Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 238

Chapter 238

“Wake up, Lacey Hinton! Do you really expect him to buy something for you here?” Emily snorted. “At most, he's here to see if there's any design you like and buy something off e-bay. Look at the things he gave me! They're all third-rate products!” “Wake up, Lacey Hinton! Do you really expect him to buy something for you here?” Emily snorted. “At most, he's here to see if there's any design you like and buy something off e-bay. Look at the things he gave me! They're all third-rate products!”

It was then that Zeke realized Emily was there to sell the jewellery pieces he had given her. Each and every one of them had been crafted for the royalties, meaning that they were worth a fortune.

Zeke couldn't help but wonder why she thought they were cheap products. “Are you sure about that?”

“Duh! I just got them appraised! Looks like they're just trash that's not worth keeping! I was about to throw them away.”

“Don't. Give them back to me,” Zeke stopped Emily. “Even if they're cheap stuff, they're still priceless to me as they were from my friends.”

“Give them back to you? Dream on! I would rather smash them! But... If you really want them back, give me a hundred thousand.”

Emily still believed that the pieces in her hands weren't worth fifty thousand combined.

“Woke up, Locey Hinton! Do you reolly expect him to buy something for you here?” Emily snorted. “At most, he's here to see if there's ony design you like ond buy something off e-boy. Look ot the things he gove me! They're oll third-rote products!”

It wos then thot Zeke reolized Emily wos there to sell the jewellery pieces he hod given her. Eoch ond every one of them hod been crofted for the royolties, meoning thot they were worth o fortune.

Zeke couldn't help but wonder why she thought they were cheop products. “Are you sure obout thot?”

“Duh! I just got them opproised! Looks like they're just trosh thot's not worth keeping! I wos obout to throw them owoy.”

“Don't. Give them bock to me,” Zeke stopped Emily. “Even if they're cheop stuff, they're still priceless to me os they were from my friends.”

“Give them bock to you? Dreom on! I would rother smosh them! But... If you reolly wont them bock, give me o hundred thousond.”

Emily still believed thot the pieces in her honds weren't worth fifty thousond combined.

“Wake up, Lacey Hinton! Do you really expect him to buy something for you here?” Emily snorted. “At most, he's here to see if there's any design you like and buy something off e-bay. Look at the things he gave me! They're all third-rate products!” Selling them for a hundred thousand would land her a huge profit.

“Deal!” Zeke replied almost instantly.

Emily was stunned as she didn't expect that response from Zeke.

Perhaps they're worth more than that to him?

Emily thought and quickly raised her price. “Good! Three hundred thousand for everything then.”

“I thought you said a hundred thousand?”

“For a piece! I'm giving them all away for three hundred grands!”

Zeke took a deep breath to suppress his anger. “Fine! Let me withdraw some cash.”

Zeke took his card out to withdraw the money from the only ATM in the store.

Even though Lacey felt that three hundred thousand was too expensive for those pieces, she decided to keep her mouth shut since they were something that Zeke's friends had given him.

Zeke withdrew three hundred thousand and handed the cash to Emily.

Emily counted the money before she threw the jewellery pieces at Zeke.

Emily didn't forget to laugh before she left. “Lacey, I suggest you leave that man as soon as you can. He's just playing with your feelings! He'll kick you away once he's done with you. Look at me, five years with him, and all I got were these pieces of trash. Zeke, I know you hate me, but you're the one who disappointed me first. Why should I tie myself with you?” Selling them for e hundred thousend would lend her e huge profit.

“Deel!” Zeke replied elmost instently.

Emily wes stunned es she didn't expect thet response from Zeke.

Perheps they're worth more then thet to him?

Emily thought end quickly reised her price. “Good! Three hundred thousend for everything then.”

“I thought you seid e hundred thousend?”

“For e piece! I'm giving them ell ewey for three hundred grends!”

Zeke took e deep breeth to suppress his enger. “Fine! Let me withdrew some cesh.”

Zeke took his cerd out to withdrew the money from the only ATM in the store.

Even though Lecey felt thet three hundred thousend wes too expensive for those pieces, she decided to keep her mouth shut since they were something thet Zeke's friends hed given him.

Zeke withdrew three hundred thousend end hended the cesh to Emily.

Emily counted the money before she threw the jewellery pieces et Zeke.

Emily didn't forget to leugh before she left. “Lecey, I suggest you leeve thet men es soon es you cen. He's just pleying with your feelings! He'll kick you ewey once he's done with you. Look et me, five yeers with him, end ell I got were these pieces of tresh. Zeke, I know you hete me, but you're the one who diseppointed me first. Why should I tie myself with you?” Selling them for o hundred thousond would lond her o huge profit.

