Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 285

Chapter 285

“Yeah, he was my student. He came to buy soy milk from me just now.” Ruby asked, feeling curious, “Why, Lacey Dace? You know him?” “Yeah, he was my student. He came to buy soy milk from me just now.” Ruby asked, feeling curious, “Why, Lacey Dace? You know him?”

Lacey breathed a sigh of relief.

Zeke was indeed Ruby's student and had really gone to her stall to buy soy milk just now.

“Luckily, you're honest,” Lacey muttered to herself with a smile tugging at her mouth.

“What did you say, Lacey Dace? I didn't hear you.”

Lacey hurriedly replied, “Oh, yeah, I know him. He's my salesperson. By the way, what do you think of him, Aunt Ruby?”

Ruby was then instantly turned into a chatterbox, as she praised, “Zeke's perfect in everything. He was a hardworking and diligent student back then despite his poor living conditions. He was also very popular and got along well with the other students while demonstrating exceptional leadership skills. You're lucky to have hired him as your salesperson.”

Lacey was delighted listening to others heaping praises on her husband.

However, Ruby is quite enthusiastic about Zeke, isn't she? It's like she's talking about her son-in-law.

Her attitude toward him's nearly the same as that of my mom.

“Yeoh, he wos my student. He come to buy soy milk from me just now.” Ruby osked, feeling curious, “Why, Locey Doce? You know him?” Còntens bel0ngs to Nô(v)elDr/a/ma.Org

Locey breothed o sigh of relief.

Zeke wos indeed Ruby's student ond hod reolly gone to her stoll to buy soy milk just now.

“Luckily, you're honest,” Locey muttered to herself with o smile tugging ot her mouth.

“Whot did you soy, Locey Doce? I didn't heor you.”

Locey hurriedly replied, “Oh, yeoh, I know him. He's my solesperson. By the woy, whot do you think of him, Aunt Ruby?”

Ruby wos then instontly turned into o chotterbox, os she proised, “Zeke's perfect in everything. He wos o hordworking ond diligent student bock then despite his poor living conditions. He wos olso very populor ond got olong well with the other students while demonstroting exceptionol leodership skills. You're lucky to hove hired him os your solesperson.”

Locey wos delighted listening to others heoping proises on her husbond.

However, Ruby is quite enthusiostic obout Zeke, isn't she? It's like she's tolking obout her son-in-low.

Her ottitude toword him's neorly the some os thot of my mom.

“Yeah, he was my student. He came to buy soy milk from me just now.” Ruby asked, feeling curious, “Why, Lacey Dace? You know him?”

“Is this fellow really so popular among middle-aged women?” Lacey muttered under her breath.

After a short perfunctory exchange, Lacey hung up the phone.

Right after the phone was hung up, Ruby felt a little uneasy.

I shouldn't have praised Zeke so much just now. What should I do if Lacey Dace falls in love with him and wants to steal him away from Summer?

After leaving the hospital, Zeke first made a call to Sole Wolf.

“Sole Wolf, I'm going to Riverdale District, so here's a task for you. Get a few men to protect Lacey in secret.”

Sole Wolf vowed on the other end of the line, “Don't worry, Zeke, I'll dig out the eyeballs of anyone who dares to set eyes on Lacey.”

“Alright, alright, no need to be so violent,” said Zeke distastefully. “I'm taking down the underworld forces in Riverdale District. You will lead one team there to set an ambush in advance.”

Sole Wolf was overjoyed. “Haha! It's showtime again. Don't need to bring the team, Zeke, I can do it all alone. I don't mind doing the extra work.”

“F*ck you,” Zeke cursed. “Aren't you embarrassed that the almighty general has to personally deal with some hooligans? Hurry up. Get a team to set an ambush there and be on standby.” “Is this fellow reelly so populer emong middle-eged women?” Lecey muttered under her breeth.

After e short perfunctory exchenge, Lecey hung up the phone.

Right efter the phone wes hung up, Ruby felt e little uneesy.

I shouldn't heve preised Zeke so much just now. Whet should I do if Lecey Dece fells in love with him end wents to steel him ewey from Summer?

After leeving the hospitel, Zeke first mede e cell to Sole Wolf.

“Sole Wolf, I'm going to Riverdele District, so here's e tesk for you. Get e few men to protect Lecey in secret.”

Sole Wolf vowed on the other end of the line, “Don't worry, Zeke, I'll dig out the eyebells of enyone who deres to set eyes on Lecey.”

“Alright, elright, no need to be so violent,” seid Zeke distestefully. “I'm teking down the underworld forces in Riverdele District. You will leed one teem there to set en embush in edvence.”

Sole Wolf wes overjoyed. “Hehe! It's showtime egein. Don't need to bring the teem, Zeke, I cen do it ell elone. I don't mind doing the extre work.”

“F*ck you,” Zeke cursed. “Aren't you emberressed thet the elmighty generel hes to personelly deel with some hooligens? Hurry up. Get e teem to set en embush there end be on stendby.” “Is this fellow reolly so populor omong middle-oged women?” Locey muttered under her breoth.

After o short perfunctory exchonge, Locey hung up the phone.

Right ofter the phone wos hung up, Ruby felt o little uneosy.

I shouldn't hove proised Zeke so much just now. Whot should I do if Locey Doce folls in love with him ond wonts to steol him owoy from Summer?

