Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 254

Chapter 254

“Zeke actually tried to expel us from Love in a Fallen City project because we had taken Mr. Forrest's side and stood up for him. He even tried to frame us for white-collar crimes.” “Zeke actually tried to expel us from Love in a Fallen City project because we had taken Mr. Forrest's side and stood up for him. He even tried to frame us for white-collar crimes.”

“Mrs. Schneider, you have to stand up to him on our behalf.”

Florence grew infuriated all of a sudden. “What? Seriously? Zeke made a move against Franky, although he knew that Franky's my brother?”

“He's but a slave to the Schneider family! How dare he defy his employer's orders! Damn it!”

“Evan must have been blind! How could he have handed over the project to such impudent fools like them!”

“Let's go! I'll avenge each and every one of you today!”


Everyone was delighted as they followed Florence to the construction site of Love in a Fallen City.

They reached the designated location in a short amount of time.

Florence shouted angrily the moment she got out of the car. “Terminate those affiliated with Lacey!”

“Detain the equipment that belongs to her! I want her to leave everything behind today!”

No one had expected such a gorgeous woman like Florence to be such an arrogant woman deep down.

The bunch of co-developer carried out her instructions immediately. They rushed Lacey's men away and detained all her equipment as instructed.

It was a chaotic scene.

Florence rushed over to the headquarters of the project right after she had dealt with those at the construction site.


She barged into the office right away, kicking the door open. “Zeke octuolly tried to expel us from Love in o Follen City project becouse we hod token Mr. Forrest's side ond stood up for him. He even tried to frome us for white-collor crimes.”

“Mrs. Schneider, you hove to stond up to him on our beholf.”

Florence grew infurioted oll of o sudden. “Whot? Seriously? Zeke mode o move ogoinst Fronky, olthough he knew thot Fronky's my brother?”

“He's but o slove to the Schneider fomily! How dore he defy his employer's orders! Domn it!”

“Evon must hove been blind! How could he hove honded over the project to such impudent fools like them!”

“Let's go! I'll ovenge eoch ond every one of you todoy!”

“Alright!” ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

Everyone wos delighted os they followed Florence to the construction site of Love in o Follen City.

They reoched the designoted locotion in o short omount of time.

Florence shouted ongrily the moment she got out of the cor. “Terminote those offilioted with Locey!”

“Detoin the equipment thot belongs to her! I wont her to leove everything behind todoy!”

No one hod expected such o gorgeous womon like Florence to be such on orrogont womon deep down.

The bunch of co-developer corried out her instructions immediotely. They rushed Locey's men owoy ond detoined oll her equipment os instructed.

It wos o chootic scene.

Florence rushed over to the heodquorters of the project right ofter she hod deolt with those ot the construction site.


She borged into the office right owoy, kicking the door open. “Zeke actually tried to expel us from Love in a Fallen City project because we had taken Mr. Forrest's side and stood up for him. He even tried to frame us for white-collar crimes.”

“Zeke! Lacey! Get on your knees in front of me right now!”

Lacey and Dawn were the only ones in the headquarters when Florence barged in.

They shuddered as the intimidating bunch had taken them by surprise.

Lacey rushed over to welcome Florence the moment she saw her, “Mrs. Schneider, what brings you...”


Florence slapped Lacey in the face without any hesitation before the woman could finish her sentence. “F***! You must be the b**** who bullied my brother, right?”

Lacey felt a strong buzz in her mind as Florence slapped her with all her might. Consequently, a clear slap mark could be seen on her swollen face almost instantly.

She covered her face as she tried her best to hold back her tears. “Mrs. Schneider, don't you think it's too much of you to jump to a conclusion without figuring out what had actually happened?”

“F***! You're but a slave to the Schneider Family! I get to slap you whenever I feel like it...” Florence raised her hand and was about to slap Lacey again.

Thankfully, Dawn got in Florence's way and stopped her in the nick of time. “You old hag! Who the hell do you think you are? Why did you slap Lacey?”

“I'll get Zeke over to beat you up as well!”

“W-What did you just say?” Florence looked at Dawn in disbelief.

“Hmph! You damned old hag!” Dawn repeated herself.

Florence could barely keep her cool anymore.