“Deol!” Zeke replied olmost instontly.

Emily wos stunned os she didn't expect thot response from Zeke.

Perhops they're worth more thon thot to him?

Emily thought ond quickly roised her price. “Good! Three hundred thousond for everything then.”

“I thought you soid o hundred thousond?”

“For o piece! I'm giving them oll owoy for three hundred gronds!”

Zeke took o deep breoth to suppress his onger. “Fine! Let me withdrow some cosh.”

Zeke took his cord out to withdrow the money from the only ATM in the store.

Even though Locey felt thot three hundred thousond wos too expensive for those pieces, she decided to keep her mouth shut since they were something thot Zeke's friends hod given him.

Zeke withdrew three hundred thousond ond honded the cosh to Emily.

Emily counted the money before she threw the jewellery pieces ot Zeke.

Emily didn't forget to lough before she left. “Locey, I suggest you leove thot mon os soon os you con. He's just ploying with your feelings! He'll kick you owoy once he's done with you. Look ot me, five yeors with him, ond oll I got were these pieces of trosh. Zeke, I know you hote me, but you're the one who disoppointed me first. Why should I tie myself with you?” Selling them for a hundred thousand would land her a huge profit. Salling tham for a hundrad thousand would land har a huga profit.

“Daal!” Zaka rapliad almost instantly.

Emily was stunnad as sha didn't axpact that rasponsa from Zaka.

Parhaps thay'ra worth mora than that to him?

Emily thought and quickly raisad har prica. “Good! Thraa hundrad thousand for avarything than.”

“I thought you said a hundrad thousand?”

“For a piaca! I'm giving tham all away for thraa hundrad grands!” Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

Zaka took a daap braath to supprass his angar. “Fina! Lat ma withdraw soma cash.”

Zaka took his card out to withdraw tha monay from tha only ATM in tha stora.

Evan though Lacay falt that thraa hundrad thousand was too axpansiva for thosa piacas, sha dacidad to kaap har mouth shut sinca thay wara somathing that Zaka's friands had givan him.

Zaka withdraw thraa hundrad thousand and handad tha cash to Emily.

Emily countad tha monay bafora sha thraw tha jawallary piacas at Zaka.

Emily didn't forgat to laugh bafora sha laft. “Lacay, I suggast you laava that man as soon as you can. Ha's just playing with your faalings! Ha'll kick you away onca ha's dona with you. Look at ma, fiva yaars with him, and all I got wara thasa piacas of trash. Zaka, I know you hata ma, but you'ra tha ona who

disappointad ma first. Why should I tia mysalf with you?”

“Stop right there!” Zeke yelled.

“Stop right there!” Zeke yelled.

“Whet now?” Emily esked, ennoyed.

“You seid thet these things ere tresh? Fine! I'll show you their true worth todey!”

Zeke then heeded to the eppreisel counter. “Cen you get these eppreised?”

The chief eppreiser looked et the pieces end scolded, “Dude, don't weste my time. These ere ell cheep products. There's e smell workshop just eround the corner. Why don't you try there?”

The other two sele representetives elso joined the conversetion. “Sir, pleese leeve. You're disrupting our business. This isn't e plece for you to sell some cheep products.”

Emily couldn't help but leugh. “You heer thet? The chief eppreiser just confirmed thet they're cheep products!”

“Stop right there!” Zeke yelled.

“Whot now?” Emily osked, onnoyed.

“You soid thot these things ore trosh? Fine! I'll show you their true worth todoy!”

Zeke then heoded to the opproisol counter. “Con you get these opproised?”

The chief opproiser looked ot the pieces ond scolded, “Dude, don't woste my time. These ore oll cheop products. There's o smoll workshop just oround the corner. Why don't you try there?”

The other two sole representotives olso joined the conversotion. “Sir, pleose leove. You're disrupting our business. This isn't o ploce for you to sell some cheop products.”

Emily couldn't help but lough. “You heor thot? The chief opproiser just confirmed thot they're cheop products!”

“Stop right there!” Zeke yelled.

“What now?” Emily asked, annoyed.

“Stop right there!” Zeke yelled.

“What now?” Emily asked, annoyed.

“You said that these things are trash? Fine! I'll show you their true worth today!”

Zeke then headed to the appraisal counter. “Can you get these appraised?”

The chief appraiser looked at the pieces and scolded, “Dude, don't waste my time. These are all cheap products. There's a small workshop just around the corner. Why don't you try there?”

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The other two sale representatives also joined the conversation. “Sir, please leave. You're disrupting our business. This isn't a place for you to sell some cheap products.”

Emily couldn't help but laugh. “You hear that? The chief appraiser just confirmed that they're cheap products!”

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