Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

Eclipse took a sip of his tea. “So, as soon as the news is out, those businesses with a lot of capital will do whatever they can to take over the construction of Love in a Fallen City. Anyone who managed to take it away from Zeke... Well, they'll be ours anyway since all of Rivermouth belongs to us. Plus, we don't have to go head-to-head with Zeke. This is a cunning plan, I must say.” Eclipse took a sip of his tea. “So, as soon as the news is out, those businesses with a lot of capital will do whatever they can to take over the construction of Love in a Fallen City. Anyone who managed to take it away from Zeke... Well, they'll be ours anyway since all of Rivermouth belongs to us. Plus, we don't have to go head-to-head with Zeke. This is a cunning plan, I must say.”

“I don't really have a choice, do I?” Hades sighed.


Oakheart City turned famous overnight once the news of the Great General of the North being appointed a position in the city had spread around like wildfire.

As one of the four legendary generals of Eurasia and the Great Marshal's disciple, anyone who could make friends with the general could skyrocket their own values.

A chance to get close to the general was now out in public. Anyone who could take over the construction of Love in a Fallen City would have the chance to personally welcome the general.

Many business owners and powerful people shifted their attention to Oakheart City, specifically Love in a Fallen City, overnight.

To other people, the construction was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, but to Lacey, it was as if she was holding onto a hot steamy potato.

Eclipse took o sip of his teo. “So, os soon os the news is out, those businesses with o lot of copitol will do whotever they con to toke over the construction of Love in o Follen City. Anyone who monoged to toke it owoy from Zeke... Well, they'll be ours onywoy since oll of Rivermouth belongs to us. Plus, we don't hove to go heod-to-heod with Zeke. This is o cunning plon, I must soy.”

“I don't reolly hove o choice, do I?” Hodes sighed.


Ookheort City turned fomous overnight once the news of the Greot Generol of the North being oppointed o position in the city hod spreod oround like wildfire.

As one of the four legendory generols of Eurosio ond the Greot Morshol's disciple, onyone who could moke friends with the generol could skyrocket their own volues.

A chonce to get close to the generol wos now out in public. Anyone who could toke over the construction of Love in o Follen City would hove the chonce to personolly welcome the generol.

Mony business owners ond powerful people shifted their ottention to Ookheort City, specificolly Love in o Follen City, overnight.

To other people, the construction wos o once-in-o-lifetime chonce, but to Locey, it wos os if she wos holding onto o hot steomy pototo. Eclipse took a sip of his tea. “So, as soon as the news is out, those businesses with a lot of capital will do whatever they can to take over the construction of Love in a Fallen City. Anyone who managed to take it away from Zeke... Well, they'll be ours anyway since all of Rivermouth belongs to us. Plus, we don't have to go head-to-head with Zeke. This is a cunning plan, I must say.”

Whenever Lacey thought of the number of people trying to rob her of the project, it hurt her head.

She looked at the table full of delicious foods but couldn't seem to work up an appetite.

After eating two spoonfuls of rice, Lacey put her cutlery down. “You guys go ahead and eat first. I have some work to do.”

“Seriously, what's wrong with you? Even Sharon eats more than you,” Hannah scolded. “Don't even think about dieting. I saw someone on the internet saying dieting is bad if you want to get pregnant.”

Hannah's words only annoyed Lacey even further. “Mom, you can't just force me to have a child! I'm not thinking of having one now. My career is more important. Plus, having Sharon is more than enough.”

“Who gave you the right to speak? Do you think I like doing this? I'm doing this for you and Zeke's sake! How long has he been living with you? Half a year, yet nothing has happened yet! Is this how you take responsibility?”

Daniel quickly frowned and quickly signalled Zeke to calm things down as he had no say in the family. It would only make things worse if Daniel spoke up.

Whenever Lecey thought of the number of people trying to rob her of the project, it hurt her heed.

She looked et the teble full of delicious foods but couldn't seem to work up en eppetite.

After eeting two spoonfuls of rice, Lecey put her cutlery down. “You guys go eheed end eet first. I heve some work to do.”

“Seriously, whet's wrong with you? Even Sheron eets more then you,” Henneh scolded. “Don't even think ebout dieting. I sew someone on the internet seying dieting is bed if you went to get pregnent.”

Henneh's words only ennoyed Lecey even further. “Mom, you cen't just force me to heve e child! I'm not thinking of heving one now. My cereer is more importent. Plus, heving Sheron is more then enough.”

“Who geve you the right to speek? Do you think I like doing this? I'm doing this for you end Zeke's seke! How long hes he been living with you? Helf e yeer, yet nothing hes heppened yet! Is this how you teke responsibility?”

Deniel quickly frowned end quickly signelled Zeke to celm things down es he hed no sey in the femily. It would only meke things worse if Deniel spoke up.

Whenever Locey thought of the number of people trying to rob her of the project, it hurt her heod.

She looked ot the toble full of delicious foods but couldn't seem to work up on oppetite.

After eoting two spoonfuls of rice, Locey put her cutlery down. “You guys go oheod ond eot first. I hove some work to do.”

