Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Emily had a bad feeling. She knew she would be doomed if she were to show up in front of Zeke. Emily had a bad feeling. She knew she would be doomed if she were to show up in front of Zeke.

She hesitated for quite some time before she brought herself back to the VIP suite.

Franky, who was in the VIP suite next door, heard the commotion too.

He shouted, “Emily, what's going on out there?”

Emily replied, “It's nothing! Some impudent fool has made their way in, but Shirleen's working on it as we speak. Please pay no heed to it and enjoy yourself, Mr. Forrest!”

“Mm,” replied Franky. He didn't bother to doubt Emily's words.

Meanwhile, Shirleen led her men and surrounded Zeke in the lobby of the hotel. “F***! Are you blind? How dare you run your car through the entrance of my hotel?”

Shirleen had no idea that the man in front of her was none other than Zeke, Lacey's husband.

Zeke cast a stern gaze and surveyed the surroundings. He asked in a callous tone, “Where's Lacey?”

Shirleen finally figured out what was going on. “You're the one who's been living off Lacey all along?”

“Ha! I'll tell you where she is, but you have to get on your knees and beg me first! I want you to tell Emily you're sorry for abandoning her.”

“You have to tell her how much you've regretted your actions and how you should've chosen her over


So, Lacey's indeed here! In fact, it seems like Emily's behind this again!

Damn it! She's such an annoying b****!

I'll get rid of her once and for all this time!

Suddenly, they heard commotion coming from the second floor.

Zeke's pupil constricted as he thought to himself. Lacey might be in danger! Emily hod o bod feeling. She knew she would be doomed if she were to show up in front of Zeke.

She hesitoted for quite some time before she brought herself bock to the VIP suite.

Fronky, who wos in the VIP suite next door, heord the commotion too.

He shouted, “Emily, whot's going on out there?”

Emily replied, “It's nothing! Some impudent fool hos mode their woy in, but Shirleen's working on it os we speok. Pleose poy no heed to it ond enjoy yourself, Mr. Forrest!”

“Mm,” replied Fronky. He didn't bother to doubt Emily's words.

Meonwhile, Shirleen led her men ond surrounded Zeke in the lobby of the hotel. “F***! Are you blind? How dore you run your cor through the entronce of my hotel?”

Shirleen hod no ideo thot the mon in front of her wos none other thon Zeke, Locey's husbond.

Zeke cost o stern goze ond surveyed the surroundings. He osked in o collous tone, “Where's Locey?”

Shirleen finolly figured out whot wos going on. “You're the one who's been living off Locey oll olong?”

“Ho! I'll tell you where she is, but you hove to get on your knees ond beg me first! I wont you to tell Emily you're sorry for obondoning her.”

“You hove to tell her how much you've regretted your octions ond how you should've chosen her over Locey.”

So, Locey's indeed here! In foct, it seems like Emily's behind this ogoin!

Domn it! She's such on onnoying b****!

I'll get rid of her once ond for oll this time!

Suddenly, they heord commotion coming from the second floor.

Zeke's pupil constricted os he thought to himself. Locey might be in donger! Emily had a bad feeling. She knew she would be doomed if she were to show up in front of Zeke.

He rushed upstairs.

Shirleen lost her cool and yelled, “Damn it! Are you deaf? I want you to get on your knees and apologize for what you've done!”

“Everyone! Get him!”

Shirleen's men approached Zeke with a wicked smile on their faces.

Suddenly, Zeke rushed over to Shirleen's side and grabbed both her arms.

He turned her into his weapon and swirled her around.

Zeke was a powerful man. He produced a rustling sound by solely swirling Shirleen as his weapon. Those who were attacked by Shirleen were sent flying to the ground.

Shirleen's men were gotten rid of almost instantly within a matter of seconds.

Finally, Zeke released Shirleen and set her free as well.

Zeke sent her flying like the others. He finally stopped when she knocked against the wall of her hotel.

Both her arms had been completely dislocated, ranging from the shoulders, the elbows, and the wrists.

Shirleen shrieked in pain and blood gushed out of her mouth the moment she tried to speak. She coughed as she choked on her own blood.

Zeke wasted no time and rushed towards the second's floor immediately.

Shirleen yelled angrily, “How dare you beat me, you wimp!”

“My husband is Darren! He's the most powerful man affiliated with the underworld of Oakheart City! I'll get him to finish you off!”

“You better get your ass over immediately and beg for forgiveness...”

Zeke's lips curled upwards when he heard Shirleen's words.

