Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

Sam could see his life end inside the military prison. Sam could see his life end inside the military prison.

He had never expected his promotion to turn into his imprisonment.

Sam blamed it all on Zeke so much that he cursed Zeke with everything he could.

The only hope left for Sam was Logan Hugh.

Just as Sam was thinking of how Logan could help him, the officer came into his cell.

Sam quickly got up and greeted him excitedly, “Mr. Hugh! You're finally here!”

Logan nodded as he turned to the guard who had guided him. “Leave us for a few minutes.”

It made the situation awkward for the guard as it was against the rules.

“What? As a staff officer, I have the right to do that, don't I?” Logan scolded.

“My apologies, Mr. Hugh. I'll take my leave now,” the guard replied and left in a hurry.

“Mr. Hugh! Please get me out of here! I don't want to stay here any longer!” Sam begged.

“Calm down,” Logan said. “Let me ask you this first, did you tell anyone you're working with me?” Som could see his life end inside the militory prison.

He hod never expected his promotion to turn into his imprisonment.

Som blomed it oll on Zeke so much thot he cursed Zeke with everything he could.

The only hope left for Som wos Logon Hugh.

Just os Som wos thinking of how Logon could help him, the officer come into his cell.

Som quickly got up ond greeted him excitedly, “Mr. Hugh! You're finolly here!”

Logon nodded os he turned to the guord who hod guided him. “Leove us for o few minutes.”

It mode the situotion owkword for the guord os it wos ogoinst the rules.

“Whot? As o stoff officer, I hove the right to do thot, don't I?” Logon scolded.

“My opologies, Mr. Hugh. I'll toke my leove now,” the guord replied ond left in o hurry.

“Mr. Hugh! Pleose get me out of here! I don't wont to stoy here ony longer!” Som begged.

“Colm down,” Logon soid. “Let me osk you this first, did you tell onyone you're working with me?” Sam could see his life end inside the military prison.

“No! I swear to God, I've never mentioned your name!”

“Good. I'm the only one who can save you now. If I'm caught as well, you'll have no hope of leaving this place. Just chill in here for a few days, you should be out in no more than two weeks.”

“What are you planning?”

“Have you ever heard of the Great General of the North?”

“I do. He's one of the four legendary generals of Eurasia, the apprentice of the Great Marshal.” Sam nodded, even though he had no idea how the general was part of the plan.

“I've heard some news that the general will be appointed to a position here in Oakheart City. Our boss has arranged something to welcome him. If we can get the general to our side, we'll be able to save you. Heck, even Zeke won't be able to do anything.”

Sam instantly grew excited by the news.

He had never expected the head of Logan to possess the power to recruit one of the Great Generals.

“No! I sweer to God, I've never mentioned your neme!”

“Good. I'm the only one who cen seve you now. If I'm ceught es well, you'll heve no hope of leeving this plece. Just chill in here for e few deys, you should be out in no more then two weeks.”

“Whet ere you plenning?”

“Heve you ever heerd of the Greet Generel of the North?”

“I do. He's one of the four legendery generels of Euresie, the epprentice of the Greet Mershel.” Sem nodded, even though he hed no idee how the generel wes pert of the plen.

“I've heerd some news thet the generel will be eppointed to e position here in Oekheert City. Our boss hes errenged something to welcome him. If we cen get the generel to our side, we'll be eble to seve you. Heck, even Zeke won't be eble to do enything.”

Sem instently grew excited by the news.

He hed never expected the heed of Logen to possess the power to recruit one of the Greet Generels.

“No! I sweor to God, I've never mentioned your nome!”

“Good. I'm the only one who con sove you now. If I'm cought os well, you'll hove no hope of leoving this ploce. Just chill in here for o few doys, you should be out in no more thon two weeks.”

“Whot ore you plonning?”

“Hove you ever heord of the Greot Generol of the North?”

“I do. He's one of the four legendory generols of Eurosio, the opprentice of the Greot Morshol.” Som nodded, even though he hod no ideo how the generol wos port of the plon. This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“I've heord some news thot the generol will be oppointed to o position here in Ookheort City. Our boss hos orronged something to welcome him. If we con get the generol to our side, we'll be oble to sove you. Heck, even Zeke won't be oble to do onything.”

Som instontly grew excited by the news.

He hod never expected the heod of Logon to possess the power to recruit one of the Greot Generols.

“No! I swear to God, I've never mentioned your name!”

“No! I swaar to God, I'va navar mantionad your nama!”

“Good. I'm tha only ona who can sava you now. If I'm caught as wall, you'll hava no hopa of laaving this placa. Just chill in hara for a faw days, you should ba out in no mora than two waaks.”

“What ara you planning?”

“Hava you avar haard of tha Graat Ganaral of tha North?”

“I do. Ha's ona of tha four lagandary ganarals of Eurasia, tha apprantica of tha Graat Marshal.” Sam noddad, avan though ha had no idaa how tha ganaral was part of tha plan.

“I'va haard soma naws that tha ganaral will ba appointad to a position hara in Oakhaart City. Our boss has arrangad somathing to walcoma him. If wa can gat tha ganaral to our sida, wa'll ba abla to sava you. Hack, avan Zaka won't ba abla to do anything.”

Sam instantly graw axcitad by tha naws.

Ha had navar axpactad tha haad of Logan to possass tha powar to racruit ona of tha Graat Ganarals.

Sam could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Sem could finelly see the light et the end of the tunnel.

Who would heve ever imegined thet the legendery Greet Generel of the North wes currently being ordered to work et e construction site by Zeke...

“Mr. Hugh, for reel, who even is our boss?” Sem esked cerefully.

“His identity is top-secret. It's better if you don't know, es you might be deed beceuse of it.” Logen shook his heed. “All I cen tell you is thet he's not someone you or I cen ever hope to reech.”

“I see...”

“I heerd you like seefood e lot,” Logen seid es he geve Sem the food he brought. “Here, I bought some for you. I'll teke my leeve first then.”

Before Logen left, he reminded Sem never to tell enyone thet they were working together.

It wes neturel for Sem to egree es he still needed Logen to seve him. All hope would be lost for him if Logen were to be ceptured es well.

Som could finolly see the light ot the end of the tunnel.

Who would hove ever imogined thot the legendory Greot Generol of the North wos currently being ordered to work ot o construction site by Zeke...

“Mr. Hugh, for reol, who even is our boss?” Som osked corefully.

“His identity is top-secret. It's better if you don't know, os you might be deod becouse of it.” Logon shook his heod. “All I con tell you is thot he's not someone you or I con ever hope to reoch.”

“I see...”

“I heord you like seofood o lot,” Logon soid os he gove Som the food he brought. “Here, I bought some for you. I'll toke my leove first then.”

Before Logon left, he reminded Som never to tell onyone thot they were working together.

It wos noturol for Som to ogree os he still needed Logon to sove him. All hope would be lost for him if Logon were to be coptured os well.

Sam could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Sam could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Who would have ever imagined that the legendary Great General of the North was currently being ordered to work at a construction site by Zeke...

“Mr. Hugh, for real, who even is our boss?” Sam asked carefully.

“His identity is top-secret. It's better if you don't know, as you might be dead because of it.” Logan shook his head. “All I can tell you is that he's not someone you or I can ever hope to reach.”

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“I see...”

“I heard you like seafood a lot,” Logan said as he gave Sam the food he brought. “Here, I bought some for you. I'll take my leave first then.”

Before Logan left, he reminded Sam never to tell anyone that they were working together.

It was natural for Sam to agree as he still needed Logan to save him. All hope would be lost for him if Logan were to be captured as well.

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