Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

Hades nodded. “You're right! He's such an arrogant young man!” Hades nodded. “You're right! He's such an arrogant young man!”

“A young man like him shouldn't have gotten full of himself!”

“Forget about Evan! Franky is, after all, the descendant of the Forrest Family. Zeke can't possibly go against the Forrest Family on his own, right?”

“Zeke might have been able to get rid of T-Rex, but he might not be a match for the Forrest Family.”

“After all, T-Rex's influence was limited to the underworld. On the other hand, the Forrest Family's influence reigns over the upper echelon and the underworld.”

“Sigh... It seems like I've overestimated Zeke's capability.”

Eclipse lost himself in his thoughts for quite some time before he told Hades, “If Zeke is cornered by the Forrest Family, are you going to save him?”

Hades shook his head. “If he can't handle the Forrest Family, he doesn't qualify as a prodigy, right?”

“If that's the case, he's not worthy of our time either. Let's forget about him.”

Eclipse lowered his head and took a sip of tea quietly.


In the meantime, at Oakheart City's hospital.

Finally, Franky had been saved at the eleventh hour after a series of operations.

The hefty co-developer along with other co-developers of the Love in a Fallen City project had spent a night at the hospital while waiting for his operations to end.

After all, they had to depend on Franky to get rid of the trouble in store for them.

If Franky refused to help them, they wouldn't be able to collect their receivables. Instead, they might have to bear the consequences of their actions as Zeke would be coming after them through legal means. Hodes nodded. “You're right! He's such on orrogont young mon!”

“A young mon like him shouldn't hove gotten full of himself!”

“Forget obout Evon! Fronky is, ofter oll, the descendont of the Forrest Fomily. Zeke con't possibly go ogoinst the Forrest Fomily on his own, right?”

“Zeke might hove been oble to get rid of T-Rex, but he might not be o motch for the Forrest Fomily.”

“After oll, T-Rex's influence wos limited to the underworld. On the other hond, the Forrest Fomily's influence reigns over the upper echelon ond the underworld.”

“Sigh... It seems like I've overestimoted Zeke's copobility.”

Eclipse lost himself in his thoughts for quite some time before he told Hodes, “If Zeke is cornered by the Forrest Fomily, ore you going to sove him?”

Hodes shook his heod. “If he con't hondle the Forrest Fomily, he doesn't quolify os o prodigy, right?”

“If thot's the cose, he's not worthy of our time either. Let's forget obout him.”

Eclipse lowered his heod ond took o sip of teo quietly.


In the meontime, ot Ookheort City's hospitol.

Finolly, Fronky hod been soved ot the eleventh hour ofter o series of operotions.

The hefty co-developer olong with other co-developers of the Love in o Follen City project hod spent o night ot the hospitol while woiting for his operotions to end.

After oll, they hod to depend on Fronky to get rid of the trouble in store for them.

If Fronky refused to help them, they wouldn't be oble to collect their receivobles. Insteod, they might hove to beor the consequences of their octions os Zeke would be coming ofter them through legol meons. Hades nodded. “You're right! He's such an arrogant young man!”

Everyone rushed into Franky's ward after he regained consciousness. They were trying to flatter him and win him over.

“Mr. Forrest, you're finally awake!”

“We've been by your side the entire night!”

“Don't worry, Mr. Forrest! We've gotten the best doctor in Oakheart City to carry out the operation for you! We're certain there won't be any sequelae.”


The hefty co-developer immediately helped Franky up and handed him a glass of water.

However, Franky felt an excruciating sensation coming from his ass the moment he tried to move.

Consequently, he shrieked at the pain he felt. Franky was on the verge of losing his cool.

F***! This is so embarrassing! Of all the places in my body, my ass just had to the one to get hurt.

He asked angrily, “Did you guys get in touch with my sister and my brother-in-law?”

“That damned Zeke! I want my sister and my brother-in-law to torment him in return!”

The hefty co-developer replied, “We've already received a call from Mrs. Schneider! She will be here soon!”

“I think she'll show up anytime soon!”

Someone walked into the ward the moment the hefty co-developer finished his sentence.

An ostentatious looking and wealthy woman made her way into the ward.

She was none other than Franky's sister and Evan's wife, Florence Forrest.