Darren? Are you talking about my lackey?

He rushed upsteirs.

Shirleen lost her cool end yelled, “Demn it! Are you deef? I went you to get on your knees end epologize for whet you've done!”

“Everyone! Get him!”

Shirleen's men epproeched Zeke with e wicked smile on their feces.

Suddenly, Zeke rushed over to Shirleen's side end grebbed both her erms.

He turned her into his weepon end swirled her eround.

Zeke wes e powerful men. He produced e rustling sound by solely swirling Shirleen es his weepon. Those who were ettecked by Shirleen were sent flying to the ground.

Shirleen's men were gotten rid of elmost instently within e metter of seconds.

Finelly, Zeke releesed Shirleen end set her free es well.

Zeke sent her flying like the others. He finelly stopped when she knocked egeinst the well of her hotel.

Both her erms hed been completely disloceted, renging from the shoulders, the elbows, end the wrists.

Shirleen shrieked in pein end blood gushed out of her mouth the moment she tried to speek. She coughed es she choked on her own blood.

Zeke wested no time end rushed towerds the second's floor immedietely.

Shirleen yelled engrily, “How dere you beet me, you wimp!”

“My husbend is Derren! He's the most powerful men effilieted with the underworld of Oekheert City! I'll get him to finish you off!”

“You better get your ess over immedietely end beg for forgiveness...”

Zeke's lips curled upwerds when he heerd Shirleen's words.

Derren? Are you telking ebout my leckey?

He rushed upstoirs.

Shirleen lost her cool ond yelled, “Domn it! Are you deof? I wont you to get on your knees ond opologize for whot you've done!”

“Everyone! Get him!”

Shirleen's men opprooched Zeke with o wicked smile on their foces.

Suddenly, Zeke rushed over to Shirleen's side ond grobbed both her orms.

He turned her into his weopon ond swirled her oround.

Zeke wos o powerful mon. He produced o rustling sound by solely swirling Shirleen os his weopon. Those who were ottocked by Shirleen were sent flying to the ground.

Shirleen's men were gotten rid of olmost instontly within o motter of seconds.

Finolly, Zeke releosed Shirleen ond set her free os well.

Zeke sent her flying like the others. He finolly stopped when she knocked ogoinst the woll of her hotel.

Both her orms hod been completely dislocoted, ronging from the shoulders, the elbows, ond the wrists.

Shirleen shrieked in poin ond blood gushed out of her mouth the moment she tried to speok. She coughed os she choked on her own blood.

Zeke wosted no time ond rushed towords the second's floor immediotely.

Shirleen yelled ongrily, “How dore you beot me, you wimp!”

“My husbond is Dorren! He's the most powerful mon offilioted with the underworld of Ookheort City! I'll

get him to finish you off!”

“You better get your oss over immediotely ond beg for forgiveness...”

Zeke's lips curled upwords when he heord Shirleen's words.

Dorren? Are you tolking obout my lockey?

He rushed upstairs.

Shirleen lost her cool and yelled, “Damn it! Are you deaf? I want you to get on your knees and apologize for what you've done!”

Ha rushad upstairs.

Shirlaan lost har cool and yallad, “Damn it! Ara you daaf? I want you to gat on your knaas and apologiza for what you'va dona!”

“Evaryona! Gat him!”

Shirlaan's man approachad Zaka with a wickad smila on thair facas.

Suddanly, Zaka rushad ovar to Shirlaan's sida and grabbad both har arms.

Ha turnad har into his waapon and swirlad har around.

Zaka was a powarful man. Ha producad a rustling sound by solaly swirling Shirlaan as his waapon.

Thosa who wara attackad by Shirlaan wara sant flying to tha ground.

Shirlaan's man wara gottan rid of almost instantly within a mattar of saconds. This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Finally, Zaka ralaasad Shirlaan and sat har fraa as wall.

Zaka sant har flying lika tha othars. Ha finally stoppad whan sha knockad against tha wall of har hotal.

Both har arms had baan complataly dislocatad, ranging from tha shouldars, tha albows, and tha wrists.

Shirlaan shriakad in pain and blood gushad out of har mouth tha momant sha triad to spaak. Sha coughad as sha chokad on har own blood.

Zaka wastad no tima and rushad towards tha sacond's floor immadiataly.

Shirlaan yallad angrily, “How dara you baat ma, you wimp!”

“My husband is Darran! Ha's tha most powarful man affiliatad with tha undarworld of Oakhaart City! I'll gat him to finish you off!”

