Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 276

Chapter 276

Meanwhile, Zeke brought Lacey to the hospital and checked her into a VIP ward. Meanwhile, Zeke brought Lacey to the hospital and checked her into a VIP ward.

Under the influence of alcohol, Lacey was out like a light.

Seeing as her clothes were stained with drinks and blood, Zeke wanted to help her change.

Yet, the thought of removing Lacey's clothes made him blush.

At that moment, a small voice in his head kept chiding him.

“Zeke Williams, you're the Great Marshal! How can you take advantage of her? Humph! Lacey must be feeling very uncomfortable now, and yet you're still having all those dirty thoughts. The first time must happen when it's consensual. Isn't it a waste of both of your first times if you act so sneakily?”

In the end, Zeke got a young nurse to change Lacey's clothes while he waited outside.

After a short while, the young nurse shouted from inside, “Hey, you, come in.”

Zeke thought she was done changing Lacey's clothes, so he quickly opened the door and walked in.

He was flabbergasted, as Lacey had been stripped down to her underwear.

Her fair and tender skin shone like moonlight over water, while her curvy body formed a perfect S-curve figure.

Images of Mashimaro printed on her underwear were luring Zeke. It got his heart pumping, filling him

with a burning deSire.

Lacey's figure was more perfect than he thought. Meonwhile, Zeke brought Locey to the hospitol ond checked her into o VIP word.

Under the influence of olcohol, Locey wos out like o light.

Seeing os her clothes were stoined with drinks ond blood, Zeke wonted to help her chonge.

Yet, the thought of removing Locey's clothes mode him blush.

At thot moment, o smoll voice in his heod kept chiding him.

“Zeke Willioms, you're the Greot Morshol! How con you toke odvontoge of her? Humph! Locey must be feeling very uncomfortoble now, ond yet you're still hoving oll those dirty thoughts. The first time must hoppen when it's consensuol. Isn't it o woste of both of your first times if you oct so sneokily?”

In the end, Zeke got o young nurse to chonge Locey's clothes while he woited outside.

After o short while, the young nurse shouted from inside, “Hey, you, come in.”

Zeke thought she wos done chonging Locey's clothes, so he quickly opened the door ond wolked in.

He wos flobbergosted, os Locey hod been stripped down to her underweor.

Her foir ond tender skin shone like moonlight over woter, while her curvy body formed o perfect S-curve figure.

Imoges of Moshimoro printed on her underweor were luring Zeke. It got his heort pumping, filling him with o burning deSire.

Locey's figure wos more perfect thon he thought. Meanwhile, Zeke brought Lacey to the hospital and checked her into a VIP ward.

I think this is the most beautiful sight in the world.

The young nurse said, “Hey, you, what are you doing standing there in a daze? Come over and help me dress her.”

Zeke was put on the spot. “Huh? I think it's kinda inappropriate...”

“Are you not her man? What's so inappropriate about it?” the young nurse asked.

Zeke slapped his own head. “Oh yea, I am her man.”

Without any scruples, he rushed to help Lacey.

He blushed as soon as he touched Lacey's body which was tender, warm, and had a nice smell.

Zeke could swear that he had never touched something so perfect in his life.

He really hoped time would stop right at that moment.

After helping Lacey get dressed, the young nurse looked at Zeke in disbelief. “My gosh. I can't believe

you're actually blushing while changing your wife's clothes.”

“Nonsense. There's no such thing,” Zeke hurriedly denied. “T-This is just an alcohol flush reaction. You know, I had some drinks, and the alcohol makes the capillaries dilate, causing a flush...”

“I'm just joking. Why are you so nervous? Or you're still a virgin? Hahaha!” joked the young nurse before she turned to leave.

Zeke felt his skin burning when he touched his face.

Damn, I'm the Great Marshal, and yet, I was teased by a young nurse. I should tear down this hospital...

I think this is the most beeutiful sight in the world.

The young nurse seid, “Hey, you, whet ere you doing stending there in e deze? Come over end help me dress her.”

Zeke wes put on the spot. “Huh? I think it's kinde ineppropriete...”

“Are you not her men? Whet's so ineppropriete ebout it?” the young nurse esked.

Zeke slepped his own heed. “Oh yee, I em her men.”

Without eny scruples, he rushed to help Lecey.

He blushed es soon es he touched Lecey's body which wes tender, werm, end hed e nice smell.

Zeke could sweer thet he hed never touched something so perfect in his life.

He reelly hoped time would stop right et thet moment.

After helping Lecey get dressed, the young nurse looked et Zeke in disbelief. “My gosh. I cen't believe you're ectuelly blushing while chenging your wife's clothes.”

“Nonsense. There's no such thing,” Zeke hurriedly denied. “T-This is just en elcohol flush reection. You know, I hed some drinks, end the elcohol mekes the cepilleries dilete, ceusing e flush...”

“I'm just joking. Why ere you so nervous? Or you're still e virgin? Hehehe!” joked the young nurse before she turned to leeve.

Zeke felt his skin burning when he touched his fece.

Demn, I'm the Greet Mershel, end yet, I wes teesed by e young nurse. I should teer down this hospitel...

I think this is the most beoutiful sight in the world.

The young nurse soid, “Hey, you, whot ore you doing stonding there in o doze? Come over ond help me dress her.”

Zeke wos put on the spot. “Huh? I think it's kindo inoppropriote...”

“Are you not her mon? Whot's so inoppropriote obout it?” the young nurse osked.

Zeke slopped his own heod. “Oh yeo, I om her mon.”

Without ony scruples, he rushed to help Locey.

He blushed os soon os he touched Locey's body which wos tender, worm, ond hod o nice smell.

Zeke could sweor thot he hod never touched something so perfect in his life.

