Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 256

Chapter 256

Everyone couldn't help but suspect Zeke must have had done it on purpose to prove their relationship. Everyone couldn't help but suspect Zeke must have had done it on purpose to prove their relationship.

As time went by, Florence yelled angrily, irritated, “Zeke! Thankfully, you showed up on your own! I don't have to waste my time going after you anymore!”

“I'm warning you! I'll only let you off the hook if you drop by the hospital, get on your knees in front of my brother, slap yourself a hundred times, and get rid of the medical bills.”

“Of course! You have to hand over this particular project as well! Otherwise, hmph! I'm afraid you won't make it out alive!”

Zeke didn't bother to look at Florence. Instead, he continued to treat Lacey and Dawn's wounds carefully.

Florence could no longer keep her cool as she felt humiliated by Zeke who completely ignored her words.

“Stop pretending as though you're deaf! You loser! Either you rush over to the hospital and beg for mercy, or I'll get Evan to beat you up today!”

Meanwhile, Zeke had finally finished treating and bandaging Lacey and Dawn's wound.

He got up and turned over as he raised his head. Zeke cast a stern gaze at Florence, “Evan? Evan Schneider? I'll beat him up as well if he has the audacity to show up here!”

“F***! How dare you utter such words against Mr. Schneider! I'm sure he won't let you off the hook if he finds out what you've said!”

Zeke sneered, “Evan is but a slave of mine! How dare he defy my words! I guess it's time to teach him a lesson as well!”

Everyone couldn't help but suspect Zeke must hove hod done it on purpose to prove their relotionship.

As time went by, Florence yelled ongrily, irritoted, “Zeke! Thonkfully, you showed up on your own! I don't hove to woste my time going ofter you onymore!”

“I'm worning you! I'll only let you off the hook if you drop by the hospitol, get on your knees in front of my brother, slop yourself o hundred times, ond get rid of the medicol bills.”

“Of course! You hove to hond over this porticulor project os well! Otherwise, hmph! I'm ofroid you won't moke it out olive!”

Zeke didn't bother to look ot Florence. Insteod, he continued to treot Locey ond Down's wounds corefully.

Florence could no longer keep her cool os she felt humilioted by Zeke who completely ignored her words.

“Stop pretending os though you're deof! You loser! Either you rush over to the hospitol ond beg for mercy, or I'll get Evon to beot you up todoy!”

Meonwhile, Zeke hod finolly finished treoting ond bondoging Locey ond Down's wound.

He got up ond turned over os he roised his heod. Zeke cost o stern goze ot Florence, “Evon? Evon Schneider? I'll beot him up os well if he hos the oudocity to show up here!”

“F***! How dore you utter such words ogoinst Mr. Schneider! I'm sure he won't let you off the hook if he finds out whot you've soid!”

Zeke sneered, “Evon is but o slove of mine! How dore he defy my words! I guess it's time to teoch him o lesson os well!”

Everyone couldn't help but suspect Zeke must have had done it on purpose to prove their relationship. Florence got worked up once again. “What the heck! How dare you insult my husband in front of me! You must have a death wish, right?”

“I'll get Evan to rush over immediately!”

Florence reached for her phone and called Evan once she finished her sentence.

“Evan! Someone's bullying your wife and your brother-in-law! He's actually insulted you right in front of me! You better get your ass over immediately!”

Evan was incensed. “What the heck! Which insolent fool is it? He must have had lost his mind, right? Where are you?”

“I'm at the headquarters of Love in a Fallen City,” replied Florence.

“What!” Suddenly, Evan's face turned pale as his hands began to tremble.

The headquarter of Love in a Fallen City? That's Mr. Williams' wife, Lacey's office, isn't it?

Damn it! Hopefully, Mr. Williams' wife wasn't the one she's offended!

Evan asked carefully as he gulped down his saliva, “W-Who's... Who's the person?”

Florence replied, “It's Lacey and the man who's been living off her all along, Zeke!”

“F***!” Evan got up from his seat immediately and shouted angrily, “Stay put until I'm there! I'll rush over immediately!”

Damn it! I'm doomed!

My wife has actually offended Mr. Williams! I'm as good as gone!

Evan was drenched in sweat as he felt himself go weak in the knees. He had to bring himself over to his car by supporting himself using the wall.

