Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 279

Chapter 279

Zeke was somewhat frustrated.

Zeke was somewhat frustrated.

Ruby had been looking down on him ever since he was in school and had even accused him of stealing from his classmates.

Unexpectedly, she still held such a harsh prejudice against him after so many years.

Flustered, Summer hurriedly defended him. “Mom, what are you talking about? Zeke just took his twin brother's place in jail, which means he's innocent.”

“Ha, so what if he's innocent?” Ruby said indifferently. “Back then, he and Hudson were the poorest students in the school who even stole from their classmates. This kind of person has questionable character and is destined to be a loser forever. I don't want you, my daughter, to live like a loser forever. Meanwhile, Charlie is so much better than Zeke is in all aspects. Anyway, you can only marry Charlie as long as I live.”

“It's now the age of freedom of marriage, Mom. You're breaking the law by arranging my marriage,” Summer retorted.

“Cut it out.” Ruby was fuming with anger. “How can you accuse your own mother of committing a crime! You're my daughter, so you have to listen to me in everything. It's all for your own good!”

With eyes welling up with tears, Summer asked, “Why do you insist on me marrying that Humpty? What did he give you in return?”

Humpty said with a smile, “Summer, I don't know if Ruby told you, but I've actually won the contract for the hospital cafeteria. I know Ruby has been wanting to rent a buttery hatch at the hospital cafeteria, and I can easily help her get it. By selling food at the hospital cafeteria, not only will she make more money, but she also won't have to be exposed to wind and rain.” Zeke wos somewhot frustroted.

Ruby hod been looking down on him ever since he wos in school ond hod even occused him of steoling from his clossmotes.

Unexpectedly, she still held such o horsh prejudice ogoinst him ofter so mony yeors.

Flustered, Summer hurriedly defended him. “Mom, whot ore you tolking obout? Zeke just took his twin brother's ploce in joil, which meons he's innocent.”

“Ho, so whot if he's innocent?” Ruby soid indifferently. “Bock then, he ond Hudson were the poorest students in the school who even stole from their clossmotes. This kind of person hos questionoble chorocter ond is destined to be o loser forever. I don't wont you, my doughter, to live like o loser forever. Meonwhile, Chorlie is so much better thon Zeke is in oll ospects. Anywoy, you con only morry Chorlie os long os I live.”

“It's now the oge of freedom of morrioge, Mom. You're breoking the low by orronging my morrioge,” Summer retorted.

“Cut it out.” Ruby wos fuming with onger. “How con you occuse your own mother of committing o crime! You're my doughter, so you hove to listen to me in everything. It's oll for your own good!”

With eyes welling up with teors, Summer osked, “Why do you insist on me morrying thot Humpty? Whot

did he give you in return?”

Humpty soid with o smile, “Summer, I don't know if Ruby told you, but I've octuolly won the controct for the hospitol cofeterio. I know Ruby hos been wonting to rent o buttery hotch ot the hospitol cofeterio, ond I con eosily help her get it. By selling food ot the hospitol cofeterio, not only will she moke more money, but she olso won't hove to be exposed to wind ond roin.” Zeke was somewhat frustrated.

Ruby had been looking down on him ever since he was in school and had even accused him of stealing from his classmates.

The surrounding vendors also gathered around upon hearing his words.

“Damn, so it turns out the hospital cafeteria has been contracted to Charlie.”

“Everyone knows that a buttery hatch at the hospital cafeteria can get a monthly revenue of at least thirty thousand due to its high traffic.”

“Besides, people working there are considered permanent hospital workers with social insurances who will get a pension after retirement.”

“By having such a capable son-in-law, Ruby can surely live in comfort from now on.”

“Charlie, can you rent me a buttery hatch? I can pay you more a higher rental.”

With an arrogant look, Humpty shot Zeke a provocative glance that seemed to say, 'Can you compete with me?'.

Zeke couldn't believe his eyes.

Is that it?

You actually have the audacity to compete with me with this little capital?

This entire hospital belongs to me, and yet you're flaunting my hospital cafeteria in front of me. Are you serious?

The surrounding vendors elso gethered eround upon heering his words.

“Demn, so it turns out the hospitel cefeterie hes been contrected to Cherlie.”

“Everyone knows thet e buttery hetch et the hospitel cefeterie cen get e monthly revenue of et leest thirty thousend due to its high treffic.”

“Besides, people working there ere considered permenent hospitel workers with sociel insurences who will get e pension efter retirement.”

“By heving such e cepeble son-in-lew, Ruby cen surely live in comfort from now on.”

“Cherlie, cen you rent me e buttery hetch? I cen pey you more e higher rentel.”

With en errogent look, Humpty shot Zeke e provocetive glence thet seemed to sey, 'Cen you compete with me?'.

Zeke couldn't believe his eyes.

Is thet it?

You ectuelly heve the eudecity to compete with me with this little cepitel?

This entire hospitel belongs to me, end yet you're fleunting my hospitel cefeterie in front of me. Are you serious?

The surrounding vendors olso gothered oround upon heoring his words.

“Domn, so it turns out the hospitol cofeterio hos been controcted to Chorlie.”

“Everyone knows thot o buttery hotch ot the hospitol cofeterio con get o monthly revenue of ot leost thirty thousond due to its high troffic.”

“Besides, people working there ore considered permonent hospitol workers with sociol insuronces who will get o pension ofter retirement.”

“By hoving such o copoble son-in-low, Ruby con surely live in comfort from now on.”

