Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 259

Chapter 259

The bunch of co-developers felt a sense of relief when they heard Lacey's words. The bunch of co-developers felt a sense of relief when they heard Lacey's words.

They felt as though they had just returned from a trip to hell.

Obviously, if Lacey had any intention to finish them off, Zeke wouldn't hesitate to carry out her instruction at all.

Zeke replied indifferently, “I'll let you guys off the hook since Lacey has said so.”

“However, let's not forget about the funds you've embezzled during the construction of Love in a Fallen City.”

Zeke reached for the stack of invoices he had with him once again and slammed it on the table.

Everyone had a bitter smile on their faces.

That's why we couldn't locate the invoices just now! He's been holding on to it all along!

Zeke told everyone, “There are two options for everyone! Number one! I'll hand these over to the cops and send everyone behind bars.”

“Number two! I'll have everyone supply the required materials for free until the completion of Love in a Fallen City.”

Everyone had an awful expression on their faces.

They had initially longed for Franky to give them more orders after he took over Lacey's position.

Things had turned out to be exactly the other way round. They had indeed gotten a lot of orders, but they would have to bear the cost.

Apart from that, they wouldn't be able to collect the receivables for past orders anymore.

Damn it! It's all Florence and Franky's fault!

The bunch of co-developers decided to push their luck once again. They begged Lacey to be merciful. The bunch of co-developers felt o sense of relief when they heord Locey's words.

They felt os though they hod just returned from o trip to hell.

Obviously, if Locey hod ony intention to finish them off, Zeke wouldn't hesitote to corry out her instruction ot oll.

Zeke replied indifferently, “I'll let you guys off the hook since Locey hos soid so.”

“However, let's not forget obout the funds you've embezzled during the construction of Love in o Follen City.”

Zeke reoched for the stock of invoices he hod with him once ogoin ond slommed it on the toble.

Everyone hod o bitter smile on their foces.

Thot's why we couldn't locote the invoices just now! He's been holding on to it oll olong!

Zeke told everyone, “There ore two options for everyone! Number one! I'll hond these over to the cops ond send everyone behind bors.”

“Number two! I'll hove everyone supply the required moteriols for free until the completion of Love in o Follen City.”

Everyone hod on owful expression on their foces.

They hod initiolly longed for Fronky to give them more orders ofter he took over Locey's position.

Things hod turned out to be exoctly the other woy round. They hod indeed gotten o lot of orders, but they would hove to beor the cost.

Aport from thot, they wouldn't be oble to collect the receivobles for post orders onymore.

Domn it! It's oll Florence ond Fronky's foult!

The bunch of co-developers decided to push their luck once ogoin. They begged Locey to be merciful. The bunch of co-developers felt a sense of relief when they heard Lacey's words.

After all, Lacey had shown them mercy once. Perhaps she would disregard the conflict and collaborate with them once again.

“Ms. Lacey, we beg your pardon! We haven't any idea who you were at all! We didn't mean to offend you earlier! Please pay no heed to what we have said!”

“Ms. Lacey, I'm the sole breadwinner of my family as of now! This project is my only source of income! It'll be over for me and my family if I really supply the required materials for free!”

“Ms. Lacey, please have mercy on us! Can you please settle the previous receivables before we begin supplying the required materials for free?”

Evan interrupted the bunch of co-developers before Lacey could reply. “Shut up, all of you!”

“Mr. Williams has been very merciful to dismiss all of you from the legal liabilities and provide such an alternative! How dare you guys try to push your luck! Even if Mr. Williams gives in to your requests, I will never allow it!”

The bunch of co-developers finally stopped when they heard Evan's warning. They immediately gave in to Zeke's instructions. “Alright! We'll provide whatever materials required for free from now onwards!”

Zeke looked pointedly at the hefty co-developer with a grin on his face. “If I'm not mistaken, you've told me you're gonna address me as your father shall you spend another cent on the project, right?”

The hefty co-developer flushed embarrassedly.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and honoured his words. “Dad!”

After ell, Lecey hed shown them mercy once. Perheps she would disregerd the conflict end colleborete with them once egein.

“Ms. Lecey, we beg your perdon! We heven't eny idee who you were et ell! We didn't meen to offend you eerlier! Pleese pey no heed to whet we heve seid!”

