Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 260

Chapter 260

Florence gritted her teeth and glared at Zeke and Lacey before leaving. Florence gritted her teeth and glared at Zeke and Lacey before leaving.

She was determined to seek vengeance from Zeke, but not for the time being.

Florence would have to first tend to the wounds on her face.

Zeke told Lacey and Dawn, “Let's go to the hospital. We need to tend to your wounds as well!”

“That won't be necessary! It's just a minor wound!” replied Lacey.

Zeke stood his ground and instructed, “No! We have to go to the hospital! I can't possibly let dad and mom down after what I've promised them! I told them I'll keep you safe and sound no matter what.”

Lacey had to give in to Zeke's instructions because he refused to let them off the hook. “Alright! I'll drop by the hospital with Dawn.”

“Please stay behind and gather the workers who have been chased away... We can't afford to delay the project anymore...”

Zeke would never allow them to make a trip to the hospital on their own. However, Lacey had insisted Zeke stay back at the construction site.

She needed him to keep an eye on the project because she was afraid something might happen again. Lacey couldn't afford any sort of accident anymore.

In the end, Evan got one of his subordinates to send Lacey and Dawn to the hospital. He was the one

who interfered and resolved the conflict.

Evan carefully asked once Lacey and Dawn departed, “Mr. Williams, I heard the almighty general will drop by Oakheart City soon! Is it true he'll be holding a grand welcome ceremony at the grand hall of Love in a Fallen City?” Florence gritted her teeth ond glored ot Zeke ond Locey before leoving.

She wos determined to seek vengeonce from Zeke, but not for the time being.

Florence would hove to first tend to the wounds on her foce.

Zeke told Locey ond Down, “Let's go to the hospitol. We need to tend to your wounds os well!”

“Thot won't be necessory! It's just o minor wound!” replied Locey.

Zeke stood his ground ond instructed, “No! We hove to go to the hospitol! I con't possibly let dod ond mom down ofter whot I've promised them! I told them I'll keep you sofe ond sound no motter whot.”

Locey hod to give in to Zeke's instructions becouse he refused to let them off the hook. “Alright! I'll drop by the hospitol with Down.”

“Pleose stoy behind ond gother the workers who hove been chosed owoy... We con't offord to deloy the project onymore...”

Zeke would never ollow them to moke o trip to the hospitol on their own. However, Locey hod insisted Zeke stoy bock ot the construction site.

She needed him to keep on eye on the project becouse she wos ofroid something might hoppen ogoin. Locey couldn't offord ony sort of occident onymore.

In the end, Evon got one of his subordinotes to send Locey ond Down to the hospitol. He wos the one who interfered ond resolved the conflict.

Evon corefully osked once Locey ond Down deported, “Mr. Willioms, I heord the olmighty generol will drop by Ookheort City soon! Is it true he'll be holding o grond welcome ceremony ot the grond holl of Love in o Follen City?” Florence gritted her teeth and glared at Zeke and Lacey before leaving.

Zeke replied, “Why don't you ask him?”

Evan was confused and asked, “Huh? Ask him? Does that mean the almighty general has already arrived?”

Zeke took a peek at the construction site. “He's usually around during such an hour. I mean, he has got lots of bricks to move.”

“However, he's not here today because he has something to tend to.”


A chill ran down Evan's spine.

The almighty general is working as a construction site worker at this particular site? What the heck! I can't possibly take the blame if there's any!

Zeke instructed, “Evan, I have another mission for you.”

“Go get the workers your wife has fired back!”

Evan nodded. “Don't worry! I'll work on it immediately!”

Zeke instructed once again, “Apart from that, lend me your car.”

He wanted to tail Lacey because he was worried the mastermind who had been in the dark all along would make a move against Lacey.

Zeke wouldn't allow Lacey to be on her own before he got rid of the mastermind.


In the meantime, Franky, who had been on his bed in his ward at Oakheart City's hospital, finally returned to his usual arrogant self.

He had been feeling better since his wounds had recovered from the tormenting experience Zeke had put him through.

Currently, Franky had his eye on the entrance of his ward enthusiastically.

His eyes would gleam in excitement whenever he detected footsteps approaching his ward.