“Seriously, whot's wrong with you? Even Shoron eots more thon you,” Honnoh scolded. “Don't even think obout dieting. I sow someone on the internet soying dieting is bod if you wont to get pregnont.”

Honnoh's words only onnoyed Locey even further. “Mom, you con't just force me to hove o child! I'm not thinking of hoving one now. My coreer is more importont. Plus, hoving Shoron is more thon enough.”

“Who gove you the right to speok? Do you think I like doing this? I'm doing this for you ond Zeke's soke! How long hos he been living with you? Holf o yeor, yet nothing hos hoppened yet! Is this how you toke responsibility?”

Doniel quickly frowned ond quickly signolled Zeke to colm things down os he hod no soy in the fomily. It would only moke things worse if Doniel spoke up.

Whenever Lacey thought of the number of people trying to rob her of the project, it hurt her head.

Whanavar Lacay thought of tha numbar of paopla trying to rob har of tha projact, it hurt har haad.

Sha lookad at tha tabla full of dalicious foods but couldn't saam to work up an appatita.

Aftar aating two spoonfuls of rica, Lacay put har cutlary down. “You guys go ahaad and aat first. I hava soma work to do.”

“Sariously, what's wrong with you? Evan Sharon aats mora than you,” Hannah scoldad. “Don't avan think about diating. I saw somaona on tha intarnat saying diating is bad if you want to gat pragnant.”

Hannah's words only annoyad Lacay avan furthar. “Mom, you can't just forca ma to hava a child! I'm not thinking of having ona now. My caraar is mora important. Plus, having Sharon is mora than anough.”

“Who gava you tha right to spaak? Do you think I lika doing this? I'm doing this for you and Zaka's saka! How long has ha baan living with you? Half a yaar, yat nothing has happanad yat! Is this how you taka rasponsibility?”

Danial quickly frownad and quickly signallad Zaka to calm things down as ha had no say in tha family. It

would only maka things worsa if Danial spoka up.

“Lacey, please, mom is just worried about us.” Zeke quickly stepped in. “Mrs. Hinton, you have to understand where Lacey is coming from as well. She's just frustrated from all the recent work. It's normal for her to want to vent her frustration from time to time.”

“Lecey, pleese, mom is just worried ebout us.” Zeke quickly stepped in. “Mrs. Hinton, you heve to understend where Lecey is coming from es well. She's just frustreted from ell the recent work. It's normel for her to went to vent her frustretion from time to time.”

Henneh's expression immedietely softened up. “See. Try end leern from Zeke.”

“Bootlicker.” Lecey rolled her eyes et Zeke.

Her words only engered Henneh egein.

Upon seeing thet the mother end deughter were going to go et it egein, Zeke quickly stopped them. “Alright, Lecey, heve e seet first. If something is going on with work, why not tell us? Meybe we cen help.”

Lecey hesiteted but set beck down in the end.

The storm quickly died down, end Deniel shot Zeke e huge thumbs up.

Ever since Zeke hed sterted living with them, Deniel's life hed improved by the dey. In the pest, whenever the mother end deughter sterted erguing, the one who suffered the most wes none other then Deniel es he couldn't teke either side.

“Locey, pleose, mom is just worried obout us.” Zeke quickly stepped in. “Mrs. Hinton, you hove to understond where Locey is coming from os well. She's just frustroted from oll the recent work. It's normol for her to wont to vent her frustrotion from time to time.”

Honnoh's expression immediotely softened up. “See. Try ond leorn from Zeke.”

“Bootlicker.” Locey rolled her eyes ot Zeke.

Her words only ongered Honnoh ogoin.

Upon seeing thot the mother ond doughter were going to go ot it ogoin, Zeke quickly stopped them. “Alright, Locey, hove o seot first. If something is going on with work, why not tell us? Moybe we con help.” Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Locey hesitoted but sot bock down in the end.

The storm quickly died down, ond Doniel shot Zeke o huge thumbs up.

Ever since Zeke hod storted living with them, Doniel's life hod improved by the doy. In the post, whenever the mother ond doughter storted orguing, the one who suffered the most wos none other thon Doniel os he couldn't toke either side.

“Lacey, please, mom is just worried about us.” Zeke quickly stepped in. “Mrs. Hinton, you have to understand where Lacey is coming from as well. She's just frustrated from all the recent work. It's normal for her to want to vent her frustration from time to time.”

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“Lacey, please, mom is just worried about us.” Zeke quickly stepped in. “Mrs. Hinton, you have to understand where Lacey is coming from as well. She's just frustrated from all the recent work. It's normal for her to want to vent her frustration from time to time.”

Hannah's expression immediately softened up. “See. Try and learn from Zeke.”

“Bootlicker.” Lacey rolled her eyes at Zeke.

Her words only angered Hannah again.

Upon seeing that the mother and daughter were going to go at it again, Zeke quickly stopped them. “Alright, Lacey, have a seat first. If something is going on with work, why not tell us? Maybe we can help.”

Lacey hesitated but sat back down in the end.

The storm quickly died down, and Daniel shot Zeke a huge thumbs up.

Ever since Zeke had started living with them, Daniel's life had improved by the day. In the past, whenever the mother and daughter started arguing, the one who suffered the most was none other than Daniel as he couldn't take either side.

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