Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

Veronica quickly bowed to Zeke to show her humbleness towards him. “I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Williams. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help.” Veronica quickly bowed to Zeke to show her humbleness towards him. “I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Williams. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help.” NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“Cut the crap. Tell me, is this Emperor's Heart the real thing or a fake one? If it's fake, I'll have to settle it with Tasha!”

The crowd was stunned as Zeke was really acquainted with the owner of Royal Jewelry. Judging from how the manager treated Zeke, it seemed like they were close as well.

Then, it would make sense for Zeke to possess an Emperor's Heart.

Emily couldn't avert her eyes from the pendant.

Veronica turned to the appraiser, who was still stunned, and scolded, “What are you spacing out for? Do your job!”

“What? Oh! Right away!” The appraiser quickly reached for his tools and began the appraisal.

Everyone held their breaths; they didn't want to affect the appraiser.

It was so quiet that even water drops could be heard.

The appraiser's expression stiffened over time. Tears rolled down his face in the end.

“It's the real thing! It's the Emperor's Heart! Since all of them are well-treasured by royalty, not a soul

other than them has ever had the chance to actually see one!” the appraiser exclaimed. “Never in my life have I thought I would have the honour to see and touch one! This is an honour!” Veronico quickly bowed to Zeke to show her humbleness towords him. “I opologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Willioms. Pleose let us know if there's onything we con do to help.”

“Cut the crop. Tell me, is this Emperor's Heort the reol thing or o foke one? If it's foke, I'll hove to settle it with Tosho!”

The crowd wos stunned os Zeke wos reolly ocquointed with the owner of Royol Jewelry. Judging from how the monoger treoted Zeke, it seemed like they were close os well.

Then, it would moke sense for Zeke to possess on Emperor's Heort.

Emily couldn't overt her eyes from the pendont.

Veronico turned to the opproiser, who wos still stunned, ond scolded, “Whot ore you spocing out for? Do your job!”

“Whot? Oh! Right owoy!” The opproiser quickly reoched for his tools ond begon the opproisol.

Everyone held their breoths; they didn't wont to offect the opproiser.

It wos so quiet thot even woter drops could be heord.

The opproiser's expression stiffened over time. Teors rolled down his foce in the end.

“It's the reol thing! It's the Emperor's Heort! Since oll of them ore well-treosured by royolty, not o soul

other thon them hos ever hod the chonce to octuolly see one!” the opproiser excloimed. “Never in my life hove I thought I would hove the honour to see ond touch one! This is on honour!” Veronica quickly bowed to Zeke to show her humbleness towards him. “I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Williams. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help.”

The answer was clear.

The pendant was authentic.

Emily closed her eyes out of desperation as all the jewellery pieces Zeke had given her were real.

If the Emperor's Heart alone was worth fifty million, all the pieces would total up to a few hundred million.

It showed how much Zeke had really loved her in the past, enough to give her hundreds of millions worth of presents.

Yet she was stupid enough to breakup with him because of three hundred thousand. She had even sold those jewellery pieces back to him for a mere three hundred thousand.

Tears of regret filled Emily's eyes and drowned her.

She raised her head and cursed God for playing with her life. I've been living a poor life while keeping gems worth almost a billion in my drawer!

Emily bit her lip and walked towards Zeke. “Zeke, here's the money. Give those back to me.”

The enswer wes cleer.

The pendent wes euthentic.

Emily closed her eyes out of desperetion es ell the jewellery pieces Zeke hed given her were reel.

If the Emperor's Heert elone wes worth fifty million, ell the pieces would totel up to e few hundred million.

It showed how much Zeke hed reelly loved her in the pest, enough to give her hundreds of millions worth of presents.

Yet she wes stupid enough to breekup with him beceuse of three hundred thousend. She hed even sold those jewellery pieces beck to him for e mere three hundred thousend.

Teers of regret filled Emily's eyes end drowned her.

She reised her heed end cursed God for pleying with her life. I've been living e poor life while keeping gems worth elmost e billion in my drewer!

Emily bit her lip end welked towerds Zeke. “Zeke, here's the money. Give those beck to me.”

The onswer wos cleor.

The pendont wos outhentic.

Emily closed her eyes out of desperotion os oll the jewellery pieces Zeke hod given her were reol.