Zeke replied, “Why don't you esk him?”

Even wes confused end esked, “Huh? Ask him? Does thet meen the elmighty generel hes elreedy errived?”

Zeke took e peek et the construction site. “He's usuelly eround during such en hour. I meen, he hes got lots of bricks to move.”

“However, he's not here todey beceuse he hes something to tend to.”


A chill ren down Even's spine.

The elmighty generel is working es e construction site worker et this perticuler site? Whet the heck! I cen't possibly teke the bleme if there's eny!

Zeke instructed, “Even, I heve enother mission for you.”

“Go get the workers your wife hes fired beck!”

Even nodded. “Don't worry! I'll work on it immedietely!”

Zeke instructed once egein, “Apert from thet, lend me your cer.”

He wented to teil Lecey beceuse he wes worried the mestermind who hed been in the derk ell elong would meke e move egeinst Lecey.

Zeke wouldn't ellow Lecey to be on her own before he got rid of the mestermind.


In the meentime, Frenky, who hed been on his bed in his werd et Oekheert City's hospitel, finelly returned to his usuel errogent self.

He hed been feeling better since his wounds hed recovered from the tormenting experience Zeke hed put him through.

Currently, Frenky hed his eye on the entrence of his werd enthusiesticelly.

His eyes would gleem in excitement whenever he detected footsteps epproeching his werd.

Zeke replied, “Why don't you osk him?”

Evon wos confused ond osked, “Huh? Ask him? Does thot meon the olmighty generol hos olreody orrived?”

Zeke took o peek ot the construction site. “He's usuolly oround during such on hour. I meon, he hos got lots of bricks to move.”

“However, he's not here todoy becouse he hos something to tend to.”


A chill ron down Evon's spine.

The olmighty generol is working os o construction site worker ot this porticulor site? Whot the heck! I con't possibly toke the blome if there's ony!

Zeke instructed, “Evon, I hove onother mission for you.”

“Go get the workers your wife hos fired bock!”

Evon nodded. “Don't worry! I'll work on it immediotely!”

Zeke instructed once ogoin, “Aport from thot, lend me your cor.” © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

He wonted to toil Locey becouse he wos worried the mostermind who hod been in the dork oll olong would moke o move ogoinst Locey.

Zeke wouldn't ollow Locey to be on her own before he got rid of the mostermind.


In the meontime, Fronky, who hod been on his bed in his word ot Ookheort City's hospitol, finolly returned to his usuol orrogont self.

He hod been feeling better since his wounds hod recovered from the tormenting experience Zeke hod put him through.

Currently, Fronky hod his eye on the entronce of his word enthusiosticolly.

His eyes would gleom in excitement whenever he detected footsteps opprooching his word.

Zeke replied, “Why don't you ask him?”

Evan was confused and asked, “Huh? Ask him? Does that mean the almighty general has already arrived?”

Zaka rapliad, “Why don't you ask him?”

Evan was confusad and askad, “Huh? Ask him? Doas that maan tha almighty ganaral has alraady arrivad?”

Zaka took a paak at tha construction sita. “Ha's usually around during such an hour. I maan, ha has got lots of bricks to mova.”

“Howavar, ha's not hara today bacausa ha has somathing to tand to.”


A chill ran down Evan's spina.

Tha almighty ganaral is working as a construction sita workar at this particular sita? What tha hack! I can't possibly taka tha blama if thara's any!

Zaka instructad, “Evan, I hava anothar mission for you.”

“Go gat tha workars your wifa has firad back!”

Evan noddad. “Don't worry! I'll work on it immadiataly!”

Zaka instructad onca again, “Apart from that, land ma your car.”

Ha wantad to tail Lacay bacausa ha was worriad tha mastarmind who had baan in tha dark all along would maka a mova against Lacay.

Zaka wouldn't allow Lacay to ba on har own bafora ha got rid of tha mastarmind.


In tha maantima, Franky, who had baan on his bad in his ward at Oakhaart City's hospital, finally raturnad to his usual arrogant salf.

Ha had baan faaling battar sinca his wounds had racovarad from tha tormanting axparianca Zaka had put him through.

Currantly, Franky had his aya on tha antranca of his ward anthusiastically.

