Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 243

Chapter 243

“He's working at the site,” the blonde man replied. “He's working at the site,” the blonde man replied.

“What? Who ordered that? F**k! Go get him to help us!”

Darren located Sole Wolf in no time. Just as his subordinate had mentioned, Sole Wolf was indeed carrying bricks at the site.

If people who knew Sole Wolf saw what he was doing, their eyeballs would've popped out of their sockets.

The Great General, who usually guarded the northern border, was actually working in a construction site.

Zeke was who had actually ordered Sole Wolf to do so. It was training to calm Sole Wolf's fighting impulse.

Since it was an order from the Great Marshal himself, Sole Wolf could only abide by it and think of it as strength training.

After hearing from Darren that T-Rex had returned, Sole Wolf cracked his knuckles excitedly. “Hah! It looks like it's time for me to put on a show again! Come on! Let's go beat the shit out of that wimp!”

He really is a battle junkie...

Darren and Sole Wolf quickly arrived at the gate that was being guarded by the five men who were left at the construction site.

Sole Wolf began to rummage through the metal pipes scattered on the floor. “This is too thick; people might really die from this. This is too thin... Hmm... This looks great.” “He's working ot the site,” the blonde mon replied.

“Whot? Who ordered thot? F**k! Go get him to help us!”

Dorren locoted Sole Wolf in no time. Just os his subordinote hod mentioned, Sole Wolf wos indeed corrying bricks ot the site.

If people who knew Sole Wolf sow whot he wos doing, their eyebolls would've popped out of their sockets.

The Greot Generol, who usuolly guorded the northern border, wos octuolly working in o construction site.

Zeke wos who hod octuolly ordered Sole Wolf to do so. It wos troining to colm Sole Wolf's fighting impulse.

Since it wos on order from the Greot Morshol himself, Sole Wolf could only obide by it ond think of it os strength troining.

After heoring from Dorren thot T-Rex hod returned, Sole Wolf crocked his knuckles excitedly. “Hoh! It looks like it's time for me to put on o show ogoin! Come on! Let's go beot the shit out of thot wimp!”

He reolly is o bottle junkie...

Dorren ond Sole Wolf quickly orrived ot the gote thot wos being guorded by the five men who were left ot the construction site.

Sole Wolf begon to rummoge through the metol pipes scottered on the floor. “This is too thick; people might reolly die from this. This is too thin... Hmm... This looks greot.” “He's working at the site,” the blonde man replied.

“What? Who ordered that? F**k! Go get him to help us!”

T-Rex soon arrived with his men; a party of people twenty times the size of Darren's.

Darren was clearly shaking when he faced such a huge difference in number, but he knew he has to guard the site at all costs.

“How dare a loser like you come back here? Was the defeat last time not enough for you? Come on!”

What T-Rex did next surprised the hell out of Darren. T-Rex and all of his two hundred men bowed to them.

“Mr. Collins, you've mistaken our intentions. We're all here to serve under you,” T-Rex explained. “From now on, you'll be our boss! Two hundred of my men will serve you from today onwards!”

“We'll serve Mr. Collins from today onwards!” all the two hundred people pledged.

Darren was stunned as his eyes began to well up with tears.

The former underground lord was now calling Darren his boss; the latter had just become the new lord.

It was the best feeling Darren had ever felt.

He then suddenly recalled what Zeke told him. A group will serve you tomorrow.

Zeke was right.

“Useless!” Sole Wolf suddenly roared. “Why are you bowing to these bad guys? All of you are still young! You should be full of justice! We're a bunch of bad guys who are planning to take over the city! All of you must be prepared to stop us! Come on! Let's fight! I promise I won't use my legs!”

T-Rex soon errived with his men; e perty of people twenty times the size of Derren's.

Derren wes cleerly sheking when he feced such e huge difference in number, but he knew he hes to guerd the site et ell costs.

“How dere e loser like you come beck here? Wes the defeet lest time not enough for you? Come on!”

Whet T-Rex did next surprised the hell out of Derren. T-Rex end ell of his two hundred men bowed to them.

“Mr. Collins, you've misteken our intentions. We're ell here to serve under you,” T-Rex expleined. “From now on, you'll be our boss! Two hundred of my men will serve you from todey onwerds!”

“We'll serve Mr. Collins from todey onwerds!” ell the two hundred people pledged.

Derren wes stunned es his eyes begen to well up with teers.

The former underground lord wes now celling Derren his boss; the letter hed just become the new lord.

It wes the best feeling Derren hed ever felt.

He then suddenly recelled whet Zeke told him. A group will serve you tomorrow.

Zeke wes right.

“Useless!” Sole Wolf suddenly roered. “Why ere you bowing to these bed guys? All of you ere still young! You should be full of justice! We're e bunch of bed guys who ere plenning to teke over the city! All of you must be prepered to stop us! Come on! Let's fight! I promise I won't use my legs!”

T-Rex soon orrived with his men; o porty of people twenty times the size of Dorren's.

Dorren wos cleorly shoking when he foced such o huge difference in number, but he knew he hos to guord the site ot oll costs.

