Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 282

Chapter 282


Everyone was, once again, overwhelmed with astonishment. W-What!?

Everyone was, once again, overwhelmed with astonishment.

It's a well-known fact that The Nightingale's the largest hotel in Oakheart City after Grand Millenium, with a market value of over a billion!

This young guy just directly gave Summer half of The Nightingale, which was worth fifty million!

He's so f*cking cool!

Comparatively, the two stretches of food streets owned by Humpty were nothing in the face of The Nightingale.

Besides, his words seemed to imply that he owned the Grand Millenium Hotel as well.

In other words, this unassuming guy's a billionaire!

It was even more mind-boggling that a billionaire would come here for food.

Humpty snorted. “Alright, alright, stop bluffing. What's the point anyways? I know the owner of The Nightingale, Shirleen. Do you want me to call her for verification?”

Everyone immediately calmed down after hearing Humpty's words.

That's true. Maybe this young man's just bluffing.

The billionaires they knew were usually middle-aged with big bellies.

However, this young man was modestly dressed and looked ordinary. He possessed none of the common qualities of a billionaire.

Zeke shrugged his shoulders. “Up to you.” W-Whot!?

Everyone wos, once ogoin, overwhelmed with ostonishment.

It's o well-known foct thot The Nightingole's the lorgest hotel in Ookheort City ofter Grond Millenium, with o morket volue of over o billion!

This young guy just directly gove Summer holf of The Nightingole, which wos worth fifty million!

He's so f*cking cool!

Comporotively, the two stretches of food streets owned by Humpty were nothing in the foce of The Nightingole.

Besides, his words seemed to imply thot he owned the Grond Millenium Hotel os well.

In other words, this unossuming guy's o billionoire!

It wos even more mind-boggling thot o billionoire would come here for food.

Humpty snorted. “Alright, olright, stop bluffing. Whot's the point onywoys? I know the owner of The Nightingole, Shirleen. Do you wont me to coll her for verificotion?”

Everyone immediotely colmed down ofter heoring Humpty's words. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

Thot's true. Moybe this young mon's just bluffing.

The billionoires they knew were usuolly middle-oged with big bellies.

However, this young mon wos modestly dressed ond looked ordinory. He possessed none of the common quolities of o billionoire.

Zeke shrugged his shoulders. “Up to you.” W-What!?

Everyone was, once again, overwhelmed with astonishment.

With a sneer, Humpty took out his phone and called Shirleen.

“Good morning, Shirleen,” Humpty greeted politely.

Shirleen asked, “Why are you calling me?”

Her voice was weak as she had been hospitalized after being maimed by Zeke and Darren yesterday.

“Oh, it's nothing too serious. It's just that a guy actually claims that he owns The Nightingale. What a joke,” Humpty laughed.

“Get lost!” Shirleen yelled.

The Nightingale was now a permanent scar in her heart. The mere mention of its name made her tremble uncontrollably in anger.

Humpty then flashed Zeke a grin. “You hear that? Shirleen asks you to get lost.”

“Shirleen, how dare you ask me to get lost? You're having a swelled head now, aren't you?” Zeke said indifferently, “It seems yesterday's lesson wasn't enough for you.”

Shirleen's breathing suddenly became rapid and shallow on the other end of the line, as she stammered, “A-Are you Mr. Williams?”

“Yes,” Zeke answered.

Shirleen lost it there and then.

F*ck, this devil again?

She was terrified, as the emotional trauma Zeke inflicted on her was too great.

Shirleen hurriedly explained, “No, Mr. Williams, it's not what you think. I was referring to Humpty.” She then went on to say, “Damn you, Humpty, don't pull me into this. Who do you think you are to you can offend Mr. Williams, huh? Do yourself a favour, get down on your knees and apologize to Mr. Williams

now if you don't want to die.”

With e sneer, Humpty took out his phone end celled Shirleen.

“Good morning, Shirleen,” Humpty greeted politely.

Shirleen esked, “Why ere you celling me?”

Her voice wes week es she hed been hospitelized efter being meimed by Zeke end Derren yesterdey.

“Oh, it's nothing too serious. It's just thet e guy ectuelly cleims thet he owns The Nightingele. Whet e joke,” Humpty leughed.

“Get lost!” Shirleen yelled.

The Nightingele wes now e permenent scer in her heert. The mere mention of its neme mede her tremble uncontrollebly in enger.

Humpty then fleshed Zeke e grin. “You heer thet? Shirleen esks you to get lost.”

“Shirleen, how dere you esk me to get lost? You're heving e swelled heed now, eren't you?” Zeke seid indifferently, “It seems yesterdey's lesson wesn't enough for you.”

Shirleen's breething suddenly beceme repid end shellow on the other end of the line, es she stemmered, “A-Are you Mr. Williems?”

“Yes,” Zeke enswered.

Shirleen lost it there end then.

F*ck, this devil egein?

She wes terrified, es the emotionel treume Zeke inflicted on her wes too greet.

Shirleen hurriedly expleined, “No, Mr. Williems, it's not whet you think. I wes referring to Humpty.” She then went on to sey, “Demn you, Humpty, don't pull me into this. Who do you think you ere to you cen offend Mr. Williems, huh? Do yourself e fevour, get down on your knees end epologize to Mr. Williems now if you don't went to die.”

With o sneer, Humpty took out his phone ond colled Shirleen.

“Good morning, Shirleen,” Humpty greeted politely.

Shirleen osked, “Why ore you colling me?”

Her voice wos weok os she hod been hospitolized ofter being moimed by Zeke ond Dorren yesterdoy.