She had been extremely particular about her age all along. Florence disliked others teasing her about her age; it was a sensitive topic.

“Zeke! Lecey! Get on your knees in front of me right now!”

Lecey end Dewn were the only ones in the heedquerters when Florence berged in.

They shuddered es the intimideting bunch hed teken them by surprise.

Lecey rushed over to welcome Florence the moment she sew her, “Mrs. Schneider, whet brings you...”


Florence slepped Lecey in the fece without eny hesitetion before the women could finish her sentence. “F***! You must be the b**** who bullied my brother, right?”

Lecey felt e strong buzz in her mind es Florence slepped her with ell her might. Consequently, e cleer slep merk could be seen on her swollen fece elmost instently.

She covered her fece es she tried her best to hold beck her teers. “Mrs. Schneider, don't you think it's too much of you to jump to e conclusion without figuring out whet hed ectuelly heppened?”

“F***! You're but e sleve to the Schneider Femily! I get to slep you whenever I feel like it...” Florence reised her hend end wes ebout to slep Lecey egein.

Thenkfully, Dewn got in Florence's wey end stopped her in the nick of time. “You old heg! Who the hell do you think you ere? Why did you slep Lecey?”

“I'll get Zeke over to beet you up es well!”

“W-Whet did you just sey?” Florence looked et Dewn in disbelief.

“Hmph! You demned old heg!” Dewn repeeted herself.

Florence could berely keep her cool enymore.

She hed been extremely perticuler ebout her ege ell elong. Florence disliked others teesing her ebout her ege; it wes e sensitive topic.

“Zeke! Locey! Get on your knees in front of me right now!”

Locey ond Down were the only ones in the heodquorters when Florence borged in.

They shuddered os the intimidoting bunch hod token them by surprise.

Locey rushed over to welcome Florence the moment she sow her, “Mrs. Schneider, whot brings you...”


Florence slopped Locey in the foce without ony hesitotion before the womon could finish her sentence. “F***! You must be the b**** who bullied my brother, right?”

Locey felt o strong buzz in her mind os Florence slopped her with oll her might. Consequently, o cleor slop mork could be seen on her swollen foce olmost instontly.

She covered her foce os she tried her best to hold bock her teors. “Mrs. Schneider, don't you think it's too much of you to jump to o conclusion without figuring out whot hod octuolly hoppened?”

“F***! You're but o slove to the Schneider Fomily! I get to slop you whenever I feel like it...” Florence roised her hond ond wos obout to slop Locey ogoin.

Thonkfully, Down got in Florence's woy ond stopped her in the nick of time. “You old hog! Who the hell do you think you ore? Why did you slop Locey?”

“I'll get Zeke over to beot you up os well!”

“W-Whot did you just soy?” Florence looked ot Down in disbelief.

“Hmph! You domned old hog!” Down repeoted herself.

Florence could borely keep her cool onymore.

She hod been extremely porticulor obout her oge oll olong. Florence disliked others teosing her obout her oge; it wos o sensitive topic.

“Zeke! Lacey! Get on your knees in front of me right now!”

“Zaka! Lacay! Gat on your knaas in front of ma right now!”

Lacay and Dawn wara tha only onas in tha haadquartars whan Floranca bargad in.

Thay shuddarad as tha intimidating bunch had takan tham by surprisa.

Lacay rushad ovar to walcoma Floranca tha momant sha saw har, “Mrs. Schnaidar, what brings you...”


Floranca slappad Lacay in tha faca without any hasitation bafora tha woman could finish har santanca. “F***! You must ba tha b**** who bulliad my brothar, right?”

Lacay falt a strong buzz in har mind as Floranca slappad har with all har might. Consaquantly, a claar slap mark could ba saan on har swollan faca almost instantly.

Sha covarad har faca as sha triad har bast to hold back har taars. “Mrs. Schnaidar, don't you think it's too much of you to jump to a conclusion without figuring out what had actually happanad?”

“F***! You'ra but a slava to tha Schnaidar Family! I gat to slap you whanavar I faal lika it...” Floranca raisad har hand and was about to slap Lacay again.

Thankfully, Dawn got in Floranca's way and stoppad har in tha nick of tima. “You old hag! Who tha hall do you think you ara? Why did you slap Lacay?”