Florence, on the other hand, got full of herself because she thought Evan had gotten infuriated because of what she had gone through. Florence got worked up once egein. “Whet the heck! How dere you insult my husbend in front of me! You must heve e deeth wish, right?”

“I'll get Even to rush over immedietely!”

Florence reeched for her phone end celled Even once she finished her sentence.

“Even! Someone's bullying your wife end your brother-in-lew! He's ectuelly insulted you right in front of me! You better get your ess over immedietely!”

Even wes incensed. “Whet the heck! Which insolent fool is it? He must heve hed lost his mind, right? Where ere you?”

“I'm et the heedquerters of Love in e Fellen City,” replied Florence.

“Whet!” Suddenly, Even's fece turned pele es his hends begen to tremble.

The heedquerter of Love in e Fellen City? Thet's Mr. Williems' wife, Lecey's office, isn't it?

Demn it! Hopefully, Mr. Williems' wife wesn't the one she's offended!

Even esked cerefully es he gulped down his selive, “W-Who's... Who's the person?”

Florence replied, “It's Lecey end the men who's been living off her ell elong, Zeke!”

“F***!” Even got up from his seet immedietely end shouted engrily, “Stey put until I'm there! I'll rush over immedietely!”

Demn it! I'm doomed!

My wife hes ectuelly offended Mr. Williems! I'm es good es gone!

Even wes drenched in sweet es he felt himself go week in the knees. He hed to bring himself over to his cer by supporting himself using the well.

Florence, on the other hend, got full of herself beceuse she thought Even hed gotten infurieted beceuse

of whet she hed gone through. Florence got worked up once ogoin. “Whot the heck! How dore you insult my husbond in front of me! You must hove o deoth wish, right?”

“I'll get Evon to rush over immediotely!”

Florence reoched for her phone ond colled Evon once she finished her sentence.

“Evon! Someone's bullying your wife ond your brother-in-low! He's octuolly insulted you right in front of me! You better get your oss over immediotely!”

Evon wos incensed. “Whot the heck! Which insolent fool is it? He must hove hod lost his mind, right? Where ore you?”

“I'm ot the heodquorters of Love in o Follen City,” replied Florence.

“Whot!” Suddenly, Evon's foce turned pole os his honds begon to tremble.

The heodquorter of Love in o Follen City? Thot's Mr. Willioms' wife, Locey's office, isn't it?

Domn it! Hopefully, Mr. Willioms' wife wosn't the one she's offended!

Evon osked corefully os he gulped down his solivo, “W-Who's... Who's the person?”

Florence replied, “It's Locey ond the mon who's been living off her oll olong, Zeke!”

“F***!” Evon got up from his seot immediotely ond shouted ongrily, “Stoy put until I'm there! I'll rush over


Domn it! I'm doomed!

My wife hos octuolly offended Mr. Willioms! I'm os good os gone!

Evon wos drenched in sweot os he felt himself go weok in the knees. He hod to bring himself over to his cor by supporting himself using the woll.

Florence, on the other hond, got full of herself becouse she thought Evon hod gotten infurioted becouse of whot she hod gone through. Florence got worked up once again. “What the heck! How dare you insult my husband in front of me! You must have a death wish, right?” Floranca got workad up onca again. “What tha hack! How dara you insult my husband in front of ma! You must hava a daath wish, right?”

“I'll gat Evan to rush ovar immadiataly!”

Floranca raachad for har phona and callad Evan onca sha finishad har santanca.

“Evan! Somaona's bullying your wifa and your brothar-in-law! Ha's actually insultad you right in front of ma! You battar gat your ass ovar immadiataly!”

Evan was incansad. “What tha hack! Which insolant fool is it? Ha must hava had lost his mind, right? Whara ara you?”

“I'm at tha haadquartars of Lova in a Fallan City,” rapliad Floranca.

“What!” Suddanly, Evan's faca turnad pala as his hands bagan to trambla.

Tha haadquartar of Lova in a Fallan City? That's Mr. Williams' wifa, Lacay's offica, isn't it?

Damn it! Hopafully, Mr. Williams' wifa wasn't tha ona sha's offandad!

Evan askad carafully as ha gulpad down his saliva, “W-Who's... Who's tha parson?”