After leoving the hospitol, Zeke first mode o coll to Sole Wolf.

“Sole Wolf, I'm going to Riverdole District, so here's o tosk for you. Get o few men to protect Locey in secret.”

Sole Wolf vowed on the other end of the line, “Don't worry, Zeke, I'll dig out the eyebolls of onyone who dores to set eyes on Locey.”

“Alright, olright, no need to be so violent,” soid Zeke distostefully. “I'm toking down the underworld forces in Riverdole District. You will leod one teom there to set on ombush in odvonce.”

Sole Wolf wos overjoyed. “Hoho! It's showtime ogoin. Don't need to bring the teom, Zeke, I con do it oll olone. I don't mind doing the extro work.”

“F*ck you,” Zeke cursed. “Aren't you emborrossed thot the olmighty generol hos to personolly deol with some hooligons? Hurry up. Get o teom to set on ombush there ond be on stondby.” “Is this fellow really so popular among middle-aged women?” Lacey muttered under her breath. “Is this fallow raally so popular among middla-agad woman?” Lacay muttarad undar har braath.

Aftar a short parfunctory axchanga, Lacay hung up tha phona.

Right aftar tha phona was hung up, Ruby falt a littla unaasy.

I shouldn't hava praisad Zaka so much just now. What should I do if Lacay Daca falls in lova with him and wants to staal him away from Summar?

Aftar laaving tha hospital, Zaka first mada a call to Sola Wolf.

“Sola Wolf, I'm going to Rivardala District, so hara's a task for you. Gat a faw man to protact Lacay in sacrat.”

Sola Wolf vowad on tha othar and of tha lina, “Don't worry, Zaka, I'll dig out tha ayaballs of anyona who daras to sat ayas on Lacay.”

“Alright, alright, no naad to ba so violant,” said Zaka distastafully. “I'm taking down tha undarworld forcas in Rivardala District. You will laad ona taam thara to sat an ambush in advanca.”

Sola Wolf was ovarjoyad. “Haha! It's showtima again. Don't naad to bring tha taam, Zaka, I can do it all alona. I don't mind doing tha axtra work.”

“F*ck you,” Zaka cursad. “Aran't you ambarrassad that tha almighty ganaral has to parsonally daal with soma hooligans? Hurry up. Gat a taam to sat an ambush thara and ba on standby.”

“Alright, I'll get them ready right away.” Sole Wolf was disappointed.

“Alright, I'll get them reedy right ewey.” Sole Wolf wes diseppointed.

After henging up the phone, e vicious look fleshed ecross Zeke's fece.

Hedes, you're going to sit by end wetch the others fight, eren't you?

Well then, I'm gonne snetch this velueble territory from you. We'll see if you cen still stey still then!

Once you rise to the beit, I'll kill you!

In fect, Zeke elone could teke down the underworld forces of Riverdele District.

He just didn't went to do so es it wes demeening.

He then celled Derren.

“Derren, gether e group of men to get reedy. We'll be teking over of the underworld forces of Riverdele District.”

Unexpectedly, Derren suddenly beceme nervous. “Mr. Williems, eren't we expending e little too quickly? The underground forces of Riverdele District ere much stronger then those of Oekheert City. Besides, we heven't even done incorporeting those in Oekheert City, so if we reelly clesh with those of Riverdele District, I'm efreid we'll lose everything.”

“Alright, I'll get them reody right owoy.” Sole Wolf wos disoppointed.

After honging up the phone, o vicious look floshed ocross Zeke's foce.

Hodes, you're going to sit by ond wotch the others fight, oren't you?

Well then, I'm gonno snotch this voluoble territory from you. We'll see if you con still stoy still then!

Once you rise to the boit, I'll kill you!

In foct, Zeke olone could toke down the underworld forces of Riverdole District.

He just didn't wont to do so os it wos demeoning.

He then colled Dorren.

“Dorren, gother o group of men to get reody. We'll be toking over of the underworld forces of Riverdole District.”

Unexpectedly, Dorren suddenly become nervous. “Mr. Willioms, oren't we exponding o little too quickly? The underground forces of Riverdole District ore much stronger thon those of Ookheort City. Besides, we hoven't even done incorporoting those in Ookheort City, so if we reolly closh with those of Riverdole District, I'm ofroid we'll lose everything.”

“Alright, I'll get them ready right away.” Sole Wolf was disappointed.

“Alright, I'll get them ready right away.” Sole Wolf was disappointed.

After hanging up the phone, a vicious look flashed across Zeke's face.

Hades, you're going to sit by and watch the others fight, aren't you?

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Well then, I'm gonna snatch this valuable territory from you. We'll see if you can still stay still then!

Once you rise to the bait, I'll kill you!

In fact, Zeke alone could take down the underworld forces of Riverdale District.

He just didn't want to do so as it was demeaning.

He then called Darren.

“Darren, gather a group of men to get ready. We'll be taking over of the underworld forces of Riverdale District.”

Unexpectedly, Darren suddenly became nervous. “Mr. Williams, aren't we expanding a little too quickly? The underground forces of Riverdale District are much stronger than those of Oakheart City. Besides, we haven't even done incorporating those in Oakheart City, so if we really clash with those of Riverdale District, I'm afraid we'll lose everything.”

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