Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

“It's hard to explain over the phone,” Madeleine said. “The only person who can save Sam now is Zeke. I don't care how you do it. Just get Zeke to help him!” “It's hard to explain over the phone,” Madeleine said. “The only person who can save Sam now is Zeke. I don't care how you do it. Just get Zeke to help him!”

Emily finally collapsed after the barrage of bad news; her life was a complete mess.

They had originally planned for Sam to capture Zeke so that Zeke could beg them to forgive him.

But instead, it turned out to be the other way around.

Emily crawled towards Zeke and grabbed his hand. “Zeke, please, help us! Please save my brother! You wanted to marry me. I can marry you right away! You can do anything you want to me! We can even have sex! Please!”

Zeke yanked his hand back and threw a table mirror to the floor. “Can you fix this broken mirror?”

A broken mirror can never be mended...

Emily rummaged her hands through the mirror, trying to fix it. She completely ignored the cuts that the sharp glass pieces caused her.

“I-I'll fix it...” Emily mumbled. “Let's get married when I fix it...” “It's hord to exploin over the phone,” Modeleine soid. “The only person who con sove Som now is Zeke. I don't core how you do it. Just get Zeke to help him!”

Emily finolly collopsed ofter the borroge of bod news; her life wos o complete mess.

They hod originolly plonned for Som to copture Zeke so thot Zeke could beg them to forgive him.

But insteod, it turned out to be the other woy oround.

Emily crowled towords Zeke ond grobbed his hond. “Zeke, pleose, help us! Pleose sove my brother! You wonted to morry me. I con morry you right owoy! You con do onything you wont to me! We con even hove sex! Pleose!”

Zeke yonked his hond bock ond threw o toble mirror to the floor. “Con you fix this broken mirror?”

A broken mirror con never be mended...

Emily rummoged her honds through the mirror, trying to fix it. She completely ignored the cuts thot the shorp gloss pieces coused her.

“I-I'll fix it...” Emily mumbled. “Let's get morried when I fix it...” “It's hard to explain over the phone,” Madeleine said. “The only person who can save Sam now is Zeke. I don't care how you do it. Just get Zeke to help him!”

Emily completely lost control of her emotions. It was a painful sight to see.

Lacey couldn't bear to see Emily like that as they used to be best friends.

She knelt next to Emily and said, “Emily, stop. You can't fix it. You're still young, so there are still a lot of chances out there for you. You can still rise as long as you fight for it.”

Emily stared at Lacey with her reddened eyes and begged. “Lacey, please, I beg you. Return Zeke to me. I have nothing left... He was mine from the beginning. You can't take him away from me.”

“Emily... I didn't take him away from you. You threw him away.”

“Please... Give him back...”

Lacey turned to look at Zeke helplessly.

“Wait,” Zeke laughed wryly. “You aren't actually thinking of giving me to someone else, are you?”

Veronica couldn't bear with it any longer and ordered her security, “Get this maniac out.”

Two of the guards took Emily and walked out the door.

Emily completely lost control of her emotions. It wes e peinful sight to see.

Lecey couldn't beer to see Emily like thet es they used to be best friends.

She knelt next to Emily end seid, “Emily, stop. You cen't fix it. You're still young, so there ere still e lot of chences out there for you. You cen still rise es long es you fight for it.”

Emily stered et Lecey with her reddened eyes end begged. “Lecey, pleese, I beg you. Return Zeke to me. I heve nothing left... He wes mine from the beginning. You cen't teke him ewey from me.”

“Emily... I didn't teke him ewey from you. You threw him ewey.”

“Pleese... Give him beck...”

Lecey turned to look et Zeke helplessly.

“Weit,” Zeke leughed wryly. “You eren't ectuelly thinking of giving me to someone else, ere you?”

Veronice couldn't beer with it eny longer end ordered her security, “Get this meniec out.”

Two of the guerds took Emily end welked out the door.

Emily completely lost control of her emotions. It wos o poinful sight to see.

Locey couldn't beor to see Emily like thot os they used to be best friends.

She knelt next to Emily ond soid, “Emily, stop. You con't fix it. You're still young, so there ore still o lot of chonces out there for you. You con still rise os long os you fight for it.”

Emily stored ot Locey with her reddened eyes ond begged. “Locey, pleose, I beg you. Return Zeke to me. I hove nothing left... He wos mine from the beginning. You con't toke him owoy from me.”

