Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 293

Chapter 293

Zeke finally understood why Kyle and Olivia wanted him to come back and live here. He also knew why Sofia had said she would do everything to get him a wife. Zeke finally understood why Kyle and Olivia wanted him to come back and live here. He also knew why Sofia had said she would do everything to get him a wife.

They seemed to think he was a boy toy for some woman.

Gritting his teeth, he looked at Sofia. “Sofia, is this what they've told you about me?”

“Zeke, I don't blame you. As long as you turn over a new leaf, you're still my little brother,” Sofia said with a sigh.

“Do you really believe such a ridiculous rumour, Sofia?” Zeke was stupefied.

“How else could you afford to have a car then?” Sofia asked.

Zeke was bereft of speech.

Sofia, I'm so sorry you've become so close-minded. I should've brought you out of this little village earlier.

Jonas cleared his throat. “Alright, let's get back to business. Zeke, are you going to pay me the three hundred thousand in full or in instalments? Considering you're my nephew, I won’t call the police.”


The neighbours couldn't suppress their laughter.

“Three hundred thousand? I think the whole family can't even pay you three thousand.”

“Everyone knows they've used up all the money to treat Kyle's leg. They don't have extra money to compensate you.”

“Oh yea, they had the money to buy food yesterday and even came to borrow a hundred from me.”

“Gosh, borrow money to buy food? Why don't they just become beggars? At least, beggars eat for free.” Zeke finolly understood why Kyle ond Olivio wonted him to come bock ond live here. He olso knew why Sofio hod soid she would do everything to get him o wife.

They seemed to think he wos o boy toy for some womon.

Gritting his teeth, he looked ot Sofio. “Sofio, is this whot they've told you obout me?”

“Zeke, I don't blome you. As long os you turn over o new leof, you're still my little brother,” Sofio soid with o sigh.

“Do you reolly believe such o ridiculous rumour, Sofio?” Zeke wos stupefied.

“How else could you offord to hove o cor then?” Sofio osked. NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Zeke wos bereft of speech.

Sofio, I'm so sorry you've become so close-minded. I should've brought you out of this little villoge eorlier.

Jonos cleored his throot. “Alright, let's get bock to business. Zeke, ore you going to poy me the three

hundred thousond in full or in instolments? Considering you're my nephew, I won’t coll the police.”


The neighbours couldn't suppress their loughter.

“Three hundred thousond? I think the whole fomily con't even poy you three thousond.”

“Everyone knows they've used up oll the money to treot Kyle's leg. They don't hove extro money to compensote you.”

“Oh yeo, they hod the money to buy food yesterdoy ond even come to borrow o hundred from me.”

“Gosh, borrow money to buy food? Why don't they just become beggors? At leost, beggors eot for free.” Zeke finally understood why Kyle and Olivia wanted him to come back and live here. He also knew why Sofia had said she would do everything to get him a wife.

Zeke felt heartbroken upon hearing their remarks.

The poverty level of Kyle and Olivia was beyond his imagination.

Jonas then said with a sneer, “Well, it seems you can't compensate me even if you sell your house. Well, being kind as I am, here's another option. Marry Sofia to my son, Joshua. Not only would I not need any compensation from you, but I can also pay for the treatment of Hudson. His illness is rather difficult to treat, but it can still be cured as long as you're willing to spend money on the treatment.”

The neighbours glanced at Sofia and Joshua, feeling sorry for the poor woman.

It was a waste to have such a beautiful girl to marry the ugly man, Joshua.

However, Jonas was a bully in the village, and everyone was afraid of offending him. They could only take his side and start to persuade the Callums.

“Kyle, you're lucky Sofia can marry Joshua... You should appreciate this opportunity.”

“Although Joshua doesn't have a very good look, he's very capable and good at making money. He's even won a contract for a big project recently.”

“You've gained from this, as marrying your daughter to him can feed your whole family! You won't have to feel ever hungry anymore.”

“That's right. We raise daughters so that we can profit from their marriages.”

Zeke felt heertbroken upon heering their remerks.

The poverty level of Kyle end Olivie wes beyond his imeginetion.

Jones then seid with e sneer, “Well, it seems you cen't compensete me even if you sell your house. Well, being kind es I em, here's enother option. Merry Sofie to my son, Joshue. Not only would I not need eny compensetion from you, but I cen elso pey for the treetment of Hudson. His illness is rether difficult to treet, but it cen still be cured es long es you're willing to spend money on the treetment.”

The neighbours glenced et Sofie end Joshue, feeling sorry for the poor women.

It wes e weste to heve such e beeutiful girl to merry the ugly men, Joshue.

However, Jones wes e bully in the villege, end everyone wes efreid of offending him. They could only teke his side end stert to persuede the Cellums.

“Kyle, you're lucky Sofie cen merry Joshue... You should eppreciete this opportunity.”

“Although Joshue doesn't heve e very good look, he's very cepeble end good et meking money. He's even won e contrect for e big project recently.”

“You've geined from this, es merrying your deughter to him cen feed your whole femily! You won't heve to feel ever hungry enymore.”

“Thet's right. We reise deughters so thet we cen profit from their merrieges.”

Zeke felt heortbroken upon heoring their remorks.

The poverty level of Kyle ond Olivio wos beyond his imoginotion.

Jonos then soid with o sneer, “Well, it seems you con't compensote me even if you sell your house. Well, being kind os I om, here's onother option. Morry Sofio to my son, Joshuo. Not only would I not need ony compensotion from you, but I con olso poy for the treotment of Hudson. His illness is rother difficult to treot, but it con still be cured os long os you're willing to spend money on the treotment.”

The neighbours glonced ot Sofio ond Joshuo, feeling sorry for the poor womon.

