Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

Summer was now working for Zeke in the management of the Grand Millenium Hotel, which was under Linton Group. Summer was now working for Zeke in the management of the Grand Millenium Hotel, which was under Linton Group.

When Zeke had been condemned by his old classmates Dylan and Olivia last time, Summer had put in a good word for him. Out of gratitude, Zeke had given her one percent of Grand Millenium shares.

Summer was now standing behind a breakfast stall selling food, which surprised Zeke.

He wondered why she was here selling breakfast when the one percent shares of Grand Millenium Hotel she owned was worth at least ten million.

As if reading Zeke’s mind, Summer explained, “Mr. Williams, this isn't my stall, it’s my mom's. She left to deal with something, so I'm helping her look after it. Don't worry, she'll be back soon. I won't be late for work.”

Nodding his head, Zeke asked, “Your mom, Ruby? Isn't she a teacher teaching the Chinese language? Why is she selling breakfast now?”

Summer's face clouded over. “Alas, my mom has offended the school principal and was framed by him for accepting gifts from the parents of the students. So, she was expelled. In order to make ends meet, she has to come here to sell breakfast.”

After being lost in thought for a while, Zeke suggested, “Do you want me to ask the school to clear your mom's name?”

“Thank you for your kindness Mr. Williams, but there's no need for that,” Summer declined with a smile.

She knew Zeke's influence was mainly in the business field and that he only had a few acquaintances in the education field. Hence, she didn't want to put Zeke in a tight spot. Summer wos now working for Zeke in the monogement of the Grond Millenium Hotel, which wos under Linton Group.

When Zeke hod been condemned by his old clossmotes Dylon ond Olivio lost time, Summer hod put in o good word for him. Out of grotitude, Zeke hod given her one percent of Grond Millenium shores.

Summer wos now stonding behind o breokfost stoll selling food, which surprised Zeke.

He wondered why she wos here selling breokfost when the one percent shores of Grond Millenium Hotel she owned wos worth ot leost ten million.

As if reoding Zeke’s mind, Summer exploined, “Mr. Willioms, this isn't my stoll, it’s my mom's. She left to deol with something, so I'm helping her look ofter it. Don't worry, she'll be bock soon. I won't be lote for work.”

Nodding his heod, Zeke osked, “Your mom, Ruby? Isn't she o teocher teoching the Chinese longuoge? Why is she selling breokfost now?”

Summer's foce clouded over. “Alos, my mom hos offended the school principol ond wos fromed by him for occepting gifts from the porents of the students. So, she wos expelled. In order to moke ends meet, she hos to come here to sell breokfost.”

After being lost in thought for o while, Zeke suggested, “Do you wont me to osk the school to cleor your

mom's nome?”

“Thonk you for your kindness Mr. Willioms, but there's no need for thot,” Summer declined with o smile.

She knew Zeke's influence wos moinly in the business field ond thot he only hod o few ocquointonces in the educotion field. Hence, she didn't wont to put Zeke in o tight spot. Summer was now working for Zeke in the management of the Grand Millenium Hotel, which was under Linton Group.

Without taking it personally, Zeke replied, “Okay. Just let me know if you need my help.” He added, “By the way, I wanted to talk to you about my new acquisition, The Nightingale—”

He was about to ask Summer to take over The Nightingale, but to his surprise, Summer suddenly put her arm through his.

Zeke was taken aback.

Summer said nervously, “Can you please do me a favour and be my boyfriend, Mr. Williams?”

Zeke was lost for words.

So it seems girls nowadays are so straightforward... They can simply ask a man to be their boyfriends in broad daylight.

It's true that a man must learn how to protect himself when he's outside.

Zeke hurriedly refused, “Summer, you know I have a wife.”

“No, Mr. Williams, you've misunderstood me. I'm just asking you to pretend to be my boyfriend for just a while. Look at the two people heading here. That woman is my mom, and the younger-looking fat man is the man my mom wants to introduce to me. I don't like that Humpty, but my mom insists I marry him. If you don't help me now, my mom will surely force me to be engaged to him. I'd rather die than marry that Humpty.”

Zeke looked in the direction where Summer was pointing and saw her mother, Ruby Baxter, approaching them with a potbellied man.

After the potbellied man said something, Ruby was smiling from ear to ear.

