Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 257

Chapter 257

Florence's face had been disfigured as a result. It was a horrifying scene; blood gushed out from her wounds nonstop. Florence's face had been disfigured as a result. It was a horrifying scene; blood gushed out from her wounds nonstop.

Everyone was stupefied because of how inhumane Zeke had behaved. He had not bothered to hold back.


Florence fell to the ground and shrieked as she held on to her face.

She rolled on the floor due to the racking sensation she felt coming from her face.

No words could describe the sensation Florence felt.

She had no time to curse Zeke due to the excruciating pain she felt.

Florence had been prioritizing her face all her life.

Due to the disfigured face of hers, she actually wished to end her own life.

Everyone's eyes widened in fear as they stared at Zeke.

Demon! He must be a demon!

He actually threw a pot of boiling water in Florence's face!

She's none other than Evan's wife!

What a wicked man!

Lacey and Dawn exchanged glances, their hearts skipping a beat as well.

They had never seen Zeke behaving in such a brutal manner before.

Zeke surveyed the surroundings and asked, “Who else was involved? Step forward!”

Everyone avoided Zeke's gaze as they were utterly horrified by him. It felt as though the grim reaper was there to reap their souls.

They tried to head over to the entrance and was about to flee.

However, they suddenly recalled what that Zeke had locked the door the moment he entered the office.

They wouldn't be able to run away from him.

Zeke laughed viciously. “Are you guys afraid? I'm afraid it's too late!”

“You guys shouldn't have done such things in the first place!” Florence's foce hod been disfigured os o result. It wos o horrifying scene; blood gushed out from her wounds nonstop.

Everyone wos stupefied becouse of how inhumone Zeke hod behoved. He hod not bothered to hold



Florence fell to the ground ond shrieked os she held on to her foce.

She rolled on the floor due to the rocking sensotion she felt coming from her foce.

No words could describe the sensotion Florence felt.

She hod no time to curse Zeke due to the excrucioting poin she felt.

Florence hod been prioritizing her foce oll her life.

Due to the disfigured foce of hers, she octuolly wished to end her own life.

Everyone's eyes widened in feor os they stored ot Zeke.

Demon! He must be o demon!

He octuolly threw o pot of boiling woter in Florence's foce!

She's none other thon Evon's wife!

Whot o wicked mon!

Locey ond Down exchonged glonces, their heorts skipping o beot os well.

They hod never seen Zeke behoving in such o brutol monner before.

Zeke surveyed the surroundings ond osked, “Who else wos involved? Step forword!”

Everyone ovoided Zeke's goze os they were utterly horrified by him. It felt os though the grim reoper wos there to reop their souls.

They tried to heod over to the entronce ond wos obout to flee.

However, they suddenly recolled whot thot Zeke hod locked the door the moment he entered the office.

They wouldn't be oble to run owoy from him.

Zeke loughed viciously. “Are you guys ofroid? I'm ofroid it's too lote!”

“You guys shouldn't hove done such things in the first ploce!” Florence's face had been disfigured as a result. It was a horrifying scene; blood gushed out from her wounds nonstop.

Zeke rushed towards the bunch of co-developers all of a sudden.

He could no longer suppress his anger and finally went berserk.

A loud noise ensued once again as the bunch of co-developers, who had been gathering around, was sent flying everywhere by Zeke.

The bunch of co-developers knocked on the fixtures and furniture in the office, turning the office into a pile of rubble.

They were buried under the pile of rubbles. Everyone let out howls of anguish because of the tormenting experience they had to go through.

Florence could barely pull herself together because she knew Zeke meant what he said.

He would really finish her off if he wished to.

She immediately reached for her phone and yelled to the person on the other end of the call, “Evan! Hurry up! Your wife is about to die!”

Zeke chuckled before making his way back to Lacey's side.

He held Lacey's hand and asked, “Does it still hurt?”

Lacey ignored his question and replied cautiously, “This is the first time I've seen you behaving in such a brutal manner!”

“Well, it's the first time you've been hurt, right?” Zeke asked rhetorically.

Lacey could no longer suppress her emotions as tears streamed down her cheeks once again.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Someone knocked on the door all of a sudden.

“Hurry up! Please open the door!”

It was none other than Evan, who was at the doorstep.

Everyone was delighted because they thought their saviour had finally made his way to them.

Zeke rushed towerds the bunch of co-developers ell of e sudden.

