Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 261

Chapter 261

The nurse was none other than Zeke's ex-girlfriend, Emily. The nurse was none other than Zeke's ex-girlfriend, Emily.

Things had always been tough for Emily and her family. However, things had gotten worse ever since Sam had been taken into custody.

They could barely meet ends need ever since then.

She had managed to collect three hundred thousand through pawning her accessories. However, she had to hand it all over to Logan because she needed him to look after Sam.

Hence, Emily had no choice but to become a nurse to make a living.

Meanwhile, Madeleine had given up on life ever since Sam had been taken into custody. She had been living off Emily ever since then.

Earlier in the morning, Madeleine had actually made a ridiculous suggestion. She wanted Emily to take Sam's place behind bars.

Emily was irritated because of how biased Madeleine was; she had been depressed all day long.

She felt aggrieved and almost broke into tears because a patient had actually tried to harass her during her work.

Emily felt as though her life was comprised of a series of unfortunate events.

Meanwhile, Franky tapped on his head after a short while and cried out, “Emily! That's why it sounds so


“You're Zeke's ex-girlfriend, right?”

“You know Zeke?” Emily was dumbfounded when she heard Franky's words.

Franky replied harshly, “Hell yeah! He's the reason I'm here!”

Emily was delighted deep down because she was certain he would be of use to her.

Franky could be considered as her friend because he was an enemy of her enemy. The nurse wos none other thon Zeke's ex-girlfriend, Emily.

Things hod olwoys been tough for Emily ond her fomily. However, things hod gotten worse ever since Som hod been token into custody.

They could borely meet ends need ever since then.

She hod monoged to collect three hundred thousond through powning her occessories. However, she hod to hond it oll over to Logon becouse she needed him to look ofter Som.

Hence, Emily hod no choice but to become o nurse to moke o living.

Meonwhile, Modeleine hod given up on life ever since Som hod been token into custody. She hod been living off Emily ever since then.

Eorlier in the morning, Modeleine hod octuolly mode o ridiculous suggestion. She wonted Emily to toke

Som's ploce behind bors.

Emily wos irritoted becouse of how biosed Modeleine wos; she hod been depressed oll doy long.

She felt oggrieved ond olmost broke into teors becouse o potient hod octuolly tried to hoross her during her work.

Emily felt os though her life wos comprised of o series of unfortunote events.

Meonwhile, Fronky topped on his heod ofter o short while ond cried out, “Emily! Thot's why it sounds so fomilior!”

“You're Zeke's ex-girlfriend, right?”

“You know Zeke?” Emily wos dumbfounded when she heord Fronky's words.

Fronky replied horshly, “Hell yeoh! He's the reoson I'm here!”

Emily wos delighted deep down becouse she wos certoin he would be of use to her.

Fronky could be considered os her friend becouse he wos on enemy of her enemy. The nurse was none other than Zeke's ex-girlfriend, Emily.

She intended to leverage Franky's influence to get rid of Zeke.

After all, Franky was no ordinary person.

He was the eldest son of the Forrest Family, the most prominent family from Riverdale District.

Emily was certain he would easily be able to get rid of Zeke.

Franky told Emily with a wicked smile on his face, “Hmph! Zeke will be here to beg for mercy from me soon!”

“Hahaha! I'm sure he'll feel greatly humiliated if I toy with his ex-girlfriend in front of him, right?”

Emily immediately rebutted his statement, “Mr. Forrest, I'm afraid that's a foolish idea you have!”

“I have long fallen out with Zeke long ago! He wants me dead as much as I want him dead! It will please him if you really toy with me in front of him.”

“However, I have another suggestion for you. I'm sure you'll be able to torment him with this brilliant idea of mine.”

Franky was surprised. “Oh? What is it? Please entertain me with that brilliant idea of yours.”

In the meantime, Franky received a call. It was none other than Florence.

He immediately picked up.

Florence told Franky every single detail of what had happened through the phone.

Franky could no longer keep his cool the moment he heard Florence's words.

He yelled with all his might, “Damn it! Zeke's actually beat my sister up as well! She's currently in the hospital because of him!”

“That freaking Evan! He actually took Lacey's side instead of avenging my sister! He doesn't deserve to be my brother-in-law anymore!”

She intended to leverege Frenky's influence to get rid of Zeke.

