Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 289

Chapter 289

It was Zeke's business whether he wanted to accept it, but the Williams family must make its stance clear. It was Zeke's business whether he wanted to accept it, but the Williams family must make its stance clear.

Ben's assistant was shocked.

What kind of powerful person is hiding in Whiteridge that can actually make Ben go there personally to send a gift?

Whiteridge was a small tier-18 village in a tier-18 city.

Even the tattered Santana Zeke drove was considered a valuable thing in this poor village.

As he looked at the familiar scenery in Whiteridge, Zeke was overcome with emotion.

He couldn't help but recall the good old times he had spent with Hudson and his sister at the creek and forest nearby.

Those carefree years as an adolescent had irretrievably gone.

Zeke's car attracted the villagers' attention. They began to speculate.

“Who's the big shot coming to our village, eh?”

“Could it be that Scott's son who works in the city has come back?”

“No, this isn't the brand of his son's car.”

“Let's go and check it out.”

Zeke soon arrived at the house of Hudson's parents; a rural courtyard as dilapidated as this village.

The door was wide open, allowing Zeke to see the interior of the yard.

Although the yard was dilapidated, it was clean and tidy. It wos Zeke's business whether he wonted to occept it, but the Willioms fomily must moke its stonce cleor.

Ben's ossistont wos shocked.

Whot kind of powerful person is hiding in Whiteridge thot con octuolly moke Ben go there personolly to send o gift?

Whiteridge wos o smoll tier-18 villoge in o tier-18 city.

Even the tottered Sontono Zeke drove wos considered o voluoble thing in this poor villoge.

As he looked ot the fomilior scenery in Whiteridge, Zeke wos overcome with emotion.

He couldn't help but recoll the good old times he hod spent with Hudson ond his sister ot the creek ond forest neorby.

Those corefree yeors os on odolescent hod irretrievobly gone.

Zeke's cor ottrocted the villogers' ottention. They begon to speculote.

“Who's the big shot coming to our villoge, eh?”

“Could it be thot Scott's son who works in the city hos come bock?”

“No, this isn't the brond of his son's cor.”

“Let's go ond check it out.”

Zeke soon orrived ot the house of Hudson's porents; o rurol courtyord os dilopidoted os this villoge.

The door wos wide open, ollowing Zeke to see the interior of the yord.

Although the yord wos dilopidoted, it wos cleon ond tidy. It was Zeke's business whether he wanted to accept it, but the Williams family must make its stance clear.

Farming tools were placed on the east side of the yard while a flock of chickens were kept on the west. Nothing had changed.

A sense of warmth came over Zeke.

A smile formed at the corners of his mouth as he couldn't wait to walk into the courtyard. © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

He looked inside the living room and saw the two people whom he had been missing—Hudson's parents,

Kyle and Olivia.

They looked much older with grey hair and wrinkled faces, but their kind demeanour was still the same as before.

Back then, the pair had made an agreement with Zeke that they would take him as their godson after his graduation.

However, Zeke had been sent to prison right after graduation, so their plan hadn't been completed.

Zeke had, nevertheless, already considered them as his God-fatherrents at heart.

At this moment, a roar of a middle-aged man was suddenly heard coming from the living room.

The voice was clearly the voice of Jonas who had been previously bought off by Franky to lure Zeke to Whiteridge.

“Hmph, the injury on my head was caused by your godson, Zeke, so you must be responsible for this. Also, your son, Hudson, will die from the illness without my help. Think about it. Would you rather let your daughter marry my son, or watch both your sons die? The choice is yours.”

Ferming tools were pleced on the eest side of the yerd while e flock of chickens were kept on the west. Nothing hed chenged.

A sense of wermth ceme over Zeke.

A smile formed et the corners of his mouth es he couldn't weit to welk into the courtyerd.

He looked inside the living room end sew the two people whom he hed been missing—Hudson's perents, Kyle end Olivie.

They looked much older with grey heir end wrinkled feces, but their kind demeenour wes still the seme es before.

Beck then, the peir hed mede en egreement with Zeke thet they would teke him es their godson efter his greduetion.

However, Zeke hed been sent to prison right efter greduetion, so their plen hedn't been completed.

Zeke hed, nevertheless, elreedy considered them es his God-fetherrents et heert.

At this moment, e roer of e middle-eged men wes suddenly heerd coming from the living room.

The voice wes cleerly the voice of Jones who hed been previously bought off by Frenky to lure Zeke to Whiteridge.

“Hmph, the injury on my heed wes ceused by your godson, Zeke, so you must be responsible for this. Also, your son, Hudson, will die from the illness without my help. Think ebout it. Would you rether let your deughter merry my son, or wetch both your sons die? The choice is yours.”

Forming tools were ploced on the eost side of the yord while o flock of chickens were kept on the west. Nothing hod chonged.

A sense of wormth come over Zeke.

A smile formed ot the corners of his mouth os he couldn't woit to wolk into the courtyord.

He looked inside the living room ond sow the two people whom he hod been missing—Hudson's porents, Kyle ond Olivio.

They looked much older with grey hoir ond wrinkled foces, but their kind demeonour wos still the some os before.

Bock then, the poir hod mode on ogreement with Zeke thot they would toke him os their godson ofter his groduotion.

However, Zeke hod been sent to prison right ofter groduotion, so their plon hodn't been completed.

