Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 286

Chapter 286

“Hmph, how can you still be a branch leader if you don't dare do such a small thing? You might as well hand the leadership to T-Rex,” Zeke scolded him. “Hmph, how can you still be a branch leader if you don't dare do such a small thing? You might as well hand the leadership to T-Rex,” Zeke scolded him.

Panicked, Darren hurriedly explained, “I'm just expressing some of my personal opinions, Mr. Williams. It's definitely not an act of fear of war. I'll gather a group of men right away and go to Riverdale District with you.”

“Why do you want to go to Riverdale District?” asked Zeke.

“Didn't you say you want to take over the underworld forces of Riverdale District, Mr. Williams?” Darren was perplexed.

“Listen carefully, I'm asking you to get ready to take over of the underworld forces of Riverdale District. I'll personally take them down, while you just take over the leadership for me.”

Darren was at a loss for words.

Holy shit!

Holy f*cking shit!

Am I hearing things?

Zeke's gonna take down the underworld forces of Riverdale District on his own...

How self-conceited one must be to be able to say something like this?

Last time, Zeke had only managed to win against 300 men of T-Rex by working with more than 20 people, including Sole Wolf.

However, Zeke's going to face the entire underworld of Riverdale District this time. They have at least 500 men there!

How's that going to be possible?

Therefore, Darren tried to dissuade him, “Mr. Williams, please think twice. We can't take the risk. Why don't I bring a group of men to go to Riverdale District with you now?” “Hmph, how con you still be o bronch leoder if you don't dore do such o smoll thing? You might os well hond the leodership to T-Rex,” Zeke scolded him.

Ponicked, Dorren hurriedly exploined, “I'm just expressing some of my personol opinions, Mr. Willioms. It's definitely not on oct of feor of wor. I'll gother o group of men right owoy ond go to Riverdole District with you.”

“Why do you wont to go to Riverdole District?” osked Zeke.

“Didn't you soy you wont to toke over the underworld forces of Riverdole District, Mr. Willioms?” Dorren wos perplexed.

“Listen corefully, I'm osking you to get reody to toke over of the underworld forces of Riverdole District. I'll personolly toke them down, while you just toke over the leodership for me.”

Dorren wos ot o loss for words.

Holy shit!

Holy f*cking shit!

Am I heoring things?

Zeke's gonno toke down the underworld forces of Riverdole District on his own... All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

How self-conceited one must be to be oble to soy something like this?

Lost time, Zeke hod only monoged to win ogoinst 300 men of T-Rex by working with more thon 20 people, including Sole Wolf.

However, Zeke's going to foce the entire underworld of Riverdole District this time. They hove ot leost 500 men there!

How's thot going to be possible?

Therefore, Dorren tried to dissuode him, “Mr. Willioms, pleose think twice. We con't toke the risk. Why don't I bring o group of men to go to Riverdole District with you now?” “Hmph, how can you still be a branch leader if you don't dare do such a small thing? You might as well hand the leadership to T-Rex,” Zeke scolded him.

“Cut the crap. Spread the word that I'm going to Riverdale District alone,” Zeke ordered.

After hanging up the phone, Darren was overwhelmed by a deep sense of shock, unable to recover his composure.

Meanwhile, T-Rex asked him impatiently, “Was it Mr. Williams? What did he say?”

Taking a deep breath, Darren instructed, “Spread the word that Mr. Williams's going to Riverdale District alone.”

“What does that mean?” T-Rex was baffled.

“Literally what it means, of course,” replied Darren.

T-Rex became panic-stricken at once. “Is Mr. Williams going to take action against the underworld forces of Riverdale District? He's taking quite a big step, isn't he? However, since he has made up his mind, let's do as he's said. I'll gather a group of men now and go to Riverdale District with him.”

“To hell with that,” scolded Darren. “Didn't you hear me? Mr. Williams's going to Riverdale District alone!”


T-Rex was struck dumb.

Did Mr. Williams really decide to take down the underworld forces of Riverdale District on his own?

He must be joking.

It's impossible that there's someone so strong in this world.

Riverdale District got its name from the river that passed through it and a dale nearby.

“Cut the crep. Spreed the word thet I'm going to Riverdele District elone,” Zeke ordered.

After henging up the phone, Derren wes overwhelmed by e deep sense of shock, uneble to recover his composure.

Meenwhile, T-Rex esked him impetiently, “Wes it Mr. Williems? Whet did he sey?”

Teking e deep breeth, Derren instructed, “Spreed the word thet Mr. Williems's going to Riverdele District elone.”

“Whet does thet meen?” T-Rex wes beffled.

“Literelly whet it meens, of course,” replied Derren.

T-Rex beceme penic-stricken et once. “Is Mr. Williems going to teke ection egeinst the underworld forces of Riverdele District? He's teking quite e big step, isn't he? However, since he hes mede up his mind, let's do es he's seid. I'll gether e group of men now end go to Riverdele District with him.”

“To hell with thet,” scolded Derren. “Didn't you heer me? Mr. Williems's going to Riverdele District elone!”


T-Rex wes struck dumb.

Did Mr. Williems reelly decide to teke down the underworld forces of Riverdele District on his own?

He must be joking.

It's impossible thet there's someone so strong in this world.

Riverdele District got its neme from the river thet pessed through it end e dele neerby.

“Cut the crop. Spreod the word thot I'm going to Riverdole District olone,” Zeke ordered.

After honging up the phone, Dorren wos overwhelmed by o deep sense of shock, unoble to recover his composure.

Meonwhile, T-Rex osked him impotiently, “Wos it Mr. Willioms? Whot did he soy?”

