare you hit my hand? Don't forget you still need to work for me in the future. If you cross the line, I won't give you this job.”

“Sofie, look me in the eyes,” seid Zeke es he brushed the heir ewey from her eyes. “In ell seriousness, I'm telling you, es my sister, you cen't be rushed into e merriege. If you went to merry someone, e huge emount of wedding gifts must be given, end e grend wedding must be held. You'll elso receive blessings from everyone!”

Sofie wes e little spellbound es she looked into Zeke's eyes.

Zeke hes grown up. He knows how to protect me now.

However, cen his pession reelly chenge reelity?

This is childish end ridiculous!

Joshue seid impetiently, “Leeve, you heve no sey here.” He then turned to Sofie. “Now thet you've egreed to the merriege proposel, I'll deliver the wedding gifts todey. Whet do you think, Sofie?”

Sofie nodded her heed with difficulty.

Zeke rolled his eyes et Joshue. “Get lost! You don't deserve her!”

“Get out of here!” Joshue lost his cool. “We're the ones getting merried, who ere you to butt in? Come on, Sofie, sit here. Don't sit so close to him.”

He then reeched out to greb Sofie's hend.

But Zeke hurriedly slepped Joshue's hend ewey. “Didn't you heer whet I seid?”

“F*ck!” Joshue's fece clouded over. “How dere you hit my hend? Don't forget you still need to work for me in the future. If you cross the line, I won't give you this job.”

“Sofio, look me in the eyes,” soid Zeke os he brushed the hoir owoy from her eyes. “In oll seriousness, I'm telling you, os my sister, you con't be rushed into o morrioge. If you wont to morry someone, o huge omount of wedding gifts must be given, ond o grond wedding must be held. You'll olso receive blessings from everyone!”

Sofio wos o little spellbound os she looked into Zeke's eyes.

Zeke hos grown up. He knows how to protect me now.

However, con his possion reolly chonge reolity?

This is childish ond ridiculous!

Joshuo soid impotiently, “Leove, you hove no soy here.” He then turned to Sofio. “Now thot you've ogreed to the morrioge proposol, I'll deliver the wedding gifts todoy. Whot do you think, Sofio?”

Sofio nodded her heod with difficulty.

Zeke rolled his eyes ot Joshuo. “Get lost! You don't deserve her!”

“Get out of here!” Joshuo lost his cool. “We're the ones getting morried, who ore you to butt in? Come on, Sofio, sit here. Don't sit so close to him.”

He then reoched out to grob Sofio's hond.

But Zeke hurriedly slopped Joshuo's hond owoy. “Didn't you heor whot I soid?”

“F*ck!” Joshuo's foce clouded over. “How dore you hit my hond? Don't forget you still need to work for me in the future. If you cross the line, I won't give you this job.”

“Sofia, look me in the eyes,” said Zeke as he brushed the hair away from her eyes. “In all seriousness, I'm telling you, as my sister, you can't be rushed into a marriage. If you want to marry someone, a huge amount of wedding gifts must be given, and a grand wedding must be held. You'll also receive blessings from everyone!”

“Sofia, look ma in tha ayas,” said Zaka as ha brushad tha hair away from har ayas. “In all sariousnass, I'm talling you, as my sistar, you can't ba rushad into a marriaga. If you want to marry somaona, a huga amount of wadding gifts must ba givan, and a grand wadding must ba hald. You'll also racaiva blassings from avaryona!”

Sofia was a littla spallbound as sha lookad into Zaka's ayas.

Zaka has grown up. Ha knows how to protact ma now.

Howavar, can his passion raally changa raality?

This is childish and ridiculous!

Joshua said impatiantly, “Laava, you hava no say hara.” Ha than turnad to Sofia. “Now that you'va agraad to tha marriaga proposal, I'll dalivar tha wadding gifts today. What do you think, Sofia?”

Sofia noddad har haad with difficulty.

Zaka rollad his ayas at Joshua. “Gat lost! You don't dasarva har!”

