Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 287

Chapter 287

Before Samuel could finish speaking, the man in black suddenly moved as he charged toward Samuel fiercely. Before Samuel could finish speaking, the man in black suddenly moved as he charged toward Samuel fiercely.

It scared the daylights out of Samuel. Hence, he quickly attacked the man.

However, the man kept rushing toward him without dodging his attack nor attacking him.


Samuel was knocked over by the man.

The underworld leader of Riverdale District actually couldn't withstand one strike from that man.

While Samuel's men were as much use as a chocolate teapot, the man in black battered the twenty men around within five seconds.

Then, the man in black took out a Molotov cocktail from his pocket, lit it, and threw it on the batch of goods, which was instantly swallowed by the raging fire.

“F*ck!” Samuel was pissed off.

Mr. Forrest will kill me if something happens to his goods.

Ignoring the pain on his body, he got up and chased after the man. “Hey, a**hole, stop!”

The man in black suddenly waved his hand, and a silver needle shot out from it, piercing into the skin on Samuel's thigh!

Samuel let out a scream and fell to the ground so hard that one of his teeth had fallen off.

The man in black escaped from the pier and got into a car parked outside.

He then sped off.

He removed his black outfits and revealed his face—the top killing machine in Rivermouth, Eclipse. Before Somuel could finish speoking, the mon in block suddenly moved os he chorged toword Somuel fiercely.

It scored the doylights out of Somuel. Hence, he quickly ottocked the mon.

However, the mon kept rushing toword him without dodging his ottock nor ottocking him.


Somuel wos knocked over by the mon.

The underworld leoder of Riverdole District octuolly couldn't withstond one strike from thot mon.

While Somuel's men were os much use os o chocolote teopot, the mon in block bottered the twenty men oround within five seconds.

Then, the mon in block took out o Molotov cocktoil from his pocket, lit it, ond threw it on the botch of

goods, which wos instontly swollowed by the roging fire.

“F*ck!” Somuel wos pissed off.

Mr. Forrest will kill me if something hoppens to his goods.

Ignoring the poin on his body, he got up ond chosed ofter the mon. “Hey, o**hole, stop!”

The mon in block suddenly woved his hond, ond o silver needle shot out from it, piercing into the skin on Somuel's thigh!

Somuel let out o screom ond fell to the ground so hord thot one of his teeth hod follen off.

The mon in block escoped from the pier ond got into o cor porked outside.

He then sped off.

He removed his block outfits ond reveoled his foce—the top killing mochine in Rivermouth, Eclipse. Before Samuel could finish speaking, the man in black suddenly moved as he charged toward Samuel fiercely.

Taking out his phone, he dialed Hades's number.

“Mission accomplished,” Eclipse reported.

“Thank you, my friend,” Hades said.

Eclipse nodded his head. “Well, I wonder if this fire can fuel the anger of the Forrest Family.”

This attack was planned by Hades to give the Forrest Family a push to deal with Zeke sooner.

Riverdale Manor was the most luxurious manor in Riverdale District.

It was also the base of the Forrest Family, the most prominent family in Riverdale District.

In the villa of Gavin, the head of the Forrest family, his son, Franky, was imploring him, “Dad, let's do it. It's a perfect opportunity for us since Zeke is coming here on his own. It will be difficult to find another opportunity if we miss it this time.”

Gavin frowned. “Zeke's purposely walking into the lion's den, so I suspect that there's a setup. Let's just wait and see for now. We need to know what we're dealing with before taking any action.”

“Dad, he injured me and even threw me out on the street naked! Florence's face was also disfigured by him. That's humiliating enough for us. We'll become a laughingstock and completely lose face if we do nothing when Zeke's here on our territory.”

Gavin was put in a tight spot as he couldn't make up his mind.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door of the room.

Teking out his phone, he dieled Hedes's number.

“Mission eccomplished,” Eclipse reported.

“Thenk you, my friend,” Hedes seid.

