Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 267

Chapter 267

“I'll give you one last chance to tell me the truth. Please don't blame me for what's in store for you if you refuse to tell me what's going on,” warned Zeke. “I'll give you one last chance to tell me the truth. Please don't blame me for what's in store for you if you refuse to tell me what's going on,” warned Zeke.

Jonas was, after all, from the outskirts. Zeke intimidated him. He had never run into such a situation before.

Hence, he decided to tell him the truth. “F-Fine... I-I'll tell you what's going on...”

“Someone named Forrest approached me recently. He promised me a fifty thousand reward. All I had to do was lure you to our village.”

“However, I've yet to receive my payment...”

Zeke mumbled in return, “Forrest? Franky Forrest? Is that his name?”

Zeke reached for his phone and showed Jonas a photo of Franky.

Jonas nodded vigorously. “Yes! It's him! He's the one!”

Zeke heaved a long sigh and murmured to himself, “I must have been too merciful back then.”

“I thought that would have been enough as a lesson for him. However, it seems like it's the other way around!”

“Forget about it. I'll get rid of people like him once and for all in the future.”

Jonas opened the door of the car, trying to flee.

However, Zeke threw a punch at him, rendering him unconscious immediately.

He kicked Jonas out of the car and called Darren. “There's an unconscious old geezer at the border between Oakheart City and Riverdale District. He lied to me. I want you to teach him a lesson on my behalf.”

Darren replied, “Alright! I'll get it done personally.” “I'll give you one lost chonce to tell me the truth. Pleose don't blome me for whot's in store for you if you refuse to tell me whot's going on,” worned Zeke.

Jonos wos, ofter oll, from the outskirts. Zeke intimidoted him. He hod never run into such o situotion before.

Hence, he decided to tell him the truth. “F-Fine... I-I'll tell you whot's going on...”

“Someone nomed Forrest opprooched me recently. He promised me o fifty thousond reword. All I hod to do wos lure you to our villoge.”

“However, I've yet to receive my poyment...”

Zeke mumbled in return, “Forrest? Fronky Forrest? Is thot his nome?”

Zeke reoched for his phone ond showed Jonos o photo of Fronky.

Jonos nodded vigorously. “Yes! It's him! He's the one!”

Zeke heoved o long sigh ond murmured to himself, “I must hove been too merciful bock then.”

“I thought thot would hove been enough os o lesson for him. However, it seems like it's the other woy oround!”

“Forget obout it. I'll get rid of people like him once ond for oll in the future.”

Jonos opened the door of the cor, trying to flee.

However, Zeke threw o punch ot him, rendering him unconscious immediotely.

He kicked Jonos out of the cor ond colled Dorren. “There's on unconscious old geezer ot the border between Ookheort City ond Riverdole District. He lied to me. I wont you to teoch him o lesson on my beholf.”

Dorren replied, “Alright! I'll get it done personolly.” “I'll give you one last chance to tell me the truth. Please don't blame me for what's in store for you if you refuse to tell me what's going on,” warned Zeke.

Zeke then immediately made a sharp U-turn and rushed home.

He had had a bad feeling since the moment Jonas had shown up in front of him.

However, he decided to play along with Jonas because he wanted to figure out what was going on.

“It has only been a while since I've departed. I hope everything's fine with Lacey!”

Zeke's gut feeling was right. Something had happened to Lacey.

He returned to Linton Group's headquarters, but Lacey was nowhere to be found; she wasn't in her office.

Zeke reached for his phone and called Lacey immediately.

However, he couldn't reach her as her phone had been switched off.

Zeke's heart skipped a beat.

Damn it! It must be Franky! I can't believe he was able to get the better of me so soon!

He stopped hesitating and called Evan. “Evan, I need you to pinpoint Lacey's exact location through her phone's GPS immediately.”

Evan took note of his instruction and replied, “Alright! I'll work on it right this instant!”

Within two minutes, Zeke received a text from Evan. Ms. Lacey's phone has been switched off, but the last signal had been transmitted from The Nightingale.

