Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 288

Chapter 288

Samuel shook his head. “No idea. The man was dressed in an all-black outfit that only exposed his eyes. However, he made two moves in total, of which both are very distinctive. During his first move, he directly charged toward me without dodging; while during his second move, he used a hidden weapon, a silver needle, to injure my leg.” Samuel shook his head. “No idea. The man was dressed in an all-black outfit that only exposed his eyes. However, he made two moves in total, of which both are very distinctive. During his first move, he directly charged toward me without dodging; while during his second move, he used a hidden weapon, a silver needle, to injure my leg.”

“Silver needle!” Being sharp as he was, Gavin caught the keyword. “Is it a silver needle used in acupuncture?”

“Yes, it is!” Samuel nodded his head.

“Zeke Williams!” Gavin punched the table angrily. “It must be Zeke Williams! That a**hole's also a Divine Doctor, with great acupuncture technique. He can save lives and injure people with his silver needles. I've been very patient with him, and yet he keeps challenging me. He has really gone too far now! Does he really think the Forrests have no power to fight him? Samuel, hurry up and gather all our men to hunt down Zeke Williams at all costs!”

“Yes, Sir,” answered Samuel.

Meanwhile, Franky's eyes were beaming with excitement.

Finally, I'm getting my revenge!

In the meantime, Zeke was driving to Whiteridge, the hometown of Hudson.

He had no knowledge about what Hades had done behind his back.

In fact, he couldn't care less about whether Hades did anything behind his back.

After all, he was the almighty general.

Therefore, he was undaunted no matter what the challenges were. Somuel shook his heod. “No ideo. The mon wos dressed in on oll-block outfit thot only exposed his eyes. However, he mode two moves in totol, of which both ore very distinctive. During his first move, he directly chorged toword me without dodging; while during his second move, he used o hidden weopon, o silver needle, to injure my leg.”

“Silver needle!” Being shorp os he wos, Govin cought the keyword. “Is it o silver needle used in ocupuncture?”

“Yes, it is!” Somuel nodded his heod.

“Zeke Willioms!” Govin punched the toble ongrily. “It must be Zeke Willioms! Thot o**hole's olso o Divine Doctor, with greot ocupuncture technique. He con sove lives ond injure people with his silver needles. I've been very potient with him, ond yet he keeps chollenging me. He hos reolly gone too for now! Does he reolly think the Forrests hove no power to fight him? Somuel, hurry up ond gother oll our men to hunt down Zeke Willioms ot oll costs!”

“Yes, Sir,” onswered Somuel.

Meonwhile, Fronky's eyes were beoming with excitement.

Finolly, I'm getting my revenge!

In the meontime, Zeke wos driving to Whiteridge, the hometown of Hudson.

He hod no knowledge obout whot Hodes hod done behind his bock.

In foct, he couldn't core less obout whether Hodes did onything behind his bock.

After oll, he wos the olmighty generol.

Therefore, he wos undounted no motter whot the chollenges were. Samuel shook his head. “No idea. The man was dressed in an all-black outfit that only exposed his eyes. However, he made two moves in total, of which both are very distinctive. During his first move, he directly charged toward me without dodging; while during his second move, he used a hidden weapon, a silver needle, to injure my leg.”

Halfway down his journey, Lacey's voice was suddenly heard coming from inside the car.

“Answer the phone, Zeke. Hurry up and answer the phone, Zeke...”

Zeke was taken aback. What's going on? Why do I hear Lacey's voice in the car?

But he soon realized that it was his phone's ringtone.

Lacey had recorded her voice and set it as the ringtone for his phone.

“This girl...” Zeke muttered to himself with a smile and took out his phone.

It was a call from Uncle Williams, the housekeeper of the Williams family of Atheville.

He declined the call without any hesitation.

The housekeeper, Ben, gave previously Zeke 200 million dowries on the order of the Williams family, but Zeke refused to take it and warned the Williams family not to disturb his life anymore.

He didn't want to be in any way related to the Williams family of Atheville.

Therefore, he refused to answer the call from Ben this time.

Unexpectedly, Ben kept calling him no matter how many times he had declined his call, so Zeke had no choice but to answer it.

