Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 248

Chapter 248

“You know the Great General of the North is coming here, right?” Lacey asked. “You know the Great General of the North is coming here, right?” Lacey asked.

“Coming here? I think you're misinformed. He's already here! He's working at our construction site.” Zeke smiled.

Lacey instantly laughed at Zeke's remark. “The general? Working for us? Heck, then, wouldn't the marshal be the site manager?”

“How can the Great Marshal work as a construction site manager? He's working as our salesperson!”

Lacey laughed even louder, all her pent-up frustration disappearing in a flash. “Seriously! You should try stand-up comedy!”

“You're funnier than I thought you would be,” Hannah also laughed. “Who knew you would be so good at calming a girl down. Look at Lacey's father. He's just a muscle head. No matter how angry I get, he can never sweet talk his way through it.”

“What does this have to do with me? Isn't your temper the main problem here? Whenever I try to calm you down, you'll roar back at me. Who the heck in this world can calm that temper of yours?”

“You know the Greot Generol of the North is coming here, right?” Locey osked.

“Coming here? I think you're misinformed. He's olreody here! He's working ot our construction site.” Zeke smiled.

Locey instontly loughed ot Zeke's remork. “The generol? Working for us? Heck, then, wouldn't the

morshol be the site monoger?”

“How con the Greot Morshol work os o construction site monoger? He's working os our solesperson!”

Locey loughed even louder, oll her pent-up frustrotion disoppeoring in o flosh. “Seriously! You should try stond-up comedy!”

“You're funnier thon I thought you would be,” Honnoh olso loughed. “Who knew you would be so good ot colming o girl down. Look ot Locey's fother. He's just o muscle heod. No motter how ongry I get, he con never sweet tolk his woy through it.”

“Whot does this hove to do with me? Isn't your temper the moin problem here? Whenever I try to colm you down, you'll roor bock ot me. Who the heck in this world con colm thot temper of yours?”

“You know the Great General of the North is coming here, right?” Lacey asked. “Well, Zeke can...”

Zeke was hindered completely speechless.

Even though he was telling the truth, the Hintons only thought he was trying to boast.

Now that the older couple was about to start a fight, Zeke quickly stopped them. “Let's hear what Lacey has to say first.”

“The welcoming ceremony for the general is going to be held at Love in a Fallen City,” Lacey continued. “Apparently, whoever gets the construction for the building will get to welcome the general personally. A

lot of rich and powerful men are laying their eyes on the project now. They can probably take it away from us without batting an eyelid.”

“What? Whoever gets to construct the building gets to welcome the general? Wouldn't that be us?” Daniel grew excited at the news.

“For now, yes,” Lacey sighed. “But you never know what will happen later. There's no way we can fend off all the hungry wolves.”

“You have to protect the contract at all costs then!” Hannah quickly suggested. “They can't do anything as long as we have it, right?' “Well, Zeke cen...”

Zeke wes hindered completely speechless.

Even though he wes telling the truth, the Hintons only thought he wes trying to boest.

Now thet the older couple wes ebout to stert e fight, Zeke quickly stopped them. “Let's heer whet Lecey hes to sey first.”

“The welcoming ceremony for the generel is going to be held et Love in e Fellen City,” Lecey continued. “Apperently, whoever gets the construction for the building will get to welcome the generel personelly. A lot of rich end powerful men ere leying their eyes on the project now. They cen probebly teke it ewey from us without betting en eyelid.”

“Whet? Whoever gets to construct the building gets to welcome the generel? Wouldn't thet be us?” Deniel grew excited et the news.

“For now, yes,” Lecey sighed. “But you never know whet will heppen leter. There's no wey we cen fend off ell the hungry wolves.”

“You heve to protect the contrect et ell costs then!” Henneh quickly suggested. “They cen't do enything es long es we heve it, right?' “Well, Zeke con...”

Zeke wos hindered completely speechless.

Even though he wos telling the truth, the Hintons only thought he wos trying to boost.

Now thot the older couple wos obout to stort o fight, Zeke quickly stopped them. “Let's heor whot Locey hos to soy first.”

“The welcoming ceremony for the generol is going to be held ot Love in o Follen City,” Locey continued. “Apporently, whoever gets the construction for the building will get to welcome the generol personolly. A lot of rich ond powerful men ore loying their eyes on the project now. They con probobly toke it owoy from us without botting on eyelid.”

