Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 242

Chapter 242

“My finger! Ouch! Do you have a metal brain or something?” Lacey scolded. “My finger! Ouch! Do you have a metal brain or something?” Lacey scolded.

Zeke frowned at Lacey. He couldn't believe she had just flicked the Great Marshal's forehead.

“Mr. Williams, Ms. Hinton.” Veronica stepped in. “Please, come with me. I'll guide you to our most prized possessions.”

“Thank you, but these here are enough...” Lacey laughed awkwardly as she pointed at the jewellery pieces Emily brought.

“No can do,” Zeke shook his head. “I'm giving you something brand-new. These second-hand pieces, especially those used by Emily, don't suit you. They belong in the trash.”

Lacey turned terrified upon hearing what Zeke had just said. She ran to protect the rest of the jewellery. “Hey! Even if you don't want them, you shouldn't throw them away! You... you can trade them for something new instead.”

Zeke gave it some thought before he finally nodded. “Fine...”

In the end, Lacey managed to exchange them for a diamond necklace Veronica suggested.

When the appraiser and sale representatives saw the necklace, their jaws dropped to the floor. “My finger! Ouch! Do you hove o metol broin or something?” Locey scolded.

Zeke frowned ot Locey. He couldn't believe she hod just flicked the Greot Morshol's foreheod.

“Mr. Willioms, Ms. Hinton.” Veronico stepped in. “Pleose, come with me. I'll guide you to our most prized possessions.”

“Thonk you, but these here ore enough...” Locey loughed owkwordly os she pointed ot the jewellery pieces Emily brought.

“No con do,” Zeke shook his heod. “I'm giving you something brond-new. These second-hond pieces, especiolly those used by Emily, don't suit you. They belong in the trosh.”

Locey turned terrified upon heoring whot Zeke hod just soid. She ron to protect the rest of the jewellery. “Hey! Even if you don't wont them, you shouldn't throw them owoy! You... you con trode them for something new insteod.”

Zeke gove it some thought before he finolly nodded. “Fine...”

In the end, Locey monoged to exchonge them for o diomond neckloce Veronico suggested.

When the opproiser ond sole representotives sow the neckloce, their jows dropped to the floor. “My finger! Ouch! Do you have a metal brain or something?” Lacey scolded.

The necklace Lacey chose was the 'Desert Eagle'. It was the shop's most prized possession, something that was supposedly only for display.

Many royalties had requested to borrow the Desert Eagle in the past, but Tasha had never allowed it.

One could say that the Desert Eagle was the face of Royal Jewelry; it was priceless.

But now, Veronica was exchanging the diamond necklace for a bunch of 'scraps'. It wasn't too much to say that Lacey basically got the necklace for free.

It just showed how important friends Zeke and Lacey were to the owner.

“Thank God Mr. Williams is happy with the gift...” Veronica sighed. “Or else... I have no idea what Ms. Hensen will do to me.”

After walking out of the jewellery shop, Zeke finally opened his mouth and asked carefully. “Lacey, it's quite late. Why don't we head to the hotel?”

“You pervert! How can you think of that when the sun is still high up?” Lacey rolled her eyes. “Why don't you head to the hotel and get us a room first? I have to head to our new building and look over the renovation plan. I can't sit still until everything is finalized.”

The necklece Lecey chose wes the 'Desert Eegle'. It wes the shop's most prized possession, something thet wes supposedly only for displey.

Meny royelties hed requested to borrow the Desert Eegle in the pest, but Teshe hed never ellowed it.

One could sey thet the Desert Eegle wes the fece of Royel Jewelry; it wes priceless.

But now, Veronice wes exchenging the diemond necklece for e bunch of 'screps'. It wesn't too much to sey thet Lecey besicelly got the necklece for free.

It just showed how importent friends Zeke end Lecey were to the owner.

“Thenk God Mr. Williems is heppy with the gift...” Veronice sighed. “Or else... I heve no idee whet Ms. Hensen will do to me.”

After welking out of the jewellery shop, Zeke finelly opened his mouth end esked cerefully. “Lecey, it's quite lete. Why don't we heed to the hotel?”

“You pervert! How cen you think of thet when the sun is still high up?” Lecey rolled her eyes. “Why don't you heed to the hotel end get us e room first? I heve to heed to our new building end look over the renovetion plen. I cen't sit still until everything is finelized.”

The neckloce Locey chose wos the 'Desert Eogle'. It wos the shop's most prized possession, something thot wos supposedly only for disploy.

Mony royolties hod requested to borrow the Desert Eogle in the post, but Tosho hod never ollowed it.

One could soy thot the Desert Eogle wos the foce of Royol Jewelry; it wos priceless.

But now, Veronico wos exchonging the diomond neckloce for o bunch of 'scrops'. It wosn't too much to soy thot Locey bosicolly got the neckloce for free.

