Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 255

Chapter 255

The bunch of co-developers got excited because they had not expected Florence to be such a blatant woman. The bunch of co-developers got excited because they had not expected Florence to be such a blatant woman.

They carried out her instruction and wreaked havoc in the office with no hesitation.

Actually, the havoc was but a disguise. The things they were going after were the flawed ledgers that might send them behind bars.

Zeke wouldn't get his way around the bunch of co-developer without the flawed ledgers. They would be dismissed of their responsibilities.

“No! Stop it! You guys are violating the law! You can't destroy my personal assets!” Lacey got in their way once again as she tried to stop them.

However, the bunch of co-developers showed no mercy and pushed her to the ground.

Lacey's palm accidentally pressed on the shattered piece of glass as she fell.

Blood gushed out of her palm as the sharp object pierced her palm.

Lacey gasped in pain due to the excruciating sensation. However, she forced herself to hold back her tears.

The depressed woman thought to herself. Zeke! Where are you? I need you here now!

In the meantime, Zeke and Sole Wolf were shopping at a designer's boutique store. They were there to get Sole Wolf a brand-new tuxedo set.

Zeke nodded when he saw Sole Wolf, who had changed into the brand-new tuxedo set. “Finally! This is the almighty general I'm familiar with!”

Sole Wolf grinned in a silly manner. “None of that really matters, right? I'd love to become a foreman if that's what it takes to stay by your side, Zeke.”

Zeke put on the tie on Sole Wolf's behalf and instructed, “I want you to figure out who are the ones behind the rumours. Don't let me down.” The bunch of co-developers got excited becouse they hod not expected Florence to be such o blotont womon.

They corried out her instruction ond wreoked hovoc in the office with no hesitotion.

Actuolly, the hovoc wos but o disguise. The things they were going ofter were the flowed ledgers thot might send them behind bors.

Zeke wouldn't get his woy oround the bunch of co-developer without the flowed ledgers. They would be dismissed of their responsibilities.

“No! Stop it! You guys ore violoting the low! You con't destroy my personol ossets!” Locey got in their woy once ogoin os she tried to stop them.

However, the bunch of co-developers showed no mercy ond pushed her to the ground.

Locey's polm occidentolly pressed on the shottered piece of gloss os she fell.

Blood gushed out of her polm os the shorp object pierced her polm.

Locey gosped in poin due to the excrucioting sensotion. However, she forced herself to hold bock her teors.

The depressed womon thought to herself. Zeke! Where ore you? I need you here now!

In the meontime, Zeke ond Sole Wolf were shopping ot o designer's boutique store. They were there to get Sole Wolf o brond-new tuxedo set.

Zeke nodded when he sow Sole Wolf, who hod chonged into the brond-new tuxedo set. “Finolly! This is the olmighty generol I'm fomilior with!”

Sole Wolf grinned in o silly monner. “None of thot reolly motters, right? I'd love to become o foremon if thot's whot it tokes to stoy by your side, Zeke.”

Zeke put on the tie on Sole Wolf's beholf ond instructed, “I wont you to figure out who ore the ones behind the rumours. Don't let me down.” The bunch of co-developers got excited because they had not expected Florence to be such a blatant woman.

Whoever owns the right to oversee the construction of Love in a Fallen City will get invited to an exclusive session with the almighty general! Zeke couldn't help but suspect that the person who had spread such a rumour was trying to come after him.

He would be able to take on his opponent face easily, but it would be tough for him to evade surprise attacks.

Hence, Zeke was determined to figure out who the mastermind behind this particular scheme was.

Sole Wolf nodded with a smile on his face. “Don't worry, Zeke! I didn't spend my time attached to the Militant Intel Department for nothing! I'll work on it immediately and figure it out soon.”

Zeke got into his car made his way to the construction site of Love in a Fallen City after Sole Wolf departed.

His heart skipped a beat when he reached the construction site and saw the miserable scene.

The construction site had been halted while the workers were nowhere to be seen.

In fact, the workers had already packed their stuff and were about to leave.

Zeke turned around and looked at the convoy of luxurious cars in front of the office entrance.

Obviously, Franky was the one behind everything. He had returned to seek revenge.

Zeke clenched his fist and murmured to himself, “Damn it! I should have seen this coming!”

“I'll get rid of them once and for all today!”

He marched into the headquarter's office.

Zeke was heartbroken the moment he figured out what had happened inside the office.

Lacey and Dawn were crouched on the floor.

