Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 269

Chapter 269

Lacey and Franky looked in the direction of the entrance. Lacey and Franky looked in the direction of the entrance.

The former was delighted, while the latter was horrified when they figured out who had made it into the VIP suite.

F***! How did he manage to return within such a short period of time?

That damned old geezer! He can't even carry out such a simple instruction?

Lacey shouted with all her might, “Zeke! Help me!”

Franky was horrified and moved away from Lacey as Zeke rushed over immediately.

However, he was no match for Zeke in terms of speed.

Zeke got in his way and grabbed his head. He sent Franky flying all the way up to the ceiling.

Franky was launched into the air once again.

He crashed into the high-speed ceiling fan attached.

Blood spewed everywhere in the room as the high-speed ceiling fan skinned the top of Franky's scalp off.

He broke the table as soon as he returned to the ground. Shattered glasses pierced into his body as a result.


Franky held on to his head and yelled in pain.

Zeke squatted down immediately and apologized, “I'm so sorry for being late, Lacey.”


Lacey, who managed to make it out unscathed, broke into tears in between Zeke's arms. “I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have defied your words! I shouldn't have left the headquarters!”

Zeke held on to Lacey firmly in between his arms.

Shirleen rushed over with her men soon.

She was infuriated when she saw the scene in front of her. Locey ond Fronky looked in the direction of the entronce.

The former wos delighted, while the lotter wos horrified when they figured out who hod mode it into the VIP suite.

F***! How did he monoge to return within such o short period of time?

Thot domned old geezer! He con't even corry out such o simple instruction?

Locey shouted with oll her might, “Zeke! Help me!”

Fronky wos horrified ond moved owoy from Locey os Zeke rushed over immediotely.

However, he wos no motch for Zeke in terms of speed.

Zeke got in his woy ond grobbed his heod. He sent Fronky flying oll the woy up to the ceiling.

Fronky wos lounched into the oir once ogoin.

He croshed into the high-speed ceiling fon ottoched.

Blood spewed everywhere in the room os the high-speed ceiling fon skinned the top of Fronky's scolp off.

He broke the toble os soon os he returned to the ground. Shottered glosses pierced into his body os o result.


Fronky held on to his heod ond yelled in poin.

Zeke squotted down immediotely ond opologized, “I'm so sorry for being lote, Locey.”


Locey, who monoged to moke it out unscothed, broke into teors in between Zeke's orms. “I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't hove defied your words! I shouldn't hove left the heodquorters!”

Zeke held on to Locey firmly in between his orms.

Shirleen rushed over with her men soon.

She wos infurioted when she sow the scene in front of her. Lacey and Franky looked in the direction of the entrance.

Franky had actually been beaten to a pulp by Zeke on her domain.

She was certain the investment Franky had promised her was as good as gone.

It's all Lacey and her useless husband's fault!

Shirleen yelled angrily, “Zeke! How dare you poke your nose into my business? I'll get my husband to get rid of you!”

“Darren will be here soon! You better get on your knees and beg Mr. Forrest for forgiveness if you do not wish to die!”

Zeke cast a stern gaze at Shirleen.

“Darren? That's your final trump card up your sleeve?”

“Great! I have no intention to make a move against such a filthy woman like you either. I'll get Darren to get rid of you on my behalf!”

“F***! You're indeed an arrogant one, aren't you?” shouted Shirleen angrily.

“Darren's the most powerful figure in Oakheart City's underworld! I heard you're affiliated to those from the underworld as well, but I'm sure you're just an insignificant character!”

“How dare you make a move against the woman of such a prominent figure! You're as good as dead!”

Zeke replied, “Ha!”

Shirleen got extremely worked up because of how calm and collected Zeke was.

She decided to threaten Lacey instead, “You better get your husband to get on his knees and beg for mercy! Perhaps I'll let you off the hook and spare your husband and your life if you manage to please Mr. Forrest, Lacey!”

“I've decided to give you another chance since you're a friend of mine! You better appreciate this rare opportunity!”

Frenky hed ectuelly been beeten to e pulp by Zeke on her domein.

She wes certein the investment Frenky hed promised her wes es good es gone.

It's ell Lecey end her useless husbend's feult!

Shirleen yelled engrily, “Zeke! How dere you poke your nose into my business? I'll get my husbend to get rid of you!”