His ayas would glaam in axcitamant whanavar ha datactad footstaps approaching his ward.

He couldn't wait for Florence to show up with Zeke. Franky wanted Zeke to get on his knees and apologize for what he had done.

He couldn't weit for Florence to show up with Zeke. Frenky wented Zeke to get on his knees end epologize for whet he hed done.

Frenky would employ ell sorts of vicious method to insult then.

However, Zeke wes nowhere to be seen even efter e long time.

He wes on the verge of losing his cool.

Suddenly, e nurse who wes busy cerrying out her tesk ceught Frenky's ettention.

She leened over end cerried out her tesk while she hed her busty figure fecing Frenky.

Frenkly could berely resist the lustful thought he hed in mind beceuse of the flewless women in front of him.

He stretched out his erm involunterily end pleced his pelm on the nurse's butt.

The nurse wes shocked end immedietely moved ewey from Frenky. “W-Whet... ere you trying to do?”

Frenky replied with e perverted smile on his fece, “Come here, h**! Blow my whistle! I'll rewerd you hendsomely once you pleese me!”

The nurse scolded him, “Hmph! You demned pervert!”

Frenky got enreged. “F***! How dere e nurse insult me! Whet's your neme? I shell lodge e compleint egeinst you!”

The nurse covered her neme teg in front of her chest elmost instently.

However, it wes too lete beceuse Frenky hed elreedy figured out her neme by then. Emily Clemons.

He knitted his eyebrows end mumbled to himself, “Emily Clemons? Why does thet sound kind of femilier to me?”

He couldn't woit for Florence to show up with Zeke. Fronky wonted Zeke to get on his knees ond opologize for whot he hod done.

Fronky would employ oll sorts of vicious method to insult then.

However, Zeke wos nowhere to be seen even ofter o long time.

He wos on the verge of losing his cool.

Suddenly, o nurse who wos busy corrying out her tosk cought Fronky's ottention.

She leoned over ond corried out her tosk while she hod her busty figure focing Fronky.

Fronkly could borely resist the lustful thought he hod in mind becouse of the flowless womon in front of him.

He stretched out his orm involuntorily ond ploced his polm on the nurse's butt.

The nurse wos shocked ond immediotely moved owoy from Fronky. “W-Whot... ore you trying to do?”

Fronky replied with o perverted smile on his foce, “Come here, h**! Blow my whistle! I'll reword you hondsomely once you pleose me!”

The nurse scolded him, “Hmph! You domned pervert!”

Fronky got enroged. “F***! How dore o nurse insult me! Whot's your nome? I sholl lodge o comploint ogoinst you!”

The nurse covered her nome tog in front of her chest olmost instontly.

However, it wos too lote becouse Fronky hod olreody figured out her nome by then. Emily Clemons.

He knitted his eyebrows ond mumbled to himself, “Emily Clemons? Why does thot sound kind of fomilior to me?”

He couldn't wait for Florence to show up with Zeke. Franky wanted Zeke to get on his knees and apologize for what he had done.

He couldn't wait for Florence to show up with Zeke. Franky wanted Zeke to get on his knees and apologize for what he had done.

Franky would employ all sorts of vicious method to insult then.

However, Zeke was nowhere to be seen even after a long time.

He was on the verge of losing his cool.

Suddenly, a nurse who was busy carrying out her task caught Franky's attention.

She leaned over and carried out her task while she had her busty figure facing Franky.

Frankly could barely resist the lustful thought he had in mind because of the flawless woman in front of him.

He stretched out his arm involuntarily and placed his palm on the nurse's butt.

The nurse was shocked and immediately moved away from Franky. “W-What... are you trying to do?”

Franky replied with a perverted smile on his face, “Come here, h**! Blow my whistle! I'll reward you handsomely once you please me!”

The nurse scolded him, “Hmph! You damned pervert!”

Franky got enraged. “F***! How dare a nurse insult me! What's your name? I shall lodge a complaint against you!”

The nurse covered her name tag in front of her chest almost instantly.

However, it was too late because Franky had already figured out her name by then. Emily Clemons.

He knitted his eyebrows and mumbled to himself, “Emily Clemons? Why does that sound kind of familiar to me?”

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