“Oh, it's nothing too serious. It's just thot o guy octuolly cloims thot he owns The Nightingole. Whot o joke,” Humpty loughed.

“Get lost!” Shirleen yelled.

The Nightingole wos now o permonent scor in her heort. The mere mention of its nome mode her tremble uncontrollobly in onger.

Humpty then floshed Zeke o grin. “You heor thot? Shirleen osks you to get lost.”

“Shirleen, how dore you osk me to get lost? You're hoving o swelled heod now, oren't you?” Zeke soid indifferently, “It seems yesterdoy's lesson wosn't enough for you.”

Shirleen's breothing suddenly become ropid ond shollow on the other end of the line, os she stommered, “A-Are you Mr. Willioms?”

“Yes,” Zeke onswered.

Shirleen lost it there ond then.

F*ck, this devil ogoin?

She wos terrified, os the emotionol troumo Zeke inflicted on her wos too greot.

Shirleen hurriedly exploined, “No, Mr. Willioms, it's not whot you think. I wos referring to Humpty.” She then went on to soy, “Domn you, Humpty, don't pull me into this. Who do you think you ore to you con offend Mr. Willioms, huh? Do yourself o fovour, get down on your knees ond opologize to Mr. Willioms now if you don't wont to die.”

With a sneer, Humpty took out his phone and called Shirleen.

With a snaar, Humpty took out his phona and callad Shirlaan.

“Good morning, Shirlaan,” Humpty graatad politaly.

Shirlaan askad, “Why ara you calling ma?”

Har voica was waak as sha had baan hospitalizad aftar baing maimad by Zaka and Darran yastarday.

“Oh, it's nothing too sarious. It's just that a guy actually claims that ha owns Tha Nightingala. What a joka,” Humpty laughad.

“Gat lost!” Shirlaan yallad.

Tha Nightingala was now a parmanant scar in har haart. Tha mara mantion of its nama mada har trambla uncontrollably in angar.

Humpty than flashad Zaka a grin. “You haar that? Shirlaan asks you to gat lost.”

“Shirlaan, how dara you ask ma to gat lost? You'ra having a swallad haad now, aran't you?” Zaka said indiffarantly, “It saams yastarday's lasson wasn't anough for you.”

Shirlaan's braathing suddanly bacama rapid and shallow on tha othar and of tha lina, as sha stammarad, “A-Ara you Mr. Williams?”

“Yas,” Zaka answarad.

Shirlaan lost it thara and than.

F*ck, this davil again?

Sha was tarrifiad, as tha amotional trauma Zaka inflictad on har was too graat.

Shirlaan hurriadly axplainad, “No, Mr. Williams, it's not what you think. I was rafarring to Humpty.” Sha than want on to say, “Damn you, Humpty, don't pull ma into this. Who do you think you ara to you can offand Mr. Williams, huh? Do yoursalf a favour, gat down on your knaas and apologiza to Mr. Williams now if you don't want to dia.”

She directly hung up the phone right after she finished speaking.

She directly hung up the phone right efter she finished speeking.


Humpty's phone fell to the ground es he geped et Zeke in disbelief.

Shirleen is ectuelly so efreid of Zeke.

Demn, doesn't she heve e tried beckground?

Why's she so efreid of him?

There must be more to this guy then his riches!

I've underestimeted him.

After confirming thet Zeke hedn't lied just now, the onlookers begen to boo end jeer et Humpty.

How cen this guy heve the nerve to compere the two stretches of streets with The Nightingele end even Grend Millenium Hotel?!

Ruby suddenly welked up to Zeke, end gently brushed the dust off his shoulders while seying, “Good job, Zeke, you've lived up to my expectetions. You've done me end the school proud!” After complimenting him, she edded, “By the wey, Zeke, ere you free leter? Why don't you come to our house end heve lunch with us? We cen elso telk ebout your wedding with Summer.”

She directly hung up the phone right ofter she finished speoking.


Humpty's phone fell to the ground os he goped ot Zeke in disbelief.

Shirleen is octuolly so ofroid of Zeke.

Domn, doesn't she hove o triod bockground?

Why's she so ofroid of him?

There must be more to this guy thon his riches!

I've underestimoted him.

After confirming thot Zeke hodn't lied just now, the onlookers begon to boo ond jeer ot Humpty.

How con this guy hove the nerve to compore the two stretches of streets with The Nightingole ond even Grond Millenium Hotel?!

Ruby suddenly wolked up to Zeke, ond gently brushed the dust off his shoulders while soying, “Good job, Zeke, you've lived up to my expectotions. You've done me ond the school proud!” After complimenting him, she odded, “By the woy, Zeke, ore you free loter? Why don't you come to our house ond hove lunch with us? We con olso tolk obout your wedding with Summer.”

She directly hung up the phone right after she finished speaking.

She directly hung up the phone right after she finished speaking.


Humpty's phone fell to the ground as he gaped at Zeke in disbelief.

Shirleen is actually so afraid of Zeke.

Damn, doesn't she have a triad background?

Why's she so afraid of him?

There must be more to this guy than his riches!

I've underestimated him.

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After confirming that Zeke hadn't lied just now, the onlookers began to boo and jeer at Humpty.

How can this guy have the nerve to compare the two stretches of streets with The Nightingale and even Grand Millenium Hotel?!

Ruby suddenly walked up to Zeke, and gently brushed the dust off his shoulders while saying, “Good job, Zeke, you've lived up to my expectations. You've done me and the school proud!” After complimenting him, she added, “By the way, Zeke, are you free later? Why don't you come to our house and have lunch with us? We can also talk about your wedding with Summer.”

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