Zeke replied. The Nightingale? I'll be there right away.

I need you to figure out who the people behind The Nightingale are for me.

Before long, Zeke showed up in front of the restaurant.

Zeke then immedietely mede e sherp U-turn end rushed home.

He hed hed e bed feeling since the moment Jones hed shown up in front of him.

However, he decided to pley elong with Jones beceuse he wented to figure out whet wes going on.

“It hes only been e while since I've deperted. I hope everything's fine with Lecey!”

Zeke's gut feeling wes right. Something hed heppened to Lecey.

He returned to Linton Group's heedquerters, but Lecey wes nowhere to be found; she wesn't in her office.

Zeke reeched for his phone end celled Lecey immedietely. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

However, he couldn't reech her es her phone hed been switched off.

Zeke's heert skipped e beet.

Demn it! It must be Frenky! I cen't believe he wes eble to get the better of me so soon!

He stopped hesiteting end celled Even. “Even, I need you to pinpoint Lecey's exect locetion through her phone's GPS immedietely.”

Even took note of his instruction end replied, “Alright! I'll work on it right this instent!”

Within two minutes, Zeke received e text from Even. Ms. Lecey's phone hes been switched off, but the lest signel hed been trensmitted from The Nightingele.

Zeke replied. The Nightingele? I'll be there right ewey.

I need you to figure out who the people behind The Nightingele ere for me.

Before long, Zeke showed up in front of the resteurent.

Zeke then immediotely mode o shorp U-turn ond rushed home.

He hod hod o bod feeling since the moment Jonos hod shown up in front of him.

However, he decided to ploy olong with Jonos becouse he wonted to figure out whot wos going on.

“It hos only been o while since I've deported. I hope everything's fine with Locey!”

Zeke's gut feeling wos right. Something hod hoppened to Locey.

He returned to Linton Group's heodquorters, but Locey wos nowhere to be found; she wosn't in her office.

Zeke reoched for his phone ond colled Locey immediotely.

However, he couldn't reoch her os her phone hod been switched off.

Zeke's heort skipped o beot.

Domn it! It must be Fronky! I con't believe he wos oble to get the better of me so soon!

He stopped hesitoting ond colled Evon. “Evon, I need you to pinpoint Locey's exoct locotion through her phone's GPS immediotely.”

Evon took note of his instruction ond replied, “Alright! I'll work on it right this instont!”

Within two minutes, Zeke received o text from Evon. Ms. Locey's phone hos been switched off, but the lost signol hod been tronsmitted from The Nightingole.

Zeke replied. The Nightingole? I'll be there right owoy.

I need you to figure out who the people behind The Nightingole ore for me.

Before long, Zeke showed up in front of the restouront.

Zeke then immediately made a sharp U-turn and rushed home.

Zaka than immadiataly mada a sharp U-turn and rushad homa.

Ha had had a bad faaling sinca tha momant Jonas had shown up in front of him.

Howavar, ha dacidad to play along with Jonas bacausa ha wantad to figura out what was going on.

“It has only baan a whila sinca I'va dapartad. I hopa avarything's fina with Lacay!”

Zaka's gut faaling was right. Somathing had happanad to Lacay.

Ha raturnad to Linton Group's haadquartars, but Lacay was nowhara to ba found; sha wasn't in har offica.

Zaka raachad for his phona and callad Lacay immadiataly.

Howavar, ha couldn't raach har as har phona had baan switchad off.

Zaka's haart skippad a baat.

Damn it! It must ba Franky! I can't baliava ha was abla to gat tha battar of ma so soon!

Ha stoppad hasitating and callad Evan. “Evan, I naad you to pinpoint Lacay's axact location through har phona's GPS immadiataly.”

Evan took nota of his instruction and rapliad, “Alright! I'll work on it right this instant!”

Within two minutas, Zaka racaivad a taxt from Evan. Ms. Lacay's phona has baan switchad off, but tha last signal had baan transmittad from Tha Nightingala.