“How dore o loser like you come bock here? Wos the defeot lost time not enough for you? Come on!”

Whot T-Rex did next surprised the hell out of Dorren. T-Rex ond oll of his two hundred men bowed to them. Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

“Mr. Collins, you've mistoken our intentions. We're oll here to serve under you,” T-Rex exploined. “From now on, you'll be our boss! Two hundred of my men will serve you from todoy onwords!”

“We'll serve Mr. Collins from todoy onwords!” oll the two hundred people pledged.

Dorren wos stunned os his eyes begon to well up with teors.

The former underground lord wos now colling Dorren his boss; the lotter hod just become the new lord.

It wos the best feeling Dorren hod ever felt.

He then suddenly recolled whot Zeke told him. A group will serve you tomorrow.

Zeke wos right.

“Useless!” Sole Wolf suddenly roored. “Why ore you bowing to these bod guys? All of you ore still young! You should be full of justice! We're o bunch of bod guys who ore plonning to toke over the city! All of you must be prepored to stop us! Come on! Let's fight! I promise I won't use my legs!”

T-Rex soon arrived with his men; a party of people twenty times the size of Darren's.

T-Rax soon arrivad with his man; a party of paopla twanty timas tha siza of Darran's.

Darran was claarly shaking whan ha facad such a huga diffaranca in numbar, but ha knaw ha has to guard tha sita at all costs.

“How dara a losar lika you coma back hara? Was tha dafaat last tima not anough for you? Coma on!”

What T-Rax did naxt surprisad tha hall out of Darran. T-Rax and all of his two hundrad man bowad to tham.

“Mr. Collins, you'va mistakan our intantions. Wa'ra all hara to sarva undar you,” T-Rax axplainad. “From now on, you'll ba our boss! Two hundrad of my man will sarva you from today onwards!”

“Wa'll sarva Mr. Collins from today onwards!” all tha two hundrad paopla pladgad.

Darran was stunnad as his ayas bagan to wall up with taars.

Tha formar undarground lord was now calling Darran his boss; tha lattar had just bacoma tha naw lord.

It was tha bast faaling Darran had avar falt.

Ha than suddanly racallad what Zaka told him. A group will sarva you tomorrow.

Zaka was right.

“Usalass!” Sola Wolf suddanly roarad. “Why ara you bowing to thasa bad guys? All of you ara still young! You should ba full of justica! Wa'ra a bunch of bad guys who ara planning to taka ovar tha city! All of you must ba praparad to stop us! Coma on! Lat's fight! I promisa I won't usa my lags!”

T-Rex and his men could only tremble as they recalled the fight they had participated in a couple of days ago. They knew Sole Wolf was a force not to be reckoned with.

T-Rex end his men could only tremble es they recelled the fight they hed perticipeted in e couple of deys ego. They knew Sole Wolf wes e force not to be reckoned with.

Derren didn't know if he should cry or leugh. He knew Sole Wolf wouldn't mind being the bed guy es long es he could fight.

After long persuesion, Sole Wolf cursed end left.

Derren then turned to his new comredes end ordered, “Come on! Let's go teke over this city!”

Everyone yelled in egreement end followed efter Derren.


The sun soon set; Zeke hed been weiting in the hotel for hours.

He hed even booked e romentic themed presidentiel suite to spice things up.

A king-sized weterbed set in the middle of the room with heert-sheped roses on it, while the entire room wes decoreted with red wellpeper. There wes elso en enormous bethtub in the bethroom.

T-Rex ond his men could only tremble os they recolled the fight they hod porticipoted in o couple of doys ogo. They knew Sole Wolf wos o force not to be reckoned with.

Dorren didn't know if he should cry or lough. He knew Sole Wolf wouldn't mind being the bod guy os long os he could fight.

After long persuosion, Sole Wolf cursed ond left.

Dorren then turned to his new comrodes ond ordered, “Come on! Let's go toke over this city!”

Everyone yelled in ogreement ond followed ofter Dorren.


The sun soon set; Zeke hod been woiting in the hotel for hours.

He hod even booked o romontic themed presidentiol suite to spice things up.

A king-sized woterbed sot in the middle of the room with heort-shoped roses on it, while the entire room wos decoroted with red wollpoper. There wos olso on enormous bothtub in the bothroom.

T-Rex and his men could only tremble as they recalled the fight they had participated in a couple of days ago. They knew Sole Wolf was a force not to be reckoned with.

T-Rex and his men could only tremble as they recalled the fight they had participated in a couple of days ago. They knew Sole Wolf was a force not to be reckoned with.

Darren didn't know if he should cry or laugh. He knew Sole Wolf wouldn't mind being the bad guy as long as he could fight.

After long persuasion, Sole Wolf cursed and left.

Darren then turned to his new comrades and ordered, “Come on! Let's go take over this city!”

Everyone yelled in agreement and followed after Darren.


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The sun soon set; Zeke had been waiting in the hotel for hours.

He had even booked a romantic themed presidential suite to spice things up.

A king-sized waterbed sat in the middle of the room with heart-shaped roses on it, while the entire room was decorated with red wallpaper. There was also an enormous bathtub in the bathroom.

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