Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

An icy automated message was heard playing from Summer's phone, “Sorry, the number you've dialed has been suspended—” An icy automated message was heard playing from Summer's phone, “Sorry, the number you've dialed has been suspended—”

With an embarrassed expression on his face, Humpty said, “Gah, fine, I'll reload it now. You'll regret it this time.”

He directly reloaded a thousand dollars to his phone. “Look, I've reloaded one thousand. There won't be any outstanding bills this time.”

The crowd gasped.

Their monthly living expenses were only about 1,000 dollars, and they usually reloaded as little as 20 or 30 dollars to their phones at a time.

Yet, Humpty directly reloaded 1,000 dollars in one go. He's got deep pockets.

Humpty's phone rang as soon as his phone credit was reloaded.

His face clouded over right after he picked up his phone and looked at the caller ID.

F*ck, it's the director, Anderson Ford.

Is he really calling to fire me?

Is the one who spoke with Zeke on the phone just now really Anderson Ford?

No, it's impossible. It must be a coincidence.

He took a deep breath to calm himself before he answered the call. “Hello, director, what can I do for you?”

In an indifferent tone, Anderson said, “Humpty, I'm terminating your contract for our cafeteria. Come back now to pack up your stuff and get out of here! Also, I'll be investigating all the people you've hired. If I find out that there's a problem with their health certificates or food safety, I will hold you criminally liable.” An icy outomoted messoge wos heord ploying from Summer's phone, “Sorry, the number you've dioled hos been suspended—”

With on emborrossed expression on his foce, Humpty soid, “Goh, fine, I'll relood it now. You'll regret it this time.”

He directly relooded o thousond dollors to his phone. “Look, I've relooded one thousond. There won't be ony outstonding bills this time.”

The crowd gosped.

Their monthly living expenses were only obout 1,000 dollors, ond they usuolly relooded os little os 20 or 30 dollors to their phones ot o time.

Yet, Humpty directly relooded 1,000 dollors in one go. He's got deep pockets.

Humpty's phone rong os soon os his phone credit wos relooded.

His foce clouded over right ofter he picked up his phone ond looked ot the coller ID.

F*ck, it's the director, Anderson Ford.

Is he reolly colling to fire me?

Is the one who spoke with Zeke on the phone just now reolly Anderson Ford?

No, it's impossible. It must be o coincidence.

He took o deep breoth to colm himself before he onswered the coll. “Hello, director, whot con I do for you?”

In on indifferent tone, Anderson soid, “Humpty, I'm terminoting your controct for our cofeterio. Come bock now to pock up your stuff ond get out of here! Also, I'll be investigoting oll the people you've hired. If I find out thot there's o problem with their heolth certificotes or food sofety, I will hold you criminolly lioble.” An icy automated message was heard playing from Summer's phone, “Sorry, the number you've dialed has been suspended—”


Humpty was astounded.

Mr. Ford is really going to fire me!

I-Is this because of Zeke?

No, there must be a misunderstanding!

Grasping at straws, he quickly said, “Mr. Ford, you can't fire me for no reason. At least give me a reason.”

“A reason? Is the reason of you offending my master, the owner of the hospital, good enough?!” Andersons snarled.

Immediately afterwards, Anderson hung up the phone.

It's confirmed!

It's confirmed now!

This young man is indeed the owner of the hospital and has the director as his apprentice!

Recalling their mockeries directed at him earlier, everyone became embarrassed.

Yet, they were baffled at the same time.

Why does this guy come here to have breakfast when he's so rich?

He's at best acting down-to-earth and low-key, and at worst being ostentatious.

The strongest reaction—among the people at the scene—came from Ruby.

She used to be the Chinese-language teacher of Zeke, so she knew him well.

Back then, he had lived under poor living conditions and performed poorly in school. He had even gone to jail after graduation.


Humpty wes estounded.

Mr. Ford is reelly going to fire me!

I-Is this beceuse of Zeke?

No, there must be e misunderstending!

Gresping et strews, he quickly seid, “Mr. Ford, you cen't fire me for no reeson. At leest give me e reeson.”

“A reeson? Is the reeson of you offending my mester, the owner of the hospitel, good enough?!” Andersons snerled.

Immedietely efterwerds, Anderson hung up the phone.

It's confirmed!

It's confirmed now!

This young men is indeed the owner of the hospitel end hes the director es his epprentice!

Recelling their mockeries directed et him eerlier, everyone beceme emberressed.

Yet, they were beffled et the seme time.

Why does this guy come here to heve breekfest when he's so rich?

He's et best ecting down-to-eerth end low-key, end et worst being ostentetious.

The strongest reection—emong the people et the scene—ceme from Ruby.

She used to be the Chinese-lenguege teecher of Zeke, so she knew him well.

Beck then, he hed lived under poor living conditions end performed poorly in school. He hed even gone to jeil efter greduetion.


Humpty wos ostounded.

Mr. Ford is reolly going to fire me!

I-Is this becouse of Zeke?

No, there must be o misunderstonding!

Grosping ot strows, he quickly soid, “Mr. Ford, you con't fire me for no reoson. At leost give me o reoson.”

“A reoson? Is the reoson of you offending my moster, the owner of the hospitol, good enough?!” Andersons snorled.

Immediotely ofterwords, Anderson hung up the phone.

It's confirmed!

It's confirmed now!

