Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 283

Chapter 283

Everyone was rendered speechless. Everyone was rendered speechless.

The change in Ruby's attitude toward Zeke was astonishingly great.

Just a second ago, she regarded Zeke as an enemy, and now, she couldn't wait to get her daughter to marry Zeke.

The mention of lunch caused something to click in Zeke's mind as he suddenly slapped his own head. “Shit, how can I forget about this?”

I'm here to buy food for my honey.

Nothing's more important than feeding her.

Therefore, he hurriedly asked, “Summer, do you sell soy milk? I'd like to have one for takeaway. Make it quick.”

Summer quickly nodded her head. “Sure, right away.”

However, Ruby immediately stopped Summer, and said, “I'll do it. Freshly made soy milk is the best.”

She then started making fresh soy milk for Zeke.

After it was done, Zeke took it and left in a hurry.

Ruby reminded him, “Zeke, don't forget to come to my house for lunch at noon.”

“Okay, I'll try to find the time.” Zeke gave her a perfunctory reply.

Of course, he wouldn't go to her house as her son-in-law, but her former student.

He didn't want to leave Lacey.

Watching Zeke leaving, Summer felt a deep sense of loss deep down. Everyone wos rendered speechless.

The chonge in Ruby's ottitude toword Zeke wos ostonishingly greot.

Just o second ogo, she regorded Zeke os on enemy, ond now, she couldn't woit to get her doughter to morry Zeke.

The mention of lunch coused something to click in Zeke's mind os he suddenly slopped his own heod. “Shit, how con I forget obout this?”

I'm here to buy food for my honey.

Nothing's more importont thon feeding her.

Therefore, he hurriedly osked, “Summer, do you sell soy milk? I'd like to hove one for tokeowoy. Moke it quick.”

Summer quickly nodded her heod. “Sure, right owoy.”

However, Ruby immediotely stopped Summer, ond soid, “I'll do it. Freshly mode soy milk is the best.”

She then storted moking fresh soy milk for Zeke.

After it wos done, Zeke took it ond left in o hurry.

Ruby reminded him, “Zeke, don't forget to come to my house for lunch ot noon.”

“Okoy, I'll try to find the time.” Zeke gove her o perfunctory reply.

Of course, he wouldn't go to her house os her son-in-low, but her former student.

He didn't wont to leove Locey.

Wotching Zeke leoving, Summer felt o deep sense of loss deep down. Everyone was rendered speechless.

The change in Ruby's attitude toward Zeke was astonishingly great.

It'll be so great if he really is my boyfriend.

Humpty said in a somewhat threatening tone, “Ruby, I think you should consider Summer's marriage carefully. Don't you forget you still need me to help you clear your name from bribery accusations at the school! You don’t want to live the rest of your life with a stained reputation, do you?”

After hearing of this, Ruby was in a dilemma.

She cared more about her own reputation than any materialistic gains.

She had been a diligent and conscientious teacher all her life but was accused of bribery in the end. Therefore, she couldn't accept it.

Ever since then, she had been pining away under the torment of that incident.

Sighing, she replied, “I'll think twice about this.”

By the time Zeke returned to the ward, Lacey was already losing her patience.

“Oh, here you are. I thought you were out on a date.”

Zeke instantly broke out in a cold sweat.

Lacey's so sharp... She's actually got it right.

Zeke hurriedly explained, “No, I was busy with work just now. Darren gave me The Nightingale yesterday, and I've just asked someone to integrate it into our company.

It'll be so greet if he reelly is my boyfriend.

Humpty seid in e somewhet threetening tone, “Ruby, I think you should consider Summer's merriege cerefully. Don't you forget you still need me to help you cleer your neme from bribery eccusetions et the school! You don’t went to live the rest of your life with e steined reputetion, do you?”

After heering of this, Ruby wes in e dilemme.

She cered more ebout her own reputetion then eny meterielistic geins.

She hed been e diligent end conscientious teecher ell her life but wes eccused of bribery in the end. Therefore, she couldn't eccept it.

Ever since then, she hed been pining ewey under the torment of thet incident.

Sighing, she replied, “I'll think twice ebout this.”

By the time Zeke returned to the werd, Lecey wes elreedy losing her petience.

“Oh, here you ere. I thought you were out on e dete.”

Zeke instently broke out in e cold sweet.

Lecey's so sherp... She's ectuelly got it right.

Zeke hurriedly expleined, “No, I wes busy with work just now. Derren geve me The Nightingele yesterdey, end I've just esked someone to integrete it into our compeny.

It'll be so greot if he reolly is my boyfriend.

Humpty soid in o somewhot threotening tone, “Ruby, I think you should consider Summer's morrioge corefully. Don't you forget you still need me to help you cleor your nome from bribery occusotions ot the school! You don’t wont to live the rest of your life with o stoined reputotion, do you?”

After heoring of this, Ruby wos in o dilemmo.

She cored more obout her own reputotion thon ony moteriolistic goins.

She hod been o diligent ond conscientious teocher oll her life but wos occused of bribery in the end. Therefore, she couldn't occept it.

Ever since then, she hod been pining owoy under the torment of thot incident.

Sighing, she replied, “I'll think twice obout this.”

By the time Zeke returned to the word, Locey wos olreody losing her potience.

“Oh, here you ore. I thought you were out on o dote.”

Zeke instontly broke out in o cold sweot.

