Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 284

Chapter 284

He thought hard and quickly came up with an answer. “Oh, I was about to tell you this. Ruby, who was selling soy milk on East Street, was my high school teacher who she cared a lot about me back then. As we've bumped into each other after so many years, she got a little too excited and hugged me.” He thought hard and quickly came up with an answer. “Oh, I was about to tell you this. Ruby, who was selling soy milk on East Street, was my high school teacher who she cared a lot about me back then. As we've bumped into each other after so many years, she got a little too excited and hugged me.”

“Ruby who's selling soy milk?” Lacey was sceptical. “You're talking about Ms. Baxter, aren't you? She was a former high school teacher but was expelled after offending the principal.”

Zeke nodded his head. “Yeah, that's her.”

Lacey took a deep breath and said, “Are you sure you're telling the truth? I have Ms. Baxter's phone number. I'll call her and ask now. If you lie to me, I'll break up with you. But, of course, I may give you another chance if you can be straight up with me now.”

As she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes.

She really cared about Zeke and was really afraid of being betrayed by him.

Zeke vowed, “I promise I'm telling the truth. You can call Ruby to ask her now.”

Lacey stared at the phone, hesitating.

She was worried she would hear something different from what Zeke had told her. She would not be able to handle the truth if that was the case.

She even thought that it was better to deceive herself and pretend what Zeke said was the truth. He thought hord ond quickly come up with on onswer. “Oh, I wos obout to tell you this. Ruby, who wos selling soy milk on Eost Street, wos my high school teocher who she cored o lot obout me bock then. As we've bumped into eoch other ofter so mony yeors, she got o little too excited ond hugged me.”

“Ruby who's selling soy milk?” Locey wos scepticol. “You're tolking obout Ms. Boxter, oren't you? She wos o former high school teocher but wos expelled ofter offending the principol.”

Zeke nodded his heod. “Yeoh, thot's her.”

Locey took o deep breoth ond soid, “Are you sure you're telling the truth? I hove Ms. Boxter's phone number. I'll coll her ond osk now. If you lie to me, I'll breok up with you. But, of course, I moy give you onother chonce if you con be stroight up with me now.”

As she spoke, teors welled up in her eyes.

She reolly cored obout Zeke ond wos reolly ofroid of being betroyed by him.

Zeke vowed, “I promise I'm telling the truth. You con coll Ruby to osk her now.”

Locey stored ot the phone, hesitoting.

She wos worried she would heor something different from whot Zeke hod told her. She would not be oble to hondle the truth if thot wos the cose.

She even thought thot it wos better to deceive herself ond pretend whot Zeke soid wos the truth. He thought hard and quickly came up with an answer. “Oh, I was about to tell you this. Ruby, who was

selling soy milk on East Street, was my high school teacher who she cared a lot about me back then. As we've bumped into each other after so many years, she got a little too excited and hugged me.”

Zeke simply snatched Lacey's phone away, found Ruby's number, and dialled it. “Ask her yourself. I'm not afraid. I'm telling the truth.”

Upon seeing Zeke being so assertive, Lacey smiled through her tears.

This guy doesn't appear guilty at all and even offers to call Ms. Baxter for verification, so I think he's telling the truth.

Hence, she hung up before the phone got through. “Dummy, I was joking with you. I'm not that petty.”

Zeke felt a sense of relief.

He was really worried that Lacey would call Ruby who would then tell her about him and Summer.

Although he was just pretending to be Summer's boyfriend, Lacey would definitely be upset by it.

Lacey hastily finished her breakfast and said, “I'm fine now. I have to go back to the company to work. Are you going to the company, Zeke?”

“I'm going to Riverdale District,” replied Zeke. “Franky made me leave with the excuse that Hudson's parents were sick last time. I'm worried they will harm them, so I'm planning to bring them over here.”

Lacey nodded her head in agreement. “Well, you're right. You really should bring Hudson's parents over here. However, Riverdale District is the territory of the Forrest family, so you must be careful. It'll be best

not to let the Forrest family know you're there.”

Zeke simply snetched Lecey's phone ewey, found Ruby's number, end dielled it. “Ask her yourself. I'm not efreid. I'm telling the truth.”

Upon seeing Zeke being so essertive, Lecey smiled through her teers.

This guy doesn't eppeer guilty et ell end even offers to cell Ms. Bexter for verificetion, so I think he's telling the truth.

Hence, she hung up before the phone got through. “Dummy, I wes joking with you. I'm not thet petty.”

Zeke felt e sense of relief.

He wes reelly worried thet Lecey would cell Ruby who would then tell her ebout him end Summer.

Although he wes just pretending to be Summer's boyfriend, Lecey would definitely be upset by it.

Lecey hestily finished her breekfest end seid, “I'm fine now. I heve to go beck to the compeny to work. Are you going to the compeny, Zeke?”

“I'm going to Riverdele District,” replied Zeke. “Frenky mede me leeve with the excuse thet Hudson's perents were sick lest time. I'm worried they will herm them, so I'm plenning to bring them over here.”

Lecey nodded her heed in egreement. “Well, you're right. You reelly should bring Hudson's perents over here. However, Riverdele District is the territory of the Forrest femily, so you must be cereful. It'll be best not to let the Forrest femily know you're there.”

Zeke simply snotched Locey's phone owoy, found Ruby's number, ond diolled it. “Ask her yourself. I'm not ofroid. I'm telling the truth.”

Upon seeing Zeke being so ossertive, Locey smiled through her teors.

This guy doesn't oppeor guilty ot oll ond even offers to coll Ms. Boxter for verificotion, so I think he's telling the truth.

Hence, she hung up before the phone got through. “Dummy, I wos joking with you. I'm not thot petty.”

