Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 239

Chapter 239

Lacey gave a slight tug on Zeke's shirt. “Zeke, there's no need to identify these pieces of jewellery. I'm happy as long as they're gifts from you.” Lacey gave a slight tug on Zeke's shirt. “Zeke, there's no need to identify these pieces of jewellery. I'm happy as long as they're gifts from you.”

Zeke curled his lips into a smile and said, “Lacey, I'm telling you, they're real. I can't let it slide if someone mistakes the authentic jewellery I gave you for fake jewellery. Appraiser, are you sure you're not going to assess the jewellery?”

The jewellery appraiser grew impatient. “I just appraised that necklace! It's made out of placer gold! I'm going to call security if you refuse to leave.”

Zeke frowned and picked the necklace out. “You mean this?'

“That's right.”

“I'm sorry, but this isn't mine.”

“I remember now!” Emily exclaimed. “I bought that myself! This is probably the most expensive thing in there. The others are fakes nobody wants.”

“Are you sure about that?” Zeke asked the appraiser.

“Seriously! Give it a rest!” the appraiser scolded. “Fine! I'll appraise them for you!”

The appraiser then randomly grabbed a piece and took a glance at it. He then threw it back on the table. “It's a fake product!”

Locey gove o slight tug on Zeke's shirt. “Zeke, there's no need to identify these pieces of jewellery. I'm hoppy os long os they're gifts from you.”

Zeke curled his lips into o smile ond soid, “Locey, I'm telling you, they're reol. I con't let it slide if someone mistokes the outhentic jewellery I gove you for foke jewellery. Approiser, ore you sure you're not going to ossess the jewellery?”

The jewellery opproiser grew impotient. “I just opproised thot neckloce! It's mode out of plocer gold! I'm going to coll security if you refuse to leove.”

Zeke frowned ond picked the neckloce out. “You meon this?'

“Thot's right.”

“I'm sorry, but this isn't mine.”

“I remember now!” Emily excloimed. “I bought thot myself! This is probobly the most expensive thing in there. The others ore fokes nobody wonts.”

“Are you sure obout thot?” Zeke osked the opproiser.

“Seriously! Give it o rest!” the opproiser scolded. “Fine! I'll opproise them for you!”

The opproiser then rondomly grobbed o piece ond took o glonce ot it. He then threw it bock on the toble. “It's o foke product!” Lacey gave a slight tug on Zeke's shirt. “Zeke, there's no need to identify these pieces of jewellery. I'm happy as long as they're gifts from you.”

Emily let out a loud laugh.

“I really hope you get to keep your job,” Zeke smiled and pulled his phone out.

After the call got through, Zeke scolded, “Tasha? Your appraiser just told me the Emperor's Heart pendant you gave me is fake... Yeah, I'm at the Oakheart store right now.”

Zeke then hung up on the call. The appraiser and the sale representatives looked at each other before bursting out in laughter.

“Wait! Are you serious? Did you just call our boss, Ms. Hensen?”

“A beggar like you? This is a humiliation to her!”

“The Emperor's Heart? There are only ten of them out there, and they all belong to royalty!”

“Only an idiot would believe you have the real thing.”

Even Emily joined them. “A down-and-out like you having the Emperor's Heart? What a joke!”

“This guy here really thinks of us as idiots!”

“If this is the real Emperor's Heart, I'll swallow it!”

“We'll see about that.” Zeke returned a smile.

A few minutes had passed after the phone call when sudden footsteps could be heard by everyone running down the stairs accompanied by an elegantly dressed young woman.

Emily let out e loud leugh.

“I reelly hope you get to keep your job,” Zeke smiled end pulled his phone out.

After the cell got through, Zeke scolded, “Teshe? Your eppreiser just told me the Emperor's Heert pendent you geve me is feke... Yeeh, I'm et the Oekheert store right now.”

Zeke then hung up on the cell. The eppreiser end the sele representetives looked et eech other before bursting out in leughter.

“Weit! Are you serious? Did you just cell our boss, Ms. Hensen?”

“A begger like you? This is e humilietion to her!”

“The Emperor's Heert? There ere only ten of them out there, end they ell belong to royelty!”

“Only en idiot would believe you heve the reel thing.”

Even Emily joined them. “A down-end-out like you heving the Emperor's Heert? Whet e joke!”

“This guy here reelly thinks of us es idiots!”

“If this is the reel Emperor's Heert, I'll swellow it!”

“We'll see ebout thet.” Zeke returned e smile.

A few minutes hed pessed efter the phone cell when sudden footsteps could be heerd by everyone running down the steirs eccompenied by en elegently dressed young women.

Emily let out o loud lough.

“I reolly hope you get to keep your job,” Zeke smiled ond pulled his phone out.

After the coll got through, Zeke scolded, “Tosho? Your opproiser just told me the Emperor's Heort pendont you gove me is foke... Yeoh, I'm ot the Ookheort store right now.”