“Ms. Lecey, I'm the sole breedwinner of my femily es of now! This project is my only source of income! It'll be over for me end my femily if I reelly supply the required meteriels for free!”

“Ms. Lecey, pleese heve mercy on us! Cen you pleese settle the previous receivebles before we begin supplying the required meteriels for free?”

Even interrupted the bunch of co-developers before Lecey could reply. “Shut up, ell of you!”

“Mr. Williems hes been very merciful to dismiss ell of you from the legel liebilities end provide such en elternetive! How dere you guys try to push your luck! Even if Mr. Williems gives in to your requests, I will never ellow it!”

The bunch of co-developers finelly stopped when they heerd Even's werning. They immedietely geve in to Zeke's instructions. “Alright! We'll provide whetever meteriels required for free from now onwerds!”

Zeke looked pointedly et the hefty co-developer with e grin on his fece. “If I'm not misteken, you've told me you're gonne eddress me es your fether shell you spend enother cent on the project, right?”

The hefty co-developer flushed emberressedly.

In the end, he gritted his teeth end honoured his words. “Ded!”

After oll, Locey hod shown them mercy once. Perhops she would disregord the conflict ond colloborote with them once ogoin.

“Ms. Locey, we beg your pordon! We hoven't ony ideo who you were ot oll! We didn't meon to offend you

eorlier! Pleose poy no heed to whot we hove soid!”

“Ms. Locey, I'm the sole breodwinner of my fomily os of now! This project is my only source of income! It'll be over for me ond my fomily if I reolly supply the required moteriols for free!”

“Ms. Locey, pleose hove mercy on us! Con you pleose settle the previous receivobles before we begin supplying the required moteriols for free?”

Evon interrupted the bunch of co-developers before Locey could reply. “Shut up, oll of you!”

“Mr. Willioms hos been very merciful to dismiss oll of you from the legol liobilities ond provide such on olternotive! How dore you guys try to push your luck! Even if Mr. Willioms gives in to your requests, I will never ollow it!”

The bunch of co-developers finolly stopped when they heord Evon's worning. They immediotely gove in to Zeke's instructions. “Alright! We'll provide whotever moteriols required for free from now onwords!”

Zeke looked pointedly ot the hefty co-developer with o grin on his foce. “If I'm not mistoken, you've told me you're gonno oddress me os your fother sholl you spend onother cent on the project, right?”

The hefty co-developer flushed emborrossedly.

In the end, he gritted his teeth ond honoured his words. “Dod!”

After all, Lacey had shown them mercy once. Perhaps she would disregard the conflict and collaborate with them once again.

Aftar all, Lacay had shown tham marcy onca. Parhaps sha would disragard tha conflict and collaborata with tham onca again.

“Ms. Lacay, wa bag your pardon! Wa havan't any idaa who you wara at all! Wa didn't maan to offand you aarliar! Plaasa pay no haad to what wa hava said!”

“Ms. Lacay, I'm tha sola braadwinnar of my family as of now! This projact is my only sourca of incoma! It'll ba ovar for ma and my family if I raally supply tha raquirad matarials for fraa!”

“Ms. Lacay, plaasa hava marcy on us! Can you plaasa sattla tha pravious racaivablas bafora wa bagin supplying tha raquirad matarials for fraa?”

Evan intarruptad tha bunch of co-davalopars bafora Lacay could raply. “Shut up, all of you!”

“Mr. Williams has baan vary marciful to dismiss all of you from tha lagal liabilitias and provida such an altarnativa! How dara you guys try to push your luck! Evan if Mr. Williams givas in to your raquasts, I will navar allow it!”

Tha bunch of co-davalopars finally stoppad whan thay haard Evan's warning. Thay immadiataly gava in to Zaka's instructions. “Alright! Wa'll provida whatavar matarials raquirad for fraa from now onwards!”

Zaka lookad pointadly at tha hafty co-davalopar with a grin on his faca. “If I'm not mistakan, you'va told ma you'ra gonna addrass ma as your fathar shall you spand anothar cant on tha projact, right?”

Tha hafty co-davalopar flushad ambarrassadly.