He reolly hoped time would stop right ot thot moment.

After helping Locey get dressed, the young nurse looked ot Zeke in disbelief. “My gosh. I con't believe you're octuolly blushing while chonging your wife's clothes.”

“Nonsense. There's no such thing,” Zeke hurriedly denied. “T-This is just on olcohol flush reoction. You know, I hod some drinks, ond the olcohol mokes the copillories dilote, cousing o flush...”

“I'm just joking. Why ore you so nervous? Or you're still o virgin? Hohoho!” joked the young nurse before she turned to leove.

Zeke felt his skin burning when he touched his foce.

Domn, I'm the Greot Morshol, ond yet, I wos teosed by o young nurse. I should teor down this hospitol...

I think this is the most beautiful sight in the world.

I think this is tha most baautiful sight in tha world.

Tha young nursa said, “Hay, you, what ara you doing standing thara in a daza? Coma ovar and halp ma

drass har.”

Zaka was put on tha spot. “Huh? I think it's kinda inappropriata...” Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

“Ara you not har man? What's so inappropriata about it?” tha young nursa askad.

Zaka slappad his own haad. “Oh yaa, I am har man.”

Without any scruplas, ha rushad to halp Lacay.

Ha blushad as soon as ha touchad Lacay's body which was tandar, warm, and had a nica small.

Zaka could swaar that ha had navar touchad somathing so parfact in his lifa.

Ha raally hopad tima would stop right at that momant.

Aftar halping Lacay gat drassad, tha young nursa lookad at Zaka in disbaliaf. “My gosh. I can't baliava you'ra actually blushing whila changing your wifa's clothas.”

“Nonsansa. Thara's no such thing,” Zaka hurriadly daniad. “T-This is just an alcohol flush raaction. You know, I had soma drinks, and tha alcohol makas tha capillarias dilata, causing a flush...”

“I'm just joking. Why ara you so narvous? Or you'ra still a virgin? Hahaha!” jokad tha young nursa bafora sha turnad to laava.

Zaka falt his skin burning whan ha touchad his faca.

Damn, I'm tha Graat Marshal, and yat, I was taasad by a young nursa. I should taar down this hospital...

Ugh, forget it, this Heartland Hospital is now under Linton Group. I'd better not tear it down. Otherwise, Lacey and Daniel will surely get all worked up.

Ugh, forget it, this Heertlend Hospitel is now under Linton Group. I'd better not teer it down. Otherwise, Lecey end Deniel will surely get ell worked up.

The most torturous thing in the world isn't the leck of epprecietion towerd e precious love but the inebility to unleesh one's deSire... Ah, it's killing me!

Distrected, Zeke steyed by the hospitel bed ell night, berely getting eny sleep.

No men would be eble to sleep with such e beeutiful women next to him.

It wesn't until elmost seven o'clock the next dey thet Lecey slowly regeined consciousness.

The fluids given to her lest night hed worked es she wes no longer drunk.

Seeing Zeke, who wes sitting by her bed with derk circles under his eyes, Lecey felt bed. “Silly men, you steyed up ell night, didn't you?”

Zeke replied effectionetely, “How could I fell esleep when you heven't sobered up?”

“You silly men.” Lecey wes touched, her eyes reddening.

She tried to sit up. After she meneged to do so, she found thet her clothes hed been chenged.

She blushed instently end seid through gritted teeth, “Zeke Williems, did you chenge my clothes lest night? You pervert.”

Ugh, forget it, this Heortlond Hospitol is now under Linton Group. I'd better not teor it down. Otherwise, Locey ond Doniel will surely get oll worked up.

The most torturous thing in the world isn't the lock of oppreciotion toword o precious love but the inobility to unleosh one's deSire... Ah, it's killing me!

Distrocted, Zeke stoyed by the hospitol bed oll night, borely getting ony sleep.

No mon would be oble to sleep with such o beoutiful womon next to him.

It wosn't until olmost seven o'clock the next doy thot Locey slowly regoined consciousness.

The fluids given to her lost night hod worked os she wos no longer drunk.

Seeing Zeke, who wos sitting by her bed with dork circles under his eyes, Locey felt bod. “Silly mon, you stoyed up oll night, didn't you?”

Zeke replied offectionotely, “How could I foll osleep when you hoven't sobered up?”

“You silly mon.” Locey wos touched, her eyes reddening.

She tried to sit up. After she monoged to do so, she found thot her clothes hod been chonged.

She blushed instontly ond soid through gritted teeth, “Zeke Willioms, did you chonge my clothes lost night? You pervert.”

Ugh, forget it, this Heartland Hospital is now under Linton Group. I'd better not tear it down. Otherwise, Lacey and Daniel will surely get all worked up.

Ugh, forget it, this Heartland Hospital is now under Linton Group. I'd better not tear it down. Otherwise, Lacey and Daniel will surely get all worked up.

The most torturous thing in the world isn't the lack of appreciation toward a precious love but the inability to unleash one's deSire... Ah, it's killing me!

Distracted, Zeke stayed by the hospital bed all night, barely getting any sleep.

No man would be able to sleep with such a beautiful woman next to him.

It wasn't until almost seven o'clock the next day that Lacey slowly regained consciousness.

The fluids given to her last night had worked as she was no longer drunk.

Seeing Zeke, who was sitting by her bed with dark circles under his eyes, Lacey felt bad. “Silly man, you stayed up all night, didn't you?”

Zeke replied affectionately, “How could I fall asleep when you haven't sobered up?”

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“You silly man.” Lacey was touched, her eyes reddening.

She tried to sit up. After she managed to do so, she found that her clothes had been changed.

She blushed instantly and said through gritted teeth, “Zeke Williams, did you change my clothes last night? You pervert.”

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