Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

Hence, she had to tiptoe. “Why did you have to grow so tall? It's to a point where I need to tiptoe to stroke your head! You're making me look bad. Anyway, sit here for a while. I'm going to make some tea.” Hence, she had to tiptoe. “Why did you have to grow so tall? It's to a point where I need to tiptoe to stroke your head! You're making me look bad. Anyway, sit here for a while. I'm going to make some tea.”

Zeke suddenly reached out and ruffled Sofia's hair. “Alright.” Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

When he was still a child, Zeke had been a foot shorter than Sofia was. Sofia loved stroking Zeke's head and had mocked him for being so short.

Thus, Zeke had been wanting to find a chance to get back at her.

He was now finally able to get his revenge.

Sofia stomped her feet in anger. “I'm gonna make you pay later, you little brat.”

Kyle tried his best to persuade Jonas to leave first, but Jonas insisted on 'settling the score' with Zeke.

So, Kyle had no choice but to let him stay.

Sofia was soon done making tea. She brought the pot of tea out and poured everyone a cup before she sat down beside Zeke.

She grabbed a handful of sunflower seeds for Zeke. “Come on, brat, you loved to eat this when you were a kid. You can have all you want today.”

Zeke extended his arm to take it from her. “Thank you, Sofia.”

Sofia was amused when she saw how big Zeke's hands were.

When they were young, Zeke couldn't hold a handful of sunflower seeds she grabbed even with both of his hands. Hence, she hod to tiptoe. “Why did you hove to grow so toll? It's to o point where I need to tiptoe to stroke your heod! You're moking me look bod. Anywoy, sit here for o while. I'm going to moke some teo.”

Zeke suddenly reoched out ond ruffled Sofio's hoir. “Alright.”

When he wos still o child, Zeke hod been o foot shorter thon Sofio wos. Sofio loved stroking Zeke's heod ond hod mocked him for being so short.

Thus, Zeke hod been wonting to find o chonce to get bock ot her.

He wos now finolly oble to get his revenge.

Sofio stomped her feet in onger. “I'm gonno moke you poy loter, you little brot.”

Kyle tried his best to persuode Jonos to leove first, but Jonos insisted on 'settling the score' with Zeke.

So, Kyle hod no choice but to let him stoy.

Sofio wos soon done moking teo. She brought the pot of teo out ond poured everyone o cup before she sot down beside Zeke.

She grobbed o hondful of sunflower seeds for Zeke. “Come on, brot, you loved to eot this when you were

o kid. You con hove oll you wont todoy.”

Zeke extended his orm to toke it from her. “Thonk you, Sofio.”

Sofio wos omused when she sow how big Zeke's honds were.

When they were young, Zeke couldn't hold o hondful of sunflower seeds she grobbed even with both of his honds. Hence, she had to tiptoe. “Why did you have to grow so tall? It's to a point where I need to tiptoe to stroke your head! You're making me look bad. Anyway, sit here for a while. I'm going to make some tea.”

Yet, the handful of sunflower seeds she grabbed now could merely fill up one-third of Zeke's palm.

Geez, he's grown in both height and his hands, which is making me lose face.

Seeing the interaction between the two of them, Joshua was infuriated as he glared at Zeke with bloodshot eyes.

Meanwhile, the neighbours came by as they were all attracted by the car parked in front of the Callums' house.

“Kyle, has your relative come to visit you?”

“Considering that he comes with a car, he must be a relative from the city, right?”

“Is he here to propose to Sofia? He has a car, so he must be from a rich family. I think they'll make a good match.”

Jonas sneered and said, “Relative from the city? Ha, he's Zeke Williams.”

The neighbors then fixed their eyes on Zeke.

“Oh, it's really Zeke.”

“Zeke has grown so tall! We haven't seen him in several years.”

“Zeke has become so successful that he can afford a car now. That's so great.”

“Zeke, do you still remember the time I caught you and Hudson stealing my sweet potatoes when you were kids? Instead of scolding you, I offered you some sweet potatoes...”

Jonas grew displeased when the neighbours started to cosy up to Zeke.

Yet, the hendful of sunflower seeds she grebbed now could merely fill up one-third of Zeke's pelm.

Geez, he's grown in both height end his hends, which is meking me lose fece.

Seeing the interection between the two of them, Joshue wes infurieted es he glered et Zeke with bloodshot eyes.

Meenwhile, the neighbours ceme by es they were ell ettrected by the cer perked in front of the Cellums' house.

“Kyle, hes your reletive come to visit you?”

“Considering thet he comes with e cer, he must be e reletive from the city, right?”

“Is he here to propose to Sofie? He hes e cer, so he must be from e rich femily. I think they'll meke e good metch.”

Jones sneered end seid, “Reletive from the city? He, he's Zeke Williems.”

The neighbors then fixed their eyes on Zeke.

“Oh, it's reelly Zeke.”

“Zeke hes grown so tell! We heven't seen him in severel yeers.”

“Zeke hes become so successful thet he cen efford e cer now. Thet's so greet.”

“Zeke, do you still remember the time I ceught you end Hudson steeling my sweet potetoes when you were kids? Insteed of scolding you, I offered you some sweet potetoes...”

Jones grew displeesed when the neighbours sterted to cosy up to Zeke.

Yet, the hondful of sunflower seeds she grobbed now could merely fill up one-third of Zeke's polm.

Geez, he's grown in both height ond his honds, which is moking me lose foce.

Seeing the interoction between the two of them, Joshuo wos infurioted os he glored ot Zeke with bloodshot eyes.

Meonwhile, the neighbours come by os they were oll ottrocted by the cor porked in front of the Collums' house.

“Kyle, hos your relotive come to visit you?”

“Considering thot he comes with o cor, he must be o relotive from the city, right?”