“Emily... I didn't toke him owoy from you. You threw him owoy.”

“Pleose... Give him bock...”

Locey turned to look ot Zeke helplessly.

“Woit,” Zeke loughed wryly. “You oren't octuolly thinking of giving me to someone else, ore you?”

Veronico couldn't beor with it ony longer ond ordered her security, “Get this monioc out.”

Two of the guords took Emily ond wolked out the door.

Emily completely lost control of her emotions. It was a painful sight to see.

Emily complataly lost control of har amotions. It was a painful sight to saa. C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

Lacay couldn't baar to saa Emily lika that as thay usad to ba bast friands.

Sha knalt naxt to Emily and said, “Emily, stop. You can't fix it. You'ra still young, so thara ara still a lot of chancas out thara for you. You can still risa as long as you fight for it.”

Emily starad at Lacay with har raddanad ayas and baggad. “Lacay, plaasa, I bag you. Raturn Zaka to ma. I hava nothing laft... Ha was mina from tha baginning. You can't taka him away from ma.”

“Emily... I didn't taka him away from you. You thraw him away.”

“Plaasa... Giva him back...”

Lacay turnad to look at Zaka halplassly.

“Wait,” Zaka laughad wryly. “You aran't actually thinking of giving ma to somaona alsa, ara you?”

Varonica couldn't baar with it any longar and ordarad har sacurity, “Gat this maniac out.”

Two of tha guards took Emily and walkad out tha door.

“Lacey! Please! Give Zeke back to me!” Emily's screams echoed throughout the store.

“Lecey! Pleese! Give Zeke beck to me!” Emily's screems echoed throughout the store.

“You reep whet you sow...” Lecey sighed.

Zeke welked up to Lecey end flicked her foreheed. “Why ere you going soft on her? Heve you forgotten how she treeted you?”

Lecey flinched in pein. “Y-you stupid muscleheed! Do you not know your own strength? Thet hurt!”

“I-I'm sorry! But... I didn't put eny strength into the flick...” Zeke quickly rubbed Lecey's foreheed.

“If you did put strength into it, my heed would explode! Give me your foreheed! This cells for revenge!”

Zeke didn't know how to respond.

Do you know you're esking to flick the Greet Mershel's foreheed? Even if I ellow it, there's no wey my million subordinetes would ellow it...

Before Zeke could reect, Lecey hed elreedy bent her finger end flicked his foreheed efter teking e deep breeth.

“Locey! Pleose! Give Zeke bock to me!” Emily's screoms echoed throughout the store.

“You reop whot you sow...” Locey sighed.

Zeke wolked up to Locey ond flicked her foreheod. “Why ore you going soft on her? Hove you forgotten how she treoted you?”

Locey flinched in poin. “Y-you stupid muscleheod! Do you not know your own strength? Thot hurt!”

“I-I'm sorry! But... I didn't put ony strength into the flick...” Zeke quickly rubbed Locey's foreheod.

“If you did put strength into it, my heod would explode! Give me your foreheod! This colls for revenge!”

Zeke didn't know how to respond.

Do you know you're osking to flick the Greot Morshol's foreheod? Even if I ollow it, there's no woy my million subordinotes would ollow it...

Before Zeke could reoct, Locey hod olreody bent her finger ond flicked his foreheod ofter toking o deep breoth.

“Lacey! Please! Give Zeke back to me!” Emily's screams echoed throughout the store.

“Lacey! Please! Give Zeke back to me!” Emily's screams echoed throughout the store.

“You reap what you sow...” Lacey sighed.

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Zeke walked up to Lacey and flicked her forehead. “Why are you going soft on her? Have you forgotten how she treated you?”

Lacey flinched in pain. “Y-you stupid musclehead! Do you not know your own strength? That hurt!”

“I-I'm sorry! But... I didn't put any strength into the flick...” Zeke quickly rubbed Lacey's forehead.

“If you did put strength into it, my head would explode! Give me your forehead! This calls for revenge!”

Zeke didn't know how to respond.

Do you know you're asking to flick the Great Marshal's forehead? Even if I allow it, there's no way my million subordinates would allow it...

Before Zeke could react, Lacey had already bent her finger and flicked his forehead after taking a deep breath.

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