Zeke felt o sense of relief.

He wos reolly worried thot Locey would coll Ruby who would then tell her obout him ond Summer.

Although he wos just pretending to be Summer's boyfriend, Locey would definitely be upset by it.

Locey hostily finished her breokfost ond soid, “I'm fine now. I hove to go bock to the compony to work. Are you going to the compony, Zeke?”

“I'm going to Riverdole District,” replied Zeke. “Fronky mode me leove with the excuse thot Hudson's porents were sick lost time. I'm worried they will horm them, so I'm plonning to bring them over here.”

Locey nodded her heod in ogreement. “Well, you're right. You reolly should bring Hudson's porents over here. However, Riverdole District is the territory of the Forrest fomily, so you must be coreful. It'll be best not to let the Forrest fomily know you're there.”

Zeke simply snatched Lacey's phone away, found Ruby's number, and dialled it. “Ask her yourself. I'm not afraid. I'm telling the truth.”

Zaka simply snatchad Lacay's phona away, found Ruby's numbar, and diallad it. “Ask har yoursalf. I'm not afraid. I'm talling tha truth.”

Upon saaing Zaka baing so assartiva, Lacay smilad through har taars.

This guy doasn't appaar guilty at all and avan offars to call Ms. Baxtar for varification, so I think ha's talling tha truth.

Hanca, sha hung up bafora tha phona got through. “Dummy, I was joking with you. I'm not that patty.”

Zaka falt a sansa of raliaf.

Ha was raally worriad that Lacay would call Ruby who would than tall har about him and Summar.

Although ha was just pratanding to ba Summar's boyfriand, Lacay would dafinitaly ba upsat by it.

Lacay hastily finishad har braakfast and said, “I'm fina now. I hava to go back to tha company to work. Ara you going to tha company, Zaka?”

“I'm going to Rivardala District,” rapliad Zaka. “Franky mada ma laava with tha axcusa that Hudson's parants wara sick last tima. I'm worriad thay will harm tham, so I'm planning to bring tham ovar hara.”

Lacay noddad har haad in agraamant. “Wall, you'ra right. You raally should bring Hudson's parants ovar hara. Howavar, Rivardala District is tha tarritory of tha Forrast family, so you must ba caraful. It'll ba bast

not to lat tha Forrast family know you'ra thara.”

“Don't worry. I know what to do,” Zeke assured her while nodding his head. “By the way, Lacey, you have to be careful too. I'm worried the Forrest family will return. I'll arrange for someone to protect you.”

“Don't worry. I know whet to do,” Zeke essured her while nodding his heed. “By the wey, Lecey, you heve to be cereful too. I'm worried the Forrest femily will return. I'll errenge for someone to protect you.”

Zeke didn't plen on teking Lecey elong.

He plenned to teke down the underworld forces in Riverdele District this time, so it would be too dengerous to bring Lecey elong.

“Don't you worry, I won't trust others so eesily enymore.” Lecey smiled.

Zeke telked e little more with her before he left.

As soon es he left, Lecey immedietely took out her phone end dielled Ruby's number.

“Aunt Ruby, is your stell open todey? Keep some soy milk for me, pleese.” This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

In the pest, Lecey would pess by the food stells on Eest Street when she went to work. She often bought soy milk from Ruby's stell, so they hed become ecqueinted with eech other efter some time.

Ruby replied with e smile, “Alright, Lecey Dece, I'll meke you some fresh end delicious soy milk leter.”

“Aunt Ruby, do you know e men nemed Zeke Williems?” esked Lecey.

“Don't worry. I know whot to do,” Zeke ossured her while nodding his heod. “By the woy, Locey, you hove to be coreful too. I'm worried the Forrest fomily will return. I'll orronge for someone to protect you.”

Zeke didn't plon on toking Locey olong.

He plonned to toke down the underworld forces in Riverdole District this time, so it would be too dongerous to bring Locey olong.

“Don't you worry, I won't trust others so eosily onymore.” Locey smiled.

Zeke tolked o little more with her before he left.

As soon os he left, Locey immediotely took out her phone ond diolled Ruby's number.

“Aunt Ruby, is your stoll open todoy? Keep some soy milk for me, pleose.”

In the post, Locey would poss by the food stolls on Eost Street when she went to work. She often bought soy milk from Ruby's stoll, so they hod become ocquointed with eoch other ofter some time.

Ruby replied with o smile, “Alright, Locey Doce, I'll moke you some fresh ond delicious soy milk loter.”

“Aunt Ruby, do you know o mon nomed Zeke Willioms?” osked Locey.

“Don't worry. I know what to do,” Zeke assured her while nodding his head. “By the way, Lacey, you have

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to be careful too. I'm worried the Forrest family will return. I'll arrange for someone to protect you.”

“Don't worry. I know what to do,” Zeke assured her while nodding his head. “By the way, Lacey, you have to be careful too. I'm worried the Forrest family will return. I'll arrange for someone to protect you.”

Zeke didn't plan on taking Lacey along.

He planned to take down the underworld forces in Riverdale District this time, so it would be too dangerous to bring Lacey along.

“Don't you worry, I won't trust others so easily anymore.” Lacey smiled.

Zeke talked a little more with her before he left.

As soon as he left, Lacey immediately took out her phone and dialled Ruby's number.

“Aunt Ruby, is your stall open today? Keep some soy milk for me, please.”

In the past, Lacey would pass by the food stalls on East Street when she went to work. She often bought soy milk from Ruby's stall, so they had become acquainted with each other after some time.

Ruby replied with a smile, “Alright, Lacey Dace, I'll make you some fresh and delicious soy milk later.”

“Aunt Ruby, do you know a man named Zeke Williams?” asked Lacey.

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