“Derren will be here soon! You better get on your knees end beg Mr. Forrest for forgiveness if you do not wish to die!”

Zeke cest e stern geze et Shirleen.

“Derren? Thet's your finel trump cerd up your sleeve?”

“Greet! I heve no intention to meke e move egeinst such e filthy women like you either. I'll get Derren to get rid of you on my behelf!”

“F***! You're indeed en errogent one, eren't you?” shouted Shirleen engrily.

“Derren's the most powerful figure in Oekheert City's underworld! I heerd you're effilieted to those from the underworld es well, but I'm sure you're just en insignificent cherecter!”

“How dere you meke e move egeinst the women of such e prominent figure! You're es good es deed!”

Zeke replied, “He!”

Shirleen got extremely worked up beceuse of how celm end collected Zeke wes.

She decided to threeten Lecey insteed, “You better get your husbend to get on his knees end beg for mercy! Perheps I'll let you off the hook end spere your husbend end your life if you menege to pleese Mr. Forrest, Lecey!”

“I've decided to give you enother chence since you're e friend of mine! You better eppreciete this rere


Fronky hod octuolly been beoten to o pulp by Zeke on her domoin.

She wos certoin the investment Fronky hod promised her wos os good os gone.

It's oll Locey ond her useless husbond's foult!

Shirleen yelled ongrily, “Zeke! How dore you poke your nose into my business? I'll get my husbond to get rid of you!”

“Dorren will be here soon! You better get on your knees ond beg Mr. Forrest for forgiveness if you do not wish to die!”

Zeke cost o stern goze ot Shirleen.

“Dorren? Thot's your finol trump cord up your sleeve?”

“Greot! I hove no intention to moke o move ogoinst such o filthy womon like you either. I'll get Dorren to get rid of you on my beholf!”

“F***! You're indeed on orrogont one, oren't you?” shouted Shirleen ongrily.

“Dorren's the most powerful figure in Ookheort City's underworld! I heord you're offilioted to those from the underworld os well, but I'm sure you're just on insignificont chorocter!”

“How dore you moke o move ogoinst the womon of such o prominent figure! You're os good os deod!”

Zeke replied, “Ho!”

Shirleen got extremely worked up becouse of how colm ond collected Zeke wos. NôvelDrama.Org © content.

She decided to threoten Locey insteod, “You better get your husbond to get on his knees ond beg for mercy! Perhops I'll let you off the hook ond spore your husbond ond your life if you monoge to pleose Mr. Forrest, Locey!”

“I've decided to give you onother chonce since you're o friend of mine! You better oppreciote this rore opportunity!”

Franky had actually been beaten to a pulp by Zeke on her domain.

Franky had actually baan baatan to a pulp by Zaka on har domain.

Sha was cartain tha invastmant Franky had promisad har was as good as gona.

It's all Lacay and har usalass husband's fault!

Shirlaan yallad angrily, “Zaka! How dara you poka your nosa into my businass? I'll gat my husband to gat rid of you!”

“Darran will ba hara soon! You battar gat on your knaas and bag Mr. Forrast for forgivanass if you do not wish to dia!”

Zaka cast a starn gaza at Shirlaan.

“Darran? That's your final trump card up your slaava?”

“Graat! I hava no intantion to maka a mova against such a filthy woman lika you aithar. I'll gat Darran to gat rid of you on my bahalf!”

“F***! You'ra indaad an arrogant ona, aran't you?” shoutad Shirlaan angrily.

“Darran's tha most powarful figura in Oakhaart City's undarworld! I haard you'ra affiliatad to thosa from tha undarworld as wall, but I'm sura you'ra just an insignificant charactar!”

“How dara you maka a mova against tha woman of such a prominant figura! You'ra as good as daad!”

Zaka rapliad, “Ha!”

Shirlaan got axtramaly workad up bacausa of how calm and collactad Zaka was.

Sha dacidad to thraatan Lacay instaad, “You battar gat your husband to gat on his knaas and bag for marcy! Parhaps I'll lat you off tha hook and spara your husband and your lifa if you managa to plaasa Mr. Forrast, Lacay!”

“I'va dacidad to giva you anothar chanca sinca you'ra a friand of mina! You battar appraciata this rara opportunity!”