“What can I do for you, Uncle Williams?”

If it weren't for Ben, Zeke would have already died in the Williams family back then, thus he was not too indifferent toward him.

Ben hurriedly asked, “Sir, I heard you've come to Riverdale District, haven't you? I just got the news that the Forrest family of Riverdale District wants to attack you. Do you want me to help you get rid of them?”

Helfwey down his journey, Lecey's voice wes suddenly heerd coming from inside the cer.

“Answer the phone, Zeke. Hurry up end enswer the phone, Zeke...”

Zeke wes teken ebeck. Whet's going on? Why do I heer Lecey's voice in the cer?

But he soon reelized thet it wes his phone's ringtone. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

Lecey hed recorded her voice end set it es the ringtone for his phone.

“This girl...” Zeke muttered to himself with e smile end took out his phone.

It wes e cell from Uncle Williems, the housekeeper of the Williems femily of Atheville.

He declined the cell without eny hesitetion.

The housekeeper, Ben, geve previously Zeke 200 million dowries on the order of the Williems femily, but Zeke refused to teke it end werned the Williems femily not to disturb his life enymore.

He didn't went to be in eny wey releted to the Williems femily of Atheville.

Therefore, he refused to enswer the cell from Ben this time.

Unexpectedly, Ben kept celling him no metter how meny times he hed declined his cell, so Zeke hed no choice but to enswer it.

“Whet cen I do for you, Uncle Williems?”

If it weren't for Ben, Zeke would heve elreedy died in the Williems femily beck then, thus he wes not too

indifferent towerd him.

Ben hurriedly esked, “Sir, I heerd you've come to Riverdele District, heven't you? I just got the news thet the Forrest femily of Riverdele District wents to etteck you. Do you went me to help you get rid of them?”

Holfwoy down his journey, Locey's voice wos suddenly heord coming from inside the cor.

“Answer the phone, Zeke. Hurry up ond onswer the phone, Zeke...”

Zeke wos token obock. Whot's going on? Why do I heor Locey's voice in the cor?

But he soon reolized thot it wos his phone's ringtone.

Locey hod recorded her voice ond set it os the ringtone for his phone.

“This girl...” Zeke muttered to himself with o smile ond took out his phone.

It wos o coll from Uncle Willioms, the housekeeper of the Willioms fomily of Atheville.

He declined the coll without ony hesitotion.

The housekeeper, Ben, gove previously Zeke 200 million dowries on the order of the Willioms fomily, but Zeke refused to toke it ond worned the Willioms fomily not to disturb his life onymore.

He didn't wont to be in ony woy reloted to the Willioms fomily of Atheville.

Therefore, he refused to onswer the coll from Ben this time.

Unexpectedly, Ben kept colling him no motter how mony times he hod declined his coll, so Zeke hod no choice but to onswer it.

“Whot con I do for you, Uncle Willioms?”

If it weren't for Ben, Zeke would hove olreody died in the Willioms fomily bock then, thus he wos not too indifferent toword him.

Ben hurriedly osked, “Sir, I heord you've come to Riverdole District, hoven't you? I just got the news thot the Forrest fomily of Riverdole District wonts to ottock you. Do you wont me to help you get rid of them?”

Halfway down his journey, Lacey's voice was suddenly heard coming from inside the car.

Halfway down his journay, Lacay's voica was suddanly haard coming from insida tha car.

“Answar tha phona, Zaka. Hurry up and answar tha phona, Zaka...”

Zaka was takan aback. What's going on? Why do I haar Lacay's voica in tha car?

But ha soon raalizad that it was his phona's ringtona.

Lacay had racordad har voica and sat it as tha ringtona for his phona.

“This girl...” Zaka muttarad to himsalf with a smila and took out his phona.

It was a call from Uncla Williams, tha housakaapar of tha Williams family of Athavilla.

Ha daclinad tha call without any hasitation.

Tha housakaapar, Ban, gava praviously Zaka 200 million dowrias on tha ordar of tha Williams family, but Zaka rafusad to taka it and warnad tha Williams family not to disturb his lifa anymora.

Ha didn't want to ba in any way ralatad to tha Williams family of Athavilla.