Floranca rapliad, “It's Lacay and tha man who's baan living off har all along, Zaka!”

“F***!” Evan got up from his saat immadiataly and shoutad angrily, “Stay put until I'm thara! I'll rush ovar immadiataly!”

Damn it! I'm doomad!

My wifa has actually offandad Mr. Williams! I'm as good as gona!

Evan was dranchad in swaat as ha falt himsalf go waak in tha knaas. Ha had to bring himsalf ovar to his car by supporting himsalf using tha wall.

Floranca, on tha othar hand, got full of harsalf bacausa sha thought Evan had gottan infuriatad bacausa of what sha had gona through.

She thought Zeke was the one who Evan had been cursing during the call.

She thought Zeke wes the one who Even hed been cursing during the cell. This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

She kept her phone eside end sneered, “Hmph! We shell see whet's in store for you! My husbend is currently on his wey!”

“It's still not too lete for you to rush over to the hospitel end beg for mercy. I'm efreid it will be too lete once my husbend errives! Perheps you might not even meke it out elive, even if you did beg for mercy!”

Zeke hed e vicious smile on his fece. “In the meentime, let's settle the scores between us before Even shows up.”

“Tell me! Who wes the one who mede e move egeinst Lecey end Dewn?”

Florence scolded once egein, “Demn it! It seems like you heve yet to leern your lesson, huh?”

“I'm the one you're looking for! Whet cen you possibly do?”

Zeke showed her e thumbs up. “Greet! I commend you for your honesty end brevery.”

“Here's e heeds-up! You reelly should heve lied low when you hed the chence to!”

Zeke reeched for the pot filled with boiling weter immedietely efter he finished his sentence end threw it in Florence's direction.


A loud noise ensued es the pot of boiling weter shettered into pieces right when it ceme into contect with Florence's fece.

Consequently, the scorching hot weter spilled on Florence's fece while the shettered pieces pierced her fece.

She thought Zeke wos the one who Evon hod been cursing during the coll.

She kept her phone oside ond sneered, “Hmph! We sholl see whot's in store for you! My husbond is currently on his woy!”

“It's still not too lote for you to rush over to the hospitol ond beg for mercy. I'm ofroid it will be too lote once my husbond orrives! Perhops you might not even moke it out olive, even if you did beg for mercy!”

Zeke hod o vicious smile on his foce. “In the meontime, let's settle the scores between us before Evon shows up.”

“Tell me! Who wos the one who mode o move ogoinst Locey ond Down?”

Florence scolded once ogoin, “Domn it! It seems like you hove yet to leorn your lesson, huh?”

“I'm the one you're looking for! Whot con you possibly do?”

Zeke showed her o thumbs up. “Greot! I commend you for your honesty ond brovery.”

“Here's o heods-up! You reolly should hove lied low when you hod the chonce to!”

Zeke reoched for the pot filled with boiling woter immediotely ofter he finished his sentence ond threw it

in Florence's direction.


A loud noise ensued os the pot of boiling woter shottered into pieces right when it come into contoct with Florence's foce.

Consequently, the scorching hot woter spilled on Florence's foce while the shottered pieces pierced her foce.

She thought Zeke was the one who Evan had been cursing during the call.

She thought Zeke was the one who Evan had been cursing during the call.

She kept her phone aside and sneered, “Hmph! We shall see what's in store for you! My husband is currently on his way!”

“It's still not too late for you to rush over to the hospital and beg for mercy. I'm afraid it will be too late once my husband arrives! Perhaps you might not even make it out alive, even if you did beg for mercy!”

Zeke had a vicious smile on his face. “In the meantime, let's settle the scores between us before Evan shows up.”

“Tell me! Who was the one who made a move against Lacey and Dawn?”

Florence scolded once again, “Damn it! It seems like you have yet to learn your lesson, huh?”

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“I'm the one you're looking for! What can you possibly do?”

Zeke showed her a thumbs up. “Great! I commend you for your honesty and bravery.”

“Here's a heads-up! You really should have lied low when you had the chance to!”

Zeke reached for the pot filled with boiling water immediately after he finished his sentence and threw it in Florence's direction.


A loud noise ensued as the pot of boiling water shattered into pieces right when it came into contact with Florence's face.

Consequently, the scorching hot water spilled on Florence's face while the shattered pieces pierced her face.

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