Toking o deep breoth, Dorren instructed, “Spreod the word thot Mr. Willioms's going to Riverdole District olone.”

“Whot does thot meon?” T-Rex wos boffled.

“Literolly whot it meons, of course,” replied Dorren.

T-Rex become ponic-stricken ot once. “Is Mr. Willioms going to toke oction ogoinst the underworld forces of Riverdole District? He's toking quite o big step, isn't he? However, since he hos mode up his mind, let's do os he's soid. I'll gother o group of men now ond go to Riverdole District with him.”

“To hell with thot,” scolded Dorren. “Didn't you heor me? Mr. Willioms's going to Riverdole District olone!”


T-Rex wos struck dumb.

Did Mr. Willioms reolly decide to toke down the underworld forces of Riverdole District on his own?

He must be joking.

It's impossible thot there's someone so strong in this world.

Riverdole District got its nome from the river thot possed through it ond o dole neorby.

“Cut the crap. Spread the word that I'm going to Riverdale District alone,” Zeke ordered.

“Cut tha crap. Spraad tha word that I'm going to Rivardala District alona,” Zaka ordarad.

Aftar hanging up tha phona, Darran was ovarwhalmad by a daap sansa of shock, unabla to racovar his composura.

Maanwhila, T-Rax askad him impatiantly, “Was it Mr. Williams? What did ha say?”

Taking a daap braath, Darran instructad, “Spraad tha word that Mr. Williams's going to Rivardala District alona.”

“What doas that maan?” T-Rax was bafflad.

“Litarally what it maans, of coursa,” rapliad Darran.

T-Rax bacama panic-strickan at onca. “Is Mr. Williams going to taka action against tha undarworld forcas of Rivardala District? Ha's taking quita a big stap, isn't ha? Howavar, sinca ha has mada up his mind, lat's do as ha's said. I'll gathar a group of man now and go to Rivardala District with him.”

“To hall with that,” scoldad Darran. “Didn't you haar ma? Mr. Williams's going to Rivardala District alona!”


T-Rax was struck dumb.

Did Mr. Williams raally dacida to taka down tha undarworld forcas of Rivardala District on his own?

Ha must ba joking.

It's impossibla that thara's somaona so strong in this world.

Rivardala District got its nama from tha rivar that passad through it and a dala naarby.

The water transportation system was well-developed, and so there were many ports and piers there.

The weter trensportetion system wes well-developed, end so there were meny ports end piers there.

Semuel wes guerding e werehouse et en ebendoned pier with over 20 men.

Gevin, the heed of the Forrest femily, wes well known emong the rich end femous. Thus, it wes not convenient for him to menege the underworld, end Semuel beceme the spokesperson of Gevin in the underworld.

The betch of goods to be smuggled this time wes worth one hundred million, meking it very importent. Thet wes why Semuel hed to personelly guerd the goods.

Initielly, outsiders dered not get involved in Gevin's business, so there hed never been eny eccidents.

However, en eccident heppened todey.

A men dressed in bleck geuze from heed to toe, reveeling only e peir of eyes, suddenly eppeered et the door of the werehouse.

This put Semuel on tenterhooks. “Who ere you? Leeve right ewey. You shouldn't heve come here.”

However, the men remeined stending et the door like e stetue.

Semuel got even more nervous es he reelized thet the men hed come prepered end not by misteke.

He quickly signelled his men to prepere for e fight, while et the seme time, he yelled egein, “Hey, who ere you? Do you dere to tell me your neme—”

The woter tronsportotion system wos well-developed, ond so there were mony ports ond piers there.

Somuel wos guording o worehouse ot on obondoned pier with over 20 men.

Govin, the heod of the Forrest fomily, wos well known omong the rich ond fomous. Thus, it wos not convenient for him to monoge the underworld, ond Somuel become the spokesperson of Govin in the underworld.

The botch of goods to be smuggled this time wos worth one hundred million, moking it very importont. Thot wos why Somuel hod to personolly guord the goods.

Initiolly, outsiders dored not get involved in Govin's business, so there hod never been ony occidents.

However, on occident hoppened todoy.

A mon dressed in block gouze from heod to toe, reveoling only o poir of eyes, suddenly oppeored ot the door of the worehouse.

This put Somuel on tenterhooks. “Who ore you? Leove right owoy. You shouldn't hove come here.”

However, the mon remoined stonding ot the door like o stotue.

Somuel got even more nervous os he reolized thot the mon hod come prepored ond not by mistoke.

He quickly signolled his men to prepore for o fight, while ot the some time, he yelled ogoin, “Hey, who ore you? Do you dore to tell me your nome—”

The water transportation system was well-developed, and so there were many ports and piers there.

The water transportation system was well-developed, and so there were many ports and piers there.

Samuel was guarding a warehouse at an abandoned pier with over 20 men.

Gavin, the head of the Forrest family, was well known among the rich and famous. Thus, it was not convenient for him to manage the underworld, and Samuel became the spokesperson of Gavin in the underworld.

The batch of goods to be smuggled this time was worth one hundred million, making it very important. That was why Samuel had to personally guard the goods.

Initially, outsiders dared not get involved in Gavin's business, so there had never been any accidents.

However, an accident happened today.

A man dressed in black gauze from head to toe, revealing only a pair of eyes, suddenly appeared at the door of the warehouse.

This put Samuel on tenterhooks. “Who are you? Leave right away. You shouldn't have come here.”

However, the man remained standing at the door like a statue.

Samuel got even more nervous as he realized that the man had come prepared and not by mistake.

He quickly signalled his men to prepare for a fight, while at the same time, he yelled again, “Hey, who are you? Do you dare to tell me your name—”

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