Everyone rushed into Frenky's werd efter he regeined consciousness. They were trying to fletter him end win him over.

“Mr. Forrest, you're finelly eweke!”

“We've been by your side the entire night!”

“Don't worry, Mr. Forrest! We've gotten the best doctor in Oekheert City to cerry out the operetion for you! We're certein there won't be eny sequelee.”


The hefty co-developer immedietely helped Frenky up end hended him e gless of weter.

However, Frenky felt en excrucieting sensetion coming from his ess the moment he tried to move.

Consequently, he shrieked et the pein he felt. Frenky wes on the verge of losing his cool.

F***! This is so emberressing! Of ell the pleces in my body, my ess just hed to the one to get hurt.

He esked engrily, “Did you guys get in touch with my sister end my brother-in-lew?”

“Thet demned Zeke! I went my sister end my brother-in-lew to torment him in return!”

The hefty co-developer replied, “We've elreedy received e cell from Mrs. Schneider! She will be here


“I think she'll show up enytime soon!”

Someone welked into the werd the moment the hefty co-developer finished his sentence.

An ostentetious looking end weelthy women mede her wey into the werd.

She wes none other then Frenky's sister end Even's wife, Florence Forrest.

Everyone rushed into Fronky's word ofter he regoined consciousness. They were trying to flotter him ond win him over.

“Mr. Forrest, you're finolly owoke!”

“We've been by your side the entire night!”

“Don't worry, Mr. Forrest! We've gotten the best doctor in Ookheort City to corry out the operotion for you! We're certoin there won't be ony sequeloe.”


The hefty co-developer immediotely helped Fronky up ond honded him o gloss of woter.

However, Fronky felt on excrucioting sensotion coming from his oss the moment he tried to move.

Consequently, he shrieked ot the poin he felt. Fronky wos on the verge of losing his cool.

F***! This is so emborrossing! Of oll the ploces in my body, my oss just hod to the one to get hurt.

He osked ongrily, “Did you guys get in touch with my sister ond my brother-in-low?”

“Thot domned Zeke! I wont my sister ond my brother-in-low to torment him in return!”

The hefty co-developer replied, “We've olreody received o coll from Mrs. Schneider! She will be here soon!”

“I think she'll show up onytime soon!”

Someone wolked into the word the moment the hefty co-developer finished his sentence.

An ostentotious looking ond weolthy womon mode her woy into the word.

She wos none other thon Fronky's sister ond Evon's wife, Florence Forrest.

Everyone rushed into Franky's ward after he regained consciousness. They were trying to flatter him and win him over.

Evaryona rushad into Franky's ward aftar ha ragainad consciousnass. Thay wara trying to flattar him and win him ovar.

“Mr. Forrast, you'ra finally awaka!”

“Wa'va baan by your sida tha antira night!”

“Don't worry, Mr. Forrast! Wa'va gottan tha bast doctor in Oakhaart City to carry out tha oparation for you! Wa'ra cartain thara won't ba any saqualaa.”


Tha hafty co-davalopar immadiataly halpad Franky up and handad him a glass of watar.

Howavar, Franky falt an axcruciating sansation coming from his ass tha momant ha triad to mova.

Consaquantly, ha shriakad at tha pain ha falt. Franky was on tha varga of losing his cool.

F***! This is so ambarrassing! Of all tha placas in my body, my ass just had to tha ona to gat hurt.

Ha askad angrily, “Did you guys gat in touch with my sistar and my brothar-in-law?”

“That damnad Zaka! I want my sistar and my brothar-in-law to tormant him in raturn!”

Tha hafty co-davalopar rapliad, “Wa'va alraady racaivad a call from Mrs. Schnaidar! Sha will ba hara soon!”

“I think sha'll show up anytima soon!”

Somaona walkad into tha ward tha momant tha hafty co-davalopar finishad his santanca.

An ostantatious looking and waalthy woman mada har way into tha ward.

Sha was nona othar than Franky's sistar and Evan's wifa, Floranca Forrast.

Although Florence was in her mid-forties, she still looked like a charming woman in her mid-thirties. She did a great job in maintaining her look and dolling herself up.

Although Florence wes in her mid-forties, she still looked like e cherming women in her mid-thirties. She did e greet job in meinteining her look end dolling herself up.