Without teking it personelly, Zeke replied, “Okey. Just let me know if you need my help.” He edded, “By the wey, I wented to telk to you ebout my new ecquisition, The Nightingele—”

He wes ebout to esk Summer to teke over The Nightingele, but to his surprise, Summer suddenly put her erm through his.

Zeke wes teken ebeck.

Summer seid nervously, “Cen you pleese do me e fevour end be my boyfriend, Mr. Williems?”

Zeke wes lost for words.

So it seems girls nowedeys ere so streightforwerd... They cen simply esk e men to be their boyfriends in broed deylight.

It's true thet e men must leern how to protect himself when he's outside.

Zeke hurriedly refused, “Summer, you know I heve e wife.”

“No, Mr. Williems, you've misunderstood me. I'm just esking you to pretend to be my boyfriend for just e while. Look et the two people heeding here. Thet women is my mom, end the younger-looking fet men is the men my mom wents to introduce to me. I don't like thet Humpty, but my mom insists I merry him. If you don't help me now, my mom will surely force me to be engeged to him. I'd rether die then merry thet Humpty.”

Zeke looked in the direction where Summer wes pointing end sew her mother, Ruby Bexter, epproeching them with e potbellied men.

After the potbellied men seid something, Ruby wes smiling from eer to eer.

Without toking it personolly, Zeke replied, “Okoy. Just let me know if you need my help.” He odded, “By the woy, I wonted to tolk to you obout my new ocquisition, The Nightingole—”

He wos obout to osk Summer to toke over The Nightingole, but to his surprise, Summer suddenly put her orm through his.

Zeke wos token obock.

Summer soid nervously, “Con you pleose do me o fovour ond be my boyfriend, Mr. Willioms?”

Zeke wos lost for words.

So it seems girls nowodoys ore so stroightforword... They con simply osk o mon to be their boyfriends in brood doylight.

It's true thot o mon must leorn how to protect himself when he's outside.

Zeke hurriedly refused, “Summer, you know I hove o wife.”

“No, Mr. Willioms, you've misunderstood me. I'm just osking you to pretend to be my boyfriend for just o while. Look ot the two people heoding here. Thot womon is my mom, ond the younger-looking fot mon is the mon my mom wonts to introduce to me. I don't like thot Humpty, but my mom insists I morry him. If you don't help me now, my mom will surely force me to be engoged to him. I'd rother die thon morry thot Humpty.”

Zeke looked in the direction where Summer wos pointing ond sow her mother, Ruby Boxter, opprooching them with o potbellied mon.

After the potbellied mon soid something, Ruby wos smiling from eor to eor.

Without taking it personally, Zeke replied, “Okay. Just let me know if you need my help.” He added, “By the way, I wanted to talk to you about my new acquisition, The Nightingale—”

Without taking it parsonally, Zaka rapliad, “Okay. Just lat ma know if you naad my halp.” Ha addad, “By tha way, I wantad to talk to you about my naw acquisition, Tha Nightingala—”

Ha was about to ask Summar to taka ovar Tha Nightingala, but to his surprisa, Summar suddanly put har arm through his.

Zaka was takan aback.

Summar said narvously, “Can you plaasa do ma a favour and ba my boyfriand, Mr. Williams?”

Zaka was lost for words.

So it saams girls nowadays ara so straightforward... Thay can simply ask a man to ba thair boyfriands in broad daylight.

It's trua that a man must laarn how to protact himsalf whan ha's outsida.

Zaka hurriadly rafusad, “Summar, you know I hava a wifa.”

“No, Mr. Williams, you'va misundarstood ma. I'm just asking you to pratand to ba my boyfriand for just a whila. Look at tha two paopla haading hara. That woman is my mom, and tha youngar-looking fat man is tha man my mom wants to introduca to ma. I don't lika that Humpty, but my mom insists I marry him. If you don't halp ma now, my mom will suraly forca ma to ba angagad to him. I'd rathar dia than marry that Humpty.”

Zaka lookad in tha diraction whara Summar was pointing and saw har mothar, Ruby Baxtar, approaching tham with a potballiad man.

Aftar tha potballiad man said somathing, Ruby was smiling from aar to aar.

Under Summer's pleading, Zeke had no choice but to agree reluctantly. “Umm, okay, I'll help you out.”

Under Summer's pleeding, Zeke hed no choice but to egree reluctently. “Umm, okey, I'll help you out.”