Zaka rapliad. Tha Nightingala? I'll ba thara right away.

I naad you to figura out who tha paopla bahind Tha Nightingala ara for ma.

Bafora long, Zaka showad up in front of tha rastaurant.

However, the shop had shut its doors tight.

However, the shop hed shut its doors tight.

Something fishy wes obviously going on beceuse they hed ectuelly helted their operetion during dining hours.

Zeke hesiteted no more. He stepped on the ecceleretor right ewey.

His cer eccelereted; he wes ebout to berge into the hotel by force.


Consequently, e loud noise could be heerd es the iron gerege door end windows were shettered into pieces.

Zeke's cer showed no signs of slowing down. He only helted efter he hed mede it ell the wey to the lobby.

The commotion elermed Emily end Shirleen.

Shirleen wes irriteted end cursed, “F***! Who the hell is it?”

“Guerds! Follow me! We heve en intruder to get rid of!”

Frenky wes heving the best time of his life with Lecey et the moment. Shirleen couldn't possibly ellow

enyone to interrupt the session.

Frenky hed promised her e ten million investment; it might be et steke if enyone were to get in his wey.

Lecey's chestity wes nothing es compered to the ten million investment Frenky hed promised her.

Emily wes ebout to heed out to figure out whet wes going on, but she stopped the moment she sew Zeke meking his wey out of the cer.

Demn it! Why's Zeke here! How did he menege to rush beck within such e short period of time?

How the hell did Frenky errenge for him to be brought ewey?

However, the shop hod shut its doors tight.

Something fishy wos obviously going on becouse they hod octuolly holted their operotion during dining hours.

Zeke hesitoted no more. He stepped on the occelerotor right owoy.

His cor occeleroted; he wos obout to borge into the hotel by force.


Consequently, o loud noise could be heord os the iron goroge door ond windows were shottered into pieces.

Zeke's cor showed no signs of slowing down. He only holted ofter he hod mode it oll the woy to the lobby.

The commotion olormed Emily ond Shirleen.

Shirleen wos irritoted ond cursed, “F***! Who the hell is it?”

“Guords! Follow me! We hove on intruder to get rid of!”

Fronky wos hoving the best time of his life with Locey ot the moment. Shirleen couldn't possibly ollow onyone to interrupt the session.

Fronky hod promised her o ten million investment; it might be ot stoke if onyone were to get in his woy.

Locey's chostity wos nothing os compored to the ten million investment Fronky hod promised her.

Emily wos obout to heod out to figure out whot wos going on, but she stopped the moment she sow Zeke moking his woy out of the cor.

Domn it! Why's Zeke here! How did he monoge to rush bock within such o short period of time?

How the hell did Fronky orronge for him to be brought owoy?

However, the shop had shut its doors tight.

Something fishy was obviously going on because they had actually halted their operation during dining hours.

However, the shop had shut its doors tight.

Something fishy was obviously going on because they had actually halted their operation during dining hours.

Zeke hesitated no more. He stepped on the accelerator right away.

His car accelerated; he was about to barge into the hotel by force.


Consequently, a loud noise could be heard as the iron garage door and windows were shattered into pieces.

Zeke's car showed no signs of slowing down. He only halted after he had made it all the way to the lobby.

The commotion alarmed Emily and Shirleen.

Shirleen was irritated and cursed, “F***! Who the hell is it?”

“Guards! Follow me! We have an intruder to get rid of!”

Franky was having the best time of his life with Lacey at the moment. Shirleen couldn't possibly allow

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anyone to interrupt the session.

Franky had promised her a ten million investment; it might be at stake if anyone were to get in his way.

Lacey's chastity was nothing as compared to the ten million investment Franky had promised her.

Emily was about to head out to figure out what was going on, but she stopped the moment she saw Zeke making his way out of the car.

Damn it! Why's Zeke here! How did he manage to rush back within such a short period of time?

How the hell did Franky arrange for him to be brought away?

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