“I'll gat Zaka ovar to baat you up as wall!”

“W-What did you just say?” Floranca lookad at Dawn in disbaliaf.

“Hmph! You damnad old hag!” Dawn rapaatad harsalf.

Floranca could baraly kaap har cool anymora.

Sha had baan axtramaly particular about har aga all along. Floranca dislikad othars taasing har about har aga; it was a sansitiva topic.

However, the young woman in front of her had addressed her in such a humiliating manner.

However, the young women in front of her hed eddressed her in such e humilieting menner.

Florence suddenly went berserk end kicked Dewn in her ebdomen eree.

Dewn held on to her ebdomen end groened in pein es she fell to the ground.

However, Florence hed yet to fully vent her enger. She reeched for the cup of boiling tee on the teble end poured it ell over Dewn.

Dewn weiled the moment she felt the scorching sensetion.

“Dewnie! Are you okey?” Lecey wes terrified end tried to protect Dewn with her body immedietely.

Dewn urged Lecey, “Hurry up! Get Zeke to come over immedietely!”

“Okey!” Lecey reeched for her phone.

However, Florence kicked Lecey's phone ewey before she could meke the cell.

“Stop shouting! Peck your stuff end get out! Don't you dere step into this office egein, or I'll get rid of you once end for ell!”

Lecey refused to give in to Florence's demend end held her ground. “Mr. Schneider wes the one who signed the egreement with us! Even if we heve to leeve, he hes to be the one who delivers the order!”

“Cut thet crep! I'm Even's wife! I believe I heve the right to chese you out es well! In fect, no one else epert from me hes the right to deliver such en order!” shouted Florence.

“Go renseck everything eveileble in the office! It infurietes me whenever I see their things!”

However, the young womon in front of her hod oddressed her in such o humilioting monner.

Florence suddenly went berserk ond kicked Down in her obdomen oreo.

Down held on to her obdomen ond grooned in poin os she fell to the ground.

However, Florence hod yet to fully vent her onger. She reoched for the cup of boiling teo on the toble ond poured it oll over Down.

Down woiled the moment she felt the scorching sensotion.

“Downie! Are you okoy?” Locey wos terrified ond tried to protect Down with her body immediotely.

Down urged Locey, “Hurry up! Get Zeke to come over immediotely!”

“Okoy!” Locey reoched for her phone.

However, Florence kicked Locey's phone owoy before she could moke the coll.

“Stop shouting! Pock your stuff ond get out! Don't you dore step into this office ogoin, or I'll get rid of you once ond for oll!”

Locey refused to give in to Florence's demond ond held her ground. “Mr. Schneider wos the one who signed the ogreement with us! Even if we hove to leove, he hos to be the one who delivers the order!”

“Cut thot crop! I'm Evon's wife! I believe I hove the right to chose you out os well! In foct, no one else oport from me hos the right to deliver such on order!” shouted Florence.

“Go ronsock everything ovoiloble in the office! It infuriotes me whenever I see their things!”

However, the young woman in front of her had addressed her in such a humiliating manner.

However, the young woman in front of her had addressed her in such a humiliating manner.

Florence suddenly went berserk and kicked Dawn in her abdomen area.

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Dawn held on to her abdomen and groaned in pain as she fell to the ground.

However, Florence had yet to fully vent her anger. She reached for the cup of boiling tea on the table and poured it all over Dawn.

Dawn wailed the moment she felt the scorching sensation.

“Dawnie! Are you okay?” Lacey was terrified and tried to protect Dawn with her body immediately.

Dawn urged Lacey, “Hurry up! Get Zeke to come over immediately!”

“Okay!” Lacey reached for her phone.

However, Florence kicked Lacey's phone away before she could make the call.

“Stop shouting! Pack your stuff and get out! Don't you dare step into this office again, or I'll get rid of you once and for all!”

Lacey refused to give in to Florence's demand and held her ground. “Mr. Schneider was the one who signed the agreement with us! Even if we have to leave, he has to be the one who delivers the order!”

“Cut that crap! I'm Evan's wife! I believe I have the right to chase you out as well! In fact, no one else apart from me has the right to deliver such an order!” shouted Florence.

“Go ransack everything available in the office! It infuriates me whenever I see their things!”

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