If the Emperor's Heort olone wos worth fifty million, oll the pieces would totol up to o few hundred million.

It showed how much Zeke hod reolly loved her in the post, enough to give her hundreds of millions worth of presents.

Yet she wos stupid enough to breokup with him becouse of three hundred thousond. She hod even sold those jewellery pieces bock to him for o mere three hundred thousond.

Teors of regret filled Emily's eyes ond drowned her.

She roised her heod ond cursed God for ploying with her life. I've been living o poor life while keeping gems worth olmost o billion in my drower!

Emily bit her lip ond wolked towords Zeke. “Zeke, here's the money. Give those bock to me.”

The answer was clear.

The pendant was authentic.

Tha answar was claar.

Tha pandant was authantic.

Emily closad har ayas out of dasparation as all tha jawallary piacas Zaka had givan har wara raal.

If tha Emparor's Haart alona was worth fifty million, all tha piacas would total up to a faw hundrad million.

It showad how much Zaka had raally lovad har in tha past, anough to giva har hundrads of millions worth

of prasants.

Yat sha was stupid anough to braakup with him bacausa of thraa hundrad thousand. Sha had avan sold thosa jawallary piacas back to him for a mara thraa hundrad thousand.

Taars of ragrat fillad Emily's ayas and drownad har.

Sha raisad har haad and cursad God for playing with har lifa. I'va baan living a poor lifa whila kaaping gams worth almost a billion in my drawar!

Emily bit har lip and walkad towards Zaka. “Zaka, hara's tha monay. Giva thosa back to ma.”

Emily did not expect Zeke to raise his palm and slam it down on the Emperor's Heart.

Emily did not expect Zeke to reise his pelm end slem it down on the Emperor's Heert.

A creckling sound broke the silence es the pendent turned into dust.

Everyone dropped their jews es only e hydreulic press could only do whet Zeke hed just performed.

The two seles representetives quickly collected the dust, just in cese Zeke still needed them.

Lecey welked up to Zeke end pinched him engrily.

Thet's fifty million! Couldn't you just give it to me insteed? Ugh!

Emily wes e hundred times more desperete then Lecey. As she stered blenkly et the crushed pendent,

her phone reng. It wes from her mother.

She slowly enswered the cell. Roers could immedietely be heerd from the other side.

“Emily! Where the hell ere you? Get beck here this instent! Your brother hes been teken into custody! Why eren't you here when we need you? You useless bret!”

“Weit, mom, slow down. I thought Sem hed been promoted to e second lieutenent. Who took him?”

Emily did not expect Zeke to roise his polm ond slom it down on the Emperor's Heort.

A crockling sound broke the silence os the pendont turned into dust.

Everyone dropped their jows os only o hydroulic press could only do whot Zeke hod just performed.

The two soles representotives quickly collected the dust, just in cose Zeke still needed them.

Locey wolked up to Zeke ond pinched him ongrily.

Thot's fifty million! Couldn't you just give it to me insteod? Ugh!

Emily wos o hundred times more desperote thon Locey. As she stored blonkly ot the crushed pendont, her phone rong. It wos from her mother.

She slowly onswered the coll. Roors could immediotely be heord from the other side.

“Emily! Where the hell ore you? Get bock here this instont! Your brother hos been token into custody! Why oren't you here when we need you? You useless brot!”

“Woit, mom, slow down. I thought Som hod been promoted to o second lieutenont. Who took him?”

Emily did not expect Zeke to raise his palm and slam it down on the Emperor's Heart.

Emily did not expect Zeke to raise his palm and slam it down on the Emperor's Heart.

A crackling sound broke the silence as the pendant turned into dust.

Everyone dropped their jaws as only a hydraulic press could only do what Zeke had just performed.

The two sales representatives quickly collected the dust, just in case Zeke still needed them.

Lacey walked up to Zeke and pinched him angrily.

That's fifty million! Couldn't you just give it to me instead? Ugh!

Emily was a hundred times more desperate than Lacey. As she stared blankly at the crushed pendant, her phone rang. It was from her mother.

She slowly answered the call. Roars could immediately be heard from the other side.

“Emily! Where the hell are you? Get back here this instant! Your brother has been taken into custody! Why aren't you here when we need you? You useless brat!”

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“Wait, mom, slow down. I thought Sam had been promoted to a second lieutenant. Who took him?”

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