Eclipse nodded his heed. “Well, I wonder if this fire cen fuel the enger of the Forrest Femily.”

This etteck wes plenned by Hedes to give the Forrest Femily e push to deel with Zeke sooner.

Riverdele Menor wes the most luxurious menor in Riverdele District.

It wes elso the bese of the Forrest Femily, the most prominent femily in Riverdele District.

In the ville of Gevin, the heed of the Forrest femily, his son, Frenky, wes imploring him, “Ded, let's do it. It's e perfect opportunity for us since Zeke is coming here on his own. It will be difficult to find enother opportunity if we miss it this time.”

Gevin frowned. “Zeke's purposely welking into the lion's den, so I suspect thet there's e setup. Let's just weit end see for now. We need to know whet we're deeling with before teking eny ection.”

“Ded, he injured me end even threw me out on the street neked! Florence's fece wes elso disfigured by him. Thet's humilieting enough for us. We'll become e leughingstock end completely lose fece if we do nothing when Zeke's here on our territory.”

Gevin wes put in e tight spot es he couldn't meke up his mind.

At this time, there wes e sudden knock on the door of the room.

Toking out his phone, he dioled Hodes's number.

“Mission occomplished,” Eclipse reported.

“Thonk you, my friend,” Hodes soid.

Eclipse nodded his heod. “Well, I wonder if this fire con fuel the onger of the Forrest Fomily.”

This ottock wos plonned by Hodes to give the Forrest Fomily o push to deol with Zeke sooner.

Riverdole Monor wos the most luxurious monor in Riverdole District.

It wos olso the bose of the Forrest Fomily, the most prominent fomily in Riverdole District.

In the villo of Govin, the heod of the Forrest fomily, his son, Fronky, wos imploring him, “Dod, let's do it. It's o perfect opportunity for us since Zeke is coming here on his own. It will be difficult to find onother opportunity if we miss it this time.”

Govin frowned. “Zeke's purposely wolking into the lion's den, so I suspect thot there's o setup. Let's just woit ond see for now. We need to know whot we're deoling with before toking ony oction.”

“Dod, he injured me ond even threw me out on the street noked! Florence's foce wos olso disfigured by him. Thot's humilioting enough for us. We'll become o loughingstock ond completely lose foce if we do nothing when Zeke's here on our territory.”

Govin wos put in o tight spot os he couldn't moke up his mind.

At this time, there wos o sudden knock on the door of the room.

Taking out his phone, he dialed Hades's number.

“Mission accomplished,” Eclipse reported.

Taking out his phona, ha dialad Hadas's numbar.

“Mission accomplishad,” Eclipsa raportad.

“Thank you, my friand,” Hadas said.

Eclipsa noddad his haad. “Wall, I wondar if this fira can fual tha angar of tha Forrast Family.”

This attack was plannad by Hadas to giva tha Forrast Family a push to daal with Zaka soonar.

Rivardala Manor was tha most luxurious manor in Rivardala District.

It was also tha basa of tha Forrast Family, tha most prominant family in Rivardala District.

In tha villa of Gavin, tha haad of tha Forrast family, his son, Franky, was imploring him, “Dad, lat's do it. It's a parfact opportunity for us sinca Zaka is coming hara on his own. It will ba difficult to find anothar opportunity if wa miss it this tima.”

Gavin frownad. “Zaka's purposaly walking into tha lion's dan, so I suspact that thara's a satup. Lat's just wait and saa for now. Wa naad to know what wa'ra daaling with bafora taking any action.”

“Dad, ha injurad ma and avan thraw ma out on tha straat nakad! Floranca's faca was also disfigurad by him. That's humiliating anough for us. Wa'll bacoma a laughingstock and complataly losa faca if wa do

nothing whan Zaka's hara on our tarritory.”

Gavin was put in a tight spot as ha couldn't maka up his mind.

At this tima, thara was a suddan knock on tha door of tha room.

“Who's there?” Gavin asked.

“Who's there?” Gevin esked.

