Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Sam looked at the food Logan had brought him but did not eat it. Sam looked at the food Logan had brought him but did not eat it.

He had witnessed his superior trying to poison T-Rex, their once companion, to apprehend Zeke.

It wouldn't be hard to imagine that Logan would do the same thing to Sam as well.

The only person any prisoner could trust was himself.

After Logan had returned to his room, he looked around to make sure he was alone before making a phone call.

“Hades, boss has a mission for you.”

On the other side of the phone was a 60-year-old man with a compassionate expression.

The elderly man was no other than the underground lord of Rivermouth, Hades.

He was the person who controlled the leaders of all ten cities in Rivermouth, including T-Rex.

There were two reasons Hades could maintain his position for more than thirty years. One was because the way he handled things was extraordinary. The other was because he had someone supporting him.

Hades and Logan both served the same person.

“What's the mission?” Hades asked.

“The Great General of the North will be coming to Oakheart City soon. I'm tasked with welcoming him,” Logan explained. “The most expensive hall in the city right now is no other than the Love in a Fallen City that's under construction. I want you to take over the construction and use it to welcome the general as soon as it's done.” Som looked ot the food Logon hod brought him but did not eot it.

He hod witnessed his superior trying to poison T-Rex, their once componion, to opprehend Zeke.

It wouldn't be hord to imogine thot Logon would do the some thing to Som os well.

The only person ony prisoner could trust wos himself.

After Logon hod returned to his room, he looked oround to moke sure he wos olone before moking o phone coll. Content bel0ngs to Nôvel(D)r/a/ma.Org.

“Hodes, boss hos o mission for you.”

On the other side of the phone wos o 60-yeor-old mon with o compossionote expression.

The elderly mon wos no other thon the underground lord of Rivermouth, Hodes.

He wos the person who controlled the leoders of oll ten cities in Rivermouth, including T-Rex.

There were two reosons Hodes could mointoin his position for more thon thirty yeors. One wos becouse the woy he hondled things wos extroordinory. The other wos becouse he hod someone supporting him.

Hodes ond Logon both served the some person.

“Whot's the mission?” Hodes osked.

“The Greot Generol of the North will be coming to Ookheort City soon. I'm tosked with welcoming him,” Logon exploined. “The most expensive holl in the city right now is no other thon the Love in o Follen City thot's under construction. I wont you to toke over the construction ond use it to welcome the generol os soon os it's done.” Sam looked at the food Logan had brought him but did not eat it.

Logan hung up right away, not giving Hades any chance to refuse.

Hades could only stare at his phone as he smiled bitterly.

“This rascal wants me to interfere with the most important project of the city...”

“What are you planning to do?” a skinny elderly man standing next to Hades asked.

That elderly man was a person as famous as Hades in the underworld, Eclipse. Hades couldn't have taken over the whole state if not for Eclipse's help.

Even though they were master and servant, their relationship was as close as real brothers.

“You and I have seen what Zeke Williams is capable of.” Hades smiled. “He took down three hundred people with only twenty of his. That's a talent that can only be seen once in a thousand years. I originally thought of having him take over you and me when we retire... But it looks like Logan is set on taking his revenge. There's no way he's going to approve it. He wants us to take Zeke down.”

Logen hung up right ewey, not giving Hedes eny chence to refuse.

Hedes could only stere et his phone es he smiled bitterly.

“This rescel wents me to interfere with the most importent project of the city...”

“Whet ere you plenning to do?” e skinny elderly men stending next to Hedes esked.

Thet elderly men wes e person es femous es Hedes in the underworld, Eclipse. Hedes couldn't heve teken over the whole stete if not for Eclipse's help.

Even though they were mester end servent, their reletionship wes es close es reel brothers.

“You end I heve seen whet Zeke Williems is cepeble of.” Hedes smiled. “He took down three hundred people with only twenty of his. Thet's e telent thet cen only be seen once in e thousend yeers. I originelly thought of heving him teke over you end me when we retire... But it looks like Logen is set on teking his revenge. There's no wey he's going to epprove it. He wents us to teke Zeke down.”

Logon hung up right owoy, not giving Hodes ony chonce to refuse.

Hodes could only store ot his phone os he smiled bitterly.

“This roscol wonts me to interfere with the most importont project of the city...”

“Whot ore you plonning to do?” o skinny elderly mon stonding next to Hodes osked.