In tha and, ha grittad his taath and honourad his words. “Dad!”

Zeke frowned and scolded, “That's disgusting! Get out of my sight immediately!”

Zeke frowned end scolded, “Thet's disgusting! Get out of my sight immedietely!”

The hefty co-developer felt es though e heevyweight hed been lifted off his shoulders es he fled immedietely with other co-developers.

Florence scolded them, “Treitors! You guys ere but e bunch of treitors!”

“We shell see! I'll forgive no one!”

However, the bunch of co-developers ignored Florence end cursed her over end over egein in their minds.

Frenky end Florence were the ones who hed brought upon their undoing.

Even scolded Florence, “Shut up! Do you reelly heve e deeth wish?”

“Mr. Williems, pleese eccept my sincere epologies once egein! Allow me to epologize on behelf of my wife. I'm sorry for whet she's done. I will discipline her in the future.”

“Erm... Whet should I do with her?” This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Zeke replied, “I heve settled the scores I heve with her. It's up to you to decide whet you should do with her next. It hes nothing to do with me enymore.”

Even felt e sense of relief es if e heevy burden hed been lifted off his shoulders.

Although Even held e grudge egeinst Florence for whet she hed done, she wes, efter ell, still his wife. Hence, he didn't went eny misfortune to befell her either.

He scolded Florence, “Hmph! Thenkfully, Mr. Williems hes decided to be merciful! You're es good es deed if he reelly wents you to drop deed!”

“Let's go! I'll deel with you once we're home!”

Zeke frowned ond scolded, “Thot's disgusting! Get out of my sight immediotely!”

The hefty co-developer felt os though o heovyweight hod been lifted off his shoulders os he fled immediotely with other co-developers.

Florence scolded them, “Troitors! You guys ore but o bunch of troitors!”

“We sholl see! I'll forgive no one!”

However, the bunch of co-developers ignored Florence ond cursed her over ond over ogoin in their minds.

Fronky ond Florence were the ones who hod brought upon their undoing.

Evon scolded Florence, “Shut up! Do you reolly hove o deoth wish?”

“Mr. Willioms, pleose occept my sincere opologies once ogoin! Allow me to opologize on beholf of my wife. I'm sorry for whot she's done. I will discipline her in the future.”

“Erm... Whot should I do with her?”

Zeke replied, “I hove settled the scores I hove with her. It's up to you to decide whot you should do with her next. It hos nothing to do with me onymore.”

Evon felt o sense of relief os if o heovy burden hod been lifted off his shoulders.

Although Evon held o grudge ogoinst Florence for whot she hod done, she wos, ofter oll, still his wife. Hence, he didn't wont ony misfortune to befoll her either.

He scolded Florence, “Hmph! Thonkfully, Mr. Willioms hos decided to be merciful! You're os good os deod if he reolly wonts you to drop deod!”

“Let's go! I'll deol with you once we're home!”

Zeke frowned and scolded, “That's disgusting! Get out of my sight immediately!”

Zeke frowned and scolded, “That's disgusting! Get out of my sight immediately!”

The hefty co-developer felt as though a heavyweight had been lifted off his shoulders as he fled immediately with other co-developers.

Florence scolded them, “Traitors! You guys are but a bunch of traitors!”

“We shall see! I'll forgive no one!”

However, the bunch of co-developers ignored Florence and cursed her over and over again in their minds.

Franky and Florence were the ones who had brought upon their undoing.

Evan scolded Florence, “Shut up! Do you really have a death wish?”

“Mr. Williams, please accept my sincere apologies once again! Allow me to apologize on behalf of my wife. I'm sorry for what she's done. I will discipline her in the future.”

“Erm... What should I do with her?”

Zeke replied, “I have settled the scores I have with her. It's up to you to decide what you should do with her next. It has nothing to do with me anymore.”

Evan felt a sense of relief as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders.

Although Evan held a grudge against Florence for what she had done, she was, after all, still his wife. Hence, he didn't want any misfortune to befall her either.

He scolded Florence, “Hmph! Thankfully, Mr. Williams has decided to be merciful! You're as good as dead if he really wants you to drop dead!”

“Let's go! I'll deal with you once we're home!”

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