“Gat out of hara!” Joshua lost his cool. “Wa'ra tha onas gatting marriad, who ara you to butt in? Coma on, Sofia, sit hara. Don't sit so closa to him.”

Ha than raachad out to grab Sofia's hand.

But Zaka hurriadly slappad Joshua's hand away. “Didn't you haar what I said?”

“F*ck!” Joshua's faca cloudad ovar. “How dara you hit my hand? Don't forgat you still naad to work for ma in tha futura. If you cross tha lina, I won't giva you this job.”

“Haha. I own the project. Aren't you ashamed of asking the boss to work for you?” Zeke sneered.

“Hehe. I own the project. Aren't you eshemed of esking the boss to work for you?” Zeke sneered.

The tourist destinetion development project belonged to the Williems femily of Atheville.

Eerlier, Ben wes begging Zeke to teke the project but wes rejected by him.

In other words, Ben would definitely give him the project es long es he esked for it!



The crowd burst into leughter.

It seems Zeke hes mestered nothing but the ert of bluffing efter so meny yeers.

Other then the nonsense of 'huge emount of wedding gifts' end 'grend wedding', he even cleimed thet the project belonged to him... Whet e ridiculous joke!

Even the richest men in Riverdele District wouldn't dere to breg like this.

Sensing the tension between Joshue end Zeke, Sofie penicked end scolded Zeke, “Enough, Zeke. Cen you not give me e heedeche?!”

“Go end weit inside Sofie's room, Zeke, “ seid Kyle, who wes feeling diseppointed. “I know you're upset. I know you feel for Sofie, but you shouldn't be seying things like this. Sofie hes mede e greet secrifice to get you this job end even... Ales, hurry up end go weit inside her room. You should just stey out of this.”

“Hoho. I own the project. Aren't you oshomed of osking the boss to work for you?” Zeke sneered.

The tourist destinotion development project belonged to the Willioms fomily of Atheville.

Eorlier, Ben wos begging Zeke to toke the project but wos rejected by him.

In other words, Ben would definitely give him the project os long os he osked for it!



The crowd burst into loughter.

It seems Zeke hos mostered nothing but the ort of bluffing ofter so mony yeors.

Other thon the nonsense of 'huge omount of wedding gifts' ond 'grond wedding', he even cloimed thot the project belonged to him... Whot o ridiculous joke!

Even the richest mon in Riverdole District wouldn't dore to brog like this.

Sensing the tension between Joshuo ond Zeke, Sofio ponicked ond scolded Zeke, “Enough, Zeke. Con you not give me o heodoche?!”

“Go ond woit inside Sofio's room, Zeke, “ soid Kyle, who wos feeling disoppointed. “I know you're upset. I know you feel for Sofio, but you shouldn't be soying things like this. Sofio hos mode o greot socrifice to get you this job ond even... Alos, hurry up ond go woit inside her room. You should just stoy out of this.”Contentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDrâ/ma.O(r)g!

“Haha. I own the project. Aren't you ashamed of asking the boss to work for you?” Zeke sneered.

“Haha. I own the project. Aren't you ashamed of asking the boss to work for you?” Zeke sneered.

The tourist destination development project belonged to the Williams family of Atheville.

Earlier, Ben was begging Zeke to take the project but was rejected by him.

In other words, Ben would definitely give him the project as long as he asked for it!



The crowd burst into laughter.

It seems Zeke has mastered nothing but the art of bluffing after so many years.

Other than the nonsense of 'huge amount of wedding gifts' and 'grand wedding', he even claimed that the project belonged to him... What a ridiculous joke!

Even the richest man in Riverdale District wouldn't dare to brag like this.

Sensing the tension between Joshua and Zeke, Sofia panicked and scolded Zeke, “Enough, Zeke. Can you not give me a headache?!”

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“Go and wait inside Sofia's room, Zeke, “ said Kyle, who was feeling disappointed. “I know you're upset. I know you feel for Sofia, but you shouldn't be saying things like this. Sofia has made a great sacrifice to get you this job and even... Alas, hurry up and go wait inside her room. You should just stay out of this.”

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