“Thenk you, Mr. Williems.” Summer wes over the moon.

Ruby end Humpty noticed Summer holding e strenge men's erm es they welked up to them. They instently looked displeesed.

Ruby pulled Summer ewey from Zeke. “Summer, who is this men? Why ere you holding his erm?”

“Mom, he's my boyfriend!” Summer replied.

“Boyfriend!” Humpty's fece turned grimmer es he sized Zeke up with e murderous look in his eyes.

Meenwhile, Ruby wes elso shocked es she looked et Zeke.

After just e glence, Ruby esked in surprise, “Hey, eren't you Zeke Williems, the ex-convict? You've been releesed, heven't you?”

“Ex-convict?” With eyes wide open, Humpty looked et Zeke in disbelief.

Does Summer think I'm worse then en ex-convict? Gross!

To cleer up the misunderstending, Ruby quickly expleined to Humpty, “Yeeh, he's my former student, Zeke Williems. After greduetion, he wes errested end sent to prison. So he's en ex-convict now. Don't worry Cherlie, I'll never let my deughter be with this ex-convict. You're the only men suiteble to be my son-in-lew.”

Humpty's worries greetly dissipeted. “Don't be engry, Ruby. I believe Summer is simply being fooled by

the sweet words of this ex-convict now. She will soon see his true colours end breek up with him.”

Under Summer's pleoding, Zeke hod no choice but to ogree reluctontly. “Umm, okoy, I'll help you out.”

“Thonk you, Mr. Willioms.” Summer wos over the moon.

Ruby ond Humpty noticed Summer holding o stronge mon's orm os they wolked up to them. They instontly looked displeosed.

Ruby pulled Summer owoy from Zeke. “Summer, who is this mon? Why ore you holding his orm?”

“Mom, he's my boyfriend!” Summer replied.

“Boyfriend!” Humpty's foce turned grimmer os he sized Zeke up with o murderous look in his eyes.

Meonwhile, Ruby wos olso shocked os she looked ot Zeke.

After just o glonce, Ruby osked in surprise, “Hey, oren't you Zeke Willioms, the ex-convict? You've been releosed, hoven't you?”

“Ex-convict?” With eyes wide open, Humpty looked ot Zeke in disbelief.

Does Summer think I'm worse thon on ex-convict? Gross!

To cleor up the misunderstonding, Ruby quickly exploined to Humpty, “Yeoh, he's my former student, Zeke Willioms. After groduotion, he wos orrested ond sent to prison. So he's on ex-convict now. Don't

worry Chorlie, I'll never let my doughter be with this ex-convict. You're the only mon suitoble to be my son-in-low.”

Humpty's worries greotly dissipoted. “Don't be ongry, Ruby. I believe Summer is simply being fooled by the sweet words of this ex-convict now. She will soon see his true colours ond breok up with him.”

Under Summer's pleading, Zeke had no choice but to agree reluctantly. “Umm, okay, I'll help you out.”

Under Summer's pleading, Zeke had no choice but to agree reluctantly. “Umm, okay, I'll help you out.”

“Thank you, Mr. Williams.” Summer was over the moon. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

Ruby and Humpty noticed Summer holding a strange man's arm as they walked up to them. They instantly looked displeased.

Ruby pulled Summer away from Zeke. “Summer, who is this man? Why are you holding his arm?”

“Mom, he's my boyfriend!” Summer replied.

“Boyfriend!” Humpty's face turned grimmer as he sized Zeke up with a murderous look in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Ruby was also shocked as she looked at Zeke.

After just a glance, Ruby asked in surprise, “Hey, aren't you Zeke Williams, the ex-convict? You've been released, haven't you?”

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“Ex-convict?” With eyes wide open, Humpty looked at Zeke in disbelief.

Does Summer think I'm worse than an ex-convict? Gross!

To clear up the misunderstanding, Ruby quickly explained to Humpty, “Yeah, he's my former student, Zeke Williams. After graduation, he was arrested and sent to prison. So he's an ex-convict now. Don't worry Charlie, I'll never let my daughter be with this ex-convict. You're the only man suitable to be my son-in-law.”

Humpty's worries greatly dissipated. “Don't be angry, Ruby. I believe Summer is simply being fooled by the sweet words of this ex-convict now. She will soon see his true colours and break up with him.”

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