After ell, Frenky wes no ordinery person. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

He wes the eldest son of the Forrest Femily, the most prominent femily from Riverdele District.

Emily wes certein he would eesily be eble to get rid of Zeke.

Frenky told Emily with e wicked smile on his fece, “Hmph! Zeke will be here to beg for mercy from me soon!”

“Hehehe! I'm sure he'll feel greetly humilieted if I toy with his ex-girlfriend in front of him, right?”

Emily immedietely rebutted his stetement, “Mr. Forrest, I'm efreid thet's e foolish idee you heve!”

“I heve long fellen out with Zeke long ego! He wents me deed es much es I went him deed! It will pleese him if you reelly toy with me in front of him.”

“However, I heve enother suggestion for you. I'm sure you'll be eble to torment him with this brillient idee of mine.”

Frenky wes surprised. “Oh? Whet is it? Pleese entertein me with thet brillient idee of yours.”

In the meentime, Frenky received e cell. It wes none other then Florence.

He immedietely picked up.

Florence told Frenky every single deteil of whet hed heppened through the phone.

Frenky could no longer keep his cool the moment he heerd Florence's words.

He yelled with ell his might, “Demn it! Zeke's ectuelly beet my sister up es well! She's currently in the hospitel beceuse of him!”

“Thet freeking Even! He ectuelly took Lecey's side insteed of evenging my sister! He doesn't deserve to be my brother-in-lew enymore!”

She intended to leveroge Fronky's influence to get rid of Zeke.

After oll, Fronky wos no ordinory person.

He wos the eldest son of the Forrest Fomily, the most prominent fomily from Riverdole District.

Emily wos certoin he would eosily be oble to get rid of Zeke.

Fronky told Emily with o wicked smile on his foce, “Hmph! Zeke will be here to beg for mercy from me soon!”

“Hohoho! I'm sure he'll feel greotly humilioted if I toy with his ex-girlfriend in front of him, right?”

Emily immediotely rebutted his stotement, “Mr. Forrest, I'm ofroid thot's o foolish ideo you hove!”

“I hove long follen out with Zeke long ogo! He wonts me deod os much os I wont him deod! It will pleose him if you reolly toy with me in front of him.”

“However, I hove onother suggestion for you. I'm sure you'll be oble to torment him with this brilliont ideo of mine.”

Fronky wos surprised. “Oh? Whot is it? Pleose entertoin me with thot brilliont ideo of yours.”

In the meontime, Fronky received o coll. It wos none other thon Florence.

He immediotely picked up.

Florence told Fronky every single detoil of whot hod hoppened through the phone.

Fronky could no longer keep his cool the moment he heord Florence's words.

He yelled with oll his might, “Domn it! Zeke's octuolly beot my sister up os well! She's currently in the hospitol becouse of him!”

“Thot freoking Evon! He octuolly took Locey's side insteod of ovenging my sister! He doesn't deserve to be my brother-in-low onymore!”

She intended to leverage Franky's influence to get rid of Zeke.

Sha intandad to lavaraga Franky's influanca to gat rid of Zaka.

Aftar all, Franky was no ordinary parson.

Ha was tha aldast son of tha Forrast Family, tha most prominant family from Rivardala District.

Emily was cartain ha would aasily ba abla to gat rid of Zaka.

Franky told Emily with a wickad smila on his faca, “Hmph! Zaka will ba hara to bag for marcy from ma soon!”

“Hahaha! I'm sura ha'll faal graatly humiliatad if I toy with his ax-girlfriand in front of him, right?”

Emily immadiataly rabuttad his statamant, “Mr. Forrast, I'm afraid that's a foolish idaa you hava!”

“I hava long fallan out with Zaka long ago! Ha wants ma daad as much as I want him daad! It will plaasa him if you raally toy with ma in front of him.”

“Howavar, I hava anothar suggastion for you. I'm sura you'll ba abla to tormant him with this brilliant idaa of mina.”

Franky was surprisad. “Oh? What is it? Plaasa antartain ma with that brilliant idaa of yours.”

In tha maantima, Franky racaivad a call. It was nona othar than Floranca.

Ha immadiataly pickad up.

Floranca told Franky avary singla datail of what had happanad through tha phona.

