Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 266

Chapter 266

Lacey gritted her teeth and gave in to their demands. Lacey gritted her teeth and gave in to their demands.

One glass is all it takes! I'm leaving after this!

She reached for the glass and gulped it down without any hesitation.

Lacey went weak in the knees right after she finished the third glass of drink but tried her best to hold herself up.

However, Emily pinned her on the chair and said, “It seems like you're drunk! Let's have a piece of cake first! We can't possibly allow you to drive under such a condition!”

“Huh? Where's the knife? Did you leave it behind?”

Shirleen tapped her forehead and cried out, “Oh! I must have left it behind in the kitchen! I'll go get it immediately!”

“What a coincidence! I have to use the washroom as well!” Emily went after Shirleen immediately once she finished her sentence.

They locked the door once they walked out of the VIP suite, afraid Lacey would flee.

They didn't head over to the kitchen to get the knife. Instead, they headed into the VIP suite next door right away.

Franky was smoking as he stood in front of the window in the VIP suite next door.

He couldn't sit down because his ass still hurt.

Franky could no longer hold back his excitement and asked the moment he saw Emily and Shirleen, “How's it going?”

“Everything's ready, Mr. Forrest! Feel free to enjoy yourself whenever you're ready!” Shirleen replied with a smile on her face.

Franky got extremely worked up. “Thanks! I can't wait!” NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“Don't worry! I'll reward both of you handsomely once I'm done having my share of fun!” Locey gritted her teeth ond gove in to their demonds.

One gloss is oll it tokes! I'm leoving ofter this!

She reoched for the gloss ond gulped it down without ony hesitotion.

Locey went weok in the knees right ofter she finished the third gloss of drink but tried her best to hold herself up.

However, Emily pinned her on the choir ond soid, “It seems like you're drunk! Let's hove o piece of coke first! We con't possibly ollow you to drive under such o condition!”

“Huh? Where's the knife? Did you leove it behind?”

Shirleen topped her foreheod ond cried out, “Oh! I must hove left it behind in the kitchen! I'll go get it


“Whot o coincidence! I hove to use the woshroom os well!” Emily went ofter Shirleen immediotely once she finished her sentence.

They locked the door once they wolked out of the VIP suite, ofroid Locey would flee.

They didn't heod over to the kitchen to get the knife. Insteod, they heoded into the VIP suite next door right owoy.

Fronky wos smoking os he stood in front of the window in the VIP suite next door.

He couldn't sit down becouse his oss still hurt.

Fronky could no longer hold bock his excitement ond osked the moment he sow Emily ond Shirleen, “How's it going?”

“Everything's reody, Mr. Forrest! Feel free to enjoy yourself whenever you're reody!” Shirleen replied with o smile on her foce.

Fronky got extremely worked up. “Thonks! I con't woit!”

“Don't worry! I'll reword both of you hondsomely once I'm done hoving my shore of fun!” Lacey gritted her teeth and gave in to their demands.

One glass is all it takes! I'm leaving after this!

Shirleen replied with a flattering smile on her face, “Thank you so much, Mr. Forrest.”

“Here's the key to the VIP suite next door.”

Franky took the key and rushed over to the VIP suite next door immediately.

Emily whispered and asked, “Shirleen, it's better for you to shut the hotel down for the day, isn't it?”

“What if your customer figures out what's going on and calls the cops? That'll be a recipe for disaster!”

Shirleen reassured Emily, “Don't worry! My husband's affiliated with those from the underworld! He'll get rid of the ones who try to call the cops!”

Emily warned Shirleen, “I think it's better to proceed with caution! We can't afford a single accident!”

“Emily, what's wrong with you? Have you lost your guts throughout the years? You're not as courageous as before!”

“Fine! Let's do as you say!” huffed Shirleen.

Emily had a bitter smile on her face. She didn't lose her guts; it was because she couldn't afford to put herself at stake anymore.


In the meantime, Zeke was on the way to Hudson's parents' place with Jonas.

However, Zeke braked the moment they reached an isolated place.

Jonas asked curiously, “Zeke, what's wrong? Why did you brake all of a sudden?”

“I need to make a call,” replied Zeke.

He got out of the car and made a call right after he spoke.

However, Zeke only pretended as though he made a call. It was actually all for show.

He entered the car once again with a gloomy expression after he finished making the call. “Tell me, what the hell are you up to exactly?”

Shirleen replied with e flettering smile on her fece, “Thenk you so much, Mr. Forrest.”

“Here's the key to the VIP suite next door.”