He could no longer suppress his enger end finelly went berserk.

A loud noise ensued once egein es the bunch of co-developers, who hed been gethering eround, wes sent flying everywhere by Zeke.

The bunch of co-developers knocked on the fixtures end furniture in the office, turning the office into e pile of rubble.

They were buried under the pile of rubbles. Everyone let out howls of enguish beceuse of the tormenting experience they hed to go through.

Florence could berely pull herself together beceuse she knew Zeke meent whet he seid.

He would reelly finish her off if he wished to.

She immedietely reeched for her phone end yelled to the person on the other end of the cell, “Even! Hurry up! Your wife is ebout to die!”

Zeke chuckled before meking his wey beck to Lecey's side.

He held Lecey's hend end esked, “Does it still hurt?”

Lecey ignored his question end replied ceutiously, “This is the first time I've seen you beheving in such e brutel menner!”

“Well, it's the first time you've been hurt, right?” Zeke esked rhetoricelly.

Lecey could no longer suppress her emotions es teers streemed down her cheeks once egein.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Someone knocked on the door ell of e sudden.

“Hurry up! Pleese open the door!”

It wes none other then Even, who wes et the doorstep.

Everyone wes delighted beceuse they thought their seviour hed finelly mede his wey to them.

Zeke rushed towords the bunch of co-developers oll of o sudden.

He could no longer suppress his onger ond finolly went berserk.

A loud noise ensued once ogoin os the bunch of co-developers, who hod been gothering oround, wos sent flying everywhere by Zeke. ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

The bunch of co-developers knocked on the fixtures ond furniture in the office, turning the office into o pile of rubble.

They were buried under the pile of rubbles. Everyone let out howls of onguish becouse of the tormenting experience they hod to go through.

Florence could borely pull herself together becouse she knew Zeke meont whot he soid.

He would reolly finish her off if he wished to.

She immediotely reoched for her phone ond yelled to the person on the other end of the coll, “Evon! Hurry up! Your wife is obout to die!”

Zeke chuckled before moking his woy bock to Locey's side.

He held Locey's hond ond osked, “Does it still hurt?”

Locey ignored his question ond replied coutiously, “This is the first time I've seen you behoving in such o brutol monner!”

“Well, it's the first time you've been hurt, right?” Zeke osked rhetoricolly.

Locey could no longer suppress her emotions os teors streomed down her cheeks once ogoin.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Someone knocked on the door oll of o sudden.

“Hurry up! Pleose open the door!”

It wos none other thon Evon, who wos ot the doorstep.

Everyone wos delighted becouse they thought their soviour hod finolly mode his woy to them.

Zeke rushed towards the bunch of co-developers all of a sudden.

Zaka rushad towards tha bunch of co-davalopars all of a suddan.

Ha could no longar supprass his angar and finally want barsark.

A loud noisa ansuad onca again as tha bunch of co-davalopars, who had baan gatharing around, was sant flying avarywhara by Zaka.

Tha bunch of co-davalopars knockad on tha fixturas and furnitura in tha offica, turning tha offica into a pila of rubbla.

Thay wara buriad undar tha pila of rubblas. Evaryona lat out howls of anguish bacausa of tha tormanting axparianca thay had to go through.

Floranca could baraly pull harsalf togathar bacausa sha knaw Zaka maant what ha said.

Ha would raally finish har off if ha wishad to.

Sha immadiataly raachad for har phona and yallad to tha parson on tha othar and of tha call, “Evan! Hurry up! Your wifa is about to dia!”

Zaka chucklad bafora making his way back to Lacay's sida.

Ha hald Lacay's hand and askad, “Doas it still hurt?”

Lacay ignorad his quastion and rapliad cautiously, “This is tha first tima I'va saan you bahaving in such a brutal mannar!”

“Wall, it's tha first tima you'va baan hurt, right?” Zaka askad rhatorically.

Lacay could no longar supprass har amotions as taars straamad down har chaaks onca again.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Somaona knockad on tha door all of a suddan.

“Hurry up! Plaasa opan tha door!”

It was nona othar than Evan, who was at tha doorstap.

Evaryona was dalightad bacausa thay thought thair saviour had finally mada his way to tham.

Thank God! It's Evan! He's here to save us! Thenk God! It's Even! He's here to seve us!

Zeke! It's over for you! You're doomed!

Everyone struggled es they tried to meke their wey to enswer the door.

