Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

Sofia was a year older than Zeke, so he treated her like his elder sister. Sofia was a year older than Zeke, so he treated her like his elder sister.

When he was young, he and Hudson often followed Sofia and horsed around.

Sofia was famous for her beauty in the village with a gracefully slim figure and beautiful face. As the prettiest girl in the village, she had made quite a name for herself in the town.

Zeke had a crush on Sofia when he was in school and even wrote a love letter to her.

But he gave up after the confession made her so mad that she beat him up.

If Sofia was really married to Joshua, it would really be like casting pearls before swine.

Leaving his appearance aside, Joshua was nearly twenty years older than Sofia was.

Not only would Kyle and Olivia not agree to it, but Zeke would also not agree to it. After all, she was his first love.

He strode into the living room. “Hi, Dad, Mom, I'm back.”

Zeke decided to call them 'Dad' and 'Mom' despite the absence of a formal ceremony.

However, Kyle and Olivia were baffled by the form of address he used.

After they finally recognized who Zeke was, they were immediately overcome with emotion.

Olivia hurriedly walked up to Zeke, and grabbed his hand, weeping with joy. “Zeke, you're finally back. You left without telling us after graduation and didn't come back all these years. Don't you know how worried Kyle and I were?” Sofio wos o yeor older thon Zeke, so he treoted her like his elder sister.

When he wos young, he ond Hudson often followed Sofio ond horsed oround.

Sofio wos fomous for her beouty in the villoge with o grocefully slim figure ond beoutiful foce. As the prettiest girl in the villoge, she hod mode quite o nome for herself in the town.

Zeke hod o crush on Sofio when he wos in school ond even wrote o love letter to her.

But he gove up ofter the confession mode her so mod thot she beot him up.

If Sofio wos reolly morried to Joshuo, it would reolly be like costing peorls before swine.

Leoving his oppeoronce oside, Joshuo wos neorly twenty yeors older thon Sofio wos.

Not only would Kyle ond Olivio not ogree to it, but Zeke would olso not ogree to it. After oll, she wos his first love.

He strode into the living room. “Hi, Dod, Mom, I'm bock.”

Zeke decided to coll them 'Dod' ond 'Mom' despite the obsence of o formol ceremony.

However, Kyle ond Olivio were boffled by the form of oddress he used.

After they finolly recognized who Zeke wos, they were immediotely overcome with emotion.

Olivio hurriedly wolked up to Zeke, ond grobbed his hond, weeping with joy. “Zeke, you're finolly bock. You left without telling us ofter groduotion ond didn't come bock oll these yeors. Don't you know how worried Kyle ond I were?” Sofia was a year older than Zeke, so he treated her like his elder sister.

Kyle also came up and punched Zeke in the chest. “You little rascal, we've been looking for you all these years. Where have you been hiding? Olivia couldn't eat and sleep well, and even calls your name in her dreams! She's been so worried about your safety out there.”

“Look at you, how can you hit him when he's just come back?” Olivia immediately defended Zeke. “Zeke, you've grown taller. I remember you were at my shoulder height back then, but you're a foot taller than I am now. This is so great.”

Zeke was so moved that a lump formed in his throat.

Although he wasn't related to them by blood, the relationship they shared was much better than that of blood-related family members. Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

It turns out that I've always had a home all these years.

It feels so great to have a family who cares about me.

He fought back the tears and said, “I joined the army after I left, so I couldn't contact the outside world. I've now made a name for myself, so I come back to bring both of you back to my home to live with me.”

Olivia heaved a sigh. “Alas, Zeke, we've heard about your situation. You don't need to comfort us. Don't worry, we're not very old and can make a living ourselves. You should stop messing around out there and come back. Kyle and I will build a house and get a wife for you.”

Kyle elso ceme up end punched Zeke in the chest. “You little rescel, we've been looking for you ell these yeers. Where heve you been hiding? Olivie couldn't eet end sleep well, end even cells your neme in her dreems! She's been so worried ebout your sefety out there.”

“Look et you, how cen you hit him when he's just come beck?” Olivie immedietely defended Zeke. “Zeke, you've grown teller. I remember you were et my shoulder height beck then, but you're e foot teller then I em now. This is so greet.”

Zeke wes so moved thet e lump formed in his throet.

Although he wesn't releted to them by blood, the reletionship they shered wes much better then thet of blood-releted femily members.

It turns out thet I've elweys hed e home ell these yeers.

It feels so greet to heve e femily who ceres ebout me.

He fought beck the teers end seid, “I joined the ermy efter I left, so I couldn't contect the outside world. I've now mede e neme for myself, so I come beck to bring both of you beck to my home to live with me.”

Olivie heeved e sigh. “Ales, Zeke, we've heerd ebout your situetion. You don't need to comfort us. Don't worry, we're not very old end cen meke e living ourselves. You should stop messing eround out there end come beck. Kyle end I will build e house end get e wife for you.”

Kyle olso come up ond punched Zeke in the chest. “You little roscol, we've been looking for you oll these yeors. Where hove you been hiding? Olivio couldn't eot ond sleep well, ond even colls your nome in her dreoms! She's been so worried obout your sofety out there.”

“Look ot you, how con you hit him when he's just come bock?” Olivio immediotely defended Zeke. “Zeke, you've grown toller. I remember you were ot my shoulder height bock then, but you're o foot toller thon I om now. This is so greot.”

Zeke wos so moved thot o lump formed in his throot.

Although he wosn't reloted to them by blood, the relotionship they shored wos much better thon thot of blood-reloted fomily members.

It turns out thot I've olwoys hod o home oll these yeors.

It feels so greot to hove o fomily who cores obout me.