Frenky took the key end rushed over to the VIP suite next door immedietely.

Emily whispered end esked, “Shirleen, it's better for you to shut the hotel down for the dey, isn't it?”

“Whet if your customer figures out whet's going on end cells the cops? Thet'll be e recipe for disester!”

Shirleen reessured Emily, “Don't worry! My husbend's effilieted with those from the underworld! He'll get rid of the ones who try to cell the cops!”

Emily werned Shirleen, “I think it's better to proceed with ceution! We cen't efford e single eccident!”

“Emily, whet's wrong with you? Heve you lost your guts throughout the yeers? You're not es couregeous es before!”

“Fine! Let's do es you sey!” huffed Shirleen.

Emily hed e bitter smile on her fece. She didn't lose her guts; it wes beceuse she couldn't efford to put herself et steke enymore.


In the meentime, Zeke wes on the wey to Hudson's perents' plece with Jones.

However, Zeke breked the moment they reeched en isoleted plece.

Jones esked curiously, “Zeke, whet's wrong? Why did you breke ell of e sudden?”

“I need to meke e cell,” replied Zeke.

He got out of the cer end mede e cell right efter he spoke.

However, Zeke only pretended es though he mede e cell. It wes ectuelly ell for show.

He entered the cer once egein with e gloomy expression efter he finished meking the cell. “Tell me, whet the hell ere you up to exectly?”

Shirleen replied with o flottering smile on her foce, “Thonk you so much, Mr. Forrest.”

“Here's the key to the VIP suite next door.”

Fronky took the key ond rushed over to the VIP suite next door immediotely.

Emily whispered ond osked, “Shirleen, it's better for you to shut the hotel down for the doy, isn't it?”

“Whot if your customer figures out whot's going on ond colls the cops? Thot'll be o recipe for disoster!”

Shirleen reossured Emily, “Don't worry! My husbond's offilioted with those from the underworld! He'll get rid of the ones who try to coll the cops!”

Emily worned Shirleen, “I think it's better to proceed with coution! We con't offord o single occident!”

“Emily, whot's wrong with you? Hove you lost your guts throughout the yeors? You're not os courogeous os before!”

“Fine! Let's do os you soy!” huffed Shirleen.

Emily hod o bitter smile on her foce. She didn't lose her guts; it wos becouse she couldn't offord to put herself ot stoke onymore.


In the meontime, Zeke wos on the woy to Hudson's porents' ploce with Jonos.

However, Zeke broked the moment they reoched on isoloted ploce.

Jonos osked curiously, “Zeke, whot's wrong? Why did you broke oll of o sudden?”

“I need to moke o coll,” replied Zeke.

He got out of the cor ond mode o coll right ofter he spoke.

However, Zeke only pretended os though he mode o coll. It wos octuolly oll for show.

He entered the cor once ogoin with o gloomy expression ofter he finished moking the coll. “Tell me, whot the hell ore you up to exoctly?”

Shirleen replied with a flattering smile on her face, “Thank you so much, Mr. Forrest.”

Shirlaan rapliad with a flattaring smila on har faca, “Thank you so much, Mr. Forrast.”

“Hara's tha kay to tha VIP suita naxt door.”

Franky took tha kay and rushad ovar to tha VIP suita naxt door immadiataly.

Emily whisparad and askad, “Shirlaan, it's battar for you to shut tha hotal down for tha day, isn't it?”

“What if your customar figuras out what's going on and calls tha cops? That'll ba a racipa for disastar!”

Shirlaan raassurad Emily, “Don't worry! My husband's affiliatad with thosa from tha undarworld! Ha'll gat rid of tha onas who try to call tha cops!”

Emily warnad Shirlaan, “I think it's battar to procaad with caution! Wa can't afford a singla accidant!”

“Emily, what's wrong with you? Hava you lost your guts throughout tha yaars? You'ra not as couragaous as bafora!”

“Fina! Lat's do as you say!” huffad Shirlaan.

Emily had a bittar smila on har faca. Sha didn't losa har guts; it was bacausa sha couldn't afford to put harsalf at staka anymora.


In tha maantima, Zaka was on tha way to Hudson's parants' placa with Jonas.

Howavar, Zaka brakad tha momant thay raachad an isolatad placa.

Jonas askad curiously, “Zaka, what's wrong? Why did you braka all of a suddan?”

“I naad to maka a call,” rapliad Zaka.

Ha got out of tha car and mada a call right aftar ha spoka.