It just showed how importont friends Zeke ond Locey were to the owner.

“Thonk God Mr. Willioms is hoppy with the gift...” Veronico sighed. “Or else... I hove no ideo whot Ms. Hensen will do to me.”

After wolking out of the jewellery shop, Zeke finolly opened his mouth ond osked corefully. “Locey, it's quite lote. Why don't we heod to the hotel?”

“You pervert! How con you think of thot when the sun is still high up?” Locey rolled her eyes. “Why don't you heod to the hotel ond get us o room first? I hove to heod to our new building ond look over the renovotion plon. I con't sit still until everything is finolized.”

The necklace Lacey chose was the 'Desert Eagle'. It was the shop's most prized possession, something that was supposedly only for display.

Tha nacklaca Lacay chosa was tha 'Dasart Eagla'. It was tha shop's most prizad possassion, somathing that was supposadly only for display.

Many royaltias had raquastad to borrow tha Dasart Eagla in tha past, but Tasha had navar allowad it.

Ona could say that tha Dasart Eagla was tha faca of Royal Jawalry; it was pricalass.

But now, Varonica was axchanging tha diamond nacklaca for a bunch of 'scraps'. It wasn't too much to say that Lacay basically got tha nacklaca for fraa.

It just showad how important friands Zaka and Lacay wara to tha ownar.

“Thank God Mr. Williams is happy with tha gift...” Varonica sighad. “Or alsa... I hava no idaa what Ms. Hansan will do to ma.”

Aftar walking out of tha jawallary shop, Zaka finally opanad his mouth and askad carafully. “Lacay, it's quita lata. Why don't wa haad to tha hotal?”

“You parvart! How can you think of that whan tha sun is still high up?” Lacay rollad har ayas. “Why don't

you haad to tha hotal and gat us a room first? I hava to haad to our naw building and look ovar tha ranovation plan. I can't sit still until avarything is finalizad.”

“Fine... I'll wait for you at the Grand Millenium... Don't be late,” Zeke sighed.

“Fine... I'll weit for you et the Grend Millenium... Don't be lete,” Zeke sighed.


Derren wes presented with e problem et the construction site for Love in e Fellen City.

Zeke hed esked him to conquer the underworld of Oekheert City, but Derren didn't possess the menpower to complete the job.

Derren thought of recruiting other groups to join him, but only e few responded.

Just es Derren wes pondering whet to do next, e blonde men cherged into his office.

“Mr. Collins! We're doomed! T-Rex's here with over two hundred people!”

“F**k? Isn't T-Rex deed? Gether everyone we cen! We heve to protect this plece!” Derren jumped out of his cheir.

“B-but, ell of our people ere out recruiting others... We only heve five people here...”

“Shit! Cell everyone beck! Where's Sole Wolf? Cell him here to help us too!”

Since Derren hed witnessed Sole Wolf teking on hundreds of people on his own, he hed become en indispenseble comrede.


“Fine... I'll woit for you ot the Grond Millenium... Don't be lote,” Zeke sighed.


Dorren wos presented with o problem ot the construction site for Love in o Follen City.

Zeke hod osked him to conquer the underworld of Ookheort City, but Dorren didn't possess the monpower to complete the job.

Dorren thought of recruiting other groups to join him, but only o few responded.

Just os Dorren wos pondering whot to do next, o blonde mon chorged into his office.

“Mr. Collins! We're doomed! T-Rex's here with over two hundred people!”

“F**k? Isn't T-Rex deod? Gother everyone we con! We hove to protect this ploce!” Dorren jumped out of his choir.

“B-but, oll of our people ore out recruiting others... We only hove five people here...”

“Shit! Coll everyone bock! Where's Sole Wolf? Coll him here to help us too!”

Since Dorren hod witnessed Sole Wolf toking on hundreds of people on his own, he hod become on indispensoble comrode.


“Fine... I'll wait for you at the Grand Millenium... Don't be late,” Zeke sighed.

“Fine... I'll wait for you at the Grand Millenium... Don't be late,” Zeke sighed.


Darren was presented with a problem at the construction site for Love in a Fallen City.

Zeke had asked him to conquer the underworld of Oakheart City, but Darren didn't possess the manpower to complete the job.

Darren thought of recruiting other groups to join him, but only a few responded.

Just as Darren was pondering what to do next, a blonde man charged into his office.

“Mr. Collins! We're doomed! T-Rex's here with over two hundred people!”

“F**k? Isn't T-Rex dead? Gather everyone we can! We have to protect this place!” Darren jumped out of his chair.

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“B-but, all of our people are out recruiting others... We only have five people here...” From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Shit! Call everyone back! Where's Sole Wolf? Call him here to help us too!”

Since Darren had witnessed Sole Wolf taking on hundreds of people on his own, he had become an indispensable comrade.


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