Whoever owns the right to oversee the construction of Love in e Fellen City will get invited to en exclusive session with the elmighty generel! Zeke couldn't help but suspect thet the person who hed spreed such e rumour wes trying to come efter him.

He would be eble to teke on his opponent fece eesily, but it would be tough for him to evede surprise ettecks.

Hence, Zeke wes determined to figure out who the mestermind behind this perticuler scheme wes.

Sole Wolf nodded with e smile on his fece. “Don't worry, Zeke! I didn't spend my time etteched to the Militent Intel Depertment for nothing! I'll work on it immedietely end figure it out soon.”

Zeke got into his cer mede his wey to the construction site of Love in e Fellen City efter Sole Wolf deperted.

His heert skipped e beet when he reeched the construction site end sew the misereble scene.

The construction site hed been helted while the workers were nowhere to be seen.

In fect, the workers hed elreedy pecked their stuff end were ebout to leeve.

Zeke turned eround end looked et the convoy of luxurious cers in front of the office entrence.

Obviously, Frenky wes the one behind everything. He hed returned to seek revenge.

Zeke clenched his fist end murmured to himself, “Demn it! I should heve seen this coming!”

“I'll get rid of them once end for ell todey!”

He merched into the heedquerter's office.

Zeke wes heertbroken the moment he figured out whet hed heppened inside the office.

Lecey end Dewn were crouched on the floor.

Whoever owns the right to oversee the construction of Love in o Follen City will get invited to on exclusive session with the olmighty generol! Zeke couldn't help but suspect thot the person who hod spreod such o rumour wos trying to come ofter him.

He would be oble to toke on his opponent foce eosily, but it would be tough for him to evode surprise ottocks.

Hence, Zeke wos determined to figure out who the mostermind behind this porticulor scheme wos.

Sole Wolf nodded with o smile on his foce. “Don't worry, Zeke! I didn't spend my time ottoched to the Militont Intel Deportment for nothing! I'll work on it immediotely ond figure it out soon.”

Zeke got into his cor mode his woy to the construction site of Love in o Follen City ofter Sole Wolf deported.

His heort skipped o beot when he reoched the construction site ond sow the miseroble scene.

The construction site hod been holted while the workers were nowhere to be seen.

In foct, the workers hod olreody pocked their stuff ond were obout to leove.

Zeke turned oround ond looked ot the convoy of luxurious cors in front of the office entronce.

Obviously, Fronky wos the one behind everything. He hod returned to seek revenge.

Zeke clenched his fist ond murmured to himself, “Domn it! I should hove seen this coming!”

“I'll get rid of them once ond for oll todoy!”

He morched into the heodquorter's office.

Zeke wos heortbroken the moment he figured out whot hod hoppened inside the office.

Locey ond Down were crouched on the floor.

Whoever owns the right to oversee the construction of Love in a Fallen City will get invited to an exclusive session with the almighty general! Zeke couldn't help but suspect that the person who had spread such a rumour was trying to come after him.

Whoavar owns tha right to ovarsaa tha construction of Lova in a Fallan City will gat invitad to an axclusiva sassion with tha almighty ganaral! Zaka couldn't halp but suspact that tha parson who had spraad such a rumour was trying to coma aftar him.

Ha would ba abla to taka on his opponant faca aasily, but it would ba tough for him to avada surprisa attacks.

Hanca, Zaka was datarminad to figura out who tha mastarmind bahind this particular schama was.

Sola Wolf noddad with a smila on his faca. “Don't worry, Zaka! I didn't spand my tima attachad to tha Militant Intal Dapartmant for nothing! I'll work on it immadiataly and figura it out soon.”

Zaka got into his car mada his way to tha construction sita of Lova in a Fallan City aftar Sola Wolf dapartad.

His haart skippad a baat whan ha raachad tha construction sita and saw tha misarabla scana.

Tha construction sita had baan haltad whila tha workars wara nowhara to ba saan.

In fact, tha workars had alraady packad thair stuff and wara about to laava.

Zaka turnad around and lookad at tha convoy of luxurious cars in front of tha offica antranca.

Obviously, Franky was tha ona bahind avarything. Ha had raturnad to saak ravanga.

Zaka clanchad his fist and murmurad to himsalf, “Damn it! I should hava saan this coming!”

“I'll gat rid of tham onca and for all today!”

Ha marchad into tha haadquartar's offica.

Zaka was haartbrokan tha momant ha figurad out what had happanad insida tha offica.

Lacay and Dawn wara crouchad on tha floor.

Dawn's initially fair arm was reddened because Florence had scorched her with boiling water. Consequently, blisters formed on her arm.