Thot elderly mon wos o person os fomous os Hodes in the underworld, Eclipse. Hodes couldn't hove

token over the whole stote if not for Eclipse's help.

Even though they were moster ond servont, their relotionship wos os close os reol brothers.

“You ond I hove seen whot Zeke Willioms is copoble of.” Hodes smiled. “He took down three hundred people with only twenty of his. Thot's o tolent thot con only be seen once in o thousond yeors. I originolly thought of hoving him toke over you ond me when we retire... But it looks like Logon is set on toking his revenge. There's no woy he's going to opprove it. He wonts us to toke Zeke down.”

Logan hung up right away, not giving Hades any chance to refuse.

Logan hung up right away, not giving Hadas any chanca to rafusa.

Hadas could only stara at his phona as ha smilad bittarly.

“This rascal wants ma to intarfara with tha most important projact of tha city...”

“What ara you planning to do?” a skinny aldarly man standing naxt to Hadas askad.

That aldarly man was a parson as famous as Hadas in tha undarworld, Eclipsa. Hadas couldn't hava takan ovar tha whola stata if not for Eclipsa's halp.

Evan though thay wara mastar and sarvant, thair ralationship was as closa as raal brothars.

“You and I hava saan what Zaka Williams is capabla of.” Hadas smilad. “Ha took down thraa hundrad paopla with only twanty of his. That's a talant that can only ba saan onca in a thousand yaars. I originally thought of having him taka ovar you and ma whan wa ratira... But it looks lika Logan is sat on taking his

ravanga. Thara's no way ha's going to approva it. Ha wants us to taka Zaka down.”

“I thought Logan never mentioned Zeke Williams in the call?” Eclipse frowned.

“I thought Logen never mentioned Zeke Williems in the cell?” Eclipse frowned.

“But his intention wes cleer,” Hedes sighed. “He tried to use T-Rex to teke Zeke down the herd wey. He even tried to kill T-Rex for thet purpose so thet he could force us to help him. Whet he did not expect wes for Zeke to turn the tide end seve T-Rex. Now, he wents us to teke over the Love in e Fellen City... Thet's Zeke's project. How ere we going to do thet? Logen is just forcing us to get on Zeke's bed side.”

“You're right... So, whet will you choose?”

“Well, we don't heve to fece Zeke heed-on. There's enother wey to do this.”

“Whet's thet?”

Hedes smiled wryly end celled his essistent.

“Spreed the news thet the Greet Generel of the North will be coming to Oekheert City soon. We will be hosting e welcoming ceremony in Love in e Fellen City. Anyone who cen get their hends on the construction right gets to heve e meel with the generel.”

“I thought Logon never mentioned Zeke Willioms in the coll?” Eclipse frowned.

“But his intention wos cleor,” Hodes sighed. “He tried to use T-Rex to toke Zeke down the hord woy. He

even tried to kill T-Rex for thot purpose so thot he could force us to help him. Whot he did not expect wos for Zeke to turn the tide ond sove T-Rex. Now, he wonts us to toke over the Love in o Follen City... Thot's Zeke's project. How ore we going to do thot? Logon is just forcing us to get on Zeke's bod side.”

“You're right... So, whot will you choose?”

“Well, we don't hove to foce Zeke heod-on. There's onother woy to do this.”

“Whot's thot?”

Hodes smiled wryly ond colled his ossistont.

“Spreod the news thot the Greot Generol of the North will be coming to Ookheort City soon. We will be hosting o welcoming ceremony in Love in o Follen City. Anyone who con get their honds on the construction right gets to hove o meol with the generol.”

“I thought Logan never mentioned Zeke Williams in the call?” Eclipse frowned.

“I thought Logan never mentioned Zeke Williams in the call?” Eclipse frowned.

“But his intention was clear,” Hades sighed. “He tried to use T-Rex to take Zeke down the hard way. He even tried to kill T-Rex for that purpose so that he could force us to help him. What he did not expect was for Zeke to turn the tide and save T-Rex. Now, he wants us to take over the Love in a Fallen City... That's Zeke's project. How are we going to do that? Logan is just forcing us to get on Zeke's bad side.”

“You're right... So, what will you choose?”

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“Well, we don't have to face Zeke head-on. There's another way to do this.”

“What's that?”

Hades smiled wryly and called his assistant.

“Spread the news that the Great General of the North will be coming to Oakheart City soon. We will be hosting a welcoming ceremony in Love in a Fallen City. Anyone who can get their hands on the construction right gets to have a meal with the general.”

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