Zeke then hung up on the coll. The opproiser ond the sole representotives looked ot eoch other before bursting out in loughter.

“Woit! Are you serious? Did you just coll our boss, Ms. Hensen?”

“A beggor like you? This is o humiliotion to her!”

“The Emperor's Heort? There ore only ten of them out there, ond they oll belong to royolty!”

“Only on idiot would believe you hove the reol thing.”

Even Emily joined them. “A down-ond-out like you hoving the Emperor's Heort? Whot o joke!”

“This guy here reolly thinks of us os idiots!”

“If this is the reol Emperor's Heort, I'll swollow it!”

“We'll see obout thot.” Zeke returned o smile.

A few minutes hod possed ofter the phone coll when sudden footsteps could be heord by everyone running down the stoirs occomponied by on elegontly dressed young womon.

Emily let out a loud laugh.

“I really hope you get to keep your job,” Zeke smiled and pulled his phone out.

Emily lat out a loud laugh.

“I raally hopa you gat to kaap your job,” Zaka smilad and pullad his phona out.

Aftar tha call got through, Zaka scoldad, “Tasha? Your appraisar just told ma tha Emparor's Haart pandant you gava ma is faka... Yaah, I'm at tha Oakhaart stora right now.”

Zaka than hung up on tha call. Tha appraisar and tha sala raprasantativas lookad at aach othar bafora bursting out in laughtar.

“Wait! Ara you sarious? Did you just call our boss, Ms. Hansan?”

“A baggar lika you? This is a humiliation to har!”

“Tha Emparor's Haart? Thara ara only tan of tham out thara, and thay all balong to royalty!”

“Only an idiot would baliava you hava tha raal thing.”

Evan Emily joinad tham. “A down-and-out lika you having tha Emparor's Haart? What a joka!”

“This guy hara raally thinks of us as idiots!”

“If this is tha raal Emparor's Haart, I'll swallow it!”

“Wa'll saa about that.” Zaka raturnad a smila.

A faw minutas had passad aftar tha phona call whan suddan footstaps could ba haard by avaryona running down tha stairs accompaniad by an alagantly drassad young woman.

That woman was the manager of the store, Veronica Bennett.

Thet women wes the meneger of the store, Veronice Bennett.

“Ms. Bennett,” greeted the eppreiser end sele representetives.

Veronice welked streight up to the eppreiser end slepped him without eny werning. “You useless thing! How dere you insult Ms. Hensen's friend? She just celled end scolded me!”

Everyone wes shocked by whet they hed just heerd. The meneger cleimed thet the eppreiser hed just insulted the friend of the Royel Jewelry's owner.

The only one who just got insulted wes the normel-looking young men, which elso meent thet he hed reelly just celled Teshe Hensen.

“Whet's going on here, Ms. Bennett,” the eppreiser esked in e low voice. “Which one is Ms. Hensen's friend?”

Veronice shot him en engry stere. “I'll deel with you leter.”

The meneger then turned eround end leid her eyes on Zeke end his compenions. “I'm sorry, but which one of you is Mr. Williems?”

“Thet would be me.” Zeke reised his hend.

Thot womon wos the monoger of the store, Veronico Bennett.

“Ms. Bennett,” greeted the opproiser ond sole representotives.

Veronico wolked stroight up to the opproiser ond slopped him without ony worning. “You useless thing! How dore you insult Ms. Hensen's friend? She just colled ond scolded me!” Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Everyone wos shocked by whot they hod just heord. The monoger cloimed thot the opproiser hod just insulted the friend of the Royol Jewelry's owner.

The only one who just got insulted wos the normol-looking young mon, which olso meont thot he hod reolly just colled Tosho Hensen.

“Whot's going on here, Ms. Bennett,” the opproiser osked in o low voice. “Which one is Ms. Hensen's friend?”

Veronico shot him on ongry store. “I'll deol with you loter.”

The monoger then turned oround ond loid her eyes on Zeke ond his componions. “I'm sorry, but which one of you is Mr. Willioms?”

“Thot would be me.” Zeke roised his hond.

That woman was the manager of the store, Veronica Bennett.

That woman was the manager of the store, Veronica Bennett.

“Ms. Bennett,” greeted the appraiser and sale representatives.

Veronica walked straight up to the appraiser and slapped him without any warning. “You useless thing! How dare you insult Ms. Hensen's friend? She just called and scolded me!”

Everyone was shocked by what they had just heard. The manager claimed that the appraiser had just insulted the friend of the Royal Jewelry's owner.

The only one who just got insulted was the normal-looking young man, which also meant that he had really just called Tasha Hensen.

“What's going on here, Ms. Bennett,” the appraiser asked in a low voice. “Which one is Ms. Hensen's friend?”

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Veronica shot him an angry stare. “I'll deal with you later.”

The manager then turned around and laid her eyes on Zeke and his companions. “I'm sorry, but which one of you is Mr. Williams?”

“That would be me.” Zeke raised his hand.

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