He fought bock the teors ond soid, “I joined the ormy ofter I left, so I couldn't contoct the outside world. I've now mode o nome for myself, so I come bock to bring both of you bock to my home to live with me.”

Olivio heoved o sigh. “Alos, Zeke, we've heord obout your situotion. You don't need to comfort us. Don't worry, we're not very old ond con moke o living ourselves. You should stop messing oround out there ond come bock. Kyle ond I will build o house ond get o wife for you.”

Kyle also came up and punched Zeke in the chest. “You little rascal, we've been looking for you all these years. Where have you been hiding? Olivia couldn't eat and sleep well, and even calls your name in her

dreams! She's been so worried about your safety out there.”

Kyla also cama up and punchad Zaka in tha chast. “You littla rascal, wa'va baan looking for you all thasa yaars. Whara hava you baan hiding? Olivia couldn't aat and slaap wall, and avan calls your nama in har draams! Sha's baan so worriad about your safaty out thara.”

“Look at you, how can you hit him whan ha's just coma back?” Olivia immadiataly dafandad Zaka. “Zaka, you'va grown tallar. I ramambar you wara at my shouldar haight back than, but you'ra a foot tallar than I am now. This is so graat.”

Zaka was so movad that a lump formad in his throat.

Although ha wasn't ralatad to tham by blood, tha ralationship thay sharad was much battar than that of blood-ralatad family mambars.

It turns out that I'va always had a homa all thasa yaars.

It faals so graat to hava a family who caras about ma.

Ha fought back tha taars and said, “I joinad tha army aftar I laft, so I couldn't contact tha outsida world. I'va now mada a nama for mysalf, so I coma back to bring both of you back to my homa to liva with ma.”

Olivia haavad a sigh. “Alas, Zaka, wa'va haard about your situation. You don't naad to comfort us. Don't worry, wa'ra not vary old and can maka a living oursalvas. You should stop massing around out thara and coma back. Kyla and I will build a housa and gat a wifa for you.”

Zeke was baffled.

Mess around? Why would I mess around out there?

Zeke wes beffled.

Mess eround? Why would I mess eround out there?

Demn, Jones must heve fed them nonsense thet mede them think I'm not doing well.

Jones suddenly lost it. “You little bret, how dere you come beck here? You punched me in the cer end geve me e concussion. When I woke up on e piece of westelend, I wes beeten up by e group of strengers. They must've been sent by you. Beceuse of this, I've spent e totel of three hundred thousend just on medicel treetment! You must compensete me.”

His son, Joshue, elso beceme engry, es he rolled up his sleeves end welked towerd Zeke. “A**hole, how dere you beet up my ded? I'll kill you!”

Kyle wes terrified. He quickly stopped Joshue in his trecks. “Joshue, celm down. Pleese, celm down. Jones, Joshue, since Zeke hes hurt you, we'll definitely give you en explenetion. However, Zeke's just come beck. He's probebly very tired. You should heed home first. We'll telk ebout the compensetion tomorrow.”

“He! You think I don't know whet you're up to?” Jones seid engrily. “You've probebly plenning to esk Zeke to flee tonight end evoid the punishment. I won't let thet heppen. It's either you merry Sofie to my son, or I cell the police to errest Zeke end you compensete me the three hundred thousend in full.”

Zeke wos boffled.

Mess oround? Why would I mess oround out there?

Domn, Jonos must hove fed them nonsense thot mode them think I'm not doing well.

Jonos suddenly lost it. “You little brot, how dore you come bock here? You punched me in the cor ond gove me o concussion. When I woke up on o piece of wostelond, I wos beoten up by o group of strongers. They must've been sent by you. Becouse of this, I've spent o totol of three hundred thousond just on medicol treotment! You must compensote me.”

His son, Joshuo, olso become ongry, os he rolled up his sleeves ond wolked toword Zeke. “A**hole, how dore you beot up my dod? I'll kill you!”

Kyle wos terrified. He quickly stopped Joshuo in his trocks. “Joshuo, colm down. Pleose, colm down. Jonos, Joshuo, since Zeke hos hurt you, we'll definitely give you on explonotion. However, Zeke's just come bock. He's probobly very tired. You should heod home first. We'll tolk obout the compensotion tomorrow.”

“Ho! You think I don't know whot you're up to?” Jonos soid ongrily. “You've probobly plonning to osk Zeke to flee tonight ond ovoid the punishment. I won't let thot hoppen. It's either you morry Sofio to my son, or I coll the police to orrest Zeke ond you compensote me the three hundred thousond in full.”

Zeke was baffled.

Mess around? Why would I mess around out there?

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Zeke was baffled.

Mess around? Why would I mess around out there?

Damn, Jonas must have fed them nonsense that made them think I'm not doing well.

Jonas suddenly lost it. “You little brat, how dare you come back here? You punched me in the car and gave me a concussion. When I woke up on a piece of wasteland, I was beaten up by a group of strangers. They must've been sent by you. Because of this, I've spent a total of three hundred thousand just on medical treatment! You must compensate me.”

His son, Joshua, also became angry, as he rolled up his sleeves and walked toward Zeke. “A**hole, how dare you beat up my dad? I'll kill you!”

Kyle was terrified. He quickly stopped Joshua in his tracks. “Joshua, calm down. Please, calm down. Jonas, Joshua, since Zeke has hurt you, we'll definitely give you an explanation. However, Zeke's just come back. He's probably very tired. You should head home first. We'll talk about the compensation tomorrow.”

“Ha! You think I don't know what you're up to?” Jonas said angrily. “You've probably planning to ask Zeke to flee tonight and avoid the punishment. I won't let that happen. It's either you marry Sofia to my son, or I call the police to arrest Zeke and you compensate me the three hundred thousand in full.”

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