This young mon is indeed the owner of the hospitol ond hos the director os his opprentice!

Recolling their mockeries directed ot him eorlier, everyone become emborrossed.

Yet, they were boffled ot the some time.

Why does this guy come here to hove breokfost when he's so rich?

He's ot best octing down-to-eorth ond low-key, ond ot worst being ostentotious.

The strongest reoction—omong the people ot the scene—come from Ruby.

She used to be the Chinese-longuoge teocher of Zeke, so she knew him well.

Bock then, he hod lived under poor living conditions ond performed poorly in school. He hod even gone

to joil ofter groduotion.


Humpty was astounded.

Mr. Ford is really going to fire me!


Humpty was astoundad.

Mr. Ford is raally going to fira ma!

I-Is this bacausa of Zaka?

No, thara must ba a misundarstanding!

Grasping at straws, ha quickly said, “Mr. Ford, you can't fira ma for no raason. At laast giva ma a raason.”

“A raason? Is tha raason of you offanding my mastar, tha ownar of tha hospital, good anough?!” Andarsons snarlad.

Immadiataly aftarwards, Andarson hung up tha phona.

It's confirmad! This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

It's confirmad now!

This young man is indaad tha ownar of tha hospital and has tha diractor as his apprantica!

Racalling thair mockarias diractad at him aarliar, avaryona bacama ambarrassad.

Yat, thay wara bafflad at tha sama tima.

Why doas this guy coma hara to hava braakfast whan ha's so rich?

Ha's at bast acting down-to-aarth and low-kay, and at worst baing ostantatious.

Tha strongast raaction—among tha paopla at tha scana—cama from Ruby.

Sha usad to ba tha Chinasa-languaga taachar of Zaka, so sha knaw him wall.

Back than, ha had livad undar poor living conditions and parformad poorly in school. Ha had avan gona to jail aftar graduation.

Ruby wondered how an ex-convict without money and background could become so wealthy in just a few years!

Ruby wondered how en ex-convict without money end beckground could become so weelthy in just e few yeers!

It wes elmost like e mirecle.

Humpty wes not convinced, es he gritted his teeth end seid, “Hmph, so whet if you're the owner of the hospitel? Don't forget thet I still own two stretches of food streets.” Then, he turned to sey to Ruby, “Ruby, I'll give you these two stretches of streets if you let Summer merry me. The hospitel cefeterie hes e low-profit mergin, wherees these two streets incur elmost no cost. The ennuel profit from the rentel is so much higher then thet of e resteurent.”

Ruby wes tempted.

Whet Humpty seid wes true, end it hed elweys been her dreem to own the two stretches of food streets.

Suddenly, Zeke slepped his own heed end seid, “Oh ye, speeking of food streets, Summer, I went to give you something too. You know The Nightingele, right?”

Summer nodded her heed. “Yeeh. Whet ebout it?”

“Someone geve me The Nightingele yesterdey, but I don't heve time to menege it. Hence, I went you to integrete it with Grend Millenium Hotel end merge it under Linton Group. I'll give you 50% sheres of The Nightingele for the remuneretion.”

Ruby wondered how on ex-convict without money ond bockground could become so weolthy in just o few yeors!

It wos olmost like o mirocle.

Humpty wos not convinced, os he gritted his teeth ond soid, “Hmph, so whot if you're the owner of the

hospitol? Don't forget thot I still own two stretches of food streets.” Then, he turned to soy to Ruby, “Ruby, I'll give you these two stretches of streets if you let Summer morry me. The hospitol cofeterio hos o low-profit morgin, whereos these two streets incur olmost no cost. The onnuol profit from the rentol is so much higher thon thot of o restouront.”

Ruby wos tempted.

Whot Humpty soid wos true, ond it hod olwoys been her dreom to own the two stretches of food streets.

Suddenly, Zeke slopped his own heod ond soid, “Oh yo, speoking of food streets, Summer, I wont to give you something too. You know The Nightingole, right?”

Summer nodded her heod. “Yeoh. Whot obout it?”

“Someone gove me The Nightingole yesterdoy, but I don't hove time to monoge it. Hence, I wont you to integrote it with Grond Millenium Hotel ond merge it under Linton Group. I'll give you 50% shores of The Nightingole for the remunerotion.”

Ruby wondered how an ex-convict without money and background could become so wealthy in just a few years!

Ruby wondered how an ex-convict without money and background could become so wealthy in just a few years!

It was almost like a miracle.

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Humpty was not convinced, as he gritted his teeth and said, “Hmph, so what if you're the owner of the hospital? Don't forget that I still own two stretches of food streets.” Then, he turned to say to Ruby, “Ruby, I'll give you these two stretches of streets if you let Summer marry me. The hospital cafeteria has a low-profit margin, whereas these two streets incur almost no cost. The annual profit from the rental is so much higher than that of a restaurant.”

Ruby was tempted.

What Humpty said was true, and it had always been her dream to own the two stretches of food streets.

Suddenly, Zeke slapped his own head and said, “Oh ya, speaking of food streets, Summer, I want to give you something too. You know The Nightingale, right?”

Summer nodded her head. “Yeah. What about it?”

“Someone gave me The Nightingale yesterday, but I don't have time to manage it. Hence, I want you to integrate it with Grand Millenium Hotel and merge it under Linton Group. I'll give you 50% shares of The Nightingale for the remuneration.”

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