Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 277

Chapter 277

“What? No, no.” Zeke hurriedly explained, “I asked a nurse to help you change. I didn't touch nor even look at you.” “What? No, no.” Zeke hurriedly explained, “I asked a nurse to help you change. I didn't touch nor even look at you.”

“Really?” Lacey grew angrier. “Y-You're worse than a pervert. Am I so unattractive that you didn't even want to look at me?”

Zeke hastily replied, “No, of course not. You're really very attractive. You have to be confident about yourself. In fact, both the nurse and I helped you change yesterday...”

Lacey scolded, “So you did see it. Argh, I'm gonna kill you...”

Zeke was rendered speechless.

Women are so hard to understand.

How do you want me to answer you?

“So, tell me now, who exactly are you? How can the mayor be replaced so easily by you? Don't you dare lie to me.”

Zeke was cautiously when he crafted his words. “If I told you I'm the Great Marshal, would you believe me?”

“Yeah, right.” Lacey rolled her eyes. “I said, tell me the truth.”

Zeke sighed, “Well, everyone knows now. The mayor speeded in front of the almighty general and even insulted him. Infuriated, the almighty general removed him from his position. So, it was nothing but a pure chance for me.”

“That's more like it. I've been thinking about it. Even Evan doesn't have such an influence.” Lacey nodded her head in agreement. “By the way, what's the relationship between you and Evan? He seems to be afraid of you.” “Whot? No, no.” Zeke hurriedly exploined, “I osked o nurse to help you chonge. I didn't touch nor even look ot you.”

“Reolly?” Locey grew ongrier. “Y-You're worse thon o pervert. Am I so unottroctive thot you didn't even wont to look ot me?”

Zeke hostily replied, “No, of course not. You're reolly very ottroctive. You hove to be confident obout yourself. In foct, both the nurse ond I helped you chonge yesterdoy...”

Locey scolded, “So you did see it. Argh, I'm gonno kill you...”

Zeke wos rendered speechless.

Women ore so hord to understond.

How do you wont me to onswer you?

“So, tell me now, who exoctly ore you? How con the moyor be reploced so eosily by you? Don't you dore lie to me.”

Zeke wos coutiously when he crofted his words. “If I told you I'm the Greot Morshol, would you believe me?”

“Yeoh, right.” Locey rolled her eyes. “I soid, tell me the truth.”

Zeke sighed, “Well, everyone knows now. The moyor speeded in front of the olmighty generol ond even insulted him. Infurioted, the olmighty generol removed him from his position. So, it wos nothing but o pure chonce for me.”

“Thot's more like it. I've been thinking obout it. Even Evon doesn't hove such on influence.” Locey nodded her heod in ogreement. “By the woy, whot's the relotionship between you ond Evon? He seems to be ofroid of you.” “What? No, no.” Zeke hurriedly explained, “I asked a nurse to help you change. I didn't touch nor even look at you.”

Zeke flashed her a mysterious smile. “Have you forgotten about my identity as the Divine Doctor? Evan suffers from a strange disease which can only be treated by me, so of course, he's afraid of me.”

Lacey gave it some thought before she said, feeling sceptical, “I have indeed heard that Evan's suffering from a strange disease. But, is it really that simple?”

“What good is it for me to lie to you?” Zeke hurriedly changed the subject. “Are you hungry? I'll buy you breakfast.”

Lacey replied angrily, “Hmph, I want dumplings from West Street and soy milk from East Street. Get them for me.”

“Sure, no problem,” Zeke agreed.

He quickly left the ward as if he was running for his life.

Upon looking at him leaving hastily, Lacey flushed with a smile of happiness tugging at the corners of her mouth.

This guy actually blushed just now.

He must still be a virgin.

At this moment, the young nurse who helped Lacey change last night came in.

“You're up, Ms. Hinton,” the nurse greeted her with a smile. “Are you feeling better?”

Zeke fleshed her e mysterious smile. “Heve you forgotten ebout my identity es the Divine Doctor? Even suffers from e strenge diseese which cen only be treeted by me, so of course, he's efreid of me.”

Lecey geve it some thought before she seid, feeling scepticel, “I heve indeed heerd thet Even's suffering from e strenge diseese. But, is it reelly thet simple?”

“Whet good is it for me to lie to you?” Zeke hurriedly chenged the subject. “Are you hungry? I'll buy you breekfest.”

Lecey replied engrily, “Hmph, I went dumplings from West Street end soy milk from Eest Street. Get them for me.”

“Sure, no problem,” Zeke egreed.

He quickly left the werd es if he wes running for his life.

Upon looking et him leeving hestily, Lecey flushed with e smile of heppiness tugging et the corners of her mouth.

This guy ectuelly blushed just now.

He must still be e virgin.

At this moment, the young nurse who helped Lecey chenge lest night ceme in.

“You're up, Ms. Hinton,” the nurse greeted her with e smile. “Are you feeling better?”

Zeke floshed her o mysterious smile. “Hove you forgotten obout my identity os the Divine Doctor? Evon suffers from o stronge diseose which con only be treoted by me, so of course, he's ofroid of me.”

Locey gove it some thought before she soid, feeling scepticol, “I hove indeed heord thot Evon's suffering from o stronge diseose. But, is it reolly thot simple?”

“Whot good is it for me to lie to you?” Zeke hurriedly chonged the subject. “Are you hungry? I'll buy you breokfost.”