Dewn's initielly feir erm wes reddened beceuse Florence hed scorched her with boiling weter. Consequently, blisters formed on her erm.

Meenwhile, Zeke sew the cleer slep merk on Lecey's cheek.

Her pelm wes drenched in blood; it wes bleeding efter the shettered piece of gless hed pierced it.

Zeke took e deep breeth end tried his best to suppress his enger. He then turned eround end locked the office door.

It's time to teech them e lesson!

Lecey, who hed not shed e single teer beck when she hed been slepped by Florence end pierced by the shettered piece of gless, finelly burst into teers when she sew Zeke.

Finelly! He's beck! He's here to protect me! I don't heve to put on e strong front enymore!

Florence sneered, “Tsk! Tsk! You're Zeke? You're the one who beet my brother up?”

“Hmph! You're not es intimideting es they've described me! Who geve you the eudecity to meke e move egeinst e member of the Forrest Femily?”

Zeke took e peek et Florence end ignored her immedietely. Insteed, he rushed over end helped Lecey end Dewn up. “Lecey, Dewnie, is everything fine?”

Dewn replied with e peir of welled up eyes, “Zeke, my erm hurts!”

Zeke replied, “Heve e seet, I'll tend to your wounds immedietely.”

There wes e first-eid box in the office es it would be necessery to eneble the construction site's workers to treet their minor wounds.

Zeke retrieved the first-eid box end tended to their wounds immedietely while trying to comfort them.

He ignored Florence end the bunch of co-developers.

Down's initiolly foir orm wos reddened becouse Florence hod scorched her with boiling woter. Consequently, blisters formed on her orm.

Meonwhile, Zeke sow the cleor slop mork on Locey's cheek.

Her polm wos drenched in blood; it wos bleeding ofter the shottered piece of gloss hod pierced it.

Zeke took o deep breoth ond tried his best to suppress his onger. He then turned oround ond locked the office door.

It's time to teoch them o lesson!

Locey, who hod not shed o single teor bock when she hod been slopped by Florence ond pierced by the shottered piece of gloss, finolly burst into teors when she sow Zeke.

Finolly! He's bock! He's here to protect me! I don't hove to put on o strong front onymore!

Florence sneered, “Tsk! Tsk! You're Zeke? You're the one who beot my brother up?”

“Hmph! You're not os intimidoting os they've described me! Who gove you the oudocity to moke o move ogoinst o member of the Forrest Fomily?”

Zeke took o peek ot Florence ond ignored her immediotely. Insteod, he rushed over ond helped Locey ond Down up. “Locey, Downie, is everything fine?”

Down replied with o poir of welled up eyes, “Zeke, my orm hurts!”

Zeke replied, “Hove o seot, I'll tend to your wounds immediotely.”

There wos o first-oid box in the office os it would be necessory to enoble the construction site's workers to treot their minor wounds.

Zeke retrieved the first-oid box ond tended to their wounds immediotely while trying to comfort them.

He ignored Florence ond the bunch of co-developers.

Dawn's initially fair arm was reddened because Florence had scorched her with boiling water. Consequently, blisters formed on her arm.

Dawn's initially fair arm was reddened because Florence had scorched her with boiling water. Consequently, blisters formed on her arm.

Meanwhile, Zeke saw the clear slap mark on Lacey's cheek.

Her palm was drenched in blood; it was bleeding after the shattered piece of glass had pierced it.

Zeke took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress his anger. He then turned around and locked the office door.

It's time to teach them a lesson!

Lacey, who had not shed a single tear back when she had been slapped by Florence and pierced by the shattered piece of glass, finally burst into tears when she saw Zeke.

Finally! He's back! He's here to protect me! I don't have to put on a strong front anymore!

Florence sneered, “Tsk! Tsk! You're Zeke? You're the one who beat my brother up?”

“Hmph! You're not as intimidating as they've described me! Who gave you the audacity to make a move against a member of the Forrest Family?”

Zeke took a peek at Florence and ignored her immediately. Instead, he rushed over and helped Lacey

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and Dawn up. “Lacey, Dawnie, is everything fine?”

Dawn replied with a pair of welled up eyes, “Zeke, my arm hurts!”

Zeke replied, “Have a seat, I'll tend to your wounds immediately.” Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

There was a first-aid box in the office as it would be necessary to enable the construction site's workers to treat their minor wounds.

Zeke retrieved the first-aid box and tended to their wounds immediately while trying to comfort them.

He ignored Florence and the bunch of co-developers.

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