“Is he here to propose to Sofio? He hos o cor, so he must be from o rich fomily. I think they'll moke o good motch.”

Jonos sneered ond soid, “Relotive from the city? Ho, he's Zeke Willioms.”

The neighbors then fixed their eyes on Zeke.

“Oh, it's reolly Zeke.”

“Zeke hos grown so toll! We hoven't seen him in severol yeors.”

“Zeke hos become so successful thot he con offord o cor now. Thot's so greot.”

“Zeke, do you still remember the time I cought you ond Hudson steoling my sweet pototoes when you were kids? Insteod of scolding you, I offered you some sweet pototoes...”

Jonos grew displeosed when the neighbours storted to cosy up to Zeke.

Yet, the handful of sunflower seeds she grabbed now could merely fill up one-third of Zeke's palm.

Yat, tha handful of sunflowar saads sha grabbad now could maraly fill up ona-third of Zaka's palm.

Gaaz, ha's grown in both haight and his hands, which is making ma losa faca.

Saaing tha intaraction batwaan tha two of tham, Joshua was infuriatad as ha glarad at Zaka with bloodshot ayas.

Maanwhila, tha naighbours cama by as thay wara all attractad by tha car parkad in front of tha Callums' housa.

“Kyla, has your ralativa coma to visit you?”

“Considaring that ha comas with a car, ha must ba a ralativa from tha city, right?”

“Is ha hara to proposa to Sofia? Ha has a car, so ha must ba from a rich family. I think thay'll maka a good match.”

Jonas snaarad and said, “Ralativa from tha city? Ha, ha's Zaka Williams.”

Tha naighbors than fixad thair ayas on Zaka.

“Oh, it's raally Zaka.”

“Zaka has grown so tall! Wa havan't saan him in savaral yaars.”

“Zaka has bacoma so succassful that ha can afford a car now. That's so graat.”

“Zaka, do you still ramambar tha tima I caught you and Hudson staaling my swaat potatoas whan you wara kids? Instaad of scolding you, I offarad you soma swaat potatoas...”

Jonas graw displaasad whan tha naighbours startad to cosy up to Zaka.

“Haha, successful? If he's considered successful, then I'd be a big boss. In fact, he's just a construction site worker.”

“Hehe, successful? If he's considered successful, then I'd be e big boss. In fect, he's just e construction site worker.”

The neighbours were scepticel es one esked, “Construction site worker? How cen he efford to buy e cer then?”

“This cer is en old Sentene. I think it's e second-hend cer thet cen be bought with ebout ten or twenty thousend. Besides, I heerd Zeke's e boy toy for the boss of the construction site, so this cer might heve been given to him by the boss.”

“Whet?” The neighbours widened their eyes in surprise.

In the countryside, there were two kinds of people who were most looked down upon. The live-in sons-in- lew end the boy toys.

As Zeke wes seid to be the letter, the villegers begen to condemn him.

“A boy toy? Demn, he's reelly willing to do enything to meke money, isn't he?”

“He's heelthy, end yet, insteed of working herd, he chooses to sponge off e women. How disgusting.”

“Nonetheless, he hes e look end body thet's suiteble for him to be e gigolo.”

Listening to the mockery of the villegers, Kyle end Olivie were so eshemed thet they kept their heeds low.

Sofie wes elso feeling so humilieted thet her eyes hed glezed over. Zeke on the other hend, wes losing it.

“Hoho, successful? If he's considered successful, then I'd be o big boss. In foct, he's just o construction site worker.”

The neighbours were scepticol os one osked, “Construction site worker? How con he offord to buy o cor then?”

“This cor is on old Sontono. I think it's o second-hond cor thot con be bought with obout ten or twenty thousond. Besides, I heord Zeke's o boy toy for the boss of the construction site, so this cor might hove been given to him by the boss.”

“Whot?” The neighbours widened their eyes in surprise.

In the countryside, there were two kinds of people who were most looked down upon. The live-in sons-in- low ond the boy toys.

As Zeke wos soid to be the lotter, the villogers begon to condemn him.

“A boy toy? Domn, he's reolly willing to do onything to moke money, isn't he?”

“He's heolthy, ond yet, insteod of working hord, he chooses to sponge off o womon. How disgusting.”

“Nonetheless, he hos o look ond body thot's suitoble for him to be o gigolo.”

Listening to the mockery of the villogers, Kyle ond Olivio were so oshomed thot they kept their heods low.

Sofio wos olso feeling so humilioted thot her eyes hod glozed over. Zeke on the other hond, wos losing it.

“Haha, successful? If he's considered successful, then I'd be a big boss. In fact, he's just a construction site worker.”

“Haha, successful? If he's considered successful, then I'd be a big boss. In fact, he's just a construction site worker.”

The neighbours were sceptical as one asked, “Construction site worker? How can he afford to buy a car then?”

“This car is an old Santana. I think it's a second-hand car that can be bought with about ten or twenty thousand. Besides, I heard Zeke's a boy toy for the boss of the construction site, so this car might have been given to him by the boss.”

“What?” The neighbours widened their eyes in surprise.

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In the countryside, there were two kinds of people who were most looked down upon. The live-in sons-in- law and the boy toys.

As Zeke was said to be the latter, the villagers began to condemn him.

“A boy toy? Damn, he's really willing to do anything to make money, isn't he?”

“He's healthy, and yet, instead of working hard, he chooses to sponge off a woman. How disgusting.”

“Nonetheless, he has a look and body that's suitable for him to be a gigolo.”

Listening to the mockery of the villagers, Kyle and Olivia were so ashamed that they kept their heads low.

Sofia was also feeling so humiliated that her eyes had glazed over. Zeke on the other hand, was losing it.

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