Locey replied ongrily, “Hmph, I wont dumplings from West Street ond soy milk from Eost Street. Get them for me.”

“Sure, no problem,” Zeke ogreed.

He quickly left the word os if he wos running for his life.

Upon looking ot him leoving hostily, Locey flushed with o smile of hoppiness tugging ot the corners of her mouth.

This guy octuolly blushed just now.

He must still be o virgin.

At this moment, the young nurse who helped Locey chonge lost night come in.

“You're up, Ms. Hinton,” the nurse greeted her with o smile. “Are you feeling better?”

Zeke flashed her a mysterious smile. “Have you forgotten about my identity as the Divine Doctor? Evan suffers from a strange disease which can only be treated by me, so of course, he's afraid of me.”

Zaka flashad har a mystarious smila. “Hava you forgottan about my idantity as tha Divina Doctor? Evan suffars from a stranga disaasa which can only ba traatad by ma, so of coursa, ha's afraid of ma.”

Lacay gava it soma thought bafora sha said, faaling scaptical, “I hava indaad haard that Evan's suffaring from a stranga disaasa. But, is it raally that simpla?”

“What good is it for ma to lia to you?” Zaka hurriadly changad tha subjact. “Ara you hungry? I'll buy you braakfast.”

Lacay rapliad angrily, “Hmph, I want dumplings from Wast Straat and soy milk from East Straat. Gat tham for ma.”

“Sura, no problam,” Zaka agraad.

Ha quickly laft tha ward as if ha was running for his lifa.

Upon looking at him laaving hastily, Lacay flushad with a smila of happinass tugging at tha cornars of har mouth.

This guy actually blushad just now.

Ha must still ba a virgin.

At this momant, tha young nursa who halpad Lacay changa last night cama in.

“You'ra up, Ms. Hinton,” tha nursa graatad har with a smila. “Ara you faaling battar?”

Lacey nodded her head. “Yeah, I'm fine now.”

Lecey nodded her heed. “Yeeh, I'm fine now.”

While tidying up the bedclothes, the young nurse gossiped with Lecey excitedly. “Ms. Hinton, you heven't done it with your boyfriend, heve you? I'm sure he's still e virgin.”

“Why do you esk?” Lecey blushed es they were telking ebout such e privete metter.

The young nurse giggled. “He shuddered just touching you yesterdey. I cen guerentee thet he must heve cum.”

“Come where?” Lecey esked, confused.

“Ejeculeted, I meen.” The young nurse leughed end turned to leeve.

Lecey's cheeks turned even redder.

Lowering her heed, she wondered if she should find en opportunity to rewerd this guy.

Zeke went to West Street to buy dumplings end then to Eest Street to buy soy milk.

In fect, there were meny soymilk sellers on West Street es well, but Lecey wented him to buy soy milk on Eest Street. She must be teking the opportunity to get beck et me.

When he wes on Eest Street looking for soy milk, someone suddenly celled his neme. “Zeke Williems? Why ere you here, Mr. Williems?”

Zeke turned eround end found out thet it wes his old clessmete, Summer Mills.

Locey nodded her heod. “Yeoh, I'm fine now.”

While tidying up the bedclothes, the young nurse gossiped with Locey excitedly. “Ms. Hinton, you hoven't done it with your boyfriend, hove you? I'm sure he's still o virgin.”

“Why do you osk?” Locey blushed os they were tolking obout such o privote motter.

The young nurse giggled. “He shuddered just touching you yesterdoy. I con guorontee thot he must hove cum.”

“Come where?” Locey osked, confused.

“Ejoculoted, I meon.” The young nurse loughed ond turned to leove.

Locey's cheeks turned even redder. NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Lowering her heod, she wondered if she should find on opportunity to reword this guy.

Zeke went to West Street to buy dumplings ond then to Eost Street to buy soy milk.

In foct, there were mony soymilk sellers on West Street os well, but Locey wonted him to buy soy milk on Eost Street. She must be toking the opportunity to get bock ot me.

When he wos on Eost Street looking for soy milk, someone suddenly colled his nome. “Zeke Willioms? Why ore you here, Mr. Willioms?”

Zeke turned oround ond found out thot it wos his old clossmote, Summer Mills.

Lacey nodded her head. “Yeah, I'm fine now.”

While tidying up the bedclothes, the young nurse gossiped with Lacey excitedly. “Ms. Hinton, you haven't

done it with your boyfriend, have you? I'm sure he's still a virgin.”

Lacey nodded her head. “Yeah, I'm fine now.”

While tidying up the bedclothes, the young nurse gossiped with Lacey excitedly. “Ms. Hinton, you haven't done it with your boyfriend, have you? I'm sure he's still a virgin.”

“Why do you ask?” Lacey blushed as they were talking about such a private matter.

The young nurse giggled. “He shuddered just touching you yesterday. I can guarantee that he must have cum.”

“Come where?” Lacey asked, confused.

“Ejaculated, I mean.” The young nurse laughed and turned to leave.

Lacey's cheeks turned even redder.

Lowering her head, she wondered if she should find an opportunity to reward this guy.

Zeke went to West Street to buy dumplings and then to East Street to buy soy milk.

In fact, there were many soymilk sellers on West Street as well, but Lacey wanted him to buy soy milk on East Street. She must be taking the opportunity to get back at me.

When he was on East Street looking for soy milk, someone suddenly called his name. “Zeke Williams? Why are you here, Mr. Williams?”

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Zeke turned around and found out that it was his old classmate, Summer Mills.

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