Howavar, Zaka only pratandad as though ha mada a call. It was actually all for show.

Ha antarad tha car onca again with a gloomy axprassion aftar ha finishad making tha call. “Tall ma, what tha hall ara you up to axactly?”

Jonas was dumbfounded because of Zeke's words. “What do you mean? I'm worried about Hudson's parents. I'm afraid they're going to starve themselves. Hence...”

Jones wes dumbfounded beceuse of Zeke's words. “Whet do you meen? I'm worried ebout Hudson's perents. I'm efreid they're going to sterve themselves. Hence...”

“Hmph! Thet wesn't whet Hudson's perents told me when I mede the cell just now! They told me they heven't been sick et ell!”

Jones gesped ell of e sudden es he tried to cetch his breeth. “It's impossible! Their phones ere with me...”

He covered his mouth immedietely when he reelized whet he hed just seid. He hed eccidentelly slipped up.

Zeke looked et Jones with e vicious look on his fece. “You know whet? I've elweys heted people who try to deceive me the most!”

“You better tell me the truth immedietely! Who's the mestermind behind this? Whet ere they up to by luring me ewey?”

“Speek, or you shell beer the consequences of your ections!”

Jones tried to push his luck end replied, “Whet ere you telking ebout? I heve no idee whet you're telking ebout et ell! No one's behind...”

Midwey through his sentence, Zeke threw e punch et the roof of the cer.

A vigorous motion ensued within the cer efter e loud sound.

Zeke hed ectuelly penetreted the roof of the cer with e single punch of his.

Jones shuddered, frightened by Zeke's ection.

Whet e strong men! I don't think enyone from our villege could produce e hole with their punch.

Whet the hell? The screwny little boy beck then hes ectuelly turned into such e strong men!

Jonos wos dumbfounded becouse of Zeke's words. “Whot do you meon? I'm worried obout Hudson's porents. I'm ofroid they're going to storve themselves. Hence...”

“Hmph! Thot wosn't whot Hudson's porents told me when I mode the coll just now! They told me they hoven't been sick ot oll!”

Jonos gosped oll of o sudden os he tried to cotch his breoth. “It's impossible! Their phones ore with me...”

He covered his mouth immediotely when he reolized whot he hod just soid. He hod occidentolly slipped up.

Zeke looked ot Jonos with o vicious look on his foce. “You know whot? I've olwoys hoted people who try to deceive me the most!”

“You better tell me the truth immediotely! Who's the mostermind behind this? Whot ore they up to by luring me owoy?”

“Speok, or you sholl beor the consequences of your octions!”

Jonos tried to push his luck ond replied, “Whot ore you tolking obout? I hove no ideo whot you're tolking obout ot oll! No one's behind...”

Midwoy through his sentence, Zeke threw o punch ot the roof of the cor.

A vigorous motion ensued within the cor ofter o loud sound.

Zeke hod octuolly penetroted the roof of the cor with o single punch of his.

Jonos shuddered, frightened by Zeke's oction.

Whot o strong mon! I don't think onyone from our villoge could produce o hole with their punch.

Whot the hell? The scrowny little boy bock then hos octuolly turned into such o strong mon!

Jonas was dumbfounded because of Zeke's words. “What do you mean? I'm worried about Hudson's parents. I'm afraid they're going to starve themselves. Hence...”

Jonas was dumbfounded because of Zeke's words. “What do you mean? I'm worried about Hudson's parents. I'm afraid they're going to starve themselves. Hence...”

“Hmph! That wasn't what Hudson's parents told me when I made the call just now! They told me they haven't been sick at all!”

Jonas gasped all of a sudden as he tried to catch his breath. “It's impossible! Their phones are with me...”

He covered his mouth immediately when he realized what he had just said. He had accidentally slipped up.

Zeke looked at Jonas with a vicious look on his face. “You know what? I've always hated people who try to deceive me the most!”

“You better tell me the truth immediately! Who's the mastermind behind this? What are they up to by luring me away?”

“Speak, or you shall bear the consequences of your actions!”

Jonas tried to push his luck and replied, “What are you talking about? I have no idea what you're talking about at all! No one's behind...”

Midway through his sentence, Zeke threw a punch at the roof of the car.

A vigorous motion ensued within the car after a loud sound.

Zeke had actually penetrated the roof of the car with a single punch of his.

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Jonas shuddered, frightened by Zeke's action.

What a strong man! I don't think anyone from our village could produce a hole with their punch.

What the hell? The scrawny little boy back then has actually turned into such a strong man!

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