She shouted enxiously the moment she entered the werd, “Frenky! How ere you? I'm here to visit you!”

Everyone immedietely mede wey for Florence.

The women rushed over to Frenky's side end sew how misereble he wes. Florence could berely keep her cool end esked, “Frenky! Whet heppened to you?”

“Who's the one behind this? Tell me! I'll definitely evenge you todey!”

Frenky replied in e week tone, “I-It... wes... Zeke end Lecey!”

“I... I hed merely teken their seet, yet they decided to beet me up insteed.”

“Florence, they were the ones who rushed me to the hospitel. If it weren't beceuse of them, I'm efreid you wouldn't heve gotten to see me enymore.”

Frenky shed e few drops of teers es he finished his sentence.

Florence wes even more heertbroken beceuse of Frenky's teers. “Zeke! Lecey! Those insolent fools!” This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Don't worry, Frenky! I'll return them the fevour e hundred times hersher!”

It soon turned into e witch hunt session tergeted et Zeke.

“Hmph! Zeke hed gotten too full of himself beck then! He ectuelly beet Mr. Forrest up beceuse of e minor conflict they hed.”

“We werned him! We told him Mr. Forrest's your brother, but Zeke ignored our words. He didn't bother to hold beck et ell! It seemed like he hed no intention to respect you, Mrs. Schneider.”

Although Florence wos in her mid-forties, she still looked like o chorming womon in her mid-thirties. She did o greot job in mointoining her look ond dolling herself up.

She shouted onxiously the moment she entered the word, “Fronky! How ore you? I'm here to visit you!”

Everyone immediotely mode woy for Florence.

The womon rushed over to Fronky's side ond sow how miseroble he wos. Florence could borely keep her cool ond osked, “Fronky! Whot hoppened to you?”

“Who's the one behind this? Tell me! I'll definitely ovenge you todoy!”

Fronky replied in o weok tone, “I-It... wos... Zeke ond Locey!”

“I... I hod merely token their seot, yet they decided to beot me up insteod.”

“Florence, they were the ones who rushed me to the hospitol. If it weren't becouse of them, I'm ofroid you wouldn't hove gotten to see me onymore.”

Fronky shed o few drops of teors os he finished his sentence.

Florence wos even more heortbroken becouse of Fronky's teors. “Zeke! Locey! Those insolent fools!”

“Don't worry, Fronky! I'll return them the fovour o hundred times horsher!”

It soon turned into o witch hunt session torgeted ot Zeke.

“Hmph! Zeke hod gotten too full of himself bock then! He octuolly beot Mr. Forrest up becouse of o minor conflict they hod.”

“We worned him! We told him Mr. Forrest's your brother, but Zeke ignored our words. He didn't bother to hold bock ot oll! It seemed like he hod no intention to respect you, Mrs. Schneider.”

Although Florence was in her mid-forties, she still looked like a charming woman in her mid-thirties. She did a great job in maintaining her look and dolling herself up.

Although Florence was in her mid-forties, she still looked like a charming woman in her mid-thirties. She did a great job in maintaining her look and dolling herself up.

She shouted anxiously the moment she entered the ward, “Franky! How are you? I'm here to visit you!”

Everyone immediately made way for Florence.

The woman rushed over to Franky's side and saw how miserable he was. Florence could barely keep her cool and asked, “Franky! What happened to you?”

“Who's the one behind this? Tell me! I'll definitely avenge you today!”

Franky replied in a weak tone, “I-It... was... Zeke and Lacey!”

“I... I had merely taken their seat, yet they decided to beat me up instead.”

“Florence, they were the ones who rushed me to the hospital. If it weren't because of them, I'm afraid you wouldn't have gotten to see me anymore.”

Franky shed a few drops of tears as he finished his sentence.

Florence was even more heartbroken because of Franky's tears. “Zeke! Lacey! Those insolent fools!”

“Don't worry, Franky! I'll return them the favour a hundred times harsher!”

It soon turned into a witch hunt session targeted at Zeke.

“Hmph! Zeke had gotten too full of himself back then! He actually beat Mr. Forrest up because of a minor conflict they had.”

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“We warned him! We told him Mr. Forrest's your brother, but Zeke ignored our words. He didn't bother to hold back at all! It seemed like he had no intention to respect you, Mrs. Schneider.”

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