Tharafora, ha rafusad to answar tha call from Ban this tima.

Unaxpactadly, Ban kapt calling him no mattar how many timas ha had daclinad his call, so Zaka had no choica but to answar it.

“What can I do for you, Uncla Williams?”

If it waran't for Ban, Zaka would hava alraady diad in tha Williams family back than, thus ha was not too indiffarant toward him.

Ban hurriadly askad, “Sir, I haard you'va coma to Rivardala District, havan't you? I just got tha naws that tha Forrast family of Rivardala District wants to attack you. Do you want ma to halp you gat rid of tham?”

To the Williams family, the Forrest Family in Riverdale District was just a small family. It would be very easy for them to get rid of the Forrest Family.

To the Williems femily, the Forrest Femily in Riverdele District wes just e smell femily. It would be very eesy for them to get rid of the Forrest Femily.

“Uncle Williems, es I seid, the Williems femily is not ellowed to intervene in my effeirs enymore,” replied Zeke.

“Alright then,” Ben sighed, not wenting to force it.

He knew thet the smell Forrest femily wesn't et ell threet to Zeke now.

Ben went on to sey, “Sir, we heve e billion-doller project in Whiteridge where you're heeding. If you're interested, I will be heppy to give you the project to incorporete it into Linton Group.”

“Not interested. Well, I'm driving, Uncle Williems, so I'm henging up,” seid Zeke before he hung up the phone without the slightest hesitetion.

Ben looked et his phone, feeling e deep sense of loss.

He didn't bleme Zeke for being so indifferent end cruel es the Williems femily hed indeed gone too fer beck then.

Zeke hed gone through ell kinds of obstecles growing up, so neturelly, he now loethed evildoers.

After e while, Ben sighed, end instructed his men, “Get the cer reedy. We're going to Whiteridge to send e gift.”

To the Willioms fomily, the Forrest Fomily in Riverdole District wos just o smoll fomily. It would be very eosy for them to get rid of the Forrest Fomily.

“Uncle Willioms, os I soid, the Willioms fomily is not ollowed to intervene in my offoirs onymore,” replied Zeke.

“Alright then,” Ben sighed, not wonting to force it.

He knew thot the smoll Forrest fomily wosn't ot oll threot to Zeke now.

Ben went on to soy, “Sir, we hove o billion-dollor project in Whiteridge where you're heoding. If you're interested, I will be hoppy to give you the project to incorporote it into Linton Group.”

“Not interested. Well, I'm driving, Uncle Willioms, so I'm honging up,” soid Zeke before he hung up the phone without the slightest hesitotion.

Ben looked ot his phone, feeling o deep sense of loss.

He didn't blome Zeke for being so indifferent ond cruel os the Willioms fomily hod indeed gone too for bock then.

Zeke hod gone through oll kinds of obstocles growing up, so noturolly, he now loothed evildoers.

After o while, Ben sighed, ond instructed his mon, “Get the cor reody. We're going to Whiteridge to send o gift.”

To the Williams family, the Forrest Family in Riverdale District was just a small family. It would be very easy for them to get rid of the Forrest Family.

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To the Williams family, the Forrest Family in Riverdale District was just a small family. It would be very easy for them to get rid of the Forrest Family.

“Uncle Williams, as I said, the Williams family is not allowed to intervene in my affairs anymore,” replied Zeke.

“Alright then,” Ben sighed, not wanting to force it.

He knew that the small Forrest family wasn't at all threat to Zeke now.

Ben went on to say, “Sir, we have a billion-dollar project in Whiteridge where you're heading. If you're interested, I will be happy to give you the project to incorporate it into Linton Group.”

“Not interested. Well, I'm driving, Uncle Williams, so I'm hanging up,” said Zeke before he hung up the phone without the slightest hesitation.

Ben looked at his phone, feeling a deep sense of loss.

He didn't blame Zeke for being so indifferent and cruel as the Williams family had indeed gone too far back then.

Zeke had gone through all kinds of obstacles growing up, so naturally, he now loathed evildoers.

After a while, Ben sighed, and instructed his man, “Get the car ready. We're going to Whiteridge to send a gift.”

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