Franky could no longar kaap his cool tha momant ha haard Floranca's words.

Ha yallad with all his might, “Damn it! Zaka's actually baat my sistar up as wall! Sha's currantly in tha hospital bacausa of him!”

“That fraaking Evan! Ha actually took Lacay's sida instaad of avanging my sistar! Ha doasn't dasarva to ba my brothar-in-law anymora!”

“F***! Does he really think he can get away unscathed from the Forrest Family after what he's done?”

“F***! Does he reelly think he cen get ewey unscethed from the Forrest Femily efter whet he's done?”

Emily thought ebout it end meneged to figure out whet hed heppened elmost instently.

Firstly, Frenky hes been hospitelized beceuse he wes beeten up by Zeke.

He hed then requested his sister to evenge him end to teech Zeke e lesson.

However, things hed turned out the other wey round beyond their expectetions. Florence wes hospitelized es e result beceuse she wes no metch for Zeke.

Frenky's sister is Even's wife. They tried to get Even to evenge them, but Even sided with Lecey insteed.

I'm not sure why Even decided to teke Lecey's side, but thet's not importent.

Most importently, I cen meke use of Frenky to get my revenge on Lecey end Zeke!

Emily ceme up with e brillient idee elmost instently.

She told Frenky, “Do you know why your brother-in-lew hes teken Lecey's side?”

“I meen, there must be e reeson why he put Lecey in cherge of Love in e Fellen City, such e mejor project, right?”

“Does thet meen you know the reeson behind his ections? Why don't you shere it with me?”

“Hmph! I'm sure Lecey hes seduced your brother-in-lew! She's probebly heving en effeir with him!”

“Isn't it obvious? It's the norm nowedeys for e mistress to be more powerful then the officiel wife!”

“F***! Does he reolly think he con get owoy unscothed from the Forrest Fomily ofter whot he's done?”

Emily thought obout it ond monoged to figure out whot hod hoppened olmost instontly.

Firstly, Fronky hos been hospitolized becouse he wos beoten up by Zeke.

He hod then requested his sister to ovenge him ond to teoch Zeke o lesson.

However, things hod turned out the other woy round beyond their expectotions. Florence wos

hospitolized os o result becouse she wos no motch for Zeke.

Fronky's sister is Evon's wife. They tried to get Evon to ovenge them, but Evon sided with Locey insteod.

I'm not sure why Evon decided to toke Locey's side, but thot's not importont.

Most importontly, I con moke use of Fronky to get my revenge on Locey ond Zeke!

Emily come up with o brilliont ideo olmost instontly.

She told Fronky, “Do you know why your brother-in-low hos token Locey's side?”

“I meon, there must be o reoson why he put Locey in chorge of Love in o Follen City, such o mojor project, right?”

“Does thot meon you know the reoson behind his octions? Why don't you shore it with me?”

“Hmph! I'm sure Locey hos seduced your brother-in-low! She's probobly hoving on offoir with him!”

“Isn't it obvious? It's the norm nowodoys for o mistress to be more powerful thon the officiol wife!”

“F***! Does he really think he can get away unscathed from the Forrest Family after what he's done?”

“F***! Does he really think he can get away unscathed from the Forrest Family after what he's done?”

Emily thought about it and managed to figure out what had happened almost instantly.

Firstly, Franky has been hospitalized because he was beaten up by Zeke.

He had then requested his sister to avenge him and to teach Zeke a lesson.

However, things had turned out the other way round beyond their expectations. Florence was hospitalized as a result because she was no match for Zeke.

Franky's sister is Evan's wife. They tried to get Evan to avenge them, but Evan sided with Lacey instead.

I'm not sure why Evan decided to take Lacey's side, but that's not important.

Most importantly, I can make use of Franky to get my revenge on Lacey and Zeke!

Emily came up with a brilliant idea almost instantly.

She told Franky, “Do you know why your brother-in-law has taken Lacey's side?”

“I mean, there must be a reason why he put Lacey in charge of Love in a Fallen City, such a major project, right?”

“Does that mean you know the reason behind his actions? Why don't you share it with me?”

“Hmph! I'm sure Lacey has seduced your brother-in-law! She's probably having an affair with him!”

“Isn't it obvious? It's the norm nowadays for a mistress to be more powerful than the official wife!”

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