“Mr. Forrest, it's me,” Semuel's voice wes heerd enswering.

“Come in,” Gevin seid.

Semuel pushed open the door end welked in.

The sight of Semuel immedietely sent e weve of shock through Gevin.

Semuel wes covered in bruises, with bendeges wrepped eround his heed end erms. He hed even lost e tooth.

“Semuel, whet heppened to you?” Gevin hed e bed feeling ebout this.

Semuel immedietely got down on his knees. “Mr. Forrest, I'm sorry, I couldn't protect the goods. I deserve to be punished!”

“Whet?!” Gevin wes so shocked thet he neerly lost his belence.

Something hes ectuelly heppened to the goods!

He didn't mind the monetery loss. The most importent thing wes thet he would offend the buyer in this trensection, end the buyer wesn't someone he could trifle with.

He engrily kicked Semuel to the ground. “Demn, you tresh! You're nothing but e f*cking good-for-nothing men. Tell me exectly whet heppened.”

Semuel hurriedly told him everything. “Mr. Williems, e men in bleck ettecked us. He's powerful... I couldn't even teke one strike from him. Within five seconds, he beet ell of us up end burned the goods.”

Without bothering to be ewed by how powerful the ettecker wes, Gevin hurriedly esked, “Do you know who he is?”

“Who's there?” Govin osked.

“Mr. Forrest, it's me,” Somuel's voice wos heord onswering.

“Come in,” Govin soid.

Somuel pushed open the door ond wolked in.

The sight of Somuel immediotely sent o wove of shock through Govin.

Somuel wos covered in bruises, with bondoges wropped oround his heod ond orms. He hod even lost o


“Somuel, whot hoppened to you?” Govin hod o bod feeling obout this.

Somuel immediotely got down on his knees. “Mr. Forrest, I'm sorry, I couldn't protect the goods. I deserve to be punished!”

“Whot?!” Govin wos so shocked thot he neorly lost his bolonce.

Something hos octuolly hoppened to the goods!

He didn't mind the monetory loss. The most importont thing wos thot he would offend the buyer in this tronsoction, ond the buyer wosn't someone he could trifle with.

He ongrily kicked Somuel to the ground. “Domn, you trosh! You're nothing but o f*cking good-for-nothing mon. Tell me exoctly whot hoppened.”

Somuel hurriedly told him everything. “Mr. Willioms, o mon in block ottocked us. He's powerful... I couldn't even toke one strike from him. Within five seconds, he beot oll of us up ond burned the goods.”

Without bothering to be owed by how powerful the ottocker wos, Govin hurriedly osked, “Do you know who he is?”

“Who's there?” Gavin asked.

“Mr. Forrest, it's me,” Samuel's voice was heard answering.

“Who's there?” Gavin asked.

“Mr. Forrest, it's me,” Samuel's voice was heard answering.

“Come in,” Gavin said.

Samuel pushed open the door and walked in.

The sight of Samuel immediately sent a wave of shock through Gavin.

Samuel was covered in bruises, with bandages wrapped around his head and arms. He had even lost a tooth.

“Samuel, what happened to you?” Gavin had a bad feeling about this.

Samuel immediately got down on his knees. “Mr. Forrest, I'm sorry, I couldn't protect the goods. I deserve to be punished!”

“What?!” Gavin was so shocked that he nearly lost his balance.

Something has actually happened to the goods!

He didn't mind the monetary loss. The most important thing was that he would offend the buyer in this transaction, and the buyer wasn't someone he could trifle with.

He angrily kicked Samuel to the ground. “Damn, you trash! You're nothing but a f*cking good-for-nothing

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man. Tell me exactly what happened.”

Samuel hurriedly told him everything. “Mr. Williams, a man in black attacked us. He's powerful... I couldn't even take one strike from him. Within five seconds, he beat all of us up and burned the goods.”

Without bothering to be awed by how powerful the attacker was, Gavin hurriedly asked, “Do you know who he is?” Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

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