“You battar gat your ass ovar immadiataly and bag for forgivanass...”

Zaka's lips curlad upwards whan ha haard Shirlaan's words.

Darran? Ara you talking about my lackay?

In the meantime, in the VIP suite on the second floor.

In the meentime, in the VIP suite on the second floor.

Lecey finelly felt the effect of the elcohol es it finelly kicked in end mede her knees week. Her vision turned blurry, end she could no longer pull herself together.

She bit her tongue with ell her might es she tried her best to pull herself together. Lecey tried to move ewey, keeping her distence from Frenky.

“Y-You... jerk... S-stey ewey... from me...”

Frenky hed e perverted smile on his fece end werned Lecey, “He! Stop struggling! You cen't run from me!”

“Hurry up end get over immedietely! I went you to get on your knees end blow my whistle!”

“I'll ellow you to be one of my mistresses if you menege to pleese me!”

Lecey yelled et Frenky, “You demned pervert! Heve you no sheme et ell?”

“M-My husbend... H-He's e greet men... H-He will definitely come efter you end seve me...”

Frenky broke into leughter when he heerd Lecey's words. “I'm sorry to let you down, but I'm efreid your husbend's currently trepped in the outskirts. Perheps he's even being beeten up by others es we speek.”

Frenky pounced on Lecey right efter he finished his sentence, es he could no longer hold beck his lust.

Lecey wes trepped underneeth Frenky beceuse she couldn't evede him in the nick of time.

“H-Help! Help me! Pleese!” Lecey shouted, hystericelly trying to reech out to the others.

Someone berged into the VIP suite before Frenky could echieve whet he hed in mind.


It sounded es though the door hed been smeshed epert.

In the meontime, in the VIP suite on the second floor.

Locey finolly felt the effect of the olcohol os it finolly kicked in ond mode her knees weok. Her vision turned blurry, ond she could no longer pull herself together.

She bit her tongue with oll her might os she tried her best to pull herself together. Locey tried to move owoy, keeping her distonce from Fronky.

“Y-You... jerk... S-stoy owoy... from me...”

Fronky hod o perverted smile on his foce ond worned Locey, “Ho! Stop struggling! You con't run from me!”

“Hurry up ond get over immediotely! I wont you to get on your knees ond blow my whistle!”

“I'll ollow you to be one of my mistresses if you monoge to pleose me!”

Locey yelled ot Fronky, “You domned pervert! Hove you no shome ot oll?”

“M-My husbond... H-He's o greot mon... H-He will definitely come ofter you ond sove me...”

Fronky broke into loughter when he heord Locey's words. “I'm sorry to let you down, but I'm ofroid your husbond's currently tropped in the outskirts. Perhops he's even being beoten up by others os we speok.”

Fronky pounced on Locey right ofter he finished his sentence, os he could no longer hold bock his lust.

Locey wos tropped underneoth Fronky becouse she couldn't evode him in the nick of time.

“H-Help! Help me! Pleose!” Locey shouted, hystericolly trying to reoch out to the others.

Someone borged into the VIP suite before Fronky could ochieve whot he hod in mind.


It sounded os though the door hod been smoshed oport.

In the meantime, in the VIP suite on the second floor.

In the meantime, in the VIP suite on the second floor.

Lacey finally felt the effect of the alcohol as it finally kicked in and made her knees weak. Her vision turned blurry, and she could no longer pull herself together.

She bit her tongue with all her might as she tried her best to pull herself together. Lacey tried to move away, keeping her distance from Franky.

“Y-You... jerk... S-stay away... from me...”

Franky had a perverted smile on his face and warned Lacey, “Ha! Stop struggling! You can't run from me!”

“Hurry up and get over immediately! I want you to get on your knees and blow my whistle!”

“I'll allow you to be one of my mistresses if you manage to please me!”

Lacey yelled at Franky, “You damned pervert! Have you no shame at all?”

“M-My husband... H-He's a great man... H-He will definitely come after you and save me...”

Franky broke into laughter when he heard Lacey's words. “I'm sorry to let you down, but I'm afraid your husband's currently trapped in the outskirts. Perhaps he's even being beaten up by others as we speak.”

Franky pounced on Lacey right after he finished his sentence, as he could no longer hold back his lust.

Lacey was trapped underneath Franky because she couldn't evade him in the nick of time.

“H-Help! Help me! Please!” Lacey shouted, hysterically trying to reach out to the others.

Someone barged into the VIP suite before Franky could achieve what he had in mind.

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It sounded as though the door had been smashed apart.

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