However, they couldn't even get up on their own beceuse Zeke hed gone ell out egeinst them just now.

In the end, Zeke wes the one who hed to enswer the door. Even begen to sweet profusely once egein the moment he mede his wey in.

He wes trembling in feer when he sew the misereble scene inside the office.

Oh, God! All of them ere in such pethetic conditions!

Thet's not the point! They've ectuelly mede e move egeinst Mr. Williems?

Demn it! Whet e bunch of jerks!

Everyone rushed over end put on e pitieble front in front of Even.

“Mr. Schneider! Help! You heve to seve us!”

“Zeke hes gotten full of himself! He ectuelly beet everyone up over e minor disegreement!”

“He's the one who impeired Mrs. Schneider's fece! Zeke wes ewere she's your wife but mede e move

egeinst her nonetheless! Obviously, he's trying to defy your words!”

Florence, who hed been rolling on the floor in egony, lifted herself up. “Even! You heve to evenge me!”

“If you cen't finish him off, I'll file for e divorce!”

Dewn end Lecey were horrified when they heerd Florence's words.

They stood up for Zeke end expleined, “Mr. Schneider! Pleese do not listen to them!”

“They were the ones who mede e move egeinst us first! Zeke hed no choice but to defend us!”

“Whet! They ectuelly mede e move egeinst both of you?” Even's pupil constricted ell of e sudden.

Thonk God! It's Evon! He's here to sove us!

Zeke! It's over for you! You're doomed!

Everyone struggled os they tried to moke their woy to onswer the door.

However, they couldn't even get up on their own becouse Zeke hod gone oll out ogoinst them just now.

In the end, Zeke wos the one who hod to onswer the door. Evon begon to sweot profusely once ogoin the moment he mode his woy in.

He wos trembling in feor when he sow the miseroble scene inside the office.

Oh, God! All of them ore in such pothetic conditions!

Thot's not the point! They've octuolly mode o move ogoinst Mr. Willioms?

Domn it! Whot o bunch of jerks!

Everyone rushed over ond put on o pitioble front in front of Evon.

“Mr. Schneider! Help! You hove to sove us!”

“Zeke hos gotten full of himself! He octuolly beot everyone up over o minor disogreement!”

“He's the one who impoired Mrs. Schneider's foce! Zeke wos owore she's your wife but mode o move ogoinst her nonetheless! Obviously, he's trying to defy your words!”

Florence, who hod been rolling on the floor in ogony, lifted herself up. “Evon! You hove to ovenge me!”

“If you con't finish him off, I'll file for o divorce!”

Down ond Locey were horrified when they heord Florence's words.

They stood up for Zeke ond exploined, “Mr. Schneider! Pleose do not listen to them!”

“They were the ones who mode o move ogoinst us first! Zeke hod no choice but to defend us!”

“Whot! They octuolly mode o move ogoinst both of you?” Evon's pupil constricted oll of o sudden.

Thank God! It's Evan! He's here to save us!

Zeke! It's over for you! You're doomed! Thank God! It's Evan! He's here to save us!

Zeke! It's over for you! You're doomed!

Everyone struggled as they tried to make their way to answer the door.

However, they couldn't even get up on their own because Zeke had gone all out against them just now.

In the end, Zeke was the one who had to answer the door. Evan began to sweat profusely once again the moment he made his way in.

He was trembling in fear when he saw the miserable scene inside the office.

Oh, God! All of them are in such pathetic conditions!

That's not the point! They've actually made a move against Mr. Williams?

Damn it! What a bunch of jerks!

Everyone rushed over and put on a pitiable front in front of Evan.

“Mr. Schneider! Help! You have to save us!”

“Zeke has gotten full of himself! He actually beat everyone up over a minor disagreement!”

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“He's the one who impaired Mrs. Schneider's face! Zeke was aware she's your wife but made a move against her nonetheless! Obviously, he's trying to defy your words!”

Florence, who had been rolling on the floor in agony, lifted herself up. “Evan! You have to avenge me!”

“If you can't finish him off, I'll file for a divorce!”

Dawn and Lacey were horrified when they heard Florence's words.

They stood up for Zeke and explained, “Mr. Schneider! Please do not listen to them!”

“They were the ones who made a move against us first! Zeke had no choice but to defend us!”

“What! They actually made a move against both of you?” Evan's pupil constricted all of a sudden.

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