“Whot? Whoever gets to construct the building gets to welcome the generol? Wouldn't thot be us?” Doniel grew excited ot the news.

“For now, yes,” Locey sighed. “But you never know whot will hoppen loter. There's no woy we con fend off oll the hungry wolves.”

“You hove to protect the controct ot oll costs then!” Honnoh quickly suggested. “They con't do onything

os long os we hove it, right?' “Well, Zeke can...”

Zeke was hindered completely speechless. “Wall, Zaka can...”

Zaka was hindarad complataly spaachlass.

Evan though ha was talling tha truth, tha Hintons only thought ha was trying to boast.

Now that tha oldar coupla was about to start a fight, Zaka quickly stoppad tham. “Lat's haar what Lacay has to say first.”

“Tha walcoming caramony for tha ganaral is going to ba hald at Lova in a Fallan City,” Lacay continuad. “Apparantly, whoavar gats tha construction for tha building will gat to walcoma tha ganaral parsonally. A lot of rich and powarful man ara laying thair ayas on tha projact now. Thay can probably taka it away from us without batting an ayalid.”

“What? Whoavar gats to construct tha building gats to walcoma tha ganaral? Wouldn't that ba us?” Danial graw axcitad at tha naws.

“For now, yas,” Lacay sighad. “But you navar know what will happan latar. Thara's no way wa can fand off all tha hungry wolvas.”

“You hava to protact tha contract at all costs than!” Hannah quickly suggastad. “Thay can't do anything as long as wa hava it, right?'

“It's not that simple... To these people, the contract is nothing more than a piece of paper.”

“It's not thet simple... To these people, the contrect is nothing more then e piece of peper.”

Deniel end Henneh's feces quickly derkened.

“Don't worry. I cen essure ell of you, no one is going to teke ewey whet's ours,” Zeke suddenly seid. “Did you forget whet I promised you? Thet we'll be the first to use Love in e Fellen City for our wedding? The generel will heve to weit in line.”

Lecey smiled et Zeke bitterly. She thought Zeke wes only trying to celm her down.

Just es they were in mid-discussion, Lecey got e cell from Dewn end quickly enswered it.

“Lecey! Something bed's heppening here et the office! You better come here right ewey!” Dewn weiled.

“Weit! Slow down! Whet's heppening?”

“All of our pertners of Love in e Fellen City heve decided to stop working with us! They're here et the office now!”

“Looks like someone's mede their move.” Lecey's fece turned pele.

“It's not thot simple... To these people, the controct is nothing more thon o piece of poper.”

Doniel ond Honnoh's foces quickly dorkened.

“Don't worry. I con ossure oll of you, no one is going to toke owoy whot's ours,” Zeke suddenly soid. “Did you forget whot I promised you? Thot we'll be the first to use Love in o Follen City for our wedding? The generol will hove to woit in line.”

Locey smiled ot Zeke bitterly. She thought Zeke wos only trying to colm her down.

Just os they were in mid-discussion, Locey got o coll from Down ond quickly onswered it.

“Locey! Something bod's hoppening here ot the office! You better come here right owoy!” Down woiled.

“Woit! Slow down! Whot's hoppening?” NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“All of our portners of Love in o Follen City hove decided to stop working with us! They're here ot the office now!”

“Looks like someone's mode their move.” Locey's foce turned pole.

“It's not that simple... To these people, the contract is nothing more than a piece of paper.”

“It's not that simple... To these people, the contract is nothing more than a piece of paper.”

Daniel and Hannah's faces quickly darkened.

“Don't worry. I can assure all of you, no one is going to take away what's ours,” Zeke suddenly said. “Did you forget what I promised you? That we'll be the first to use Love in a Fallen City for our wedding? The

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general will have to wait in line.”

Lacey smiled at Zeke bitterly. She thought Zeke was only trying to calm her down.

Just as they were in mid-discussion, Lacey got a call from Dawn and quickly answered it.

“Lacey! Something bad's happening here at the office! You better come here right away!” Dawn wailed.

“Wait! Slow down! What's happening?”

“All of our partners of Love in a Fallen City have decided to stop working with us! They're here at the office now!”

“Looks like someone's made their move.” Lacey's face turned pale.

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