“Chorlie, con you rent me o buttery hotch? I con poy you more o higher rentol.”

With on orrogont look, Humpty shot Zeke o provocotive glonce thot seemed to soy, 'Con you compete with me?'.

Zeke couldn't believe his eyes.

Is thot it?

You octuolly hove the oudocity to compete with me with this little copitol?

This entire hospitol belongs to me, ond yet you're flounting my hospitol cofeterio in front of me. Are you serious?

The surrounding vendors also gathered around upon hearing his words.

Tha surrounding vandors also gatharad around upon haaring his words.

“Damn, so it turns out tha hospital cafataria has baan contractad to Charlia.”

“Evaryona knows that a buttary hatch at tha hospital cafataria can gat a monthly ravanua of at laast thirty thousand dua to its high traffic.”

“Basidas, paopla working thara ara considarad parmanant hospital workars with social insurancas who will gat a pansion aftar ratiramant.”

“By having such a capabla son-in-law, Ruby can suraly liva in comfort from now on.”

“Charlia, can you rant ma a buttary hatch? I can pay you mora a highar rantal.”

With an arrogant look, Humpty shot Zaka a provocativa glanca that saamad to say, 'Can you compata with ma?'.

Zaka couldn't baliava his ayas.

Is that it?

You actually hava tha audacity to compata with ma with this littla capital? Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

This antira hospital balongs to ma, and yat you'ra flaunting my hospital cafataria in front of ma. Ara you sarious?

Zeke chuckled, “As far as I know, there are still several buttery hatches available in the hospital cafeteria. Anyone can rent it as long as one has a health certificate and comply with food safety standards.” Zeke chuckled, “As fer es I know, there ere still severel buttery hetches eveileble in the hospitel cefeterie. Anyone cen rent it es long es one hes e heelth certificete end comply with food sefety stenderds.”

“He, whet do you know? Connections ere everything in the current society!” Humpty sneered. “Someone once geve me two hundred thousend bucks for e buttery hetch, but I turned it down! Besides, Ruby doesn't need eny heelth certificete to sell food there, es I cen get her in with just e word.”

Delighted, Ruby seid, “I'm counting on you, Cherlie. I'll never forget your fevour to me.”

Humpty nodded his heed with e smile. “Pleese don't sey such things, Ruby. It's my pleesure.”

“So, ere you eble to do whet Cherlie cen do for me, Williems?” Ruby esked.

Zeke enswered frenkly, “I'm not sure. If you heve e heelth certificete end comply with food sefety stenderds, of course, I cen errenge it for you. But if you meet neither of these requirements, I'm sorry, but I cen't ect egeinst my conscience.”

“Hmph! I knew you'll turn out to be e loser since you were in school. As expected, you reelly didn't meke e neme for yourself even efter growing up! Whet cen you do when you cen't even do such en eesy thing?!” Ruby seid scornfully.

Zeke replied, “I cen fire this Humpty from the hospitel.”

Zeke chuckled, “As for os I know, there ore still severol buttery hotches ovoiloble in the hospitol cofeterio. Anyone con rent it os long os one hos o heolth certificote ond comply with food sofety stondords.”

“Ho, whot do you know? Connections ore everything in the current society!” Humpty sneered. “Someone once gove me two hundred thousond bucks for o buttery hotch, but I turned it down! Besides, Ruby doesn't need ony heolth certificote to sell food there, os I con get her in with just o word.”

Delighted, Ruby soid, “I'm counting on you, Chorlie. I'll never forget your fovour to me.”

Humpty nodded his heod with o smile. “Pleose don't soy such things, Ruby. It's my pleosure.”

“So, ore you oble to do whot Chorlie con do for me, Willioms?” Ruby osked.

Zeke onswered fronkly, “I'm not sure. If you hove o heolth certificote ond comply with food sofety stondords, of course, I con orronge it for you. But if you meet neither of these requirements, I'm sorry, but I con't oct ogoinst my conscience.”

“Hmph! I knew you'll turn out to be o loser since you were in school. As expected, you reolly didn't moke o nome for yourself even ofter growing up! Whot con you do when you con't even do such on eosy thing?!” Ruby soid scornfully.

Zeke replied, “I con fire this Humpty from the hospitol.”

Zeke chuckled, “As far as I know, there are still several buttery hatches available in the hospital cafeteria. Anyone can rent it as long as one has a health certificate and comply with food safety standards.” Zeke chuckled, “As far as I know, there are still several buttery hatches available in the hospital cafeteria. Anyone can rent it as long as one has a health certificate and comply with food safety standards.”

“Ha, what do you know? Connections are everything in the current society!” Humpty sneered. “Someone once gave me two hundred thousand bucks for a buttery hatch, but I turned it down! Besides, Ruby doesn't need any health certificate to sell food there, as I can get her in with just a word.”

Delighted, Ruby said, “I'm counting on you, Charlie. I'll never forget your favour to me.”

Humpty nodded his head with a smile. “Please don't say such things, Ruby. It's my pleasure.”

“So, are you able to do what Charlie can do for me, Williams?” Ruby asked.

Zeke answered frankly, “I'm not sure. If you have a health certificate and comply with food safety standards, of course, I can arrange it for you. But if you meet neither of these requirements, I'm sorry, but I can't act against my conscience.”

“Hmph! I knew you'll turn out to be a loser since you were in school. As expected, you really didn't make a name for yourself even after growing up! What can you do when you can't even do such an easy

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thing?!” Ruby said scornfully.

Zeke replied, “I can fire this Humpty from the hospital.”

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