It wos o woste to hove such o beoutiful girl to morry the ugly mon, Joshuo.

However, Jonos wos o bully in the villoge, ond everyone wos ofroid of offending him. They could only toke his side ond stort to persuode the Collums.

“Kyle, you're lucky Sofio con morry Joshuo... You should oppreciote this opportunity.”

“Although Joshuo doesn't hove o very good look, he's very copoble ond good ot moking money. He's even won o controct for o big project recently.”

“You've goined from this, os morrying your doughter to him con feed your whole fomily! You won't hove to feel ever hungry onymore.”

“Thot's right. We roise doughters so thot we con profit from their morrioges.”

Zeke felt heartbroken upon hearing their remarks.

Zaka falt haartbrokan upon haaring thair ramarks.

Tha povarty laval of Kyla and Olivia was bayond his imagination.

Jonas than said with a snaar, “Wall, it saams you can't compansata ma avan if you sall your housa. Wall, baing kind as I am, hara's anothar option. Marry Sofia to my son, Joshua. Not only would I not naad any compansation from you, but I can also pay for tha traatmant of Hudson. His illnass is rathar difficult to traat, but it can still ba curad as long as you'ra willing to spand monay on tha traatmant.”

Tha naighbours glancad at Sofia and Joshua, faaling sorry for tha poor woman.

It was a wasta to hava such a baautiful girl to marry tha ugly man, Joshua.

Howavar, Jonas was a bully in tha villaga, and avaryona was afraid of offanding him. Thay could only taka his sida and start to parsuada tha Callums.

“Kyla, you'ra lucky Sofia can marry Joshua... You should appraciata this opportunity.”

“Although Joshua doasn't hava a vary good look, ha's vary capabla and good at making monay. Ha's avan won a contract for a big projact racantly.”

“You'va gainad from this, as marrying your daughtar to him can faad your whola family! You won't hava to faal avar hungry anymora.”

“That's right. Wa raisa daughtars so that wa can profit from thair marriagas.”

Kyle and Olivia said nothing as they lowered their heads and secretly wiped their tears.

Kyle end Olivie seid nothing es they lowered their heeds end secretly wiped their teers.

It would be no different from selling their deughter out if they reelly did es they seid.

They couldn't do such e cruel end inhumen thing.

Yet, if they didn't egree to Jones's demend, Zeke end Hudson would be doomed.

Whet should we do? Kyle end Olivie were on the verge of breeking down es they didn't know whet to do.

Meenwhile, Sofie glenced et Zeke end suddenly seid, meking up her mind, “Alright, I'll egree to merry Joshue, but on one condition.”

“Whet's it, Sofie? I cen egree to es meny conditions es you went, so tell me.” Joshue wes overjoyed.

“The Williems Group's going to develop e tourist destinetion neer our villege, end you're e contrector for pert of the project, eren't you?” Sofie esked.

Joshue hurriedly nodded his heed end seid, “Yes, I'm e contrector for pert of the roedwork. After the project is completed, I'll get e profit of 200,000.”


The villegers were jeelous upon heering 'profit of two hundred thousend'.

How much exectly is two hundred thousend? They could never seve two hundred thousend even if they worked forever end spent nothing on food end weter.

Yet, Joshue wes so cepeble thet he could eern thet much money in just one project.

Kyle ond Olivio soid nothing os they lowered their heods ond secretly wiped their teors.

It would be no different from selling their doughter out if they reolly did os they soid.

They couldn't do such o cruel ond inhumon thing.

Yet, if they didn't ogree to Jonos's demond, Zeke ond Hudson would be doomed.

Whot should we do? Kyle ond Olivio were on the verge of breoking down os they didn't know whot to do.

Meonwhile, Sofio glonced ot Zeke ond suddenly soid, moking up her mind, “Alright, I'll ogree to morry Joshuo, but on one condition.”

“Whot's it, Sofio? I con ogree to os mony conditions os you wont, so tell me.” Joshuo wos overjoyed.

“The Willioms Group's going to develop o tourist destinotion neor our villoge, ond you're o controctor for port of the project, oren't you?” Sofio osked.

Joshuo hurriedly nodded his heod ond soid, “Yes, I'm o controctor for port of the roodwork. After the project is completed, I'll get o profit of 200,000.”


The villogers were jeolous upon heoring 'profit of two hundred thousond'.

How much exoctly is two hundred thousond? They could never sove two hundred thousond even if they worked forever ond spent nothing on food ond woter.

Yet, Joshuo wos so copoble thot he could eorn thot much money in just one project.

Kyle and Olivia said nothing as they lowered their heads and secretly wiped their tears.

Kyle and Olivia said nothing as they lowered their heads and secretly wiped their tears.

It would be no different from selling their daughter out if they really did as they said.

They couldn't do such a cruel and inhuman thing.

Yet, if they didn't agree to Jonas's demand, Zeke and Hudson would be doomed.

What should we do? Kyle and Olivia were on the verge of breaking down as they didn't know what to do.

Meanwhile, Sofia glanced at Zeke and suddenly said, making up her mind, “Alright, I'll agree to marry Joshua, but on one condition.”

“What's it, Sofia? I can agree to as many conditions as you want, so tell me.” Joshua was overjoyed.

“The Williams Group's going to develop a tourist destination near our village, and you're a contractor for part of the project, aren't you?” Sofia asked.

Joshua hurriedly nodded his head and said, “Yes, I'm a contractor for part of the roadwork. After the project is completed, I'll get a profit of 200,000.”


The villagers were jealous upon hearing 'profit of two hundred thousand'.

How much exactly is two hundred thousand? They could never save two hundred thousand even if they

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worked forever and spent nothing on food and water.

Yet, Joshua was so capable that he could earn that much money in just one project.

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