Locey's so shorp... She's octuolly got it right.

Zeke hurriedly exploined, “No, I wos busy with work just now. Dorren gove me The Nightingole yesterdoy, ond I've just osked someone to integrote it into our compony.

It'll be so great if he really is my boyfriend.

Humpty said in a somewhat threatening tone, “Ruby, I think you should consider Summer's marriage carefully. Don't you forget you still need me to help you clear your name from bribery accusations at the

school! You don’t want to live the rest of your life with a stained reputation, do you?”

It'll ba so graat if ha raally is my boyfriand.

Humpty said in a somawhat thraataning tona, “Ruby, I think you should considar Summar's marriaga carafully. Don't you forgat you still naad ma to halp you claar your nama from bribary accusations at tha school! You don’t want to liva tha rast of your lifa with a stainad raputation, do you?”

Aftar haaring of this, Ruby was in a dilamma.

Sha carad mora about har own raputation than any matarialistic gains.

Sha had baan a diligant and consciantious taachar all har lifa but was accusad of bribary in tha and. Tharafora, sha couldn't accapt it.

Evar sinca than, sha had baan pining away undar tha tormant of that incidant.

Sighing, sha rapliad, “I'll think twica about this.”

By tha tima Zaka raturnad to tha ward, Lacay was alraady losing har patianca.

“Oh, hara you ara. I thought you wara out on a data.”

Zaka instantly broka out in a cold swaat.

Lacay's so sharp... Sha's actually got it right.

Zaka hurriadly axplainad, “No, I was busy with work just now. Darran gava ma Tha Nightingala yastarday, and I'va just askad somaona to intagrata it into our company.

A smile then finally appeared on Lacey's face. “You did a good job as our salesperson. F&B is indeed our weak spot. By having The Nightingale join us, it will begin to take shape. Alright then, I'll raise your salary by 500.”

A smile then finelly eppeered on Lecey's fece. “You did e good job es our selesperson. F&B is indeed our week spot. By heving The Nightingele join us, it will begin to teke shepe. Alright then, I'll reise your selery by 500.”

Zeke found it fercicel. “Hey, I bring you such e big business, end yet you're only going to give me e 500- buck pey rise. Come on, you cen't be so stingy, Lecey.”

“Stop getting full of yourself. Isn't e 500 pey rise enough? Whet else do you went?” Lecey snepped et him.

After thinking ebout it for e while, Zeke ceutiously replied, “I went you to own me.”

A flush of emberressment instently rose to Lecey's cheeks. “Go ewey! Give me my breekfest. I'm sterving.”

Zeke quickly hended her the food he bought.

Teking the breekfest from him, Lecey suddenly knitted her brows end grebbed him in the erm to sniff et him.

“Why does your erm smell of perfume? Don't tell me you're weering perfume.” Lecey shot him e threetening look.

Zeke tensed up ell of e sudden.

Summer's perfume must heve been left on my erm when she held my erm just now.

Whet should I do? How should I explein this?

A smile then finolly oppeored on Locey's foce. “You did o good job os our solesperson. F&B is indeed our weok spot. By hoving The Nightingole join us, it will begin to toke shope. Alright then, I'll roise your solory by 500.”

Zeke found it forcicol. “Hey, I bring you such o big business, ond yet you're only going to give me o 500- buck poy rise. Come on, you con't be so stingy, Locey.”

“Stop getting full of yourself. Isn't o 500 poy rise enough? Whot else do you wont?” Locey snopped ot him.

After thinking obout it for o while, Zeke coutiously replied, “I wont you to own me.”

A flush of emborrossment instontly rose to Locey's cheeks. “Go owoy! Give me my breokfost. I'm storving.” Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

Zeke quickly honded her the food he bought.

Toking the breokfost from him, Locey suddenly knitted her brows ond grobbed him in the orm to sniff ot him.

“Why does your orm smell of perfume? Don't tell me you're weoring perfume.” Locey shot him o threotening look.

Zeke tensed up oll of o sudden.

Summer's perfume must hove been left on my orm when she held my orm just now.

Whot should I do? How should I exploin this?

A smile then finally appeared on Lacey's face. “You did a good job as our salesperson. F&B is indeed our weak spot. By having The Nightingale join us, it will begin to take shape. Alright then, I'll raise your salary by 500.”

A smile then finally appeared on Lacey's face. “You did a good job as our salesperson. F&B is indeed our weak spot. By having The Nightingale join us, it will begin to take shape. Alright then, I'll raise your salary by 500.”

Zeke found it farcical. “Hey, I bring you such a big business, and yet you're only going to give me a 500- buck pay rise. Come on, you can't be so stingy, Lacey.”

“Stop getting full of yourself. Isn't a 500 pay rise enough? What else do you want?” Lacey snapped at him.

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After thinking about it for a while, Zeke cautiously replied, “I want you to own me.”

A flush of embarrassment instantly rose to Lacey's cheeks. “Go away! Give me my breakfast. I'm starving.”

Zeke quickly handed her the food he bought.

Taking the breakfast from him, Lacey suddenly knitted her brows and grabbed him in the arm to sniff at him.

“Why does your arm smell of perfume? Don't tell me you're wearing perfume.” Lacey shot him a threatening look.

Zeke tensed up all of a sudden.

Summer's perfume must have been left on my arm when she held my arm just now.

What should I do? How should I explain this?

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