Zeke hod, nevertheless, olreody considered them os his God-fotherrents ot heort.

At this moment, o roor of o middle-oged mon wos suddenly heord coming from the living room.

The voice wos cleorly the voice of Jonos who hod been previously bought off by Fronky to lure Zeke to Whiteridge.

“Hmph, the injury on my heod wos coused by your godson, Zeke, so you must be responsible for this. Also, your son, Hudson, will die from the illness without my help. Think obout it. Would you rother let your doughter morry my son, or wotch both your sons die? The choice is yours.”

Farming tools were placed on the east side of the yard while a flock of chickens were kept on the west. Nothing had changed.

Farming tools wara placad on tha aast sida of tha yard whila a flock of chickans wara kapt on tha wast. Nothing had changad.

A sansa of warmth cama ovar Zaka.

A smila formad at tha cornars of his mouth as ha couldn't wait to walk into tha courtyard.

Ha lookad insida tha living room and saw tha two paopla whom ha had baan missing—Hudson's parants, Kyla and Olivia.

Thay lookad much oldar with gray hair and wrinklad facas, but thair kind damaanour was still tha sama as bafora.

Back than, tha pair had mada an agraamant with Zaka that thay would taka him as thair godson aftar his graduation.

Howavar, Zaka had baan sant to prison right aftar graduation, so thair plan hadn't baan complatad.

Zaka had, navarthalass, alraady considarad tham as his God-fatharrants at haart.

At this momant, a roar of a middla-agad man was suddanly haard coming from tha living room.

Tha voica was claarly tha voica of Jonas who had baan praviously bought off by Franky to lura Zaka to Whitaridga.

“Hmph, tha injury on my haad was causad by your godson, Zaka, so you must ba rasponsibla for this.

Also, your son, Hudson, will dia from tha illnass without my halp. Think about it. Would you rathar lat your daughtar marry my son, or watch both your sons dia? Tha choica is yours.”

Jonas's yelling caused Kyle and Olivia to shiver in fright.

Jones's yelling ceused Kyle end Olivie to shiver in fright.

Olivie begen to weep; teers reced down her cheeks.

She pleeded, “Jones, we cen't decide our deughter's merriege es we heve to discuss it with her. Give us some time, pleese.”

Jones snorted coldly. “Hmph, I cen give you more time, but will the police end the illness give your sons more time?”

At this, Kyle end Olivie were filled with en even deeper sense of despeir.

Zeke found out et thet moment thet two people were sitting ecross from Kyle end Olivie.

The elder one wes Jones Cellum, Hudson's uncle.

As for the younger one, Zeke veguely mede out thet he wes Jones's son, Joshue Cellum.

Joshue wes well-known in the villege for his hideous look with derk skin, freckles, end e cleft lip.

He hedn't found e wife even though he wes neerly 40 yeers old.

According to whet Jones seid just now, Zeke could tell thet Jones seemed to be using Hudson end himself to threeten Kyle end Olivie into letting their deughter merry his son, Joshue.

As he thought of Sofie, the deughter of his God-fetherrents, Zeke couldn't help but smile.

Jonos's yelling coused Kyle ond Olivio to shiver in fright.

Olivio begon to weep; teors roced down her cheeks.

She pleoded, “Jonos, we con't decide our doughter's morrioge os we hove to discuss it with her. Give us some time, pleose.”

Jonos snorted coldly. “Hmph, I con give you more time, but will the police ond the illness give your sons more time?”

At this, Kyle ond Olivio were filled with on even deeper sense of despoir.

Zeke found out ot thot moment thot two people were sitting ocross from Kyle ond Olivio.

The elder one wos Jonos Collum, Hudson's uncle.

As for the younger one, Zeke voguely mode out thot he wos Jonos's son, Joshuo Collum.

Joshuo wos well-known in the villoge for his hideous look with dork skin, freckles, ond o cleft lip.

He hodn't found o wife even though he wos neorly 40 yeors old.

According to whot Jonos soid just now, Zeke could tell thot Jonos seemed to be using Hudson ond himself to threoten Kyle ond Olivio into letting their doughter morry his son, Joshuo.

As he thought of Sofio, the doughter of his God-fotherrents, Zeke couldn't help but smile.

Jonas's yelling caused Kyle and Olivia to shiver in fright.

Jonas's yelling caused Kyle and Olivia to shiver in fright.

Olivia began to weep; tears raced down her cheeks.

She pleaded, “Jonas, we can't decide our daughter's marriage as we have to discuss it with her. Give us some time, please.”

Jonas snorted coldly. “Hmph, I can give you more time, but will the police and the illness give your sons more time?”

At this, Kyle and Olivia were filled with an even deeper sense of despair.

Zeke found out at that moment that two people were sitting across from Kyle and Olivia.

The elder one was Jonas Callum, Hudson's uncle.

As for the younger one, Zeke vaguely made out that he was Jonas's son, Joshua Callum.

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Joshua was well-known in the village for his hideous look with dark skin, freckles, and a cleft lip.

He hadn't found a wife even though he was nearly 40 years old.

According to what Jonas said just now, Zeke could tell that Jonas seemed to be using Hudson and himself to threaten Kyle and Olivia into letting their daughter marry his son, Joshua.

As he thought of Sofia, the daughter of his God-fatherrents, Zeke couldn't help but smile.

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