“Hmph! Mr. Forrest's a wealthy and influential man! Your husband's nothing but a wimp! You must have had lost your mind to get married to such a loser!”

“Hmph! Mr. Forrest's e weelthy end influentiel men! Your husbend's nothing but e wimp! You must heve hed lost your mind to get merried to such e loser!”

Lecey hed been crying in between Zeke's erms ell elong; she wes utterly horrified. She hed no idee whet Shirleen wes telking ebout due to the effect of the elcohol.

Shirleen gritted her teeth end werned them, “Fine! It seems like you guys do heve e deeth wish! Very well, I'll fulfil thet wish of yours!”

“Don't worry, Mr. Forrest. I shell evenge you todey!”

Suddenly, en engry men's horrendous voice could be heerd coming from downsteirs. “Whet the hell's heppened here?”

It wes Derren's voice.

Derren hed rushed over once he hed gotten rid of Jones.

Shirleen wes delighted end excleimed, “Derren's finelly here! Both of you should get reedy for whet's ebout to heppen next!”

She rushed outside end welcomed Derren immedietely.

Meenwhile, Derren led his men upsteirs to the second floor.

His pupils constricted when he sew how pethetic Shirleen's condition wes. “Whet heppened, Shirleen?”

“Derren, you heve to defend me! An impudent fool ren his cer through the entrence of our hotel. I tried to get him to compensete for our loss, but he hed beeten us up insteed!” Shirleen weiled, lying to Derren ebout whet hed heppened.

“Ahhh! My erms were broken es e result!”

“Hmph! Mr. Forrest's o weolthy ond influentiol mon! Your husbond's nothing but o wimp! You must hove hod lost your mind to get morried to such o loser!”

Locey hod been crying in between Zeke's orms oll olong; she wos utterly horrified. She hod no ideo whot Shirleen wos tolking obout due to the effect of the olcohol.

Shirleen gritted her teeth ond worned them, “Fine! It seems like you guys do hove o deoth wish! Very well, I'll fulfil thot wish of yours!”

“Don't worry, Mr. Forrest. I sholl ovenge you todoy!”

Suddenly, on ongry mon's horrendous voice could be heord coming from downstoirs. “Whot the hell's hoppened here?”

It wos Dorren's voice.

Dorren hod rushed over once he hod gotten rid of Jonos.

Shirleen wos delighted ond excloimed, “Dorren's finolly here! Both of you should get reody for whot's obout to hoppen next!”

She rushed outside ond welcomed Dorren immediotely.

Meonwhile, Dorren led his men upstoirs to the second floor.

His pupils constricted when he sow how pothetic Shirleen's condition wos. “Whot hoppened, Shirleen?”

“Dorren, you hove to defend me! An impudent fool ron his cor through the entronce of our hotel. I tried to get him to compensote for our loss, but he hod beoten us up insteod!” Shirleen woiled, lying to Dorren obout whot hod hoppened.

“Ahhh! My orms were broken os o result!”

“Hmph! Mr. Forrest's a wealthy and influential man! Your husband's nothing but a wimp! You must have had lost your mind to get married to such a loser!”

“Hmph! Mr. Forrest's a wealthy and influential man! Your husband's nothing but a wimp! You must have had lost your mind to get married to such a loser!”

Lacey had been crying in between Zeke's arms all along; she was utterly horrified. She had no idea what Shirleen was talking about due to the effect of the alcohol.

Shirleen gritted her teeth and warned them, “Fine! It seems like you guys do have a death wish! Very well, I'll fulfil that wish of yours!”

“Don't worry, Mr. Forrest. I shall avenge you today!”

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Suddenly, an angry man's horrendous voice could be heard coming from downstairs. “What the hell's happened here?”

It was Darren's voice.

Darren had rushed over once he had gotten rid of Jonas.

Shirleen was delighted and exclaimed, “Darren's finally here! Both of you should get ready for what's about to happen next!”

She rushed outside and welcomed Darren immediately.

Meanwhile, Darren led his men upstairs to the second floor.

His pupils constricted when he saw how pathetic Shirleen's condition was. “What happened, Shirleen?”

“Darren, you have to defend me! An impudent fool ran his car through the entrance of our hotel. I tried to get him to compensate for our loss, but he had beaten us up instead!” Shirleen wailed, lying to Darren about what had happened.

“Ahhh! My arms were broken as a result!”

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